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Warfare of the Salizdorian Races

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He nodded at the scary elf, Talon, but he was already speaking to the others.

Arren was still shaken from being confronted so forwardly, or aggressively, by the other elf. His shoulders were still tense and his back was hunched over. He didn't think he was thin. It had been awhile since he'd eaten properly, but Arren was sure that he still looked the same as when he left home.

His hand went over to his stomach and was surprised to find that it was actually caved in a bit from hunger. As if it were right on cue, his stomach growled loudly, but he decided to ignore it. He saw the other elves and some humans, but decided to remain silent. In his mind, he was actually somewhat worried. There was nothing that he could really find about himself that would be considered helpful to this group of people.

As he thought, he observed the others and watched what they did, too frightened to speak since the scary one threatened him.

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Akari turned to the small elf and heard his stomach growl. "Oh! Are you hungry? Here, let me find you something to eat." She rummaged through their supplies and pulled out a loaf of banana bread. "Here." She handed him the small package. Talon looked at her with a "WHAT??" expression. Banana bread was his favorite. Oops.

Edited by athania

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((I accept your charrie, colourcodedchaos. Feel free to start RPing at any time.))

Kaeti stood and stared at the mechanical thing she was standing in front of. "Oh," she murmered, "Okay then." Turning to look at Akari,

Lief stood in the corner, silently observing the elves, the two humans, and the machine. Ah, so the shifter has his own machine, he thought, how exciting.

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The alarm clock rang in the under-city apartment of Adar Vapora, a city that had once been nestled in the canyons of the Spiker Mountains but now threatened to take them all over in a soot-soaked orgy of molten steel and human sweat. It lasted five minutes before a podibus lurched past the window of the tiny, slum-density shack and shook Violet out of bed. The resultant impact with the floor nearly sent her through it; she made a note to herself to fetch some new fibreboard slats from the Carrow Road scrapyard on her way home from work. Speaking of which, it was time to get there.


A quick shower later - her water coupons didn't allow for the luxuries of a proper bath - and a slip into cheap jumpsuits and reinforced aprons, and Violet was off to work. The podibus was late again, and by the time the shambling piece of pig-iron public transport had shown up, she was already overdue at the lab. Swearing under her breath, she flashed a pass at the conductor and sat at the front. Government workers got free travel to and from their workplaces in Vapora; it was one of the only benefits of the job. It moved off, staggering drunkenly down the street and making Violet lose all hope of enjoying her lunch break, and took twenty minutes to arrive at the test station where she worked. She smiled thinly as she left the podibus and sprinted towards the main doors.


"Morning, gorgeous," said the security guard. He did it to everyone, but his heart was rarely in it and never had been when addressing Violet.


"Hi, Reg. Kids okay?" Vi, however, actually liked him. Once you got past the casual misogyny, he wasn't actually a bad sort.


"Yeah. Asa starts at the Vicarage Road TC next week. The missus an' I are dead proud." Vicarage was one of the more prestigious engineering colleges in Vapori, and getting in involved passing one of the most rigorous exams in history. Vi had a portrait on the wall, though not by choice.


"So you should be. Sorry I'm so late, bus was a nightmare."


"You're not wrong. I swear they're getting worse. Alright, daily pass, you know where to go. And smile a bit more, it wouldn't kill you!" Reg shouted the last sentence at Vi's hurriedly retreating form. A service lift took her direct to the heart of the main foundry complex and she sprinted towards her office in R&D. Slowly, the heat and the deafening noise of heavy machinery faded into nothingness and she sighed with relief. Godfrey wasn't in his office, so the little martinet might not mind if she was-


"Clayton, what a pleasant surprise. You're... goodness, eighteen minutes late. My office, please."




She walked into the large, frosted-glass exercise in smug post-modernism that her supervisor called his 'target collaboration chamber' and stood rigidly at attention, lizard hindbrain screaming at her to run like the very devil to the safety of her own, considerably smaller quarters. Godfrey poured himself a glass of sparkling water and bade her sit down.


"My, oh, my. Clayton, dear," oh, how she loathed when he called her that, "we can't have everyone turning up when they please. Eighteen minutes to you may seem like nothing-"


"Sir, you know how bad the bus network's been getting-"


"No, Clayton, I do not. More pertinently, I do not think it matters. What I think matters is that I am able to drive myself to work, and why am I able to do this? Because I work. I work for a week, and then I come home to a cheque, and those cheques pile up to the point where I don't know what to do with them. You are lazy, Clayton. Your posting to this project frankly astounds me. You have come up with but four ideas to the VR2 that have made it into the current design-"


"It's hard to come up with ideas, Godfrey, when all you have me do of a day is make tea and man the bellows for the foundry lines! Despite that, though, Godfrey, despite all the barriers you have personally, PERSONALLY put in my way, I've contributed four important ideas to the Voltaic Rifle. There'd be dozens more credits to my name, but for the fact that your attitude to my suggestions unless the entire BOARDROOM rises up and says something is 'That's a great idea but I'd rather one of the men suggested it.' Now, if you'll excuse me, I've too much to be getting on with to bandy words with-"


"I will not excuse you."


Oh gods.


"You seem to think you have power over me, Clayton."


Gods, no.


"Remind me why I let you here."


Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.






Forty-five minutes later, Violet Clayton left Everard Godfrey's office. She washed her face clean of grime in the ladies', so that nobody would see the thin tracks leading down from her eyes. Then she put a brave, happy face on and went to work on the foundry line again.


It was hot work in the bellows depths. Laura Salterton, the head of the air department and a confidante of Vi's, noted her arrival and bade her get to one of the cooler pumps. As a foreman, Vi was only really answerable to Laura, and unlike Godfrey (she still stammered over his name; Laura instinctively understood, but said nothing) Laura genuinely cared for her and thought her brilliant. After a twelve-hour shift in the air pits, her apron long discarded and her jumpsuit knotted at her waist (nakedness really wasn't an issue when dying of heatstroke was) Laura invited her into her own rooms.


"Have I done something wrong, Ms. Salterton?" Vi's normal, meek demeanour had long since returned, and her voice was hoarse and quiet from calling out to her bellows team over the roar of the machinery.


"No, Vi... I just wanted you to know I'm here for you, OK? If there's anything wrong." Laura had to pick her words carefully after Vi'd spent any time around That Bloody Man, as she called him. The little engineer had a tendency to clam up if you were too persistent.


"... Okay."


Inwardly, Laura breathed a sigh of relief. "Drinks at the Bell?"


"Gods, yes."


And so another day ended, as so many had before.

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((I'm thinking that might be a little over PG13, please tone it down a little in future posts. Also there is no Spiker Mountains... if its a minor range its all right.))

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((It will be turned down; I just wanted to establish Vi's character by showing what a hole she's forced to live in. Also, as was relayed to athania, the censorkipz is really the result of an overzealous censoring policy. I tend to put seven stars as a page break - hail Gondor, et cetera - and I didn't know that it censored out blocks of four stars, because it's stupid to do so. But yeah, there's not going to be anything graphic except maybe violence, and since noted festival of dullardry The Expendables can get a PG release I think I'll be alright.))

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((All right, then. Just try not to make it too graphic...))

"Lief watched Kaeti and the shifter out of the corner of his eye while checking the straps on her horse's harness. When he was satisfied with them, he stepped back and watched the flood of the elves and humans. What a strange bunch, he thought as he stepped up and lightly tapped Kaeti on the shoulder with a long, thin finger. "I should be going now," his soft melodious voice said as he thought, It's getting too crowded. Kaeti turned to his touch and nodded. "All right then, but do you need directions?" she responded, but he gently shook his head no. Kaeti turned, and Lief faced the other elf, Akari, was her name? "I'm heading off now, if you want to come I'm heading south-east, toward Raevah to meet with the queen." He abruptly turned and swung himself onto Ionocrest, inside the barn. Bending over, he walked out and nudged the horse toward Kaeti, "I'll be going now, you may cross paths with my Queen's warriors in the future, so keep this," he said as he handed her a green gem, laced with a fine silver chain, "They will not touch you if you show this to them."

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Akari grinned and said "That sounds wonderful! I will be back in 10 minutes or less to join you." She ran off towards The hitching post and took Ejenra's reins. She leaped with uncanny strength and practically floated down into his saddle. Talon ran after her.

"Why are you leaving with him?" He looked completely flabbergasted that she would join the other elf. Akari chuckled lightly and clopped off towards the tall dark stranger, excited for an adventure.

"May my friend Talon join us?" She asked very politely and added in a feeble, hoping smile as she gestured back to Talon who was mounting up on Blitz. "I completely understand if he cannot, but he will get very, disoriented, if I leave without him." She gave a light, nervous chuckle.

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((I'm sorry but I'm lost. I've been reading the posts but I got lost to this page. Can some one sum it up for me. Mostly, I didn't understand the post exactly above this one.))

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((Lief asked Akari if she would like to join him to meet the queen Akari said yes and asked if her elf friend Talon could join them. She is waiting for Lief's answer now.))

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Once again, the alarm clock went off in the morning. This time, though, the response of its owner was to swear prodigiously at it and punch it until it stopped making noise. Then, head pounding and mouth dry as all hell, Vi decided to get up anyway.


Laura, as a department head in a Government foundry, had a lot of perks; one of them was a seat on the Breweries Commission, the body of minor public servants that set out the alcohol regulations for the city's ale brewers to follow. Since she was something of a connoisseur (plus the only one who actually gave a damn about what happened - there is no lifeform on the planet more given to slothful rubber-stamping than a bored bureaucrat waiting for lunch) she made certain that the super-strong, interesting craft beers that had cropped up across the city recently got tax breaks and the opportunities that new businesses required. It was all very laudable, and the beers were exported across the Human territories, but it did have a tendency to leave one with the most astonishing hangovers, especially when an enthusiast dragged one to a brewery tap's grand opening and made one drink nine times one's own body weight in imperial IPAs and similarly punchy ales. Laura said that one got used to it after a while, but Vi'd been doing it for years (mostly out of Laura's charity; her wages would never cover a binge on pitch-dark, hoppy bedlam like the one she'd been on last night in a million years). Still, it was better than nothing and it put her to sleep.



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((Sorry bout that, 9))


Lief looked over the enthusiastic elf, obviously vying for Akari's attention. "Yes, he may come, if he can pull his own weight," he said smoothly, yet with a dark menace. "However, I cannot afford to help you if you fall behind. The journey is long and treacherous."


Kaeti stared at the pendant given to her by the elf, thinking. Finally she looked up and asked, "May I come with you? I know the forest better than most people around here, and even some elves. I know the dangers."


Lief turned, staring at the human girl, so determined and brave to go with him. "If you truly wish to, then I will not stop you," he murmered in a softer voice than usual, watching her smile, say thanks, and run off to get her horse, leaving the cart behind, her eyes lighting up with joy.


Kaeti ran into her house, dodging corners as she headed for her room. General leaped up onto her and she laughed, falling over. "No! Bad dog!" she giggled jokingly, struggling to get up. When he finally let go she untied his leash and opened Lasheik's cage, letting the sparrow free. Walking back with her dog and bird, she quickly saddled Cornick and led him outside, hopping on his back. "I'm ready whenever you are," she called as she trotted him out.

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Connor walked away from his vehicle and over to Leif and Kaeti. " Can I come? I promise to hide the big machine." He then smiled weirdly an thought about it. " Why don't you guys ride in my vehicle? It'l get us there faster then just some horses. And I can take supplies later. It was meant to be a contract of peace, not a one time thing." Connor looked back at Punter again. " And maybe you have something to protect us?" He said in a slightly rude tone.

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((This fits with the prophecy, so just go with it...))

"Oh!" Kaeti started as Connor talked, "I actually do have something. Wait here," she said as she slid off her horse and bolted into the house. Coming back out, she carried a book and a long, straight package. When she reached the group, she opened up the drawstring at the top of the bag and slowly drew out an intricate sword, with little green designs of leaves on the hilt. "I have this, if it helps," she said, not noticing Lief staring at it with awe and a touch of reverence.

"How did you get that?" he asked in a gruff voice, his eyes starting to show hatred, "That is the Queen's lost sword. It went missing years ago. It was made by our best craftsmen and used in the great battles with the dragons! That same sword was used to slay the serpent in Seawyrm Lake, before the one there is now is there. It is enchanted, and makes its user almost undefeatable, and able to use powerful magic never attempted even by the most powerful of sorcerors."

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Akari smiled and drew her sword. "Remember this? It almost took off your head!" She giggled and watched the runic carvings pulse. She never knew what they meant, nor if her sword could do anything out of the ordinary. Then she also drew her bow. "See this?" It was a maroon wood and had the same pulsing carvings. "It doesn't use arrows. It shoots out bolts of fire when the string is snapped. Watch." She drew a circle in the dirt with her foot and stepped back several feet. Then she drew the string behind her ear and let it loose. There was a loud twang and a bolt of fire flew through the air and hit dead in the center of the circle. An obsidian shaft was left in place of the fire, and there was a ring of charred soil. She tucked the bow back away on her back after sheathing the sword. "Talon, show them your sword!" Talon drew out a sword that was made of a seemingly blue steel.


"My father is the blacksmith," Talon said. "We found a meteor one day and he forged 2 swords from the metal. Its harder than any steel or iron we've found before, and has a blue glow at night. That's all I have in the way of weapons though." He shrugged.


"I would love to ride your funny looking machine, but I could never leave Ejenra behind. He can run as fast as any of our valiant steeds in the village, so I bet he can keep up with your doohickey." She laughed again.

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(( She was talking to me.))


" I remember it all. And no need to demonstrate. I already know what 'Magic' can do. That's the reason the war started. But I digress. And I bet he could keep up. Horses were the fastest thing on the earth before machinery." He said. " And if you don't mind, I think that we should at least try not to get violent. Blood is wide enough across the land. And I doubt that magic has every blame.

yes it does

no it doesn't

shut it. You guys are both crazy. Now lets get going, shall we?"

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((Shes the chief's daughter, remember? They were passed down through the generations of the village. Where they came from is a mystery wink.gif))


"Are you that dimwitted? Ejenra here is a Nagiri. Learn up on nature a bit more before you call a scaled giraffe a horse. And also, I find it interesting that YOU are blaming MAGIC for this mess. have you not seen the destruction of your machinery that YOU supply to the whole world? Sounds like you need a reality check. I am traveling to find the root of this world's warfare problems, that you most likely made. I want to make peace within all the clans." Akari humphed and hopped onto Ejenra, who snorted and reared onto his back legs.



((We need a dragon character, a plain nomad, and an ent. Also, if you make a dragon, you can only breathe fire and fly if you have wings. I'll make a plain nomad:


Username: athania

Character name: Arie

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: Arie has long silvery, wavy hair. Her eyes are quite unusual as she actually has dark grey irises instead of completely black eyes. Her skin is pasty white and has shallow cracks in it like a dried up lake bed. She typically wears a dark red braided hairband, a maroon leather armor chest-piece, black gloves, pitch black leather armor plates on her legs, and wears dusty grey combat boots. She has a strap of weapons across her chest which includes assorted knives, poisons, and some mysterious bubbling solutions.

History: Arie grew up in a large family with 5 other siblings in a poor area of Selier, a large town in the northwest peninsula of Rhiohria. Her family only lived by stealing what they needed to feed and clothe their 8 family members. As soon as she was 18, she joined the nomadic army, which paid her family enough to keep them from needing to steal ever again.

Personality: Because she was a trained warrior at 18 years old, she never had much emotion, otherwise she would break down and cry from all the gore and killing she had seen before. However, if someone showed her the love and happiness in the world again, she would open up and show them her beautiful, loyal heart.

Race: Plain Nomad ))

Edited by athania

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((I'll make a dragon char if you guys want me to tongue.gif))


Username: Tiffashy

Character name: Rasi

Age: 117 (Dragons can live long, right? I'll edit this if I needed to be older or younger)

Gender: Female

Appearance: She is an Seasonal dragon. Rasi can only change her looks when she feels threaten, embassed, happy, sad, angered (she rarely gets angry). She cannot choose what she looks like and can breath fire.

History: She has a rare abilty to change her looks. But only when her emotions change, her looks change which sometimes make it hard for her to blend in when hiding. Rasi always ingored the rules and went off exploring away from her parents which made her a lost dragon. How a silly dragon survined was a mystery.

Personality: Cheerful, happy,and a cheeky. She likes to play games with anyone, even strangers when she is bored. Rasi is also a very trusting character, she can be easily fooled as long as there is a 'game'. Rasi doesn't know much about dangers and could easily get into trouble.

Race: Dragon


Correct me if I did anything wrong

Also i'm gonna be writing in red x]


Woah this rp seems awesome! I hope you guys allow me to join smile.gif

Edited by Tiffashy

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((Looks good! Dragons live until they are killed in combat, so you're good. One thing, dragons can only breathe fire they cant have any other powers in this RP so that they aren't OP compared to the other races. Umm, how about she can't control the change and it changes randomly, or to her emotions? Then you wouldn't have camoflage, and it wouldn't be a power. Although its not that big a power... Just make her unable to control it and we're good haha.))

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Okie dokie. Yeah she cannot control her powers at all, and it will change to her emotions. I'll add that to the her thingie xd.png

M'kay I changed them c:

Alright to rp now?

Edited by Tiffashy

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Rasi scanned the area slowly and carefully, she spotted something lurking on the path. Spreading her large brown wings, she glided slowly and steathly, hiding behide the trees making sure that her target didn't spot her. Her scales turned deeper brown as she flew closer, her heart was pounding a little. Rasi the dragon was a bit shy of strangers and she was bored anyway. With her dragon eyesight she could see the village and in front of it was elves and a human?


She landed onto the soft ground, digging her claws into the soft soil and pads towards them, still making sure that they couldn't see her. Rasi was a foolish dragon, she never learns from her past and does very stupid things for a dragon. Dragons are mean't to be fearsome, dangerous but peaceful. Rasi was silly, curious, and playful.


She padded towards a large tree to hide behide it. She was near the elves and the human, they were mounting their animals and waited for each other to aboard their animal. Couching down like a cat, she waited for the right time to surpise them.


Rasi did a huge leap in front of them "Rawr!" she watched some of them jump back in surpise. She snickered and ran back into the bushes, her scales were colorful sunset colors which were showing that she was feeling playful. But it totally stopped her blending in with the forset, she hid behide the tree thinking that they couldn't see her. Rasi poked her head out and quickly pulled it back in when they looked at her.

Edited by Tiffashy

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