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Phovos the Raptor

Helping Out The Abandoned Dragons?

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There are a lot of abandoned eggs in the AP sometimes, and some of them just sit there for hours because they're eggs no one cares about, a very common breed, or inbred or long, complicated lineages or whatever reason that might be. Rarer eggs though may only appear for a second before disappearing.


So, do we help out those dragon eggs? Do we give them some views before letting them off again? Do we pick them up anyway? Well, I do, kinda.


I have a lot of Vampire dragons. About 60, I think, all CB vampires apart from my first. So, if I see one of these eggs, I pick it up and bite it. Sadly, some of them die, but that is unavoidable. But even if the egg turns and stays on my scroll, I'll abandon it anyway. That way, someone out there gets a vampire dragon, and that egg doesn't die or be abandoned forever.


My sister goes one step further. She only picks up eggs from the AP, making sure they all get homes.


Is this a bad thing though? I don't think so.


What do you do to make sure unwanted eggs get a home?


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Im new and actually I did feel for the abandoned eggs odd as it might seem to others.


Two of my current eggs are actually from the AP, and I plan on making regular checks every now and again. Since Im new Im not picky on lineage or anything like that just yet...I only want to start my collection and get some interesting dragons, be they rare or common.

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I've picked up my fair share of AP eggs, and continue to do so. Most of my hunting happens in the AP. Although, if I find a CB egg, I will usually abandon it unless I happen to be looking for a CB dragon of that breed.

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I think most of my eggs come from the AP; all of my current clutch certainly do. My 7 or 8 vampires get their time to shine once a month and I'm participating in the 'rescue commons and get gifted rares' thing as well.

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When I saw this thread, I got so sad that I went to AP and locked myself with eggs. One of them is a pretty 2nd gen Terrae x Whiptail. I should start a lineage. I never realized they look so nice together.

Edited by LwyllasLaVey

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If not from breeding, request, project or trade/IOU, any dragon I get is from the AP. Including the fugly long lined hatchies happy.gif

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I think the vampire biting idea is a great one, because I do that myself. I tend to go for spitfires, purple dorsals, purple ridgewings, and stuff like that, because often, they're caveborn. These abandoned page blockers, after being bitten, are very welcome on my scroll. They turn 90% of the time anyways.



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I prefer to freeze and release like miladyz. I don't use freezes anyway. But I do pick up as many as possible, and most of my stuff comes from the AP. I've bred and abandoned several beautiful lineaged eggs in the hopes someone will like it. I pick up CBs from the AP (usually commons like spitfires, mints, etc) to bite instead of getting them from the cave. smile.gif

Edited by HollyTheColliegirl

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I freeze, name and keep it. I don't like abandoning. Every dragon I raise, or catch is useful to me.

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All unwanted eggs do get picked up.

An egg/hatchling probably has NEVER died in the AP before. (except old dumped neglecteds with seconds left or something)

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Just asking though, doesn't releasing a dragon cause it to 'disappear' entirely from DC existence, so it doesn't really help to balance out the ratios?

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Just asking though, doesn't releasing a dragon cause it to 'disappear' entirely from DC existence, so it doesn't really help to balance out the ratios?

Well, it goes to the wilderness page - the link is in the wiki, I believe. However, I do not know if the wilderness dragons count toward ratios...


Editing to add an answer to the OPs question - because I forgot to answer it before. I am always snagging things off the AP. In fact, almost all of the CB Green and Stone eggs/hatchies on my scroll right now came from the AP. Some of the more common cave blockers, like Mints, Greens etc are some of my favorite dragons so it is an easy snare.


I also love picking up wacky or strange lineages from the AP...added bonus for helping to clear the block. smile.gif

Edited by Irish_Dragoness

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I get quite a lot from the AP. I've dropped on good CB's and terribly inbred messy lineages. If I wanted that egg, it didn't matter. I've also rescued a lot of eggs with only one or two hours left.


All beautiful dragons!

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I grab AP eggs and keep a lot of the CB blockers or pretty lineages. Sometimes I find really pretty lineages (I hoard those.) and I generally toss the messy ones.


If I won't be online for a while, and want to breed later, I sometimes pick up a few AP eggs to lock myself and release them. Lower time AP eggs get snatched up faster, and I'm not using my slots then, so it's a win-win.

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I don't always pick up eggs from the AP, but when I do they're rare and valuable and don't contribute to the AP block.


Stay classy, my friends.

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About half my egglock right now is AP eggs. I've snagged some nice catches in there and I'll usually keep them if it's, say, a 2nd gen balloon with a canopy parent.

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Most of my eggs were AP eggs as well... I don't care for lineage that much, just don't want any inbred.


Mostly though, I just wish people would try breeding with new dragons, instead of the old ones.

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