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Zombie advice

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First Post: Emotional Advice

- Intro/explanation

- Prepare Yourself

- Zombie Hatchies

- Zombie adults


Second Post: Technical Advice

- How to get a Zombie

- Tips and Tricks

- Beyond Zombies

- Frequently Asked Questions



--------------------------Introduction and Explanation--------------------------


First off, what is a zombie/undead dragon? It is a dragon that has been killed, then twisted beyond recognition when revived. Each different dragon species/type is represented with its own matching undead type. The sprites discovered thus far can be found on the DC wikia.




EDIT: Also, I thought of something else that might be helpful. Or, it might need it's own short guide. I dunno. Anyway: Working your way to getting a Zombie. You can't trade for them, and frankly, some people really do have a problem with killing pixels (*raises hand*).

A guide to help people prepare to get Zombies. Some of us have issues with killing our pixel dragons, even ones specifically raised as kill fodder. That horrible, horrible message that we've all been warned about... (*shudder*) So, I went and typed up a little ditty that could help out those who want Zombies, but don't have the heart to kill.


As a start: go sight see at the official DC graveyard! Although it doesn't always show, familiarizing yourself with dead eggs and tombstones is helpful. This step isn't necessary - actually, none of them are. If you feel you can skip one because you already don't care about killing like that, then go ahead!


--------------------------Prepare Yourself--------------------------


- Start small. Breed a pair of your dragons whose hatchling form you find adorable and freeze it. I also suggest first freezing a CB Nocturne - a species that changes sprite, so it doesn't feel like you're literally freezing it in time as a statue or something. This may seem trivial to some, but some hate freezing as much as killing.


Bonuses for below:

Bonus 1: Bite common/uncommon eggs whose shells you like better than the dragon, if there are any. They make pretty decorations.

Bonus 2: Bite common/uncommon eggs whose breed/sprites you dislike. You can start feeling happy that you killed something.



- Obtain a Vampire adult, breed or grab a CB egg, and bite it. Chances are, it will die. But the goal was to get another Vampire, not to kill it. Technical accidental death. If it turns, then bonus! Enjoy your new Vampire egg! If you don't want to collect Vampires, here's a tip: they're decent trade fodder due to the high kill rate of Bite nowadays.



- Keep doing the above until you're comfortable with dead eggs. Vampires are the quick, no-time-for-getting-attached killers. Next.



- Experiment. There are sources that will gladly share tips on how to get a Neglected dragon. Neglected Dragons are very sought after, and a successfully experiment is extremely rewarding whether you keep it or trade it. The catch is, most experiment eggs will die. To the point where instead of planning to have a new hatchie, you should plan on having a dead egg. This is after Vampires because generally, the egg will sit on your scroll for a week, taking up space and taunting you. "Hatch me!" And you may grow attached to it and listen. Resist. It will probably die.


--------------------------Zombie Hatchies--------------------------


(A good idea even if you don't want them. Just skip the "Revive" step. There will be decorations!)


Bonus for the rest of this post: Use dragons whose breed/sprites you dislike. You can feel happier that you killed something.


- Once you're comfortable with eggs that are practically on death row, now comes an even tougher part. Hatchies. Hatchies can be used for ND experiments, but it's harder and not as rewarding as experimenting on eggs. Next step.



- This is for Zombie hatchies without using the Kill action. Get eggs that you'll hatch then fog until death.


Those hatchies? Forget about them. Move them out of sight, if you must. Let them die. They're your Zombie hatchie fodder.

If you let their time run out rather than kill them, then you do not have to face the kill message - only the tombstone. However, if you prefer not to have a hatchling slot taken up waiting for these hatchlings to die, you can also use the kill action on them. You do not need to freeze them first - if they revive as zombies, they will be automatically frozen.



--------------------------If you don't want Zombie adults, you can skip these--------------------------



- Make a choice now. Do you want to not look at the Kill message, or do you want to desensitize yourself to it before hand? If you want to desensitize, then the message is below this line in white font. You can highlight the text to read.


You take your blade and stab the dragon, watching the life slowly leave its eyes as it stares at you, wondering why you betrayed it.



- Hopefully, you got adult Zombie fodder. Because they're the final step. The awful part. Adults can't be timed out. They don't die on their own. You do have to kill them yourself. And that message is horrible. Kill them within two weeks of any time that you are ready to attempt making zombies.


One final tip: you don't have to look at the message. Submit Kill, then don't look. move most of your browser off screen if you must, and close the window/tab after it loads. You can see if the Kill was successful by checking the dragon's page after.



--------------------------Department of Redundancy Department--------------------------


- Revive all fodder during 12:00 a.m. (midnight) to 6:00 a.m. (1200 to 0600) ET, the hours that zombies are visible. There is a better chance of creating zombies when their sprites are visible than when they appear only as tombstones on your account or are not visible on other's scrolls. If you are unsure of what time it is in Eastern time, check the clock at the top of DC. Many will likely turn to ashes. That's okay, you tried. Enjoy any successes! cool.gif



Any other suggestions?

Edited by SockPuppet Strangler

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--------------------------How to get a Zombie--------------------------


Below are the simplified steps for creating zombies.


1. Go to your fodder's view page.

2. Click on "Actions".

3. Click on "Kill". You can kill five dragons at a time thanks to kill limits. You can kill any time of day. Your kill slots are returned two weeks after they are used. Since you can let hatchies run out of time, you can try for more than five zombie hatchies at a time. However, you will only be able to try for max five adult zombies within a two week period.

4. Go to the dead fodder's view page.

5. Click on "Actions".

6. Click on "Revive". You have a higher chance of revive successfully creating a zombie during the hours of 12 am - 6 am or any time on the 31st of any month, when the zombie sprites are visible. The highest chance of creation is on Halloween.

7. The dragon might become a Zombie, turn to dust and disintegrate, or revive back to what it once was.

- If it disintegrates or revived normally, that's it. There is no 'if fail, try again like this' step. Go repeat 1-4 on another dragon for another try.

- If the dragon successfully revives as its regular breed, you will want to note that/keep track of it somewhere. Dragons you have already killed and revived once can be killed a second time, but cannot be revived again. The revive action will be totally unavailable.


Below is the timeline for attempting the highest amount of zombies possible on Halloween.


October 3rd - This is the first day you can grab new eggs and hatch them to fog them and let them die. You will need the egg to hatch on its last day of life.

October 7th - This is the first day you can grab new eggs and hatch them without the use of incubate to let them die.

October 8th - This is the first day you can grab new eggs and hatch them with the use of incubate to let them die.

October 10th - This is the first day you can grab new/hatch hatchlings to fog them and wait for them to die.

October 17th - This is two weeks before Halloween, so kill your first 5 dragon fodder now. If you do, then you can kill 5 more on Halloween for a total of 10 zombie adult attempts. Have extra fodder (at least double of what you want to attempt is a good guideline) because dragons that dodge your blade will continue to dodge for the rest of that day, so if a dragon dodges, you will need backups.

October 24th - Last day to grabnew /hatch hatchlings to fog them and wait for them to die.

October 31st - Halloween. Attempt to revive all dead zombie fodder today. As soon as your kill slots come back, you can also kill your second round of adult zombie fodder. Good luck!



--------------------------Tips and Tricks--------------------------


- Kill multiple types of dragons (westerns, wingless, amphipteres, etc.) to attempt for the multiple zombie types available. There are eight different zombie types available (all with one adult sprite and two - s1 and s2 - hatchling sprites) based on these differences. As well, it has been promised we will also eventually get different sprites for pygmies, drakes, and two-headed dragons. If you want to try for a specific sprite, you will need to kill a specific type of dragon. All dragons now have a dragon type listed in their encyclopedia page, so that you can double check what type of zombie they will become.


- Have extra dragons ready for fodder. Dragons can dodge your blade and stay alive. They will continue to dodge until midnight of the day you've tried killing them, so if you're eager to revive that night, you'll need extra fodder to try killing again right away.


- Put your Vampires and Green Dragons on hold. Dead eggs from vampires and earthquake count as a kill. They will eat up your kill slots, and you only have 5 kill slots at a time.


- Save your kill slots for adult zombies. There are other ways to kill hatchlings to get hatchling zombies. The 100%-guaranteed-to-kill-your-hatchling methods is to fog your hatchling and let its timer run out. The fogball will automatically turn into a tombstone when the dragon dies. The second way to kill a hatchling without using the kill action is to attempt viewbombing it, described in further detail below.

- It is extremely hard to viewbomb hatchlings to death. You will have to use your own resources to attempt viewbombing. Below is the timeline for making zombie hatchies on Halloween.

--- Absolute EARLIEST: Obtain egg the 7th or 8th (Must hatch on last day of life, then viewbomb to death right before the 4d 0hr mark. Hatchings can become adults rather than dying if you viewbomb them when they have less than 4 days even left.)

--- Absolute LATEST: Obtain egg the 28th or 29th. (Must incuhatch and viewbomb immediately, as it will be Halloween.)

-- Alternative method courtesy of rebelgoddess19: Start collecting hatchies up to two weeks before Halloween and viewbomb them to death, fogging any that come too close to growing up in order to let their timer run out instead.


- Trade for lower time hatchies in order to collect more hatchling zombie fodder.


- It's common courtesy to breed your own dragons, then kill the offspring. General rule here: Only kill what you bred and has no babies not on your scroll. Otherwise, you risk upsetting the breeder of your dragon or the people who have your dragon's current offspring. While no one can stop you, it can be upsetting to the people who have collected your dragon babies.


--------------------------Beyond Zombies--------------------------


So you've got yourself a Zombie. Congrats! But wait, there's something more that you can constructively use Kill for...


- Zombie lineages. Bored with just collecting the different sprites? Breed your dragons into lineages before you kill them in order to create lineages with zombies in them. Do remember that killing a dragon does not erase its past lineage, so you will need to create the exact specific lineage you want to attempt to make a zombie lineage.


- Dragon descriptions. Tell us the twisted or sad story of your zombie! Go to actions -> describe to submit a description. If you go to account -> account settings, you can check the option to "Show pending descriptions:" and save. If users give your description positive votes, your description will soon be visible on your dragon's page even without mod approval.


- Tombstone collection. As well as having different zombie types, tombstones are now unique to the biome that the dead dragon came from. You can see the different tombstones on the DC wikia. When your zombies aren't visible, the tombstones will be, so killing dragons from a variety of biomes will give you a unique tombstone collection.



--------------------------Frequently Asked Questions--------------------------


- Question: When can I see my Zombie on my scroll?

During the first two weeks after you've killed the dragon, it appears as a tombstone. Once you create your zombie, the tombstone will stay during hours the zombie isn't visible until two weeks from its death. Two weeks after you kill your dragon to make your zombie, the tombstone disappears from your scroll and is only visible when you view the zombie's view page any time other than 12:00 a.m. (midnight) to 6:00 a.m. EST. The zombies themselves also disappear during the day, and are only visible from 12:00 a.m. (midnight) until 6:00 a.m. ET, and their tombstones are visible all day on the 31st of any month with 31 days in it. Zombies are always visible in sort but are only visible on the scroll during the times describe above. You can also find your zombie if you know its name by going to http://dragcave.net/view/n/NAME_HERE You can also save/bookmark your zombie's view page.


- Question: What does a Zombie look like in the lineage page?

As a parent, this. As a child, this (Note: after 'disappearing', they no longer show in the parent's progeny). In the middle of a lineage, this.

When Zombies are visible, they show as Zombies. When not, they show as tombstones.


- Question: If my dragon dodges the blade, do I lose a kill slot?

No. A kill slot is only taken if a kill is successful. However, using kill over and over on that one dragon is pointless. Once they dodge, they will continue to do so for up to the next 24 hours before it is even possible to get a successful kill. Even then, they can dodge again and reset that timer. Also, adults are known to be harder to kill than hatchies. This is why killing before Halloween is highly encouraged.


- Question: What happens to revived hatchies?

They are automatically frozen. Doesn't matter how they died.


- Question: Can I rename Zombies?

Yes. Any time you wish, as long as you keep track of their pages. You will not, however, be able to rename dragons that disintegrate.


- Question: Why do I not have a revive option!

You already killed it before and revived it as a normal, didn't you? You can't revive the same dragon twice. Sorry.


- Question: Can I get rid of my zombie dragon?

Yes, by using the expunge BSA that soulpeace dragons have. Soulpeace dragons are a hybrid (breed-only) of white/daydream dragons.


- Question: Can I get a zombie dragon sometime other than Halloween?

Yes, although the chances of success are higher on Halloween.


- Question: Can I create an ungendered adult/s2 hatchling zombie?

Yes, if you kill and successfully revive an ungendered neglected, cheese, or paper dragon as a zombie.


- Question: What happens to vampires turned into zombies?

They will retain their sire/bitten information, but otherwise display the typical zombie information.

Edited by SockPuppet Strangler

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Very nice. LOL. I'm so cruel I kill just to revive. biggrin.gif



But this a helpful guide for those who despise killing. (Honestly, I laugh at that message, as disturbing as that sounds. It doesn't bother me. Maybe it's just my brain using common sense).

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Very nice. LOL. I'm so cruel I kill just to revive. biggrin.gif



But this a helpful guide for those who despise killing. (Honestly, I laugh at that message, as disturbing as that sounds. It doesn't bother me. Maybe it's just my brain using common sense).

I killed three adult dragons last Halloween and wasn't affected in anyway. Maybe because they were dragons I didn't care too much about. Anyway, I got one zom out of it!

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I laughed, then I you were serious, and I laughed louder.


Step 1. Get 5 random dragons


Step 2. Kill them all


Step 3. Revive until you get a Zombie

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I laughed, then I you were serious, and I laughed louder.


Step 1. Get 5 random dragons


Step 2. Kill them all


Step 3. Revive until you get a Zombie

This is pretty much my way too but this is pretty much the 'emotional guide of getting a zombie.' Some people can't handle the kill message because they treat the dragons as another living being despite 'just being in a game.'

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Huh, I didn't know about the Halloween time window for the hatchlings. I never would have even thought of it on my own. xd.png


This was actually a pretty interesting guide, and it does make me think of things. See, I've already made peace with the fact I'll never have a Zombie, because I really can't bring myself to freeze, let alone kill--but there are some breeds that tempt me to do so. . .


But by the same token, I have an army of Vampires--which I would be working to make larger, if not for the current glitch making it like 75% chance of killing the egg, rather than 50%--and I know I'm going to get an ND some day. So, really, it's the difference between an accident, and sitting there, taking the life from my own treasured pixels.


Yeah, can't do that. x3 But this guide does make it easier to consider.


Also, yay for the official GraveYard Link. ^w^


Thanks for this guide. :3

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Erm... you did forget one bit. What about the zombie hatchlings? I went on a stabbing spree and those terrible adult dragons that were inbred were all like "LAWL DODGE". BUT- I have an adorable zombie hatchling, and TBH, I'd rather have a hatchling than an adult. Yes, its almost impossible outside of halloween, but..


Ah what the heck. Stab the little buggers. It used to be easier to do with things like the evil project (raising cave/AP blockers and chucking the little hatchies onto the AP) but it still can be done. If you have qualms about it, grab the sprite you like the least of the AP. Convince yourself that if the person WANTED that egg to live, they'd have kept it. Then commence making zombies! biggrin.gif

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Wasn't this in the Dragon Caveology section? xd.png nice.

Yes, but we over at Dragon Caveology thought that it would be best to create a new thread with all this information. I will certainly add a link to this in Dragon Caveology though. It is all sound advice!

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Lol, the first post was hilarious. xd.png

Good advice though, with the fogging hatchlings until death.

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Wasn't this in the Dragon Caveology section? xd.png nice.


Yes. But it's a it's own guide, in a way, and there was a little consensus that it should have it's own topic. so, voila! tongue.gif


I laughed, then I you were serious, and I laughed louder.


Step 1. Get 5 random dragons


Step 2. Kill them all


Step 3. Revive until you get a Zombie


This works fine for those who see their dragons as just pixels, yes. but many don't. It may seem strange to some, but many players feel horrible about killing their pixels. wink.gif


Of course, that's also a valid "cold turkey" method.


Erm... you did forget one bit. What about the zombie hatchlings? I went on a stabbing spree and those terrible adult dragons that were inbred were all like "LAWL DODGE". BUT- I have an adorable zombie hatchling, and TBH, I'd rather have a hatchling than an adult.  Yes, its almost impossible outside of halloween, but..


Forgot about that little bit... the non-Halloween chance. I'll add that!

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But I do see them as living things.


That doesn't stop me from killing off the ones I don't like.

Then good for you!


That's not sarcastic. Seriously. I love the Tinsel deadlines, but don't personally feel gutsy enough for that yet myself. With Zombies, I killed to revive. With deadlines, I'd have to go the final step - killing to kill.


... Perhaps I should go add that, actually.

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Thank you so much for this part:


A note on this: It's common courtesy to breed your own dragons, then kill the offspring for this. Otherwise, you risk upsetting the breeder of your dragon or the people who have your dragon's current offspring. General rule here: Only kill what you bred and has no babies not on your scroll.


That is probably the thing that annoys me most, especially after finding one of my dragons' lineage had changed after Halloween since one of it's great grandparents was a zombie attempt.

Edited by Sir Barton

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Bringing this thread back to the front page since we've had several questions in TLQ and Help about Zombies lately.

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I just:


1. Wait til Halloween

2. Kill dragon

3. Revive dragon

4. Hope it zombifies

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I've desensitized myself now.


Get 4-8 hatchies, let them die somewhere between the 5th and the 10th.

Kill adults around 5th to 10th.

Revive, hopefully I will get a zombie. I think the hatchies are cute, actually, for zombies.

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Last year,I had a very bad luck that I didn't get any Zombie adulsts,but I did get some hatchings.


To those who want to get an ungendered zombie hatchings.


I have a suggestion.(It will take a little more time to prepare).


1 get the egg you want to turn.


2 wait until the last day


3 put them in the er until they hatch and fog them until they die.


The most important thing is that hatchings can't grow up but they CAN gender when they are foged.So if you want an ungender hatching,you must keep the UV as low as possible.They will gender at about 200UV on my scroll.

Edited by Mercury

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... I get the paranoid feeling that my kill slots won't return in time for kill attempts. ._. Thankfully the vampire IOU I've taken is almost complete but I highly doubt my vamps will throw me a bone and give me three more consecutive eggs with no more kills. xP


Fingers crossed they do return and four of my intended zombies turn successfully. Very unlikely, but ever hopeful. Didn't get a single turn last year. /facepalm

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I always thought it was illogical to be sensitive to killing dragons/hatchies/eggs. I'm not desensitized to it. To me, they're pixels. Artwork.


I'm hoping for adult zombies this year. v.v

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Hmm....I never thought of timing hatchies out before...


Thanks for the guide smile.gif


I'e had my zombie fodder prepared months ago though, 5 CB adults, 5 CB hatchies, 5 CB Ungens.


I'm planning on killing 5 adults 2 weeks before halloween, the wined ones a week before halloween, and the ungen on halloween. Then I revive them all on Halloween and voila! They all crumble....

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I am horrible with numbers, so what I wanna know is how many should I/can I kill for zombies, whilst also getting some halloween babies to keep and breed. Is there restrictions on the amount of halloween babies to get, for example?!


And how do you get zombie hatchies compared to zombie adults. They dont age, correct? So you have to kill some of the hatchies, and kill some adults. So... there's that.


edit in:


..this sounds dumb, but i could always freeze the zombie fodder, right? raise it to hatchie, etc and then freeze it before halloween? to get ready? just curious.

Edited by girlgamerjen

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I am horrible with numbers, so what I wanna know is how many should I/can I kill for zombies, whilst also getting some halloween babies to keep and breed. Is there restrictions on the amount of halloween babies to get, for example?!


And how do you get zombie hatchies compared to zombie adults. They dont age, correct? So you have to kill some of the hatchies, and kill some adults. So... there's that.

Adult zombie wise, you have 5 attempts - you must kill your existing adult dragons to try for them (make sure you only do this within two weeks of Oct 31 at maximum). I'm not entirely certain on the amount of zombie hatchlings you can try for, but if you let them die "naturally" (aka not enough views) and time it properly, you can have a lot more zombie hatchling fodder.


There are no restrictions on the amounts of Halloween dragons you can get. Well, apart from what scroll limits allow. o3o


You get zombie hatchlings the same way as adults - by killing them, however, you have the added option of using the method I mentioned before which involves timing their deaths and making sure they die within 2 weeks of October 31. This second method can be seen as being "better" if you want a mix of adults and hatchlings because "natural" deaths don't count towards the kill limits, which in turn can be reserved for trying for adult zombies.


Does that make sense? :P

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Adult zombie wise, you have 5 attempts - you must kill your existing adult dragons to try for them (make sure you only do this within two weeks of Oct 31 at maximum). I'm not entirely certain on the amount of zombie hatchlings you can try for, but if you let them die "naturally" (aka not enough views) and time it properly, you can have a lot more zombie hatchling fodder.


There are no restrictions on the amounts of Halloween dragons you can get. Well, apart from what scroll limits allow. o3o


You get zombie hatchlings the same way as adults - by killing them, however, you have the added option of using the method I mentioned before which involves timing their deaths and making sure they die within 2 weeks of October 31. This second method can be seen as being "better" if you want a mix of adults and hatchlings because "natural" deaths don't count towards the kill limits, which in turn can be reserved for trying for adult zombies.


Does that make sense? tongue.gif

that does make sense. but when do halloween eggs show up? (seeing as how a certain amount of them will count towards scroll total) and... there isnt a scroll limit on halloween eggs, right? but there is on vday and christmas?

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