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Rant Thread

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Oh this is going to be a fantastic weekend I can tell! (obvious sarcasm) Seriously, Mom, I love you, but, get the censorkip.gif off my back! I know I haven't done anything today. Why? It's cold as hell, I don't feel good and I'm not in a good mood. Just because you have the ability to work on nervous energy and that I'm your daughter DOESN'T mean we share the same traits!


You're getting onto me about why you gave me forty bucks and claim I haven't done anything to earn it. First of all, that money is for a game that I was suppose to get for my Birthday which even though it was a promise, it didn't happen. Then, I worked my ass off during the yard sale we had and sold a lot of my stuff. So, in all fairness, that money was owed! You didn't give it, I earned it and I'm not giving it back. Don't like it? Tough.


And to make matters worse? the one website that helps me calm down and get my mind of the BS of life isn't loading. Oh what a perfect day this has been! First it's gloomy, then it's freezing and it's been raining. Mom's acting like she got a twig stuck up her butt and I feel like crap on all levels: Emotionally, mentally and physically. This has been the great day EVER! What's next? Rainbows gonna start shooting outta my censorkip.gif? 8D


I'm not doing censorkip.gif tomorrow either, if no one likes it, tough censorkip.gif. dry.gif

Edited by Syiren

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Fudge! I caught the freaking sickness early this morning! Why did it have to die? It was going to be a freaking awesome egg!? Gah, I didn't even put it on a click site.

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censorkip.gif!! You see someone wasting time in class, then you give ALL OF US A THIRTY MINUTE LECTURE ON NOT WASTING TIME!!!

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How many times will I miss golds and silvers FFS.

Also , rain? Please dont.

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Why does this happen? I want to do so much but always when it's happening for real brain draws a complete blank. I have the area, I have some information, but have no idea what to do with it. I don't know anything and can't come up with anything. So ****ing useless always. Always when it actually matters and needs to happen, nothing. Is it always going to be like this, will I never be able to do all those things I want to do, never be able to make anything? What would a title matter if I'd turn out just as one of those who only burps up a half-hearted article once every third year or so just so people can't say they *never* produce anything.

Just being useless as always.

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Why the heck do people hate on Eridan but not Gamzee when they both did practically the same thing.

Shh it's ok Eridan, there are some who still love you.

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I don't care if I'm being snappy and kinda smug for no real reason, you people have been getting on my nerves nonstop for 4 years and a half. I don't care if you hate me, I don't like you either.


Yeah I know I'm pretty great at chemistry (well not really but at least compared to the rest), and I'm not so great at other things, but at least I ACKNOWLEDGE it and don't blame the teacher when I just can't force myself to study the subject in depth. That's fine really. Just don't insist it's the teacher's fault. The guy is just trying to make us THINK instead of just hammering stuff into our heads. LIKE EVERY TEACHER IN EVERY SUBJECT SHOULD. IT'S THE POINT OF EDUCATION. IT'S WHY YOU'RE AT A GODDAMN SPECIAL SCHOOL. Really he doesn't (and shouldn't) give a damn that you don't like chemistry. Most everyone doesn't. I don't like history at all, yet I'm expected to do a bit of research beyond what the teacher tells me, which I think is pretty great. You accept that in one subject, but not in another? Why?! Because the teacher is a big softie so you can just walk all over him?!


"We didn't go over this in class!" "I wasn't here that day!" "It's not in anyone's notes!"

Well gee how come it's in my notes? This isn't a democracy, you know. Even if most of the class didn't bother, ergo "we didn't doooo that why is it in the test waaaaah"... um yeah we did. The teacher talked about it for half an hour. I even remember it. Maybe if you hadn't been on your STUPID phones. Someone really should go and throw these things out the window after the millionth time politely telling you to please put your phones away. Is it really the teacher's fault that you haven't been taking proper notes and copying those from lessons you weren't here? Seriously I'm waiting for the poor guy to get fed up with your "snarky" (dumb) remarks, stop being the funny cute laid-back guy and just start being outright MEAN. Since apparently nobody appreciates that he's trying so hard and going out of his way to make the lessons interesting for us. He brings experiments into regular non-lab lessons, he organizes special events, and just even took us outside to show us a very exothermic reaction during lab. All you did was complain about being cold (like is a few minutes outside going to kill you snowflake) and just generally be sarcastic like always. I've so had enough of your bored faces and idiot remarks and whining and loudest yawning ever. (Complete silence in the room and suddenly YAAAAAAAAAWN. Repeatedly. Every single chemistry lesson. Um... basic manners much.) You don't even PRETEND to be trying. You copy lab protocols off the internet because the old teacher never read that stuff and now boo, this guy actually reads our assignments and grades the quality of the text too, not just whether you have colour pictures or not. Outrage!! Seriously have you forgotten about our old teacher? You hated her. The new guy is her polar opposite. Now you hate HIM. SERIOUSLY WOULD YOU AT LEAST MAKE UP YOUR MIND.


I've been so full of vitriol lately I'm sorry I told myself to stop ages ago and I was doing well but today I've been making mean remarks all day sad.gif I was all about love and tolerance for a while but it seems it's just too easy to lapse back into hatred.


though I do believe the teacher laughed at a particularly uncalled-for one hehehe


but just this class UUUUUUGHH I don't CARE anymore they wouldn't care about hurting someone's feelings either, even if nobody's being mean to me in particular, I can see how HORRIBLE everyone is to each other and the teachers and there was also this one incident which was kinda the breaking point but my best friend wouldn't like me to talk about it


and this is considered normal everyone thinks it's NORMAL they can't see how heartless they act every single day


if I'm weird then that's the best thing that could have happened to me


this class isn't "us" to me it's "them" there was never any sort of belonging together here and I don't know why everyone's trying to force it










welp this escalated quickly as soon as I switched to not capitalizing my sentences, but I feel a bit better now

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I don't understand why you are making such a big deal over everything

You are such a drama queen

So he likes someone else


The world doesn't revolve around you, y'know

Other people have their own lives too

They don't have to be with you every second

We're not ignoring you

We just don't want to be with someone who always wants to be the center of attention and doesn't give a censorkip.gif about anyone else's feelings

And you can't say no one was paying any attention to you on Thursday

We walked up to you and asked if you wanted to talk

But no, you had to be all like "No, I just want some alone time" and then later be all mad cause we "ignored you"

One of these days you are going to have to learn that THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOU

Cause if you don't they're all going to dump you to hang out with people who aren't so snotty and rude

If you stop being so censorkip.gif*y all the time maybe we'll start being nicer to you


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Damn you Sephiroth! Why do you have to be the hardest fricking boss in the entire game?! Honestly, what the flipping hell! I swear, Xemnas is easier than you and it takes me almost an hour to kill him! Why! whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy are you so dang hard?!


For the first time ever I get you down to half your HP and then you go and do something to mine. Seriously, you didn't even hit me and you sucked away my health. That's cheating you jerk! Not to mention flying too high for me to reach. You are such a cheating coward!


I'll never get the Fenrir keyblade at this rate. *goes to cry in a corner* TT^TT

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OH MY GOD I HATE censorkip.gifcensorkip.gifcensorkip.gif TRANSFORMICE. On shaman duel maps the other shaman always knocks me off the map and steals my save. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif I HATE THIS GAME I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I KEEP PLAYING IT. dry.gif


Seriously, I've never played any other game that made me so angry. sad.gif

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censorkip.gif you! You're not here all week. How do you know what I did or didn't do? Yeah, I didn't bag the ****ing leaves. Why? Let's see it was raining buckets Monday. I had a splitting headache and felt like puking my guts out every time I stepped near the dullest light source. I'm sorry that I'm not as perfect as someone else. Woe is me for being me and not her. Heaven forbid I try to act like myself. You tell us that she can't let go of the little things, well she gets it from you. You can't let censorkip.gif go either. Crap that happened YEARS ago and you think that gives you the right to 'get back' at her? Why? Hasn't she suffered enough? It was over a decade ago. Get over it! I'm sick and tired of you trying to pit me against her. I'm sick of all of the ****ing lectures. I'm 25 years old for crying out loud. But you never treat me like an adult. I'm still just a little kid in your eyes. If it was for the rights reasons then I could tolerate it, but when you flat out all me a liar and claim the truth is bull**** then I don't know what else to do. I'm sorry i'm having trouble finding a job. but so are millions of other people. I'm sorry, but you can't get an application by just simply walking around and asking the business for one anymore. They all say: "Go online" but you call it a bull**** excuse and when I do go online you say I'm doing nothing but playing games? Oh. My. God. I hang around a few fun websites. Again, you're not here all week. Just because I'm not mowing the lawn or picking up the backyard or pulling weeds or vacuuming when you get home does NOT mean I've been lazy all week. Again, you don't believe me, you never believe me. I'm sorry I'm not perfect. I didn't know I was required to be. You were never really there for me, someone else was always more important. she got to do all the fun stuff with you. Fine, whatever I don't care anymore. And another thing! Don't ****ing call me a baby just because I like to watch Disney movies or you happen to see Pokemon or Yugioh on my TV. Get the censorkip.gif over it. I don't hassle you about your Starship Troopers or your Total Recall, your John Carter or whatever other revolting movie you watch. That is your thing. You assume all anime is baby crap. Oh my god you're so narrow-minded. Maybe I should watch Code Geass when you come in, or FMA: Brotherhood, Yeah, right when Gluttony is eating someone, perhaps when Mustang is BBQ'ing Envy or Lust. All that blood and gore. No baby would be watching that kinda censorkip.gif unless they want nightmares. You wanna know why I keep my mouth shut whenever you lecture me? It's because what I would love to tell you is the truth of all the wrongs you do, but I don't because you'd kick me out faster then I could blink. But guess what, kicking someone out with no place to go is illegal. It would tear me apart to have to call the cops for such a stupid reason, but this city isn't the sort of place a girl can walk around by herself safely. Why am I walking away? So I don't do or say something i'll regret. censorkip.gif! Where's a good pillow when you need one?



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just a random rant here...

You know what, thanks to YOU GUYS, you basically dragged my French Grade down by at least two percent. No wonder one of you got a B. I'm not the perfectionist, but I simply hate how you guys just do one take and get over it. I mean c'mon, you were obviously stuttering and the pronouciation wasn't correct.

Grade isn't the worst though. Stop with you censorkip.gif*** attitude. Did I ever do something wrong? Did I ever do something bad to you? I offered an advice and you couldn't take it, fine, but don't look at each other with THAT LOOK and be like'omg why is she so...ugh' Excuse me? Just because you didn't say it aloud doesn't mean I don't understand silent conversations. It was written all over your face.

And I had thought of you guys as nice. Now I'll keep in mind to never be partners with you guys again.

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Ah, dammit. I just auto AP'd a Thunder egg. dry.gif

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Kali died today. We had had her since 1997 and she wasn't a kitten when we got her. She was so beautiful and I had lost my cat and wanted her horribly, but she was a gift from my boss to my husband. They bonded beautifully. He loved his beautiful baby cat and she loved him. Wound him round her little paw. He went crazy when she went awol after we moved for 3 days. He died 3 years ago and I thought she would, too. She walked around howling. As if I wasn't miserable enough, but she was miserable, too. She finally started living again and life went on. But she got sick earlier this month and lost her will to live. She clung and sang when we weren't there for her. Then after midnight while I was sleeping in a chair next to her she stopped breathing. OMG, I miss her so much. What am I going to do? I've still got the 2 dogs we had when husband was still alive, but Kali was the last of "our" cats.


It is just not fair. I seem to have lost almost everything. I want them back censorkip.gif


My life wasn't perfect, but I had my husband and our cats.

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Damn it! Why do you always do that? When you go to someone else's house and use their computer you are suppose to log OUT when you're done! It's only proper. Damn it, you're my friend, but you made me look like such an idiot! If only you knew how embarrassed I feel right now. mad.gif


you know what? Until you learn to log out from now on, I'm not lettin' you use my computer. So there. You still got the library to use. Go there. I don't care how far it is. At least their computers automatically log you off when your time runs out. Don't like it? Deal with it. dry.gif


You always forget to log off of your scroll and don't tell me, so I have sometimes ended up on yours. Not long enough to grab an egg because thankfully I noticed that the trophy is silver instead of gold. Get into the habit. I'm not getting myself in trouble on accident because you're too lazy to hit that little 'log out' icon in the corner.


Ugh! I kinda wish he hadn't left yet. I'd love to slug him in the arm. dry.gif

Edited by Syiren

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Pizza should be delivered close to the time requested. If you can't deliver it then, call the customer and tell him that you only have so many drivers and too many orders to be delivered at the same time. Then ask if they still want the pizza.


Ordered pizza at 10:48. Time requested noon. Time delivered 1:03. Condition cold and squished in the middle so toppings are stuck to the lid of the box. Called and ranted. Demanded new hot, correct pizza asap. Managerr kept talking, not listening to me. Had to call abck several times. Pizza delivered second time 2 hours after call on a weekday afternoon.


Why did you go out of business nearby pzza hut? Papa John's please get a new manager. Everytime I redeem points for a pizza you mess up. It's just not right.



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Ugggggggggghhhhhhh!Why'd those two have to completely refuse each other? It's not exactly easy to grab another one. I swear, there's a creature of spite somewhere who's getting a kick out of my suffering. dry.gif

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I swear, Microsoft Word has no idea about the rest of the world's standards. Why else would they make their default font and spacing NOT Times New Roman size 12 and doubled spaced LIKE EVERY TEACHER ON THE PLANET REQUIRES. dry.gif It's so irritating to keep changing the font and spacing because it doesn't pick it up... GRRRRR.

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You think you're so good huh? Acting like you are the best and that everyone is wrong. you give that annoying look and act like you know everything. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? user posted image you! No one cares about your stupid comments! Yyou act like you have done everything in the world!!! You criticize EVERYONE even though YOU can't do it! If something is about someone, don't butt in just to get the attention! Stop acting like a user posted image and get off your high horse!

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Dear website,


You were up five minutes ago. Now you're throwing me a 503 error. WORKKKKK YOU STUPID PIECE OF CRAP!!!!! Thank you.




A beyond frustrated user.

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I wish dad would get some weed killer instead of me having to go and pull them out by hand one-by-one every other week. It's over 85 degrees F out there and I want to get it done before he gets home sometime today, but I just don't feel good. This leaves me with two choices. A: go out there and do it and make myself feel worse (and probably puke) or B: don't do it and deal with Mr. Grizzly bear when he gets home. Geez, he makes a mad bull seem friendly. Hopefully the medicine I took a little bit ago kicks in soon. dry.gif

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Damn you! I post an egg, specifically telling the claimer not to place it's life in danger and to name it. And guess what? Two seconds after he's been claimed, vampire bite, AND no scroll name, so I can't yell at them. I put good effort into making a nice egg for someone to enjoy, and some people just disrespect. If you don't want an egg DON'T TAKE IT. Not so hard to understand, is it? and if you just wanted to make a vampire, wouldn't an AP egg or an egg you caught yourself work just as well? Heck, it would probably even be better, since there would be less time to wait for it to hatch.


I have no idea whether I'm just really angry today because I'm on my period, this, the fact that I got laughed at, bombed a test, report card conferences are today, someone told me that they hated me to my face, or the fact that I got declined on a trade, but today sucks. Badly. Well, I'm about to go find a dark closet and a big pillow.


Edit: Great. One time I open a soda near my laptop, THE ONE AND ONLY TIME it spills everywhere. You know what? Screw you life. Give me a $20, a huge box of chocolates, and laptop insurance, and I might forgive you. Eventually.

Edited by Shadoe666

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