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Warriors: Legend of the Ice Warrior

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Dappleheart smiled down at Fallenpaw. She would train her well. Her mentor used to be Icebelly, a beautiful black and white she cat with icy blue eyes. Icebelly taught her patience and selflessness. "So what do you want to do first?" she purred, tilting her head. Whitepaw came up to them and she pressed her nose against Fallenpaw. "Jetstrike was gonna take me hunting." she mewed. "Do you want to come?" Silverpelt padded up to Featherpaw and pressed her nose to Featherpaw.

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((Oh he does? Haha, I don't know who they are then.))


Wolfpaw quivered with excitement. He looked up at Silentnight. She really was mute. He wondered how they would be able to train, but shrugged. That meant get would be better than the others, because he would know exactly how to read silent signals and motions! "What do you want to do?" He asked, watching her carefully to read her signs.


Howlingstar touched his nose to Charmedpaw, who quivered with excitement. "Can we go train? Hunt?" She asked. Howlingstar shook his head. "No, we will give them the training clearing for now. And I want to show you something before I teach you to hunt." He turned to leave, and she followed behind. He padded quickly through the forest, making Charmedpaw have to trot alongside, panting. To her relief they stopped, beside a large Chestnut tree, its roots thick with moss. Howlingstar padded up to it, outstretched a paw, and unsheathing his claws as far as they could go, and sliced down, bring up a paw full of green moss. Charmedpaw stared. Moss gathering? On her first day as an apprentice! Everyone else was out training and getting better at it than her, and she was here gathering moss. "This will teach you more than how to pick moss properly. " he said, sensing her disappointment. "It will teach you how to make clean blows to prey, and in battle, perfectly placed attacks. Try it." Brighter now, she did just that, stretching her claws out until they hurt, and bringing it down fast, hooked it toward her, and brought up a pawful of moss.

Soon, they each had a ball of moss to carry, and padded back to camp. Charmedpaws paws ached, but she didn't care. She was actually learning something, so it was enjoyable. She set the moss down outside the medicine den, and waited for Howlingstar.

Edited by CharmedWolf

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Featherpaw stared at Silverpelt for a moment. She was and apprentice! Whoa! She couldn't wait to get on with her training. "What do you want to do, Silverpelt? She asked earnestly.

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((Uh, Charmed, you said Webpaw twice. You never did Jaypaw. So let's pretend you gave Jaypaw Crowpath, because, well you gave Webpaw Falconwing!


Jaypaw quickly located his mentor, and padded up to him. "What should we do, Crowpath?" He hoped Crowpath stll liked him, after what happened with Webpaw.

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((Oh oops. So many kittens! biggrin.gif ))


Charmedpaws claws ached. She looked up hopefully at Howlingstar, hoping that they could do something. Howlingstar returned the gaze, and said, "I think you've earned it. Lets go hunting." Barley able to conceal her excitement, they headed out to the woods. "Can we up the mountain?" She said in a loud whisper. "No, you're still not ready. Now shush!" He snapped as he spotted a thrush hopping along the ground, oblivious to the impending danger. He instantly dropped to a hunters crouch, and crept slowly forward, making sure he was downwind of his prey. He was a few tail lengths away, but with IceClans naturally strong legs, he leaped he distance, killing the prey before it even had a chance to lift its wings. Charmedpaw was impressed. He dropped it and scraped some soil over the body. "Okay, this is called the hunters crouch." He bent down, lower than a snakes belly, and his tail was letter so it wouldn't disturb any leaves. "Now you try." He said, but she had already copies his position. "Good! Now, if my nose tells me right, a shrew is just around that swath of ferns." He pointed to his right side. She nodded and crept slowly over, her tail just above the ground. As quiet as she could, she stalked around the ferns, and spotted it. It was plump and nibbling on some walnuts and acorns. She gathered her feet under her haunches, and leaped, using her strong back legs. She jumped a bit short, and it darted off, but she spun around and clamped a quick paw over it, hooking a claw and killing it.

Howlingstar reappeared, his eyes shining with pride. "You're a natural!" He declared. "Your first try, and you caught one!" Charmedpaws face flushed. "See, collecting the moss did help, eh?" She nodded, and replied. "It helped me train my paws to move faster, that's how I caught this. I missed the first time, but my claws were to quick for it!" She was delighted. "You'll build power in your legs when we venture to the mountain. It could have been cleaner, but you did great." He picked up his thrush and she did the same with her shrew, and they headed home. Her mouth watered with the scent of the fresh, warm prey, and when they arrived to camp, she seemed out Spootedpath. When she found her, she squealed happily as she set the shrew at her paws. "I caught this, all on my own!" She said. "Howlingstar taught me so well already. He said it could have been cleaner, but it was my very first try! Its all for you, too." She nudged it close to the brown dappled she cat.

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Silentnight dropped into a hunter's crouch and pointed her tail towards Jetstrike, hoping the meaning was clear. She trotted to her brother and sat next to him, beconing Wolfpaw over with her tail.


Fallenpaw nodded at Whitepaw. "Ya! Lets go hunting!" she told Dappleheart. Before her menor even replied, she scurried away to Jetstrike, bouncing happily. "We are going hunting with you!" she told Jetstrike, just to let him know.


Jetstrike sighed and gathered the rest of the patrol. "Okay, we don't have all day, lets get doing." he said walking out of camp expecting the rest to come after him.


"Wow!" Spottedpath said proudly. "On your first try? Thats amazing!" she told the kit. "Thank you!" Spottedpath told her gulping down the prey. "You'll be a great hunter, Charmedpaw!" she said, excited for the apprentice.

Edited by Laurarockstar

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Wolfpaw nodded eagerly and bounced after Silentnight. He gazed at Charmedpaw for a moment, but she looked tired. He wished they could have hunted together, but shrugged. He forced his paws to stay quiet as he followed Jetstike, but he pressed closer to Silentnight, the cold starting seep through his fur; he still had clumps of kitten soft fur that he had yet to shed. He breathed in the deep scents of the forest.


Charmedpaws eyes met Wolfpaws for a moment, but going into the forest again sounding exhausting right now. She was still proud though, she had fed her clan. Howlingstar came up and said, "Rest in camp for awhile. There a Gathering tonight, and I want you to come. In fact, all the new apprentices are to come. He gazed around for a moment. "Other than you all, I want Spottedpath, Mousetalon if hes about before we leave, Dappleheart, Crowpath, Ebonyleaf, Silentnight, Silverfrost, Silverpelt, Whiepaw, and Horsegallop. Jetstrike, Fireheart, and Smalloak, Falconwing, and Hawkheart shall stay here to guard camp. They are strong warriors."


((Gah, I named all those cats by memory. If I left a cat out, let me know.))

Edited by CharmedWolf

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Horsegallop smiled. "Finally!" He said. "It's been the longest time since I've been to a Gathering, I was surprised he picked an ol' cat like me." Horsegallop rasped. "I wonder what non-sense the other clan'll be gossiping about, this time." He padded up to Lightningstar. "Er, can I talk to you?" He lead him to a corner. "I think I should mentor Jaypaw. I'm blind in one eye, and I could teach Jaypaw so much!" He glanced over at Jaypaw. "Besides, I haven't had an apprentice in forever!" He sat down now, and curled his half eaten tail around his paws.


Jaypaw knew where Crowpath's face was. He stared hopefully into his eyes, waiting.

Edited by mrmcafee

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((I think you mean Howlingstar, not Lightningstar.))


Howlingstar thought for a moment. "I really don't know what to do with him, or Fallenpaw." He said, voicing his fears for the first time. "There have been a few blind cats born as I've been leader, and everyone of them have been killed by our mountain." He sighed. "Maybe Jaypaw could be apprenticed by Spottedpath, for now atleast? It will give me time to think about what to do with him, and it would give Spottedpath some experience. But then, Fallenpaw..." he stated blankly into the sky. "I just don't know what to do. Even if he did train with you, get would never be able to fight. Maybe, if hes lucky he could catch prey, but never could he be in the thick of bloodshed. I just couldn't and wouldn't allow him to be slaughtered."

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Crowpath looked at Jaypaw. "We'll start training tomorrow morning." he said, flicking his tail. His voice was gruff, though it didn't mean that he was angry. "Howlingstar said that you will be going to the Gathering and I don't want you to be tired." Webpaw bounced and walked circles around Jaypaw. "Oh joy!" he said to his new friend. "We get to go to a Gathering!" Dappleheart approached Howlingstar. The tortiseshell had a worried look on her eyes. "Howlingstar," she mewed. "Are you sure you won't need me?"

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(( Once Jetstrikes patrol returns and Howlingstar and Horsegallop finish talking, then we will. So, if your cat is at camp keep them there for now please, so we can get on to the gathering.))

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Whitepaw walked over to Jetstrike, her slender form rippling. She was actually going to be a warrior one or two moons from now, and she was going to prove herself. The black she cat with the single white paw looked up at Jetstrike, Silentnight, and the rest with dashing eyes.

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((Oh my, I'm sorry! Names get jumbled in my head! ninja.gif ))


Jaypaw felt the breeze of Webpaw nip as his face. "Yeah, it's great!"


Horsegallop took a step back. He felt rather taken aback. "Well, I can fight just fine, Howlingstar." He mewed. "But Jaypaw is strong, you wanna know why? It's because he can feel things in a different way. He rubs his paws on the ground to feel movements. He knows everything I cat is going to do, or what it is doing. I've seen him in action, he won't get sloughtered so easily, or, as easily as you might think."

Edited by mrmcafee

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Howlingstar sighed. He shook his head. "But Horsegallop, you have sight, in one eye atleast. Really, can you imagine a blind cat in the mist of battle? I understand he gets on his way fine, but StormClan cats have no mercy in battle. He would fail to spot a cougar in the trees, where they leave no scent trail to find them by." His voice shook, as if he was imagining the dangers upon Jaypaw now. "Look, you've lost half your tail in battle, and could even see. I know I sound harsh, Horsegallop, and I respect you as a senior warrior, but you know truth is weaved in my words. Just... give me some time to think about him, okay?" He stated into the redwood trees for a few long moments, lost in thought.



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Horsegallop growled. "It's only because of the medicine cat that I can see with one eye! But I won't argue, just give me a chance to teach him."


Jaypaw's heart fell. "Okay,"

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Jetstrike sniffed the air. "Do you smell that?" he asked Whitepaw, hoping she would smell vole. The bushes then rustled and it was obvious.


Fallenpaw scoffed quitely, ANYONE could smell that. She moved away from the group as she smelt a squirrel. Fallenpaw heard it's soft scuffeling as it searched for food. She felt the ground moving, and created an image in her mind. She pounced but the creature was long gone.

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Whitepaw looked up at Jetstrike when he asked if she could smell. She scented the air, and nodded. She ducked down and prowled toward the vole, pouncing and killing it with a bite to the neck. She padded back with her tail high, laying the vole down and looking up at him.

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"Good job," Jetstike praised Whitepaw. "But one problem, if after you get one catch you go stomping through the forest, you'll scare away all the rest of the prey," he said, amusment glittering in his eyes. His tail shivered as he countinued on leading the patrol. After a little bit, he caught a scrawny mouse. jetstrike felt embaressed his apprentice caught a better prey then him.


Fallenpaw stumbled after the patrol, face hot and paws cold. Her toes where going numb and Fallenpaw bumbed into a mind of snow, soaking her through and through. Now, Fallenpaw was shaking more and stopped to rst from time to time. Later, she practically stepped on a wounded bird and killed it with a swift bite. She piked it up and felt proud, even though it wasn't a real catch.

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Whitepaw nodded at Jetstrike and followed him. As she saw him stalk a small mouse, she went off and prowled after a squirrel. She did attempt to catch it, but it ran off. As she padded back silently to Jetstrike, she found it near her. She immediately killed the skinny squirrel and looked at Jetstrike. "The prey's all skinny." she said, frowning.

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((See my answer by the OOC))


Jaypaw felt energy in his paws. Why couldn't he train now! He walked up to Horsegallop. "Can you take me out?"

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Silentnight turned to Wolfkit. She pricked her ears, as in signaling for him to listen to the sounds of the mountains.


Fallenpaw silently hissed as she smelt prey all around her. She HAD to catch something, something really! Fallenpaw sniffed the air, to smell nothing. Then, the rich smell of a healthy snow hare enveloped her. There weren't to many around, and she had to get it. Fellenpaw slowly followed the scent trail, consentraiting hard. The wind was blowing in her favor and she new exactly were the rabbit was. She ponuced for it, but her calculations wre off and she hit it's tail. It turned to run, but now Fallenpaw had it by the tail. She killed it and pride welled up in her chest. Yes! Yes! Maybe she COULD help her clan! Fallenpaw padded back to her clanmates, the rabbit and bird weighing her down.


Jetstrike nodded in agreement, thanking Starclan that Whitepaw wasn't thinking to higly of herslef. He looked around to see almost everyone had a catch. It started to darken and soon would be freezing out. Plus, it was time for the gatehring. "Lets get heading back!" he said turning around.

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