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Ancient Beginnings

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Grublin looked at the gashes left on Dvaros's arms, they looked, well, bloody. "Come on, let's get you to the medic..." He looked back at the door that lead to the room with the green smoke. "No, nothing special. Just that gas. We'd better get out of here, it doesn't look like it'd be good for us..." Grublin charged at the door they had walked through to get to this room, jumping over the pressure plate as he did so. With a smash, the door was busted down. "We came in on the left, so..." The green dragon looked back at Dvaros, "We can rescue whoever it is down here later."

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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Dvaros nodded, following Grublin out of the maze with wide eyes and trembling limbs. He looked around the library for a swift moment, before turning back and closing the trap door leading the catacombs. Glancing at a nearby bookshelf, he grabbed it and dragged it across the trapdoor, to make sure that the zombie didn't get out anytime soon. "Almost feel like putting up a sign saying 'no zombies invited'" He chuckled, lodging the bookshelf in place. Turning away, he grinned triumphantly towards Grublin, honestly surprised at surviving that encounter. He was still perturbed that the zombie had seemed absolutely immune to his mind control, but hoped against hope that the rockslide it had been buried in had weakened it's will enough. With luck, they would be ready in a few days to help... Whoever it was down there...

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Grublin trotted back to the new castle with Dvaros, one tragedy avoided for the day, how many more could they avoid? Grublin knew one thing for sure, he wouldn't go back into the caverns until that zombie dragon was vanquished. He sure didn't hope that zombie followed them by scent... Zombies couldn't smell right? RIGHT? Ah whatever, just his imagination getting to him again. The green dragon opened the door to the fort and continued on to the back door which led to the medic tent. "Come on, let's get you patched up."

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Dvaros skipped through the tent, head and tail moving immediately to a more submissive posture. He was the bottom of the barrel here, technically, but nobody usually cared enough to make a big thing about it. Hopping through the main foyer of their little complex, he scurried behind Grublin to the outside, and in turn, to the medical tent. The chief medic looked up with some interest, before narrowing her eyes at Dvaros. "You two get into a scrap or something? Dvaros there looks pretty scratched up. You don't look that much better either, Grublin." The dragon said bluntly, motioning Dvaros over so that he could get to work cleaning the wounds. The black dragon moved over and did as the medic instructed, trying to distract himself from the pain in his forearms. "Had a bit of trouble in the ruins." he murmured quietly, glancing to Grublin as if asking if he could say more...

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Grublin sort of stood off to the side, wanting to stay out of the way in case the medic needed to access any supplie that were set up in the tent. "We found something. Not just eggshells or diary scraps this time. We found caverns." The green dragon sat down, his legs still kind of wobbly after inhaling the gas. "There someone down there, we don't know who or how, but someone is there, someone who needs our help..." He looked at his paws then back at Dvaros and the medic. "So what d'ya say, Dvar? Go again tomorrow? We'll be armed this time."

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Dvaros stared at Grublin for a long while, weighing in his mind how much he fancied going there and how much he felt obligated to do so. He didn't much want to go, which wasn't a surprise; that place was a living deathtrap. But...

There was someone down there. Probably many someones. He didn't much believe that his conscience would leave him alone if he abandoned the catacombs for a lost cause. Slowly, he nodded his head. "Yeah. I think I'd feel more confident with something between my scales and that thing's claws this time." He said with sardonic humor, rolling his eyes. He visibly relaxed as the joke went down semi well, confidence bolstered by it's success. He then cringed as something the dragon healing him did aggravated the wounds, causing him to wimpier and cringe slightly at the sheer unexpectedness of it. "While on that subject, that 'thing' did a number on your forearms. What'd you do, give it your arm to chew?" The medic said, raising an eye ridge. The black dragon stared back with hurt eyes, and the healer dragon shook it's head, giving Dvaros a look which reassured him there was no offense meant; it was just a joke. He relaxed, slightly.

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Grublin yawned, the whole ordeal finally sinking in. They had found something awesome, something amazing. And maybe they found somone who could help explain what the riddle meant... Oh how he missed that old oracle, she could brighten a stormy day... While the medic's back was turned, he rummaged through one of her bags, looking for poison antidote. Within a few seconds, he found the vial that held what he was looking for. It would be good to down this before going to sleep, that green gas smelled like Hemlock. "Well, the sun looks like it's heading for the horizon, I think I'll turn in early."

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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Dvaros looked towards Grublin, not really wanting to be left alone with the medic for too long. With a chuckle, the medic finished her work, waving Dvaros away. With a grateful smile, he went swiftly inside, heading gratefully to the nest area. Eagerly, he leapt into his bed, snuggling into the material and almost poking his eye in the process. Sheepishly he sat up, shaking a twig that had gotten caught on his tail blade. "I never thought we'd make it back here!" He said, smiling indulgently, leaning back in the reeds of his nest, closing his eyes and resisting the urge to purr. Retiring for the day, especially this day... It just felt nice. Another day of being alive! And tomorrow... who knew what tomorrow would bring! "We gonna steamroll that hellhole! I swear!" he said enthusiastically, letting out his thoughts now, lest they clutter his mind before sleep. He didn't want that, especially in the case of that particular zombie... He shivered at the thought, eyes narrowing in a slight cringe.

No, Dvaros. That's the route to nightmares - happy thoughts. Make light. he told himself determinately, frowning now.

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((Timeskip a few hours~))


Grublin had already settled in to his nest, the one across from Dvaros, they smurfs had to stick together. Scavengers with scavengers, hunters with hunters. He had been sleeping soundly, tossing and turning on rare occasions... until someone walked into the resting area. He didn't move, being woken from his gentle sleep, only squinted his eyes and kept his heartbeat down. Whatever it was that had walked into their room didn't sound quite alive.

"Find and crush and kill and crush and crush and find and kill..."

Grublin had to stifle a scream, the voice sounded like the zombie's voice. Of course all he heard were moans, grunts, and roars from the thing when they were in the caverns, but the tone was still the same.

"Still here yes still here find and crush and kill it."

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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Dvaros was sleeping like a log, snorting loudly occasionally and kicking in his sleep, as though chasing down an invisible elk. The zombie dragon sniffed it's way though the rows, pausing to mumble it's findings occasionally. As the zombie murmured it's way through the dorms, Dvaros noticeably stiffened, noticing the zombie standing at the foot of his bead.

"His breath, it quickens. Crush and crush and kill..." It growls in a more audible voice, almost seeming to take joy in it's last sentence. In a swift movement, placed a foot over Dvaros's windpipe, using the other foot to pin Dvaros by the stomach. Dvaros let off a wheezing breath, unable to bugle the warning call he had been about to utter, bandaged arms moving to the zombie's legs in an attempt to move it off his windpipe. The zombie tightened it's choke-hold, leaning close to Dvaros's face. "Crush and kill and fire and burn..."

It whispered grimly. Dvaros began scrabbling at the zombie's leg with desperation, leaving scrapes along the zombie's flesh and bones.

This isn't working... gonnadiegonnadiegonnadieg- He panicked. If there hadn't been a foot placed on his throat, he would have been hyperventilating by now. Turning wide eyes up to the zombie dragon, he lashed out madly with his will, willing to do anything, anything to survive.


The effect was negligible; Dvaros fared even worse than his last attempt. He was picked up by the throat and shoved roughly against the wall, even as the zombie returned the unlucky dragon's telepathic assault with unbridled fury. It's victim let out a low, pained growl, wishing nothing more to curl up and hold his head in his claws and forget about tomorrow; hell, forget about next week even!


So absorbed in his own pain was he that he didn't notice the zombie's mind as it slowly seeped into his, slowly but surely taking over. He struggled, his movements becoming lethargic as he slowly lost his free will.

What is this?! What's happening?! I Feel... Sleepy...

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((If you wanna post, I would recommend making a character that's not trapped in amber.))

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Grublin listened to the zombie's labored breath and growly voice as it moved throughout the resting area. Soon, a mangled, pained growl was heard. The green dragon sat up and released a jet of flame in the zombie's direction. He felt the heat of his flame on his own face and saw it's reflection on the wooden walls. This was the worst place to breath fire, he thought, but Dvaros was being killed. He jumped up out of his nest and landed on the undead dragon, biting at its face and clawing at its neck with his front paws. Anything to get the corpse off of his friend.

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The zombie staggered backwards with a guttural roar, releasing Dvaros and staggering backwards as it began to burn. It flailed wildly, trying to get the green dragon off it's back. Unnoticed, Dvaros slid to the floor, letting out a low whimper. He moved his claws to his head, cowering, in pain. Oh, he'd really done it this time...

His eyes snapped open as he registered fighting; he saw the silhouette of the Zombie dragon, flailing wildly with another dragon on it's back... Was that...


He tried to stand up, but he didn't seem to have proper control of his limbs. They scrabbled at the floor for a moment before finding purchase on the rough wooden floor. He dimly recognized the fire. He dimly recognized he didn't much care; Grublin was his pal. He wasn't much for watching him get gnawed at by some random freakazoid zombie!

His back legs found purchase. With a grunt of effort, he lifted himself, practically leaping into the zombie from the ground. He forced his nose spike into it's guts, lifting it off the ground with the force of his upswing. Unfortunately, he also got treated to a nose-full of zombie fluids, and almost retched there and then; only the thought of getting guts in his mouth stopped him. Nonono, he was SO not going to try that! Reaching up his forelegs, he grabbed the zombie's hind ones and dragged down even as it scraped at his back. He forced his nose spike to cut up, through gristle and gore, and snapped a rib with relative ease. He fell, his functions failing him as a hind leg gave out seemingly of it's own will. He kicked at the zombie's face with a back leg weakly, forcing it back and hearing a definite crack. Dvaros grinned. One could almost call him lucky; at least, if he were not now pinned underneath both Grublin and the zombie...

Edited by Lato_Dato

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Grublin could only hang on for dear life at Dvaros attacked the zombie from below. Then the attacks stopped coming and he could feel Dvaros lying underneath him and the zombie. The green dragon jumped off and pushed the corpse off of his friend. "Dvaros? You alright?" He was just about to help the dragon up when someone bursted into the room. A black cloak covered the newcomer's scales and a wooden staff was held in its tail.

"What on God's green earth is going on in here?" The magi asked.

"Farengar! Where the hell were you all day?"

"Studying. And you never answe-... Why is there a dead dragon lying on the floor?" Farengar looked down and noticed the rotten corpse lying at his feet. He quickly adjusted his gaze upward and blew jets of flame onto the torches that lined the room so he could see better, despite the flames that already lined the nests and walls.

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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The fight was over, and as the lights went up, Dvaros resigned himself to curling up, claws over his eyes, whimpering slightly. The light hurt. Really hurt. As though it were burning through his eyes through to the brain...

Oh, and did he mention his head felt like someone had tried to push thousands of tiny needles into it? No? Well it did. And it hurt. Just the same way his back hurt.

So much pain... Dvaros whimpered, trying to peer through an eye at the new dragon. It was instantly closed again as the light stabbed at his eye. Ow.

"I would appreciate it if someone turned the lights down a tadge... This corpse en't dead yet..." He whimpered, covering his eyes with his claws now.

All in all, he felt rather... Pitifull. Not to mention the pain, he was covered in the zombie's... Ooze, and smelt like a sewer. Just one more thing assaulting his already abused, lethargic senses...

All in all, he believed he deserved a dose of self pity at this point in time.

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"I wern't talking about you boy. And din't you already go and see the medic earlier today? You're so accident prone. By Jamie, I swear... Grub, stay with Dvaros Sky-shoes for a sec, will ya? I gotta go wake up Fiyara. That ice trio could sleep through a raid..." The cloaked magi grumbled as he walked out of the room and up the stairs. Within a few seconds, he was standing ove the sleeping form of the caretaker. "Fiyara, wake up. There's a dead dragon downstairs, and perhaps two if the medic doesn't wake up soon."

Grublin looked over at his fallen friend and lay beside him, extending a wing over his comrade. The green dragon gently blew tufts of frost around the room to dampen the fires. When he was done, all there was was just a faintly lit torch, casting a soft, dim glow on the room. "It's alright, Dvar. You'll get through this, you'll be fine..." He lay his head down on his paws and tried to shut the smell of the corpse in front of him out of his mind. "Who were the dragons down in the caverns? What were they doing down there? And how long had they been down there?" He broadcasted his thoughts as far below him as he could, hoping for any kind of contact with the mysterious cry.


"Old friends, young one. Old friends that needs rescuing. We've been down here for many a year... Surely the history book has told you everything."


Grublin jerked his head up. There it was again. That voice that sounded like it had seen a thousand years. "The hell..."

"Watch your tongue, youngun! Or I swear when we get out of here, you're getting a sit-down."

"And why am I being told off by a voice that I don't even know?"

"Because I'm atleast two hundred years older than you, whelp!"

"Listen old la-... Did you say two hundred years?"


"That's when Keisha's entries in the big book stopped... two hundred years ago..."

It was a name Garinka hadn't heard spoken in a long time... "What do you know of Keisha?"

"That she was the caretaker here before the entries in the book stopped. That a guardian dragon named Feralo passed it down to her. Funny, every caretaker here, according to the book, has been a guardian, save for our current one. She's an ice trio."

"Hm, even better. I have a question. Our castle... our garden... our tree... How are they?"

"Lady... you don't want to know..."



"My name is Garinka."

That's the name of Feralo's mate... Grublin pondered this. It seemed, from what Garinka had said, that everyone from the last two caretaker's entries were down there in the caverns.

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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Akula was swimming through the lake, thinking about what to do. He began thinking about his parents...again. He thought about how he used to watch his dad do tricks out of the water. He remembered a trick his dad used to do and decided he would try it. He began swimming faster and faster and then shot upward out of the water, opening his jaw and breathing out, with nothing but air coming out in a short, loud squeal. "Dammit!" He said as he landed back in the water. He surfaced next to the shore and laid just under the water.


Doom, having retreated into his mind, wasn't thinking clearly. His thoughts were blurred and his mental speech slurred.


((This post is so full of fail :3))

Edited by Doomkaiser

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The icicle covered dragon looked up with some annoyance. Couldn't dying dragons wait for another day?

She shook her annoyance aside. It wasn't the time. "I'm up." She said with a slight yawn, shaking the ice crystals of of her wings and flapping them slightly, looking at them aprasingly before nodding. She then glanced towards Farengar, a frown on her face as she stood up in the tepid, chilly room. "Wouldn't it have been much better to have gone straight to the medic?" She questioned cuttingly, frowning at the magi dragon. She was no healer. Shaking her head, she moved off of her frozen litter with an icy crunching sound. She looked towards Farengar, tilting her head to the side. "You go get the medic; I'll go make sure the patient doesn't bleed out while waiting." She said, moving past Farengar to the hallway outside. She swept down the stairs at speed, pausing only once to shake her head as it span. She had gotten up too quickly. Again.

It never got any easier...


Dvaros waved a claw in Gublin's vague direction, almost scratching his side by accident. "Don'tca worry... S'just my head that hurts..." He slurred, moving his paw back to his head in short order. he still felt horribly lethargic; but all he could do now was bemoan poor fate. Why did it have to hate him so much?!


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Akula just looked up at the sky, blowing bubbles in the water, bored. "So boooooored..." He said, thinking about what he could do to pass the time. He started swimming around the lake just below the surface, looking for some fish to eat.


Doom had mustered some energy up and was able to atleast communicate to his surroundings. "Vayli, you there?" He said to the dragon, thinking he might aswell start up a conversation and get to know this dragon he didn't know.

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Farengar trotted briskly down the stairs and out the back door to the medic's tent. "Lydia! There's a dead dragon on the floor and one that's about to be! Get the steam!" The magi bellowed at the sleeping white dragon. "Get the steam, get the water, get the grit mix, get the pots, get the butter, and get the eggs! We're going to need them all after we finish this, I'm hungry for some breakfast food. Oh, and get the bandages, Dvaros got a papercut." And with that, the cloaked magi bounded out of the tent.

Lydia woke slowly, used to the irritable sound of the magi's voice. "Farengar says Dvar has a papercut, reality is it that Dvar's head is gone." She sighed and got to her feet, gathering up the bandages and trotting into the fort. She walked into the resting area and sighed when she saw the corpse and then Dvaros. "Now how did this happen?"

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Dvaros looked up at the white dragon with resignation, head hammering as dripped upon the floor.. "Zombie dragon snuck in and tried to eat us." Dvaros moaned tiredly, Rubbing his head as he looked towards Lydia, he smiled tiredly. Truth was, he'd ****ed up; if he'd done what he was supposed to do and brainwashed that dumb zombie in the first place, there would be a calm zombie dragon and a happy Dvaros. He glanced with nervous eyes towards Grublin, shuffling uncertainly. He could never tell exactly what mood she was in, and with the migraine, it was even worse! He winced slightly, shuffling again before mumbling incoherently, wanting to just hide his face behind a w...

Oh yeah. He didn't have wings. He couldn't hide behind them. He bet most had assumed he'd lost his wings in some stupid accident; truth was, he'd never had any. Ever.


Vayli's consciousness twitched, slightly. Lord, that had hurt. The stabbing pain that was her lungs and heart complaining at her. She had hoped it had just become background noise by now; and she had been wrong. "Yes... I am here..." She said, mild pain trickling through the telepathic link. She couldn't quite help it; she could only hope that it didn't frighten that other dragon off into his telepathic shell. She hadn't had a decent conversation in years, and it showed.

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Lydia set the bandages and her medical bag down. She pulled out a tube of anti-bacterial gel and squeezed little globs nto the gashes that littered Dvaros's yellow striped back. the white dragon took her sterile guaze bandages and wrapped them gently around the mixbreed's abdomen, not wanting to risk the chance of them falling off. Lydia made sure that she did not cut her paws on his sharp scales, knowing full well that one of his parents was an obsidian dragon. "Dvaros? I think it might be best that you sleep in my tent tonight. That way there won't be a risk of infection from the zombie's flesh." She said softly as she wiped the rotten fluids off of his nose spike, face, and neck.


Grublin stood beside the white dragon as she did this, watching as she tended to his friend. "I'll get to work on cleaning this mess up..." The green dragon sighed as he looked at the scorched pile of rotten flesh. "Wouldn't want it to ferment..."

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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Dvaros almost froze up at this, not liking the idea for a moment. Slowly, he nodded, disliking the idea of his wounds becoming infected even more. He was safe, he reassured himself; most things couldn't even harm him. If that had been a straight up fight with another dragon, that dragon would have been torn to pieces. "Ok." He said simply, rubbing a claw on his nose spike. It was cleaned off, and smelling faintly of smoothed scales. Much better than that icky zombie gunk. "You sure you'll be OK here, grublin? There ain't anything else waiting to gnaw our hides?" He questioned, but more to the room than to Grublin. That had been scale raising stuff; If his pal hadn't distracted the zombie in time... There would have been a dark magic slinging obsidian dragon on the loose. He trembled at the thought, rubbing his nose horn. Too close, far too close...

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"I'll be alright, Dvar. I don't think there was more than one zombie dragon down there. The only thing we have to worry about now is a surprise attack from the humans. Their guns have gotten better; the aim is sharper and the bullets can be shot at farther ranges. Their flying machines have also gotten much quieter than before." Grublin shut his mouth and closed his eyes, listening for the tell-tale hum of an approaching blimp. Nope, nothing. "but nevermind that, the last raid was a while back, and no one even got taken except for the... oracle..." The green dragon cleared his throat loudly and resumed pulling the corpse from the room. "Mmm... I'm just gonna shut up now."


"LYDIA! WHERE THE censorkip.gif ARE MY GRITS?!" An irritated voice sounded out.

"Make your own damn grits, Farengar!" The white dragon shot back. "I am NOT a housecarl! I am a medic! Go and pick up the pots and ingredients on your own." She shot back.

"I am an apprentice wizard! Not a bloody packmule! Oh very well..."


Grublin had to force down the urge to choke and laugh as he listened to the two and their banters. He opened the front door of the fort and dragged the corpse out to the pond. He dropped the body and splashed the surface of the water. "Akula! I need you to bury this body down there! In a cave, a recess, diggy diggy a hole with your flippers, something! Akuuuulllaaaa!"



Lydia looked back at Dvaros and stuck out her paw to help him up. "Atleast in the tent you can hear the crickets and not the snoring of other dragons."

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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