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Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Fate for Me.

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Firestorm grabbed Sawyer by the back of her shirt and lifted her up. "I've got a present for you Serpens" she yelled indicating the tied up girl.

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William scrambled to his knees. He could see her. It was obviously a prisoner. Screaming? He scowled. "Serpens Cor isn't here right now. May I take your message you scurvy dog?" He yelled angrily.

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Sawyer laughed at what William said. She loved sarcastic remarks. She sucked in a huge gulp of air, for when Firestorm picked her up, she couldn't breathe.

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Firestorm rolled her eyes at the appearance of another unruly prisoner. "Look you two," she said in an annoyed voice, "You're both on an island in the middle of a huge ocean with three ships full of pirates. Do you think your little rebellion will earn you anything but death?" Meanwhile she signaled for some of her crew to point their guns at both military dogs.

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William looked at the guns and grinned. He pointed at them, barely holing back his laughter. "You think that you can just go around shooting other pirates' prisoners? You really think that Serpens Cor would be okay with that?" He walked to where the female pirate was and looked at her, keeping a safe five feet between the both of them. "So, come on. Do your worst. I doubt you've got more in you than Serpens Cor. Take your best shot," He raised his chin to her. "I dare you."

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((Wow. This roleplay moves very fast. I'll definitely have to keep an eye on it... and hope Bloody gets online soon to look over my fail profile. x3))

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A pirate watching Sawyer commanded, "Stop cutting the rope or I'll shoot" Meanwhile Firestorm laughed at William's security, "I certainly wouldn't kill Serpens Cor's property but I'm sure if it came back slightly wounded he wouldn't mind." she said. She didn't want to anger Serpen but she doubted he had too much of a soft spot for this impudent prisoner anyhow, a shot to a limb couldn't hurt, well it would but she doubted it would hurt Serpen.

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Sawyer weakened the ropes enough to break one of her arms free, where she undid the rest of the ropes. "why would I listen to you?" she spat.

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"I see that eye of yours. You think hurting me is okay. I'm a worker, scum. Serpens Cor wants me around. Gotta have someone to do your dirty work, right?" He scoffed.

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The pirate raised his eyebrows in response to the lady, "Well you might want to live for one thing. You know you can't escape alone. You'll have to cooperate." He stepped closer still pointing the gun at her.


Firestorm rolled her eyes, "And you'd still be a worker if I shot you once or twice. Serpens got plenty of greenhands to do what he doesn't want to too"

Edited by wildwindflower

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Sawyer scowled, and tucked the weapon back in her pocket. she had others in her jacket.

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The pirate shook his head, "That's not going to do it missy" he said. stepping forward he began to search her for any remaining weapons while another pirate made sure she was still in the line of fire.

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Sawyer got mad when he tried to take her father's dagger. As an impulse, she thrust it in his chest, and pulled it out quickly.

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As soon as the dagger began to thrust towards the pirate searching her for weapons another pirate watching her shot straight through her good hand's wrist, breaking it.

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Sawyer crumpled to the ground, and held her bloody wrist. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

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Firestorm stepped forward. Turning to one of her mates she said, "That should keep her from attacking crew members again. Why don't you brace her wrist so that it won't get infected or become entirely useless" she lowered her voice so that Sawyer could not hear her, "We could find a use for her yet"

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The sand around her became stained a bright crimson with her blood. She let out a pitiful moan. Her vision started to blur, and her breathing became panicked. "n-no..." she moaned.

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Reuben had to get some things ready before he came over. He knew having a firearm was likely a good idea, so he placed one visibly on his hip, and the other he hid in his large coat. He rushed down flights of stairs, finally landing him in the room with the gold. He picked up a fistful, placed them in an inner pocket of his blue coat and then turned sharply around, taking a deep breath and starting to go back up the stairs.

"Not so fast, son. Perhaps you should take me..."

"And why on earth would I do that?" he snorted, not turning around, his back toward the room from which his father was speaking from.

"Because, dear boy, you need me. I know about a good deal of these pirates. I haven't talked yet, but perhaps I would... If given some sort of enticement," the man hissed, his voice low and snakelike. Reuben smashed his fist against the wall.

"I don't need you, father. I can do this on my own. YOU HEAR THAT? I'M GOOD ENOUGH ON MY OWN!" the pirate captain shouted, his head down.

"Are you? Why do you keep me here, then? Why, if you won't let me help? So you have company that doesn't hate you? Is that it? But, dear boy, I DO hate you. I RESENT you. I wish I had never had a son. Because if I hadn't..."

"Maybe you shouldn't ****ing have had a son, you're right. But you ****ing DID. You were a drunkard. You were poor. I don't drink. I never will. I have riches and grandeur that you cannot possibly imagine! YOU ARE NOTHING! I AM THE ONE WHO HAS BECOME SOMETHING! NOT YOU!"

"Quite. You have become a bloodthirsty rascal, out for revenge. But not revenge on anyone because of what they did to you. No, you hate the soldiers because of ME. Why, then, do you keep me around? I've heard your prisoners, I've heard you speak. Mark my words, son, my day shall come. I shall get out of here, and I shall prove to you just how worthless you have become..." the older, grizzled man's voice finally drawled off, and with that Reuben shakily mounted the stairs, and continued on his way up. How he hated his father. And yet... he couldn't kill him. He was incredibly frustrating, and looking at him was hard. The other man had piercing blue eyes that seemed to look directly into you when you locked eyes. Though he was old, he seemed to be fairly strong, no matter how much Reuben told his first mate to decrease his food supply. And his mouth, when he teased Reuben like this, was in the most awful grin.

The pirate captain had left a good amount of his crew upon the ship, and only took one of them to row the second smaller boat toward the island. It finally arrived, and Reuben brushed himself off before walking onto the island. It seemed his prisoner was here as he had asked for, as was a few other females. One seemed to be the prisoner of Firestorm, and the other Firestorm herself. He had heard the exchange between his prisoner and Firestorm, and didn't like it much at all.

"On the contrary, Firestorm, I would care if he got shot once or twice. He couldn't work without risk of an infection, and then the infection would likely kill him. If you shot him, you would be wasting my time and money to get him healed. Are you suggesting that you think my money and time is worthless? I should hope not, because bad things happen to people who find me worthless," growled he, his eyes flashing as he practically spit out "worthless" as if it put a bad taste in his mouth.

"You should be careful what you say, Lass. I don't like it, and believe me, you do not want to get on my bad side," he snarled, taking deliberate steps towards the other captain, his brown eyes flashing, somewhat akin to how his father's blue eyes would.


((I totally picture Reuben's father to look something like Hannibal Lester. xd.png))

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Fear pulsed through Sawyer. "Oh good lord, I thought she was bluffing about Serpent's Cor coming here!" she thought frantically. In a despert attempt, she reached her uninjured, bloody hand to where her father's dagger was. She wrapped her fingers around the hilt, and she could almost see her father. With his warm smile, and strong hands, he handed her his very own dagger.

"Just in case you need it, which isn't likely for a little trooper like you." he had told her. She came back into reality, and examined the fine weapon. It was silver, and had her father's name inscribed on the blade. The name Leonard was etched onto the silver long ago. She gripped the ebony hilt in her hands so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

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William saw Serpens Cor walking forward and he couldn't help but grin. Perhaps he hated this pirate, but it brought him much joy to see another pirate be made a fool. William walked towards the young woman and knelt down, looking at her wounds. "They got you bad, didn't they? Well, let's just say you've been a bit foolish in your attempts to escape. Better to kill the root than deal with the branches, eh?" William smiled warmly. "My name is Lieutenant William Hemingway. I see the look of a good ol' fashioned fighter. Long live the King!"

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Sawyer looked up at him, and smiled. "I am Major Sawyer Jones, and It is nice to meet you William." she said. Sawyer ripped some cloth off o her pants an tied up her wrist. "I'm not dying the way my father did...he was a merchant...and was brutally slaughtered by pirates..." she admitted. "Long live the king!" she whipered.

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Reuben looked at the girl, his head cocked. He didn't know there were female soldiers, now. What had the world come to? Females were the inferior sex. Males were stronger, smarter... better. Why on earth would one hire a lady? Female pirates were bad enough, but this?

"Well, well, they let ladies become soldiers now, do they? Perhaps your time would be better spent doing needlepoint, lass," he drawled, unsheathing his sword and inspecting it, his eyes glancing down at her every so often in a condescending manner.

"And just who might you be?" the captain inquired, sticking the blade of his sword into the soft sand and leaning on it's hilt, his face coming close to hers, his voice a hiss.

"Rather, who do you THINK you are? Because I'm sure you're certainly not what you seem to be..." he continued, suddenly coming back away from her, sheathing his sword. He seemed to be displeased with her, and was holding his chin up arrogantly.

"As in, your'e not what you think you are. You might think you are just as capable as I, but clearly you are not. I am certain I could bring you weeping to your knees, but it appears that has already been done. Weak. You're pitiful. This is why women shouldn't be allowed to attempt a man's job. They have no spine, no backbone. Pirates, at least, are outlaws. We pay ourselves. so how on earth did you get respect enough to be a soldier? No, major, by the judge of your garb! How did you convince them that your weak, sniveling self was good enough? I'll give you one, good reason. A woman can only be hired by a man who is just as weak as she."

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