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went into the videogames section to find a league thread and i was not disappointed


happy snowdown everyone! (rip my wallet though)

Happy Snowdown!

I'm scraping up every quater I have to hopefully get some RP for skins.

These Legacy skins will be the death of me.

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Got a skin through Mystery Gift that I really wanted, and when I gifted back to the person, they got one they really wanted too. Good luck all around biggrin.gif

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When you could give yourself mystery skins, I bought one and got Warlord Shen. Than I gifted a friend another mystery skin, and he got pre-void kass.

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Popstar Ahri though... c:

I want to get officer Caitlyn/resistance Caitlyn and like all of the Ashe skins laugh.gif

Edited by Dauntingale

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popstar ahri is such a great ahri skin!! i love the ingame model too. i can never decide between foxfire and popstar during champion select since i have both, haha


officer caitlyn is also a very nice skin! i would have gotten it but i was short on rp and just picked up arctic warfare instead. and since mystery skins hate me i also have two ashe skins (queen and sherwood forest) and neither of them are the ashe skin i actually like (amethyst)


i have such terrible luck haha

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18/5/9 as Yasuo.


One pentakill as well, my first!

But he is no longer free to play, so back to being Udyr in jungle instead.


I hate being broke xd.png

Edited by Enderkid

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Yay! League of Legends players <3 Tis hard to find other people who play. I try to practice everything all around, though recently I have been working to improve my jungle game. My favorite support to use is Taric. My current favorite midder is either Annie or Yasuo. Top I love Garen though recently bought Singed and haven't really used him much. For ADC, I will use whatever I feel like that day tongue.gif I really love them all equally (though I think Kog'Maw is kinda cute in his own fashion xd.png) I am awaiting the ranked reset, then I will go back to playing it. Though if the quality of player is no better than what I dealt with last season, I have little hope I will ever get out of Bronze 5 again. I don't really have anyone I play with regularly, maybe if I managed to get in to a ranked team it would be easier ^^

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Gonna bump this a bit, since I play LoL a good bit on the weekends. I main support!


If people want a friend for ARAMs or Normals (not Ranked, I prefer to do Ranked solo), you can add me =) My username is Katzyn there, too~ But please send me a PM to let me know who you are happy.gif

Edited by Katzyn

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I've been playing this game for almost a year now but I still suck at it. >.< I usually use Ashe, Caitlyn and Wukong. I pretty much suck in close ranged combats. rolleyes.gif My bf can play most of the champions but he often use Leona and Thresh and is currently a Gold IV. Whenever I spectate his games, it's always intense. xd.png I don't think I'd be able to play a rank game at all. dry.gif

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Riot doesn't want me winning any games lately. ;_;

I keep getting on long winning streaks, then a good four in a row losing streak, to maybe winning a few games.

But oh well. I've got fun friends to play with. ~

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I bought Janna recently. It was a waste, I really don't like her, ugh, she would be way more fun if her Q had a shorter casting time. Time to keep saving for Ahri... ;_; I'm so poor.

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I just made an account and am downloading it right now biggrin.gif But someone is already polaristar ( sad.gif ), so I'm PolarArcher.

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So if anyone if you is playing League on a server different than EUW try these skincodes, they should work for all servers except EUW smile.gif







Good luck smile.gif

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Oh dude LoL is one of my favorite things in life. I mained Soraka when I started, now I main Blitz. I usually play support for my friend. We have a Blitz/Jinx combo that is completely and utterly unreasonable. If not Blitz or Soraka, it's Lux as support or Sivir as adc.


Trying to learn how to play Nasus, just to get some experience in other lanes. I'm not that bad, I just need to work on balancing between farming and shooing away my opponent lol


Anybody figure out how to properly build and work Braum yet?

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I heard of this, but don't play it. I play Dota 2. Feel free to enlighten me.

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I haven't been able to play LoL since before Christmas... There's something wrong with my laptop, it can't connect to Maestro :I

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So boop, sorta bump here I guess


I started a fews days ago and have become a bit addicted, just a bit (I've barely slept since I started...)


Maining as support Lux, doing okayish (best games are ~12/2/3 and 2/1/15, most games are 1/3/5ish)


Still pretty new obvs, anyone here a lot more experienced want to give some tips?

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Recently obtained Azir


He is so good right now. But instead of Mid Lane Maye, I play top Tank with him. His harass is incredibly strong, able to poke people down into their turret, from your turret biggrin.gif


If you ever get depressed about your score in a regular game, play bots and you'll feel a lot better after lol. Nothing like a 37/1/1 Game as Yasuo to cheer you up tongue.gif


Add me too, my main account is Platninum Division 3(Plat 3) and my other account is level 27.


My main is kinda full Atm, but my other isn't so add Enderbornslayer lol tongue.gif

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I have not had much practice with Azir yet, my friends all want to play him too so we try to take turns (I rarely solo queue) but what little time I have played him he has been mega fun. Ranged characters up top are entertaining, nothing like harassing a Renekton as Quinn smile.gif

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I played lol a lot, but the community is just horrible. And when you get higher its getting even worse. I got to plat 1 last season and best games for me were in silver. People played there for fun. In plat everybody blamed others for their mistakes. It was tiring. Guess not everybody is treating lol as they should: as a video game.

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I have begun playing almost exclusively ARAM. I'm good at adapting to new champs, so it's really quite fun. Anivia being free last week tho. She's so good in ARAM <3

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Oh lord, Weaville plays League.


Well, I've been playing League since Season Two... around the start of season Two. However, I went inactive for at least half a year, because of which I was away until around the second season came to an end. I'm playing once again now, though lately I've lost interest.


My most preferred champions are Thresh, Udyr, Lee, Vayne and Yasuo. With Thresh I am sure I can take down even a Morgana in lane, as long as my ADC knows what he's doing. I play him aggressive, especially if the support is passive, like Sona or Soraka. However, I can beat practically any support and ADC combo if they don't play either under turret or are behind the minions and drop harass on me constantly. Udyr is my favourite jungler, but I usually have to pick Lee or Volibear since the team either doesn't approve of me farming off my Feral Flare until around 15-th minute or needs a tank. If I play an ADC, I prefer going with Ezreal, but my ability to trade early and then crush late game with Vayne probably makes me better with her. Lastly, Yasuo is a really fun champ, as you are quite mobile and still have damage with a minimal loss.


I'm currently willing to buy Azir after he drops to 6300, since he seems like an extremely funny mage/support. However, I'll probably play him a tanky AP instead, with Rylai's and Twin Shadows for maximum control over my enemies.

Edited by KuroKishi

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Was the avatar not your first clue? owo I've been playing three or four weeks?


If we're insisting on Summoner's Rift (and again, I prefer ARAM) then I'll usually be Sivir or Lux (support preferably, but ARAM has made me like mid a bit more so I can do that too now) I'm also trying to learn to Vladimir, just because he's awesome. And of course saving for Anivia

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