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Warriors: Reign of Fear

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Yay biggrin.gif wher do I start? I was thinking that one of the thunderclan patrols will find Nightpaw. comments are always accepted


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(Shadow~ I think you'd just start roleplaying, right? And if you need any catching up, all the clans just came back from a gathering~)


Moonpaw sat down in her nest of reeds and moss. Closing her eyes, she tried to get to sleep, but couldn't. She was still troubled by the night's events. The thing that troubled her the most was the rogues and how they spoke of StarClan so loosely. Moonpaw couldn't get that out of her mind. Shutting her eyes tight, she tried to drift into sleep, like she did when she was really tired after a day of training or searching for herbs. The medicine cat apprentice tossed and turned, sleep never coming. Finally, she got up. Her nest was a mess. Reeds and moss were strewn all over the den, and some clung stubbornly to her fur. Shaking it off, she padded out into the middle of camp, the moonlight making her fur shine.

Moonpaw sat down, and brought her head up to gaze at Silverpelt. "Where are you?" she whispered. "Are you truly there, as the rogues say, or have you truly abandoned us?" No sign showed that there was any response from the spirits, nor that they were there even listening to her words. Looking around, Moonpaw didn't want to wake any cats, so she walked out of camp to the heart of RiverClan territory. The walk helped ease her frustration. She looked up at the stars once more.

"Do you know how many times I've tried to contact you? I've tried to do the best for my clan, by healing their wounds and their illnesses. But what is all that without StarClan? What's the point of being medicine cat?" she spat.

There was no response, and Moonpaw didn't expect any. She let out a sigh. Now that most of her anger was out, she realized how tired her body was. Finding comfort in a patch of moss underneath a willow tree, she slept fitfully, her mind no longer troubled.



Adderpaw was waiting excitedly for the ThunderClan gathering group to come back to camp. As the paws of her leader emerged into the camp, she was bouncing around, pestering the cats about what had gone on at the gathering. But no one seemed willing to say. They were all solemn and shocked. She cocked her head, curious about what could have shocked warriors, even the clan leader.

"It'll be sure to be buzzing around camp in the morning," Adderpaw reasoned, shaking her head and resting in the apprentice's den.


Ravenfrost thumped down into her nest in the warrior's den. The events of that night's gathering had held many shocking actions. She shivered at the thought of the 'Clan'. The death of the rogue played itself over and over in her head, haunting her. Shaking her head, she slept, hoping it would be gone in the morning.

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Mint dipped his head slightly respectfully. "Nice to meet you as well," he meowed, his ears pricking up as his sharp eyes noticed Haven's claws curling. Obviously she had noticed him watching her, and she sheathed them quickly. Mint glanced over at Shadow, who had a curious look on her face while gazing at Haven. He felt her let out a small sigh and made a mental note to ask her what was wrong later, when they were alone. Mint shifted his gaze to Haven, who had an awkward look on her face as she tucked her left forepaw behind the other.


"So, uhmm," Mint began, the tip of his tail flicking as he tried to think of something to say. Gosh, he hated awkward silences. "Tell us a bit about yourself." Maybe Shadow would get what she wanted if Haven told them a little bit about her life history. Mint wasn't sure what Shadow wanted, but he knew her well enough to know that she was curious about something.


[Don't have time to post with Bluepaw for now, will edit later. ;-;]

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Shadow got an interested look on her face when she heard Mint tell Haven to tell them a little bit about herself. The curious expression was still there but added to that expression was also one of interest. Maybe she would hear something about her dad or how they looked so much alike or maybe both. If she didn't hear about her dad, she would be a bit disappointed but she could always ask other cats that knew her mom about her dad and see if they knew anything and if they didn't, then she'd be a bit depressed as well. She just wanted to find out more about her dad and get to know him more if he was alive and if he was findable. If he wasn't findable or was dead, then she would give up but this was basically her only chance of finding out about her dad.

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Bluepaw stared at Moonpaw, not sure what to say. She wasn't a medicine cat; she didn't have that special connection with StarClan that Moonpaw was speaking of and had no idea how to comfort her friend. Bluepaw just pasted a smile on her face, stroking Moonpaw's flank with her tail and bid her good night. She jumped Jayflight turned to her and began speaking, praising her on her kindness, empathy, and compassion. "Oh, erm . . . " Bluepaw blushed. Streampelt often praised her, but she was her mentor and generally mentors have to encourage their apprentices. But now the deputy was praising her . . . that was a great honor!


"Th-thanks," Bluepaw stammered. "I d-do my best." She blinked as Jayflight lightly touched his tail-tip to her shoulder and padded off. "Good night," she echoed softly, aware that her mentor had been standing beside the deputy, watching with a smile on her face. Pride shot through her at the fact that her mentor had witnessed Jayflight praising her. What was with Jayflight and Streampelt, anyway? Bluepaw thought curiously. The two warriors seemed to be awfully close . . . maybe kits were on the way. She smirked at the thought.


Flicking her tail and in a high mood, Bluepaw made her way to the apprentices' den and curled down to sleep beside Oakpaw. She had been praised by the deputy, and was now lying down beside her best friend . . . it was a great end to the day. The young apprentice could almost forget the fear she had felt just an hour earlier when Eagle and The Clan had paraded into the Gathering site . . . Bluepaw breathed in the sweet scent of Oakpaw's fur and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

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Streampelt woke up close to dawn, got up out of her nest, stretched, and then left the warriors den to go on her daily early morning hunting trip. She did this every morning in order to keep the fresh-pile stocked. She didn't want any of her clanmates to starve at all. As she left the camp to go hunt for mice, squirrels, voles, and rabbits she thought about the border patrol that she would be doing soon with Jayflight. The thought of that made her very happy and excited and made her want to get back to camp in time before he woke up. She had a feeling that he would be looking for her as soon as he got up to go on the patrol.


After a little while of walking, she came upon a clearing that had plenty of mice hiding in the tall grass. She got down on her stomach, stayed very still, and then started to creep towards the mouse that was in front of her. As soon as she was behind it and she was sure that it didn't detect her at all, she pounced on, and killed it before burying it in front of a nearby tree and then going off to catch something else. After catching a vole and a rabbit, she buried them and then headed towards a stream that she had seen while in the area. Once she arrived to it, she sat very still and watched the fish swim around among the rocks and reeds of the water without having her reflection appear on the water's surface.


She then, very carefully, quickly and silently, swiped a paw through the water, had the fish fall onto the ground, and then killed it with one of her claws before catching another one the same way and then heading towards where she had left the other prey that she had caught, unburied the vole, rabbit, and mouse from their spots, and then headed back to camp. Once she arrived, she put all of the prey that she had caught onto the pile, and then went into a corner of the camp to lay down and wait for her clanmates to wake up if some of them weren't already up yet. Her tail twitching a bit back and forth gave away her excitement about going on border patrol with Jayflight and nervousness as well. She was worried that she might mess up while marking the borders that they had with the other clans or be extremely clumsy as to make a huge fool out of herself in front of him. She hoped that none of that would happen and that they would have a very good time.


((hooray three paragraphs! user posted image; that's a big deal for me since i never post three paragraph posts ohmy.gif...hope it was okay to have it be close to dawn user posted image and if not, i could always edit happy.gif))

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[Hey shadow claw- we don't really want a ton of uneccessary NPCs right now so you might want to actually interact with RPed characters. :3 Boing too lazy to find colour codes. |D Nice job, DP! *clap clap clap*]


Haven sighed inwardly, staring at her paws. I don't want to tell them about my past, not right now. She flicked her gaze upwards for a moment to see Mint and Shadow gazing at her intently. She was probably imagining it, but Shadow looked extremely eager. It looked somewhat like when she was brooding especially long on her lost family... Stop that. There's nothing to it. I hope. "Well... I was always a rogue. My mother was one, and I expect my father was one. I never knew him," Haven said tonelessly. "My mother left me- either abandoned me or was killed when was just a kit. A kit so young, my fur was still as downy as a newborn ducks'. I managed to survive, somehow. I can't remember exactly, but another rogue must have taken me in. I learned to fight and hunt- and fight brutally. I know a bit about herbs." I don't know what happened then either. It was so long ago. Won't hurt to make it up. She shrugged nonchalantly, hoping the short narration would suffice.

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[*claps for Choco* Yay! happy.gif and also when you're not role-playing please use (( )), OOC: or [ ] thanks c: I know you're new to this and stuff, so it's okay, I'm not blaming you. ^^]


Mint nodded, his eyes showing his sympathy at Haven's being abandoned when she was just a tiny kit. He could relate; after all, he had been abandoned when he was a kit as well. Lucky he had Shadow with him to take care of - okay, they took care of each other - or he probably would have given up living at the time. With a start, Mint realized that Shadow had also been abandoned at kithood as well. Well, obviously, but it hadn't really registered until now . . . Haven could certainly join them. They seemed to have similar life stories.


"Shadow and I were abandoned while we were kits, too," Mint meowed as he stepped forward. His green eyes guarded against the pain he felt in his chest. "She had been abandoned when she was younger, so she doesn't really remember anything, but I was abandoned at around 5 moons so I still remember my parents - or, rather, my father." He stopped talking and swallowed hard, feeling a lump in his throat. Mint remembered his kind, gentle father well. One day he told Mint to stay where he was and went off to hunt - only he never came back.


"I never knew my mother." He glanced over at Shadow, realizing that she hadn't told him much about her history, only that she had been abandoned. At the age of 6 moons, that had been enough for Mint. He just wanted company. "One day Shadow found each other and decided to help each other. We made this camp" - he gestured around with his tail proudly - "and learned how to hunt and fight off enemy cats by ourselves.


"My father had made a treaty with the Clans; they left us alone and we stayed off their territory. It worked out pretty well. Shadow and I made sure never to hunt anywhere other than our little 'territory' and we never had any problems. Until . . . until The Clan arrived." Mint's throat closed and he couldn't speak any more. He didn't want to relive the moments of terror when they had seized him and Shadow, but Haven was probably curious. Besides, if she was to join them she'd have to know what happened. Mint had vowed to get revenge, after all.


"Shadow . . . tell her about The Clan." Mint's mew was barely more than a whisper; his eyes were pained. He didn't want to force Shadow to relive the memories, but he really didn't think he could tell Haven what had happened.


[Cue Haven telling them she already knows? ^^]

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[Okee-dokee artichokey. smile.gif]


Haven coughed dramatically, cutting Mint short. She smiled inwardly at his questioning glance. "I... know The Clan already." She laid her ears back sheepishly. "I was at the Gathering. I believe that's what it's called," she explained. So they were orphaned at a young age as well... if only Shadow would say her mother's name. I hope she knows it, at least. "They're a dangerous lot; you can say that for sure." She dipped her head elegantly and meowed, "I would be honoured to join you. Three will easily survive better than two. I'm sure we will learn from each other." She let a small purr ripple in her throat and a mischievous smile creep over her face, though it was a friendly one.

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((*bows at clapping* thank you thank you biggrin.gif; don't forget about Jayflight pine unless you want me to have Streampelt wake him up? ninja.gif))


Shadow listened as Haven told both her and Mint her story but was a little disappointed that she didn't say who her father was. She just mentally shrugged it off and listened to the rest of what she said before hearing Mint tell Haven their story. When he got to the part about him wanting her to tell the other rogue about The Clan, she nodded and was about tell the other cat about it when the latter dramatically coughed before saying that she already knew about them. She nodded about hearing the part about the Gathering and did that again but in agreement when she heard about them being dangerous. She then smiled when she heard about the part where she would love to join them and that they could learn from each other. "We'd love to have you," she said in reply still with the smile on her face.


She then remembered that she hadn't said what her history so she said, "I was always a rogue too and before I met and joined with Mint I was living happily with my mom. I think her name was Angel if I remember that correctly but anyway, she taught me all about healing herbs and how to treat injuries before dying a few moons afterward of greencough. I don't really remember my dad; the only thing that I remember about him is that he was there with my mom when I was born but then I never saw him again so I have no idea if he's still alive or if he's dead now."

Edited by Dragonpelt

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(Sorry I haven't been very active the past few days ^^; Reason in my signature~)


Soft, dawn light filtered through the warrior's den in ThunderClan camp, dappling Ravensfrost's black and white fur. Letting out a yawn, she stretched her legs, clumps of moss clinging stubbornly to her pelt. She shook them off, and padded out of the cozy den. The rising sun lit up the camp. The black she-cat headed to the fresh-kill pile, choosing a small vole. She sat down near the warrior's den to eat it.


(Oh, Adderpaw needs a mentor~ Will post with her when she has one. And for Moonpaw, I guess a patrol can find her or something xd.png)

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Haven let a small smile creep over her face. Her chances of survival just went up- and she'd made friends. I hope they won't turn against me. She winced inwardly, realizing she was already doubting them. The feeling she had... it was like staying with them would be her destiny. Too dramatic. She let out a long breath to cover her her momentary silence and wondered what to say next. I know. "How about we hunt? I haven't eaten in a while, so I could use a good thrush or squirrel." She felt her stomach rumble. "See?" Haven shrugged, her eyes twinkling. Well, it's true. I am starving. I last ate... yesterday morning. Lovely. Edited by Hollyleaf

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((okay waking Jayflight up with Streampelt it is biggrin.gif))


After a few more minutes of laying down in the corner of where she was, Streampelt went over to the warriors den to check on Jayflight. She saw that he was still sleeping so she quietly nudged him a couple of times to see if that would wake him. She hoped that he hadn't forgotten about going on a border patrol with her and he was sleeping in because of that. After she nudged him a couple of times, she stepped back to see what his reaction would be to that and made sure that she was out of the way so that he wouldn't accidentally hit her in his surprise. As she waited, she started to groom herself in order to make sure that none of her fur was sticking up. After that was done, she turned her attention back to the sleeping deputy.

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Lily trudged through the woods. She was so tired... so tire... so tir... The young she-cat fell to the ground, exhausted. The sun was startining to peak through the trees, same as normal. Lily couldn't believe it, just a few days ago, her mother had left her to fend for herself. She was dirty and filthy and her nose had dirt on the edges. She hadn't had a good meal in days, or much water for that matter. As Lily lay pating, a small memory perked at her mind. One ofher mother telling her about the cats in the sky. She had said that they would protetct her. She also told the kit about the clans. Her mother had instructed Lily to stay away, unless she was desprate. The small cat panted, and even though she could feel her life slipping away, Lily got up and countined dragging herself through the underbush.


Oakpaw streached and yawned, happily surprised to find Bluepaw next to him. He shook his fur and blinked. He nudged her with his nose and told her to wake up. "Come on Bluepaw, you lazy cat," he teased, whiskers twitching.


Silverpaw pranced around. She hadn't been able to sleep the night before, nightmares of the clan flashing through her mind. There as the clan killing that rouge, there was the clan attacking ThunderClan, and most frightening, there was the clan killing her. She jumped, startled, when a mouse streaked by.

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Mint blinked in surprise when Haven said that she knew about The Clan already and was even more surprised when she explained that she was at the Gathering. Mint hadn't seen her . . . but then again, Haven had dark fur that probably blended into the shadows quite well. Mint nodded in agreement along with Shadow when Haven said that The Clan was a dangerous lot, a grim look on his face. He then frowned slightly when Haven said that she would be honoured to join them; neither he nor Shadow had asked her to, had they? But he wouldn't pretend that he wasn't thinking about it. It was kind of creepy, actually, the way Haven seemed to have read Mint's mind.


Shrugging it off, Mint dipped his head respectfully in return, although not as elegantly as Haven had, and returned the black-furred she-cat's smile. He opened his mouth to reply but Shadow beat him to it. "We'd love to have you," she meowed, and Mint closed his mouth with a snap. He was irritated with himself for feeling annoyed at Shadow for answering before consulting with him. It wasn't as if he were the "leader" or anything; he and Shadow made joint decisions. But if you made joint decisions, shouldn't she have asked you first before accepting Haven? a whiny voice in his mind said.


Shut up, Mint replied, stifling a growl. He was going to say yes anyway; so what did it matter if Shadow replied to Haven saying yes before him? Mint listened as Shadow began to talk about her history, realizing with a start that this was the first time he had heard this. When she first joined up with him, as kits it didn't matter what her parents' names were or how she was abandoned. All he needed to know was that she had been abandoned as he had. That had been enough. Besides, she had said that she was too young to remember much. Now, however, that didn't seem to be quite true, and he listened carefully as Shadow talked about how her mother had taught her about herbs before dying of greencough.


A pang of sympathy shot through Mint after Shadow was done. He had never known this. Hesitantly, Mint reached out and rested his tail lightly on Shadow's shoulders for a few seconds before whisking it away, embarrassed. Blushing, he turned to Haven, planning to ask what they would do next. She suggested that they hunt and Mint agreed quickly. Hunting would distract his thoughts from how different life would be with another cat around. "Sure, let's do that," Mint purred, a smile forming on his face. He had made a friend . . . he hadn't made a friend since Shadow came along. It was a nice feeling.


Bluepaw blinked sleepily, purring when she saw Oakpaw next to her. "Yes, Oakstar," she teased, sitting up and giving her fur a quick grooming. She was embarrassed to see that her fur was messy and knotted and shot a self-conscious glance at Oakpaw, wondering if he had noticed. Bluepaw hoped that he didn't; she wanted to maintain a good impression on Oakpaw. Blushing at the thought, Bluepaw got to her paws and padded toward the den entrance, glancing back at Oakpaw. "You coming?"

Edited by Stunningfire

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Oakpaw blinked, confused. Did she forget? Did Bluepaw accidentally mistake his amazingness for leader-like quailties? Of course she did! Everyone did! Oakpaw flashed her a huge smile. He turned his head and saw Bluepaw standing there, fur sparkling, with the sun behind her. She looked amazing... 'Are you coming?' she asked. "Uh... uh..." he mumbled, stunned. Oakpaw shook his head, embaressed. "Duh! Of course! What? Are you stupid?" he asked pushing by her to hide his embaressmant. "Lets... uhm... go do what i said we should..." he mumbled, why he had waken her up completely slipping his mind. "Oh, ya! Hunting~ Lets go do that!"


((Anyone know what i shuld do with Lily? I don't want her to join the clans...))

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Shadow smiled a bit at Mint when she felt him lightly rest his tail over her shoulders before he pulled it away again and she gave him a small lick on his cheek in response before turning her attention to Haven. When the latter suggested that they go hunting she was about to agree on it when Mint beat her to it. She just smiled and nodded in agreement with what he said, not minding one bit that he answered what she was going to say before her. She then thought about what she was thinking of earlier which was sharing with Mint how she felt about him and wanted to tell him now but then thought better of it. She would try to bring it up later if she could have some private time with him. Maybe when they settled down for the night or something like that.

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((bump user posted image


not sure; probably really busy in real life right now with school))

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