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Warriors Cats A New Story Unfolds

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Some of you may have read some of the Warriors books and even if you have not you may still join this RP if you like/love cats.

You DON'T have to read all this if you don't want to just skip down to the Rules.


The Story Line of ThunderClan;


(This story line is only for ThunderClan all the other clans may make their own story line as the RP progresses and I will post them here.)


Whitestar became the leader of the ThunderClan after her mother, Snowstar, and her father, Reedtail, were killed in a great battle against ShadowClan. Many other cats were lost in that battle including Silverstreak's parents (Silverclaw and Blacktail) whom Whitestar had picked to be the deputy and later on, her mate. They fell deeply in love and had seven kits but Whitestar had a hard time giving birth and her seventh kit was still born because of it. But the other six were strong and healthy and became great warriors. Their names are Reedclaw, Mooneyes, Snowstorm, Thunderbolt and Silvertail.


The sixth kit, Icepaw, was never given his warrior name for he had no respect for the warrior code and made that very clear. Icepaw left the clan in rage after his mother refused to give him his warrior name which he thought he rightly deserved. He now lives as rouge and has given himself the name Iceshard.

His goal is to start his own clan and wreak havoc on all the clans. ((Please do not post anything about Iceshard until he has reviled himself to you or your clan. Only ThunderClan knows of him for the time being)


Apart from his leaving the clans, Whitestar also has another problem; her mate Silverstreak has been spending less and less time in the clan. She must now find out what he's been doing. Whitestar, Thunderbolt, and Mooneyes are now on a search to find him.






About The Clans


There are four clans: Thunder, Shadow, Wind, and River each clan has their own unique ability that they excel at.


ThunderClan: Can hunt in the woods and are good at tree climbing. They normally eat Squirrels, birds, mice, shrews and if there really fast maybe a nice fat rabbit. They are known for being fair and are more likely to take in outside cats, but don't let their kindness fool you, they are fearless fighters you don't want to mess with.



ShadowClan: Can hunt in the shadows and muggy places. They hunt rats, frogs, lizards, mice and sometimes even eat crow food from nearby garbage cans. They are the most feared of all the other clans and will go out of their way to start fights. It is said that living and hunting in the darkness has made their hearts cold. Even though they are the least welcoming of the clans they still obey the rules of the Warrior Code and will help other cats of other clans if there is something in it for them.


WindClan: Can run faster than any other cats and they use their speed to hunt for rabbits which is what they normally eat. Although they are fast, they are not that good when it comes to fighting. But even so, they are not afraid to die and will give their life fighting to protect their clan.



RiverClan: Are the only cats out of the four clans that know how to fish. Because of this they have food year around unless the lake freezes in leaf bare. They also don't have to worry about other cats stealing their food. Their fur stays slick and shiny and they are always more plump then the other cats. They are formidable fighters and will fight even kill if necessary to protect their clan.



About StarClan: This is where cats go when they die if they have been good. They walk in cats' dreams and are very close with the "Medicine" cats of each Clan. There is a place where the cats can go to speak with StarClan called the Moon Stream. Only Medicine cats and Leaders can go to the Moon Stream in normal circumstances. However, every cat will be able to go the Moon Stream at least one time in their life.


About the Dark Forest: This is where cats that have no respect for the Warriors Code end up when they die. Evil, blood thirsty cats lurk in this dark forest. They like StarClan, can also walk in cats' dreams to try and lead them into the dark side.



About Ranks: Each cat has a Rank and the highest of these ranks is Leader. The leader is the boss and what he/she says is Law. They are given nine lives by StarClan which enables them to live a long life to protect and care for their clan for many moons. A Leader's job, is to protect the clan and make sure everyone is safe. Once a leader has lost all nine lives, he/she will die and join StarClan. A Leader also picks the name of a new Warrior. The next rank is Deputy. Every clan must have a deputy that is picked by the Leader. If the Leader dies, then the Deputy will have to become the next Leader. Deputies often get the hunting parties and the border patrols together and will lead the clan when the Leader is not around to do so. Medicine Cats are the core of the clan especially since a clan could not survive without one. They, may not be fighters, but they are trained in the very basics of combat to make sure that they have a way to defend themselves. They know how to heal wounds and cure sicknesses by using various plants, herbs and berries. Medicine Cats are also the cats called upon to interpret the dreams from StarClan.

But being a Medicine cat has its downfalls as well. They are not allowed to have mates or have kits and if they break this rule they will have to step down as soon as another medicine cat can be found. During the time of pregnancy and nursing kits, female cats who choose to take on a mate and have kits are called Queens. Queens and their kits stay in the nursery until the kits are old enough to be apprentices. After their kits have been apprenticed, the Queen will go back to their duties as a Warrior/Leader or Deputy. They are an important part of the clan because they help grow the clan to larger numbers. Warriors are cats who have proven themselves through fighting, hunting, and protect the clan. They up hold the Warriors Code and would gladly give there life up to protect a clan mate. The more seasoned Warriors train the apprentices. The more Warriors a clan has the stronger it is. Apprentices are cats that are six moons old they are trained to be Warriors unless they want to be a Medicine Cat. An experienced Warrior in the clan will train these young cats to be Warriors. Kits are kittens that are not yet six moons of age. They are not allowed to hunt or fight in battles nor are they allowed to leave the safety of the clan. If they do, they should be punished by their mothers or by the leader. Elders are the older cats of the clan who, in their time, were great and powerful Warriors that served their clan well but now are too old to do normal clan duties. They are well cared for by the clan. Other members hunt for them and bring them water in moss to drink. They no longer fight in battles unless they have to.




Cat Swear Words and Insults (Some I made up)

(You may also make some up if you wish and if they are accepted I will add them to the list)


Mouse dung (Thunderclan)

Mouse brain (Thunderclan)

Crow food (all clans)

Fox dung (all clans)

Dog breath (all clans)

Bee brained (all clans)

Fish fart (Riverclan)

Holy crappy (Riverclan)

Rat tailed (Shadowclan)

"Kitty pet" (When a Warrior cat is called this it is an insult) (all clans)



Cat Words and What They Mean


Kitty Pet: A cat that lives with humans


Two Legs/Up Walkers/No Furs/: Humans


Monsters: Cars


Thunder Path: Road or Highway


Crow Food: Rotten Meat


Leaf Fall: Autumn


Leaf Bare: Winter (We are in this season now)


New Leaf: Spring


Green Leaf: Summer




Medicine Cat Herbs

(You can skip this if you're not going to be a Medicine Cat, the list will always be here if you need to study it)


Adder Barrack – Used for toothache.


Alfalfa – Used to prevent tooth decay.


Aloe Vera – Use the leaves; treats burns and skin problems (insect bites, etc.)


Blessed Thistle – Helps strengthen the heart and lungs; increases circulation.


Borage - Leaves and roots should be consumed to stave off fevers. Seeds and leaves should be consumed by the nursing Queens to increase milk production.


Burdock Root – Used to relieve joint pains like arthritis. Good for rat bites and infected wounds.


Catnip - Used to ease pain and help to cure Greencough, Blackcough and Whitecough. Very important to have! Also helps with heavily bleeding wounds and infection.


Celandine - Used to strengthen weak eyes.


Chamomile - Used to relax; leaves and flowers soothes heart and gives physical strength.


Chervil Juice - Best for infected wounds.


Chervil Root - Used to cure bellyache.


Cobwebs (Not a plant) - Used to stop bleeding.


Comfrey - Used to help mend broken bones.


Deathberry - Berries, or any other part of the plant, when consumed will kill the cat who swallows it. If they are not given immediate help, and even then they may not survive the poisoning. Roots and leaves may be chewed together and applied to sore places, but must NEVER be applied to open wounds. This is a poison in addition to a healing plant.


Dock leaves - Used to make fur slippery when stuck in a tight space.


Ferns - Helps clean out wounds.


Feverfew - The leaves can be eaten to reduce body heat like that of a fever or chills. It can also alleviate aches and headaches.


Garlic – Used to treat infections and wounds.


Ginger – Used for asthma and coughs.


Honey - Used to sooth irritated throats and other things, particularly good for smoke inhalation.


Huckleberry – A muscle pain reliever.


Ivy – Calms the nerves.


Juniper Berries - Good for belly ache and Whitecough. Berries ease the stomach and can serve as a counter poison. Leaves are used to ease coughs and other respiratory problems.


Lavender - Leaves and flowers are particularly good when eaten for easing pains in head and throat, and good for a chill. Inhaling the scent of fresh flowers can also calm the nerves.


Marigold - Leaves and flowers should be consumed to relieve chills. Leaves and petals can be chewed and placed on wounds to prevent infection.


Nettle - Leaves are used on rashes and fever.


Poppy - Seeds can be consumed to remove pain and aid in sleep. Flower heads should be consumed together to relieve continuous coughs. Petals and leaves should be chewed to aid in sleep and improve resting.


Ragweed Leaves - Relieves stiff joints.


Snakeroot - Used to counter poison.


Tansy - Leaves, flowers, and stems should be eaten together to remove worms. Leaves may be chewed to relive joint aches. Flowers should be consumed to remove coughs. Pregnant Queens should NEVER be given Tansy, for it causes miscarriages.


Thyme - Should be consumed to calm an anxious cat, or to aid in bringing restful sleep.


Water Mint - Used to cure bellyache.


Willow Tree - Willow Bark may be consumed to ease pain, act against inflammation, and to ease diarrhea or fevers.


Yarrow Leaves - Makes one throw-up and extract poison.


Yarrow Ointment – Used for scraped or cracked paws.


Mouse Bile- (Not a Plant) Comes from the liver of the common mouse may be harvested and used to kill stubborn fleas and ticks.





Other Animals


Fox: Rarely eats cats, but will kill them.


Badger: A black and white animal that has very sharp claws and teeth and very strong jaws. Will kill and eat Cats and Kits.


Dogs: Will kill cats but won't eat them.


Hawks/Owls: Will kill and eat small Kits if they can.


Snakes: Normally not a threat, however it may eat newborn kits if they are left untended. A bite from a poisonous snake can be deadly.



Other Cats


Besides the Clan cats there are the following:


Kitty Pets: These are cats that live with humans: If you see one on your territory you should just run it off since kitty pets are very afraid of wild cats and are normally no threat to the clans.


Rouges: These are cats that "may have" been part of a clan at one time but were cast out or left of their own free will. They often steal prey from the other clans and can cause trouble. They may live in small groups but pay little or no heed to the Warrior Code. If you see one on your territory you may have to fight them off.


Loners: These are cats that live by themselves but still may take food from humans. They may or may not be a threat, and sometimes they may even try to join a clan and may be taken in if the leader of the clan allows it.





Once a month all four clans will meet at the "Gathering" where the four leaders will talk about what's been going on in the clans. Cats will be there from all four clans and there is to be NO FIGHTING during this time or StarClan will become angry.



Cat Names


This is how the names work


Kits: Their names must have something to do with nature and must always have the word "kit" at the end of their name.


EXAMPLE: Firekit, Nightkit, Rainkit, Rockkit, Shadowkit, Moonkit, Foxkit.


Apprentices: The same rules are applied here once a Kit is old enough to be made an apprentice. Instead of the word "kit" at the end of their name it will change to "paw."


EXAMPLE: Firepaw, Nightpaw, Rainpaw, Rockpaw, Shadowpaw, Moonpaw, Foxpaw.



Warriors: Same rules are applied when an Apprentice has earned his or her warrior name. The word "paw" will be replaced with another word.


EXAMPLE: Firenose/ Nightwing/ Rainclaw/ Rocktooth/ Shadowbird/ Moonlight/ Fox tail


Leader: If a cat becomes the leader of a clan the last part of their name will change to "star."


EXAMPLE: Firestar/ Nightstar/ Rainstar/ Rockstar/ Shadowstar/ Moonstar/ Foxstar



Other Cats Names: If your cat is a Kittypet/Rouge/ or Loner then the rules above do not

apply and you can name your cat whatever you like.




The Warriors Code

NOTE: (These rules here can be broken but not without

consequences depending on the leader)


1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.


2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.


3. Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.


4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.


5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.


6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.


7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.


8. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies or retires.


9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.


10. A Gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.


11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.


12. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.


13. The word of the Clan leader is law.


14. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his or her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.


15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.


16. Taking a mate from another clan is forbidden.


Please Read Rules Before You Post

(Failure to follow these rules will mean removal from the RP)

Rules of the RP:

1)Please Keep the RP PG-PG-13.

2) Anyone may join but you must post here at least once a week.

3) No GM unless you have permission from that person.

4) No taking over the RP.

5) No "Human" Swear words.

6) You may not control more than 10 cats at a time and no hogging high ranks positions.

7) No off topic talk of any kind if you have a question about something please PM that person. In other words if your not RPing don't post it here!

8) Your cat cannot have powers such as flying, fire, metal claws, ect.

9) Cats must be of normal cat colors that you would see in real life.

10) Your cat must have a Warrior's cat name unless it is a Kitty-

Pet/Rouge/Loner please see (Cat Names) for more information on


11) Do Not post twice in a roll if you need to fix something in your post use edit



(Then ones in Red are the ones needed the most)


Thunder Clan





Name:White Star




Mate:none (past mate Silverstreak

Color:Pure White long fur with sapphire eyes

Personalty:Kind, Loving, patient, and fair


Story:White Star has lived in Thunder Clan all her life her mother White Rain was the formal leader of Thunder Clan she died along with her father Reed Tail in the last battle against Shadow clan and now White Moon (Now White Star) has taken her place as leader.

Family in an outside the clan: Her Kits>> Thunder Bolt, Reed Claw, Moon Eyes, Snow Storm, Silver Tail and Icepaw








Name: Sunleaf

Gender: Female

Clan: Thunder

Rank: Medicine Cat

Mate: None

Color: long haired calico with green eyes



Personaility: Calm, apprehensive, nurturing, very slow to anger

Story: Sunleaf was found as a kit and taken in by Thunderclan. Sunleaf serves as Medicine cat to her clan, healing the sick and injured and interpreting messages from StarClan.











Color: Black with white chest and paws with yellow eyes

Personalty: Playful and full of questions




Family in the clan: Mother White Star, Dad Silverstreak,








Color: Tan and brown with haze green eyes long fur

Personalty: Quite, calm, and does not like fighting, likes to stay by his mothers side




Family in the clan: Mother White Star, Dad Silverstreak









Color: light gray and white long white fur with light green eyes

Personalty: Playful, full of energy, likes going out on her own





Family in the clan:Mother White Star, Dad Silverstreak











Color: Pure White fluffy fur with petty blue eyes

Personalty :loving, kind, lazy and loves to sleep




Family in the clan:Mother White Star, Dad Silverstreak










Color:Silver and gray with a stripe down her tail with dark blue eyes

Personalty: Shy, but is very courageous and not afraid of anything very curious about the world

photo: http://media.photobucket.com/image/Silver%...ilversomali.jpg


Family in the clan: Mother White Star, Dad Silverstreak


Name: Snowwillow

Gender: Female

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Warrior

Mate: open

Color: Silver with white paws, tail, belly, and spots on face.

Personalty: Never misses a beat when it comes to keeping up on the battle news and she is always willing to help out the medicen cats.

Photo: none

Story: She loves to help protect and care for her clan, but she never did like killing others. She figures that without kits, there can be no apprentices and warriors.

Family in the clan: none


Name: Stoneheart

Gender: Male

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Warrior

Mate: open

Color: Dark gray with burning green eyes

Personalty: Like his name, when he stands his ground, it is solid as stone.

Photo: none

Story: none

Family in the clan: none






Name: Snowpaw

Gender: F

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Apprentice

Mate: OPEN

Color: Pure white

Personalty: Kind

Photo: X

Story: She has been in shadowclan, until she ran away because she did not like her clan

Family in the clan: none





Gender: female

Clan: ThunderClan

Rank: Medicine cat Apprentice


Appearance: long dark black pelt, eyes the color of the moon, silver claws, back right leg twisted backward because of an accident when clibing a tree.

Personality: kind, extremly smart, has a cool head in a crisis. A vicious fighter before she was crippled.


Story: raised as a rouge her parents are unknown, she was a rouge, but left her when her back leg was dislocated. She accidentally got too close to. Thunderclan Territory and was captured.

Family in the Clan: none



Name: Amberpaw

Gender: Female

Clan: ThunderClan

Rank: Apprentice

Mate: open

Color: soft orange with black stripes

Personalty: caring and kind

Photo: none

Story: none

Family in the clan: none









Name: Moonkit

Gender: Female

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Kit

Mate: None

Color: Black with White on the tips of her ears and tail and also on her belly.

Personalty: Moonkit is always honest, unless she is told to keep a secret. Moonkit likes her clan very much and wants to be a Medicine Cat when she grows up.

Photo: None

Story: She used to be a kitty pet, but she was just taking a walk with her owner, but a dog was chasing her, she lost it, though she got lost and found Thunderclan.

Family in the clan: none










Shadow Clan






Name: DarkStar

Gender: Female

Clan: ShadowClan

Rank: Leader

Mate: None

Color: Dark Chocolate Brown With A Light Brown Tail Tip And Light Brown Paws. She Has White Claws. She Is Very Slender. Also She Is A Large Cat Who Is Very Agile

Personalty: Very ShadowClannish. She is hostile to strangers but loving to clanmates

Photo: none

Story: She was born and raised a true ShadowClan cat

Family in the clan: none, her mom and dad are both dead and she was the only kit out of their only litter








Medicine Cat







Name: Shadowslash

Gender: M

Clan: Shadowclan

Rank: Warrior

Mate: OPEN

Color: black

Personalty: Rough

Photo: X

Story: Born a kittypet, Shadowlsash ran away from home, hating all the pet-pets he was given

Family in the clan: None















Wind Clan





Name: Emberstar

Gender: Female

Clan: Wind

Rank: Leader

Mate: None unless someone would like to PM me to be her mate!

Color: A redish gold with deep green eyes

Personalty: Feirce and fast, she has a kind heart, but is quick to judge.

Photo: none

Story: none

Family in the clan: none...







Medicine Cat




Name: Nighthowl

Gender: male

Clan: Wind

Rank: Warrior

Mate: none unless someone would like to PM me to be his mate

Color: Completly black and golden eyes that burn with a dark light.

Personalty: Extreamly hostile and somewhat skittish during the day. Hence his name.

Photo: none...

Story: Again, I can make one up.

Family in the clan: none...










Name: Silverpaw

Gender: male

Clan: Wind

Rank: Apprentice

Mate: same as Nighthowl and Emberstar.

Color: Silver with brown specks on his pelt and a brown stripe going straight along his back. Amber eyes.

Personalty: Sensitive, but is willing to stand up to someone else when he needs to.

Photo: none

Story: Same.

Family in the clan: none






Name: Pepperkit

Gender: male

Clan: Wind

Rank: Kit

Mate: none

Color: White with black and tan flakes and silver eyes.

Personalty: Mainly acts cool around others, but the midnight moon pulls something out of him that most others don't see. (He is blind... Usually an extreamly light color of eyes or a haze over eyes means that they are blind.)

Photo: none

Story: none

Family in the clan: none




Name: Foxlilly

Gender: female

Clan: wind

Rank: elder

Mate: none

Color: a deep red with white paws, nose, and tail. Also has light blue eyes.

Personalty: Always friendly to her clan mates, and even kits of other clans. She enjoys greatly telling kits stories.



Family in the clan: none



River Clan





Name: Swanstar

Gender: Female

Clan: River


Mate: none

Color:almost all white except for her muzzle and feet, which are black. Has a long coat of fur and a feathery tail.

Personalty: Always strict with the warrior code. Swanstar is not that upset about other cats fishing as long as they are not fishing on Riverclan territory. She is always polite to other clans. Swanstar seems relaxed, but is tough on crimes and keeps her clan organized. She is quick to anger.

Photo: None

Story:(later in RP)

Family in the clan: none




Medicine Cat
















None-Clan Cats


Name:Ice Shard



Rank:Rouge (former Thunder clan cat)


Color: solid White with one blue eye and one green

Personalty: Very disorderly,and aways picking fights, has a likeness for killing



Story:Ice shard left his clan because he did not want to follow the rules, he was never given his warrior name

so he gave himself the name Ice Shard and wants to make a clan of his own and reek havoc on all the clans.

Family in the clan: Mother White Star, Dad Silverstreak, and Aunt Darkeyes Aunt



Name: Silverstreak

Gender: Male

Clan: none

Rank: kittypet

Mate: none (past mate Whitestar)

Color:Pure black with shocking yellow eyes with ugly deep scars on his face






Personalty: Overprotective, sincere, confident, and quick to act

Story: Silverstreak born to Silverclaw and Blacktail. They died in the last battle against Shadow clan Now, Silverstreak dedicated himself to serving alongside Whitestar as the deputy of ThunderClan. However when he finds out that having a mate and family was to much responsibly he leaves ThunderClan and became a kitty-pet. He does not wish to harm the clans and just wants to be felt along.

Family in and outside the clan: His kits >> Thunder Bolt, Reed Claw, Moon Eyes, Snow Storm, Silver Tail and Icepaw



StarClans Cats (Good Cats that have died)


Snow Star/ Reed Tail/ Silverclaw/ Blacktail/



Dark Forest Cats ( Bad Cats that have died)







Your Cats Profile should look like this




Clan: (if your cat is a rouge or a loner put none)

Rank:Leader/ Deputy/ kit/Apprentice/Elder/Warrior/Queen/ Medicine Cat/Loner/Rouge/Kitty Pet

Mate: (if you don't have one put none)



Photo: (You don't have to have one)


Family in the clan: (if you have none put none)


VVVVVVVV Copy and past this one











Family in the clan:





Ok lets get this RP Started! Just Post your Cats Profile to Join! biggrin.gif

Edited by ZORAGON

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First off, all of the cat names and clan names shouldn't have spaces in them. That means that 'White Star', should be 'Whitestar', and 'Thunder Clan' should be 'ThunderClan'.


Also, you have the Warrior code a bit wrong. Here it is:

1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.


2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.


3. Elders, Queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.


4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.


5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.


6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.


7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.


8. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies or retires.


9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.


10. A Gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.


11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.


12. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.


13. The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.


14. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his/her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.


15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.

I will be posting more once you've fixed all of this.

Edited by Backup77

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I will take a look at this during the next few days. Please wait to post since I am looking at it now.

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Hey there, sorry about taking so long to get to this...


This story line is only for Thunderclan all the other clans may make there own story line as the RP progresses and I will post them here


You have the other clans listed though. If it is mainly for the Thunderclan, then you need to make sure it stays that way. It would help in making sure that people know what they are doing too.


Whitestar became the leader of Thunderclan after her mother Snowstar was killed in a great battle against Shadowclan along with her father Reedtail.


Whitestar became the leader of the Thunderclan after her mother, Snowstar, and her father, Reedtail, were killed in a great battle against the Shadowclan.


Many other cats were lost in that battle including Silverstreak's parents (Silverclaw and Blacktail) who White Star picked to be the deputy and later on her mate.


who White Star picked --> whom Whitestar had picked

the --> her

on --> on,


They fail deeply in love and had 7 kits but Whitestar had a hard time giving birth and lost a life and her 7th kit as well. But the other 6 were strong and healthy and later became fine warriors vv


fail --> fell

7--> seven

a--> her

and her 7th kit --> and the life of her seventh kit

6 --> six

vv --> (Not needed)







Moon Eyes








You don't need to list their names this way. Instead, do this:


But the other six were strong and healthy and became great warriors. Their names were Reedclaw, Mooneyes, Snowstorm and Silvertail.


but thats only 5....well the 6th one (Icepaw) was never given his warrior name, he had no respect for the warrior code and made it very clear. Icepaw left the clan in rage after his mother refused to give him his warrior name which he thought he rightly deserved. He now lives as rouge and has given himself the name Iceshard.


Kinda funky in the way that you worded things. Revise this paragraph here and exclude the phrase " but that's only 5..."


Instead, have it start with:


The final sixth kit, Icepaw, was never given his warrior name for he had no respect for the warrior code and nor did he want to have any respect for the code.


Also, how could his mother have given him his warrior name if she was dead?


His goal is to start his own clan and reek havoc on all the clans.


"Reek" is a fould smell. The word you are looking for is "wreak".


Apart from his leaving the clans Whitestar also has another problem, her mate Silverstreak has been spending less and less time in the clan. She must now find out what he's been doing. She and 3 of her kits are now on a search to find him.


Is Whitestar dead or alive? You said she lost her life, or were you talking about her seventh kit?


There are 4 clans Thunder, Shadow, Wind, and River each clan has there own ability


4--> four

clans --> clans:

each clan has there own ability --> Each clans has their own unique ability that they excel at.


. They normally eat Squirrels, birds, mice, shews and if there really fast maybe a nice fat rabbit! They are know


shews --> shrews

rabbit! --> rabbit.

know --> known


. They hunt Rats, Frogs, lizards mice, and sometimes even eat crow food from near by garbage cans They are the most feared of all the other clans and will go out of their way to start a fight, It is said that living and hunting in the darkness has made their hearts cold.


Rats, Frogs --> rats, frogs

near by --> nearby

cans --> cans.

fight, --> fights.


. Even though they are the lest welcoming of the clans they still obey the rules of the Warrior code and well help other cats of other clans if there is something in it for them.


lest --> least

Warrior code --> Warrior Code

well --> will


Can run very fast, faster then any other cats they use their speed to hunt for rabbits which they normally eat.


very fast, faster then --> faster than

they --> and they

which --> which is what



Are the only cats out of the 4 clans that know how to fish, Because of this they have food year around unless the lake fezzes in leaf bare, also they are don't have to worry about other cats steeling their foods. Their fur stays slick and shiny and are alway more plummy then the other cats.


4--> four

fish, --> fish.

fezzes --> freezes

bare, --> bare.

They also don't have to worry about other cats stealing their food.

alway more plummy --> always more plump


There is a place where cats can go to speak with Star Clan Called the "Moon Stream" Only Medicine cats, Leaders of the Clan, go to the Moon Stream normally. But every cat will go at lest one time in there life.


There is a place where the cats can go to speak with the Starclan called the Moon Stream. Only Medicine cats and Leaders can go to the Moon Stream in normal circumstances. However, every cat will be able to go the Moon Stream at least one time in their life.


About the Dark Forest This is where cats that are evil go when they die.


You need a bit more explanation.


I'll leave it at that for now and check the rest later that way you have time to get to it all. Sorry for not getting to this earlier.


~LL wub.gif

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Name: Snowpaw

Gender: F

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Apprentice

Mate: OPEN

Color: Pure white

Personalty: Kind

Photo: X

Story: She has been in shadowclan, until she ran away because she did not like her clan

Family in the clan: none


Name: Shadowslash

Gender: M

Clan: Shadowclan

Rank: Warrior

Mate: OPEN

Color: black

Personalty: Rough

Photo: X

Story: Born a kittypet, Shadowlsash ran away from home, hating all the pet-pets he was given

Family in the clan: None



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Each cat has a Rank the highest of these ranks is Leader The leader is the boss and what he/she saids is Law.


the --> and the

Leader --> Leader.

saids --> says


They are given 9 life's by Star Clan this enables them to live a long life and protect and care for their clan for many moons


9 life's --> nine lives

Star Clan --> the Star Clan

this -->which

and --> to


Once a leader has lost all 9 life's he/she will die and join Star Clan


9 life's --> nine lives


You need a period at the end of this sentence.


((sorry, but I have a few things I need to get done. I will add more tomorrow))



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I think you may have more characters than you can chew. I mean 9 characters is a lot of characters to keep up with. Just my suggestion, cut down the characters a little bit. >> <<

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The big problem with doing an overhaul is that the OP will more often than not miss something in the corrections. So I am still going to do this for ya, but it may take longer this way.


by Star Clan which enables them to live a long life to protect and care for their clan for many moons


the Star Clan (I am not sure about this, but shouldn't Star Clan be Starclan instead?)


A Leaders job is to protect the clan and make sure everyone is safe. Once a leader has lost all nine lives he/she will die and join Star Clan.


Leaders -- > Leader's

job --> job,

nine lives --> nine lives,


The Next Rank is Deputy Every Clan must have one they are picked by the Leader, if the leader should died then the Deputy will become the next leader.


The next rank is Deputy. Every clan must have a Deputy that is picked by the Leader. If the Leader dies, then the Deputy will have to become the next Leader.


They often get the hunting parties and the border Patrols together and will lead the clan when the Leader is not around to do so.


They --> Deputies

Patrols --> patrols


Medicine Cats A clan could not survive without one They are not fighters although they are trained the basis fighting skills.


Medicine Cats are the core of the clan especially since a clan cannot survive without one. They may not be fighters, but they are trained in the very basics of combat to make sure that they have a way to defend themselves.


They know how to heal and cure sickness by using plants and herbs and berries. They interpret dreams sent by Starclan. But being a Medicine cat has its down falls too they are not allowed to have mates or have kits if they brake this rule they will have to step down as soon as another medicine cat can be found.


They know how to heal wounds and cure sicknesses by using various plants, herbs and berries. Medicine Cats are also the cats called upon to interpret the dreams given to others from the Starclan.


down falls too they --> downfalls as well. They

kits if --> kits and if

brake --> break


Queens These are female cats that take on a mate and have kits during this time they are known as Queens and stay in the nursery until their kits are old enough to become apprentices. They are a important part of the clan because they keep the clan growing stronger. After that they will go back to their normal duties as being a Warrior/Leader/or Deputy.


During the time of pregnancy and nursing kits, female cats who choose to take on a mate and have kits are called Queens. Queens and their kits stay in the nursery until the kits are old enough to be apprentices. After their kits have been apprenticed, the Queen will go back to their duties as a Warrior/Leader or Deputy. They are an important part of the clan because they help grow the clan to larger numbers.


Warriors These are the cats that fight, hunt, and protect the clan. They are trained for battle and to hunt accordingly to what clan they belong to.


You hardly have any description about Warriors. They are a pretty key part of the Clans and they need a bit more explanation. Like, what about their honor system or their Warrior Code? How about apprentices. When are they allowed to have them? What are the distinctions that make the training of Warriors different between each clan?


Warriors These --> Warriors


Apprentices are cats that are 6 Moons old they are trained to be warriors unless they want to be a medicine cat. An experienced warrior in the clan will train these young cats to be warriors.


6 Moons --> six moons

they --> and

warriors --> Warriors

medicine cat --> Medicine Cat

warrior --> Warrior

warriors --> Warriors


Kits these are baby kittens that are not yet 6 moons of age.They are not allowed to hunt or fight in battles nor are they allowed to leave the safety of the clan if they do they should be punished by their mothers or by the leader of the clan.


Kits these are baby kittens --> Kits are kittens

6 --> six

.They --> . They

clan if --> clan. If

do --> do,

leader --> leader


Elders These are the older cats of the clan in their time they where great and powerful warriors and served their clan well but now are too old to do normal clan duties. They are well cared for by the clan. Other members hunt for them and bring them water in moss to drank. They no longer fight in battles unless they have too.


Elders These --> Elders

clan in --> clan who, in

time they where --> time, were

and --> that

drank --> drink

too --> to


Cat Swear Words and insults


insults --> Insults


Thunder Path: Road or High Way


High Way --> highway


Medicine Cat Herbs: (You can skip this if your not going to be a Medicine cat, the list will always be here if you need to study it)


You need to press (Enter) after Herbs and delete the colon.


your --> you're

cat --> Cat


Adder barrack – Toothache


barrack --> Barrack


Helps strengthen the heart & lungs; increases circulation

& --> and


Leaves and Roots should be consumed to stave off fevers.


Roots --> roots


Bramble twigs


twigs --> Twigs


Used to relieve joint pains (like arthritis)Good for rat bites and infected wounds.


(like arthritis)Good --> , like arthritis. Good


Generally only used with wounds that risk bleeding heavily as they can cause increased risk of infection.


As what can cause increased risk of infection? the catnip or the wound?


Used to strenghten weak eyes.


strenghten --> strengthen


Used to relax, leaves and flowers sooths heart & gives physical strength.


relax, --> relax;

sooths --> soothes

&--> and


Comfrey - Used to help cure for broken bones


cure for --> mend


- Berries, or any other part of the plant, when consumed will kill the cat who swallows if they are not given immediate help, and even then they may not always be saved.


Berries that,

if --> it. If

, and even then they may not always be saved --> they cat will surely die. But even if help is given, the cat may or may not survive.


Echinacia - Used to ease infection.


Echinacia --> Echinacea


Ferns – Helps to clean out wounds by just the inside part after “crunching” off the outer “shells.”

Feverfew - Small bush with flowers like a daisy. The leaves can be eaten to reduce body temperature, especially cats with fever or chills. Also can heal aches and headaches.


Ferns - Help to clean out wounds by crushing the outer shell off and using the inside to clean the wound.


Feverfew - A small bush with flowers that look like daisies. The leaves can be eaten to reduce body heat like that of a fever or chills. It can also alleviate aches and headaches.


Juniper berries - Good for belly ache and whitecough. Berries ease the stomach and can serve as a counter poison. Leaves are used to ease coughs and other respiratory problems.


berries --> Berries

whitecough --> Whitecough


Leaves & flowers are particularly good when eaten for easing pains in head and throat, and good for a chill.


& -- and


Marigold - Leaves and Flowers should be consumed to relieve chills. Leaves and Petals can be chewed and placed on wounds to prevent infection.


Flowers --> flowers

Petals --> petals


Poppy (wild) - Seeds can be consumed to remove pain and aid is sleep. Flower heads should be consumed together to relive continuous coughs. Petals and Leaves should be chewed to aid in sleep and improve resting.


is --> in

Leaves --> leaves


Sacred bark – Used for upset stomach.


bark --> Bark


Tansy - Leaves, flowers, and Stems should be eaten together to remove worms


Stems --> stems


Thyme - Should be consumed to calm the anxious cat, or to aid in brining restful sleep.


brining --> bringing


Water mint - Used to cure bellyache


mint --> Mint


Fox: Rarely Eats Cats But Will Kill Them

Rarely eats cats, but will kill them.


Badger: A Black And White Animal that has very sharp Claws/teeth and very strong jaws Will kill and eat Cats and Kits.


A black and white animal




jaws. Will kill and eat cats/Kits.


Dogs: Will Kill Cats but Wont Eat them


Will kill cats but won't eat them.


Hawks/Owls: Will kill and eat small kits if they can


kits --> Kits


Besides the Clan cats there are the following


following --> following:


Alright, correct that, and I will do the last section. Remember, tomorrow is my last day of slight hiatus so I will be able to get to things quickly. Thanks for being patient.

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Name: Moonkit

Gender: Female

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Kit

Mate: None

Color: Black with White on the tips of her ears and tail and also on her belly.

Personalty: Moonkit is always honest, unless she is told to keep a secret. Moonkit likes her clan very much and wants to be a Medicine Cat when she grows up.

Photo: None

Story: She used to be a kitty pet, but she was just taking a walk with her owner, but a dog was chasing her, she lost it, though she got lost and found Thunderclan.

Family in the clan: none

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Name: DarkStar

Gender: Female

Clan: ShadowClan

Rank: Leader

Mate: None

Color: Dark Chocolate Brown With A Light Brown Tail Tip And Light Brown Paws. She Has White Claws. She Is Very Slender. Also She Is A Large Cat Who Is Very Agile

Personalty: Very ShadowClannish. She is hostile to strangers but loving to clanmates

Photo: none

Story: She was bornand raised a true shadowclanner

Family in the clan: none, here mom and dad are both dead and she was the only kit out of their only litter

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Cats that live with humans if you see one on your territory you should just run it off, Kitty Pets are very afraid of wild cats and are normally no threat to the clans.


cats -> These are cats

humans if -> humans: if

off, Kitty ->off since kitty pets


These are cats that "may have" been part of a clan at one time but were casted out or went on their own free will.


went on -> left of


They often Steal pray from the other clans and can case trouble


Steal -> steal

case -> cause


They may live in small groups but pay little or no heed to the Warrior Code If you see one on your territory you may have to fight them off.


Code If -> Code. If


These are cats that live by themselves but still may take food from humans they may or may not be a threat, and sometimes they may even try to join a clan and may be taken in if the leader of the Clan allows it.


humans they -> humans. They


Once A Month all 4 clans will meet at the "Meeting Place" there the 4 leaders will talk about what's been going on in the clans.


A Month -> a month

4 -> four

there -> where

4 -> four


Cats will be there from all 4 clans and there is to be No Fighting during this time or Star Clan will become angry.


4 -> four


No Fighting -> NO FIGHTING


Kits> Their names must have something to do with nature and must always have the word "Kit" at the end of their name


EXAMPLE: Roeskit NightKit Rainkit Rockkit Shadowkit, Moonkit, Foxkit



Kit -> kit

Rosekit, Nightkit, Rockkit,


Apprentices> The same rules are applied here once a Kit is old enough to be made a apprentice instead of the word Kit at the end of there name it will change to "Paw"


EXAMPLE: Roespaw Nightpaw Rainpaw Rockpaw Shadowpaw Moonpaw Foxpaw


Apprenctices > -> Apprenctices:

a apprentice -> an apprentice

instead -> . Instead

Kit -> "kit"

there -> their

"Paw" -> "paw"


Warriors> Same rules are applied When an Apprentice has earned his or her warriors name the word "Paw" will be replaced with another word


EXAMPLE: Roesnoes/ Nightwing/ Rainclaw/ Rocktooth/ Shadowbird/ Moonlight/ Fox tail


Warriors> -> Warrriors

When -> when

name the word "Paw" -> name. The word "paw"

word -> word.

Roesnoes -> Rosenose

Fox tail -> Foxtail


Leader> If a cat becomes the leader of a clan the last part of their name will change to Star


EXAMPLE: Roesstar/


Leader> -> Leader:

Star -> "star".

Roesstar -> Rosestar


Other cats names


cats names -> Cats Names:


Failure to follow these rule will mean Removal from the RP

rule -> rules

Removal -> removal


Anyone May Join But You must Post here at lest Once a Week


Anyone may join but you must post here at least once a week.


You may not control more then 10 cats at a time


then -> than


Your Cat can not have powers, such as Flying, Fire, metal claws etc


Your cat can not have powers such as flying, fire, metal claws, ect.


Looking good ZORAGON smile.gif

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Some of you may have read some of the Warriors books and even if you have not you may still join this RP if you like/love cats

You DON'T have to read all this if you don't want too just skip down to the Rules


Periods at the end of these sentences.


The Story Line of Thunderclan


Thunderclan -> ThunderClan


This story line is only for ThunderClan




all the other clans may make there own story line as the RP progresses and I will post them here.)


there -> their


May I make a suggestion? I have seen a lot of Warrior Cats RP's and all of them are about one specific clan, and then they have the extra clans there as well. It spreads the RP pretty thin if you do that especially if you don't have a high population of people that are wanting to RP. if you make it for just one clan, the ThunderClan in your case, then it allows people to focus on the main plot instead of trying to create their own.


. They fell deeply in love and had seven kits but Whitestar had a hard time giving birth and lost a life and her seventh kit as was born dead because of it. But the other six were strong and healthy and became great warriors. Their names are Reedclaw, Mooneyes, Snowstorm and Silvertail.


You need to reword the sentence that talks about the lost life. It makes it sound like she herself died.

And you only have four names for the kits, when there should be five.


The final sixth kit, Icepaw, was never given his warrior name for he had no respect for the warrior code and made it very clear


Take out either final, or sixth.

it -> that


Apart from his leaving the clans Whitestar also has another problem, her mate Silverstreak has been spending less and less time in the clan. She must now find out what he's been doing. She and 3 of her kits are now on a search to find him.


clans Whitestar -> clans, Whitestar

3 -> three


Although they are fast they are not that good when it comes to fighting but even so they are not afraid to die and will give their life fighting to protect their clan.


fast they -> fast, they

fighting but even so -> fighting. But even so,


Are the only cats out of the fore clans that know how to fish 


fore -> four


They also they are don't have to worry about other cats steeling their foods. Their fur stays slick and shiny and are alway more always more plump then the other cats.


They also


they are always


About the Dark Forest

Colon after "Forest"


. Evil blood trusty cats lurk in this dark forest.


trusty -> thirsty


. They like Starclan can also walk in cats dreams to try and lead them into the dark side.


like Starclan -> , like StarClan,


I am going to stop there, because most of these, in fact probably all of these, are corrections that I have already stated before. Please go back through my previous corrections and go through them VERY carefully.



~LL wub.gif

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Holidays are always rough. Please be very patient because some of us have heavy holiday schedules. Now that the holidays are over, I am looking this over to make sure that things are taken care of.

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You DON'T have to read all this if you don't want too just skip down to the Rules.


too -->to


. They fell deeply in love and had seven kits but Whitestar had a hard time giving birth and her seventh kit as was born dead because of it.


was still born ((that means that the kit was born dead.))


Apart from his leaving the clans, Whitestar also has another problem, her mate Silverstreak has been spending less and less time in the clan.


Put a colon where the comma is.


She and three of her kits are now on a search to find him.


Which three kits? And are the kits that are still in the ThunderClan NPC's?




This part was actually pretty clean. Fix these last few things and we'll go on to the next section smile.gif

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There is a place where the cats can go to speak with Starclan called the Moon Stream.




About the Dark "Forest"


You need a colon after "Forest".


Once a leader has lost all nine lives, he/she will die and join Star Clan.


No space between Star and Clan


They they are not allowed to have mates or have kits and if they break this rule they will have to step down as soon as another medicine cat can be found.


Repeat of 'they'.


QueensDuring the time of pregnancy and nursing kits, female cats who choose to take on a mate and have kits are called Queens


Remove Queens at the beginning wink.gif


Warriors Warriors are cats who have proven themselves through fighting, hunting, and protect the clan.


Kits are kittens that are not yet six moons of age.


Elders Elders are the older cats of the clan who, in their time, were great and powerful Warriors that served their clan well but now are too old to do normal clan duties.


Delete the repeated words at the beginning of the sentence. As in just keep one of each.


There's that section! You are really doing well ZORAGON smile.gif



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There's only one thing in the next section:


"Kitty pet" (When a Warrior cat is called this it is a insult) (all clans)


a needs to be 'an'.


I have a question about the herbs, how about you give a link to the site where it has all the herbs instead of spelling all of them out? I tiwll help you a lot in not having to make a ton of correcdtions and give you more room to store character sheets.

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I'm done making that correction, and I would like to keep the list of herbs here.

I looked back over it myself twice and made some corrections and adjustments so there should be little if any mistakes for that part wink.gif

Edited by ZORAGON

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First off, thank you for going through it before I did corrections. Not only does it look really good, but I am starting to have trouble finding any mistakes!



Roots & leaves may be chewed together and applied to sore places, but must NEVER be applied to open wounds.




Ferns - Help to clean wounds


Ferns - Helps clean out wounds


Poppy - Seeds can be consumed to remove pain and aid is sleep. Flower heads should be consumed together to relive continuous coughs. Petals and leaves should be chewed to aid in sleep and improve resting.






Thyme - Should be consumed to calm a anxious cat, or to aid in bringing restful sleep.




And make sure that you put a period at the end of each sentence. In the very begining of the list you don't have periods at the end of your descriptions when you do need that. So just run through it and make sure that you have them.


Fox:Rarely eats cats, but will kill them.


Put a space between the colon and 'Rarely'.


Badger:A black and white animal that has very sharp claws/teeth and very strong jaws. Will kill and eat Cats/Kits.


space between the colon and 'A'. Instead of using slashes, use the word 'and'.


Hawks/Owls: Will kill and eat small Kits if they can


Instead of a slash, use the word 'and' and put a period at the end of the sentence.



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Kitty Pets: These are cats that live with humans: if you see one on your territory you should just run it off since kitty pets are very afraid of wild cats and are normally no threat to the clans.


Capitalize the 'i' in 'if'.


Rouges: These are cats that "may have" been part of a clan at one time but were casted out or left of their own free will. They often steal pray from the other clans and can cause trouble.


casted -> cast

pray -> prey


(Pray is to pray, like a prayer, and then prey is the actual victim of a predator)





EXAMPLE: Roeskit Nightkit, Rainkit, Rockkit, Shadowkit, Moonkit, Foxkit.


EXAMPLE: Roespaw, Nightpaw, Rainpaw, Rockpaw, Shadowpaw, Moonpaw, Foxpaw.


EXAMPLE: Rosenose/ Nightwing/ Rainclaw/ Rocktooth/ Shadowbird/ Moonlight/ Fox tail


EXAMPLE: Rosestar/ Nightstar/ Rainstar/ Rockstar/ Shadowstar/ Moonstar/ Foxstar


In each of the examples, you misspelled "Rose" so they should be as follows; Rosekit, Rosepaw, Rosenose, and Rosestar


Other Cats Names:: If your cat is a Kittypet/Rouge/ or Loner then the rules above do not

apply and you can name your cat whatever you like.


Delete the second colon.


Did you copy the warrior code from wikipedia?


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