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Warriors: War of The Roses

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Fernflight yawned. She had left the Clan to go hunt by herself for a while. She stared at the gray sky, sighing. She was worried about flooding in ThunderClan's camp, as it was low to the ground and surrounded by big walls of rock. Hopefully Lynxpaw is still back at the camp. I wanted to train her a little. She heard a rustle in the bushes, and saw a mouse twitching it's nose around looking for food. She crept up to it, but her paw sunk into the mud, and as she pulled it out, a loud suction noise startled the mouse away. Fernflight growled, and looked around. She saw a squirrel in the trees, but the bark was too wet and slippery to climb. This just isn't my day. she sighed. When she finished hunting, she managed to catch a small mouse, and a bony shrew. She carried them back, and settled herself to wait for Lynxpaw.


Leafpaw was following a plump mouse. She caught it, scarlet blood staining her paws. She smiled savagely and hid it in some ferns. She had no thanks for StarClan, as she thought it her own skills to catch that mouse. She was about to go back to camp after catching a squirrel when she saw Yellowpath. Is he hunting too? Leafpaw thought as she watched Yellowpath creep towards something. Leafpaw went a bit closer, and watched carefully.


Honeystar looked outside at the gray, gloomy day. She did not think of it as gloomy however. She loved the rain, although she did not know how to swim, she loved water in general. She watched as the small droplets of water caught in an upturned leaf threatened to overflow it, until the leaf turned over. She stepped into the small puddle of water that it made, and purred.



((argh sorry. bad with remembering))

Edited by dragcave:D

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((Dragcave, it's Yellowpath, and he's a guy. xd.png)) Wildpaw paced around, flicking his tail. When was Honeystar going to hold his warrior ceremony? He saw the she cat, padding up to her and dipping his head. "Honeystar, you promised that you would hold my warrior ceremony after the Gathering." he mewed, trying to hold himself as respectful as he could. "Can you do it now?"

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Shadowpelt answered Oaktail, head still turned towards the direction of the lake. "Yes, it does seem strange, though this new leader might actually be doing it out of sincerity. She seems different enough. I've studied her, and she actually does seem like a decent-hearted cat, so unlike her brother Yellowpath." The lake level was rising already. It billowed and crashed as the wind whipped it into a frenzy. Overhead a roaring peal of thunder struck out. "She might be the one to bring all the clans together and live in peace. Though the cats in her own clan might make it a bit difficult."

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"Perhaps another time," Deadstar said with a slight chuckle. "It was good meeting with you, though. And thank you for your offer- be assured, it will go both ways, should ThunderClan be in need."


With a flick of her ear, Deadstar signaled for the others to begin their usual patrol, while she herself began to make her way to the denser part of the forest. It had been a while since she had done some real hunting, and a little extra fresh-kill wouldn't hurt, especially on a day like this.

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((the entire format's gonna be copied from Leafstar in SkyClan, so tell me if i need to fix something))


"Alright." Honeystar said, purring with amusement. Young toms... she thought. She leaped onto Highhill and yowled "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highhill for a Clan meeting!" Once all the cats had gathered, she announced "Cats of WindClan, one of the most important ceremonies for any Clan is the making of a new warrior." She paused here to beckon Wildpaw forwards with her tail. "You have been an apprentice here in WindClan and have trained hard and well. I believe that you have learned the skills of a warrior properly, and understand the warrior code's meanings." She looked down at the other cats and continued. "I, Honeystar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Wildpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

((and let's pretend you answered already. I'll just continue and you can start off from here when you recap, if you wanna.))

"Then by the powers of StarClan i give you your warrior name. Wildpaw, from this moment you will be known as Wildstorm. StarClan honors your energy and courage, and we welcome you as a full member of WindClan." Honeystar paused to rest her muzzle on top of Wildstorm's head, and cheered his warrior name along with the rest of the Clan. She gazed proudly at Wildstorm, and purred.

((that took SOO long to do))

Edited by dragcave:D

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Wildpaw, no Wildstorm, raised his head proudly. He was finally a warrior! Finally! The tabby tom purred loudly as Honeystar rested her head on his head. He was so happy! All of a sudden, something split the air. Lightning. Pulling away from Honeystar, Wildstorm blinked as rain started to pour down onto the ground. The storm had come. "Honeystar, what do we do?" he asked, suddenly afraid. "I mean, won't the camp get flooded?"

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Oaktail smiled, this she-cat had an interesting perspective. The spotted om turned to look at her. "I suppose so. But it also seems that her brother is in control, as if he is the leader and not she," he murmured, standing and flicking his tail. "We should help get the elders and kits to higher ground. The rain is pouring and we could have our camp flooded," he meowed, heading off to the elders and motioning her to follow him. He had heard Briarstar ask Yewberry to help do it anyway. If Oaktail could somehow show Briarstar what a better decision it would've been to place him as deputy, maybe something could happen about it.

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Honeystar had been so focused on the warrior ceremony that she had not noticed that the rain had gotten that much worse. As well, the lightning has also distracted her, flashing brightly across the sky. "If it reaches up to our belly fur, we'll start evacuating everybody, although the elders may complain so much we'll have to get them out beforehands." She spotted some kits and the water was already almost at their belly fur. "We'll have to get the kits to higher ground first though, as well as the younger apprentices. Wildstorm, find a safe spot and bring all the younger cats to it. If the water reaches up to it, head away from the camp and towards the hill by the river."


Fernflight had gotten bored. She paced anxiously, thinking of the rain. She wondered about the camp, and whether it would flood or not. There was also the problem of fires caused by lightning. Although beautiful, it could be dangerous if they were not prepared for it. She padded up to the Ravenstar's den and asked "Can I come in?"


Leafpaw saw that Yellowpath was not pouncing on a piece of prey. He was pouncing on a cat! With a quick sniff, she knew that it was ThunderClan apprentice. Are we recruiting more ShadowClan Clevershadows? she wondered. Creeping closer and closer, she wanted to see who it was, but she didn't recognize the face. She felt a pang of sadness for a moment. Another cat taken away by ShadowClan... Another fate sealed... She growled angrily, but quietly, at herself. This is no time for weakness.

Edited by dragcave:D

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Ravenstar started to groom her chest fur inside her safe den, her ears swerving around to see if she could pick up any sounds of distress. The black and white she cat raised her head to hear the sound of Fernflight, her deputy. "Of course you can, Fernflight." she said with a purr. Fernflight was always a loyal deputy, and she was glad that she chose her. It was like yesterday she was Ravenclaw, standing atop the Highledge and pretty nervous. She blinked sadly, remembering the death of Milkstar, the pretty silk furred she cat with those soothing green eyes.


Wildstorm looked at Honeystar, nodding a bit. The newly named warrior dashed off, searching for a cliff that could fit the kits and apprentices. After a while, he found one, and leapt off it to gather the kits with his tail. "Come on, kits." he turned to the apprentices. "And you too." with that, he turned again and led them up the cliff, his amber eyes flashing with worry. They were safe, but... "Honeystar! I got the apprentices and kits!" he called over thunder. "What now?"


Greenpaw looked around, his ears flattened in worry. His tail lashed, not knowing what to do. "Briarstar!" he yowled over the howl of wind. He went up to the tom, his eyes narrowed. The rain was ripping at his pelt. "What should I do?"

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"Well, it looks like the rain's not letting out anytime soon." Honeystar mumbled. She got onto of Highhill again, but this time didn't call out the traditional words. Instead, she yowled as loudly as she could "Warriors! Evacuate the camp! Follow Wildstorm and help the elders and queens!" She repeated that until she couldn't see anybody left in the camp. By now, the water was up to her chin. She leaped into the water, enjoying the soothing coolness and swam towards the others. Though she was nowhere near as good as RiverClan cats. She looked at their camp. It was pretty much flooded. "We shall stay here until the storm is over. If it gets worse, we'll head towards the hill by the border." She didn't bother shaking the water out of her fur as she would only get more wet later on.


Fernflight padded into Ravenstar's den and dipped her head. It was cozy inside the small den, though it seemed a bit lonely. She was used to sleeping with many others around her. "I'm worried about this water. What if it floods the camp?" Even as she spoke, the water level rose, and rose even more. The storm was getting worse, lightning flashing and thunder crackling. The pounding of the rain drops on the rock of their camp was deafening and it echoed. "Should we do something? If the entrance gets flooded, we're stuck."


Leafpaw looked up at the sky. Although the rain didn't bother her, she was worried about all the kits. She was even worried about the other Clans, but she quickly squashed that thought. The water was forming puddles everywhere, lapping at her paws. She shook her paw off, only to step into another puddle. She was lucky though, because in that puddle there was a squirrel stuck in the mud. She killed it swiftly then put it back in the water to hide the blood's scent. She sat down and began grooming herself to watch Yellowpath.

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The last thing Lynxpaw noticed before the tom-cat came pouncing at her was a flash of Shadow Clan scent coveredover with that of ThunderClan. This caused her to turn to face the attacker just seconds before he struck. "ShadowClan.. mouse-dung" she she-cat spat as she was knocked off of her feet. Here she fought... hissing , snarling and spitting . Remembering the training that Fernflight had given her she attempted to get her hindlegs between herself and her attacker so that she could fight back. She bared her claws and attempted to swipe at the tom-cat's face, who to her surprise she recognized as no less than the disrespectful deputy from the previous night's gathering. "Have you no honor?" she hissed through her teeth..." Attacking an apprentice? And you the deptuy?" She spat this last bit as she fought to free herself.


Clevershadows.... she was under attack by a clevershadow, she realized sunddenly... they wanted to take her; a fact which filled her with even more will to fight. The question was, why did they want HER? ThunderClan had several apprentices and kits as well... why her?

Edited by LeopardDragon

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Ravenstar tipped her head to the side, listening to her deputy. She really was wise... again, a good reason to choose her as her deputy. "Then we shall evacuate camp before the water levels rise so that the entrance is blocked." she ordered, her eyes firm and hard as she got up and shook out her fur. Water was already spilling into her den. She bounded out and leapt onto Highledge. "ThunderClan! I want you to stay close to Fernflight and I and we will lead you to a safe place outside camp!" she yowled. Wildstorm watched Honeystar swim toward them. "What will we do if we're trapped here?" he called over the storm. "Maybe we should make the Clan swim till they get out of camp? Or should we make a warrior carry a kit each?" Yellowpath smirked, getting off Lynxpaw. The claws had just scraped fur. "Haaha, you know ShadowClan's ways..." he growled, aiming to tackle her to the ground.

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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Padding behind Oaktail, she splashed through puddles and skirted around splotches of mud. Reaching camp, she saw that it was already flooding. Grabbing a kit by her nape fur and holding onto another by intertwining tails, she proceeded to drag them onto high ground. Beside her she could see other cats doing the same. Returning her gaze to her front, she plodded through mud and water towards their destination. Once she reached it she would go back to bring more kits and young apprentices to safety. Grabbing the snowy-white kit who was trying to escape and swim towards the swelling river, she struck out again towards high ground.

Edited by Sylverfinger

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"Let's head to the Twoleg nest. We can shelter under in there." Fernflight said to Ravenstar. Without waiting for an answer, she dashed forwards and grabbed a kit by the scruff. SHe nudged an elder with her shoulder, and made her ways to the abandoned twoleg nest. The rain was pounding hard down on them, and while they were in the gaps in the forest where they were exposed to bare sky, the rain dropped against their backs like nuts. Mouse dung! I wish we had more warning. We could've marched when it wasn't raining. she thought regretfully.


Honeystar watched Wildstorm proudly. He was only just made a warrior, yet he was already acting like deputy. "The water can't possibly rise this high." Honeystar said, but she added to herself can it? The water was lapping at the hill just a tail-length above the ground. She frowned and look up at the sky. It was still a black-gray, and the sound of thunder still echoing across the lake. "If the water rises to a tail-length below us, kits and younger apprentices on the warrior's backs! Elders stay by another availible warrior!" Honeystar looked at the water, churning and dangerous. "Everybody stay in the middle of the hill! Elders and kits in the middle! Stay together!"


Leafpaw watched the other apprentice fight Yellowpath. SHe hissed quietly as the apprentice insulted Yellowpath. At least he's not weak! she thought, thinking about Deadstar's announcement at the Gathering. Leafpaw got up. By now, the water had risen even farther. As much as she wanted to watch Yellowpath fight, she had to go back and see what they were doing. She quickly picked up her prey, and walked back to the camp. She found Deadstar and asked "are we going to leave or what? The rain's getting worse and worse."

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Ravenstar stayed behind, gathering the rest of the elders. Some of them looked very frightened, and kits looked terrified. All of a sudden, lightning struck a tree, and it was falling. Ravenstar yowled, pushing the rest of the cats out of the way and towards the entrance as the tree hit the ground. They were seperated. Even though the water was on the ground, and it was pouring, the fire only blazed on the tree. She bristled, eyes wide. She only had four lives left, but she didn't mind. Only for her Clan. Wildstorm peered over the cliff, his wet tail lashing against the wind. The water surely was going to rise, and the storm didn't seem like it was going to end soon. Thank StarClan that everyone was safe so far. "Honeystar, I'll keep checking the water level." he called to her. "If it reaches a tail length from us, I'll yowl. You keep the rest of the Clan safe." he curled his lip at the sight of the murky, salty, dirty water. "StarClan forsaken water..."

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Fernflight heard Ravenstar's yowl and saw the burning log behind her blocking their path. She hissed and pass the kit to another warrior, who also helped the elder. She went up to the log, only to stop as the flames flared. She looked around frantically for something. Then she had an idea. "Moss!" she yowled. "Soak moss and put out the fire!" She cut as much moss as she could carry. Though it had splinter in it, it would work. She carried the moss over, only to trip. She gasped, taking in a mouthful of water. She got up, spluttering. She picked the moss back up and tossed it to the fire. Not much changed, but it was something. As she went to get more moss, she tripped again, and she twisted her paw. A throbbing pain prevented her from getting more moss, and she limped a little closer to the log, hoping the other side had heard her.


Honeystar nodded approvingly at Wildstorm. Now let's hope the water doesn't get that high. She herself was looking around at the other cats, and letting small kits stand under her belly so they would stay a little bit more dry. This is going to be a long day...

Edited by dragcave:D

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Lynxpaw was a fierce fighter... for an apprentice. The fact of the matter was, though that she knew she was outmatched here in both size and experience; she could only fight back for so long before the ShadowClan deputy would be able to get the advantage. The she cat called out silently for StarClan to help her... the tom-cat was rithght about wone thing. ALl the other cats did know about ShadowClan's ways. This time when the tom-cat pounced , he had timed his jump so that it would pin her... probably his intent from the beginning and if not for her sharp nose she wouldn't have even realized it was coming the first time. She attempted to avoid it, but the older warrior was clearly used to overpowering apprentices and bringing them back alive or else simply killing them. At dirst she had expected the second, but when this did not immediately happen...


She struggled and glared ar her captor, what right did ShadowClan have to be on ThunderClan land at all; stealing prey was bad enough , but... stealing CATS? Though at the moment, her anger did her little good. "After a moment of silence, she had to know," Why me... I am just one apprentice? What does ShadowClan want with me in particular?" She adressed the clevershadow. her eyes still icy and till looking for a chance to break loose.

Edited by LeopardDragon

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Oaktail pushed the last elder to the high point in the ground and turned back to get the younger apprentices. He winced as the water he waded through reached to his underbelly and how that was quickly rising. "Come on! Let's get the younger warriors now!" he yowled to Shadowpelt, his fur bristling. He lashed his tail and pushed a young tom forward to the high point in the area. He saw a small apprentice out floating on a log. "I'll go for him! Get the others!" he shouted, swimming now. He finally got to the log where he grabbed a low branch and started to pull it. It was a small log, which was easily pullable by the small branch. Oaktail's only concern was that he might get swept away or the apprentice might fall off. But he didn't dare let go of the log, for it was a goo d course of buoyancy and, if needed, could probably keep them afloat. He finally touched dry land and pushed the apprentice off to the others before he sat down, panting.


Briarstar turned to the apprentice that called out to him. "Get to dry land! Get to the others! Everyone try to get yourselves to dry land!" he yowled, pushing Yewberry forward towards the higher ground. Then he himself made his way over to it, sometimes swimming sometimes wading through water until they were a safe distance from it.

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Ravenstar yowled as the flames got closer. Her fur was on end and her eyes were wide. When Fernflight had yowled moss, she turned and gathered some, throwing them into the fire. It lowered a little. She started to cough and hack. The smoke was already damaging her lungs... trying to breath in short, curt breaths, she continued to throw moss into the fire.


Wildstorm watched the water leve rise, narrowing his eyes. When it was a bit more than a tail length below them, he yowled. They might need more time. "The water is too high!" he called, taking a white kit and placing it on his back. He looked back at Honeystar. "Where should we swim to?"


Yellowpath hissed into Lynxpaw's face. "Because ShadowClan wants you. We've seen you, with your cunning and sharp nose." he snarled. "We want you as a warrior, or clevershadow, or whatever. We want you as part of our Clan."

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Yewberry nodded. He jumped, climbing as fast as he could, eyes both on higher ground and his leader. He knew that Briarstar was weak. A darker part of his mind came in, however. He could continue, he could live on. If he died trying to save Briarstar, then things would just end up badly. For only a second, he glanced back his eyes showing the evil thoughts in his mind. The tom closed his eyes, pausing. He shook his head roughly and looked back at Briarstar, no longer thinking of such evil things. "Come on! I'll help you, Briarstar!"

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Honeystar was starting to panic. She looked around, and the water was climbing up and up, with no signs of stopping. She brought two kits onto her back and asked "Whoever can swim, even just a little, get a kit or apprentice on your back. The rest of you stick by someone who can swim." The kits on her back were slipping around because of all the water though, and she told them to dig their claws in to her fur. "Let's head across the border, to that hill over there!" she said, pointing with a paw. She brought a scared apprentice to her back as well. "Don't get in the water if you can't swim! We'll come back to help you. Stay calm."


Fernflight's paw was really throbbing now. She limped over to the tree and stood on her back legs to cut some more moss with her good paw. While she was carrying it back, she couldn't see where she was going and tripped over a small root. Her front paw got caught in some mud and she couldn't move much. She hissed in frustration and tried to pull her front paw out, only managing to tire herself out. She flung the moss she had dropped into the fire and prayed to StarClan that Ravenstar and the others would be alright.

Edited by dragcave:D

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Wildstorm took a few more kits on his back, his tail flicking. The tabby leapt into the water and swam towards the border. He didn't like the water, but he would do anything for the kits. "Where are we going?" a kit named Pebblekit squeaked, her blue eyes wide. "Are we going on an adventure?" said a tom kit called Mudkit. "Stop squriming! You'll fall off my back," Wildstorm ordered, swimming stronger and faster than usual. "Come on, Honeystar!" he called. "You can do it!"

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Moonpaw yowled in terror. A wave of water pushed her into the very back of the medicine cat den. She swallowed a mouthful of water. She paddled madly, anything to get a breath of air. She reached the surface, only to plummet down again after a quick breath of air. She tried to escape the flooding den, but water pushed her back whenever she made any progress. Suddenly she went under, the water twisting her around. She came up, but which way to swim? The twisting had disorientated her, and the water had washing the scent of the walls away. Moonpaw reached the surface, took a breath of air, and gave another yowl of terror before slipping down under the waves.


Mosspaw looked into the river. There was no way she could possibly catch a fish now. The rain had scared the all away. Suddenly, Mosspaw's paw slipped, and a wave of water swept her into the water. Mosspaw panicked- she was an excellent swimmer, but the waves were too big and strong for the RiverClan apprentice. She was still doing better than Moonpaw, but she didn't know that and wouldn't have cared even if she did. All that mattered to her was herself. She even hoped a few cats would drown, mostly Deadstar. He was weak, as he showed everyone at the gathering when he gave ThunderClan new hunting grounds. Yellowpath would make a much better leader. Maybe Mosspaw could help her become the next ShadowClan leader, very soon. Mosspaw's head slipped under the waves, only her flailing limbs, tail, and the tips of her ears showing that a cat was in the water.

Mistpaw panicked as she felt the rain pelt down harder. She was on high ground, but everyone at camp- she had to save the kits! She splashed towards the camp, looking down in dismay at the flooded camp. Water was everywhere. Mistpaw was frozen in fear and shock. She almost wished she hadn't left camp- then she would be down there helping, instead of standing at the top, safe on high ground, doing nothing. A frightened bird flew over her head, close enough that when she jumped into the air her claws caught its wings. It let out a frightened shriek as Mistpaw's claws dragged it down. She gave it a nip to the neck to kill it, then started to splash over to where she hoped everyone would be gathering after escaping the camp.

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Lynxpaw's ears went flat back against her skull at this." I'd sooner die" she spat " And you.... you can rot in Dark Forest for all of me". Here she managed to get one of her paws free and attempted another swipe at her attackers face. However, the she-cat suspected that further resistance was useless... perhaps what she needed to do was to wait for the right moment to escape from her captor. She stopped struggling then, and relaxed a little at this thought, and a plan began to form in the she-cat's admittedly cunning brain. Perhaps there were other ShadowClan 'apprentices' who would welcome a chance to escape. She prayed silently to StarClan that her plan would not fail.


"I see that I have no choice," she said more softly this time, as if the reality of the situation had dawned on her.

Edited by LeopardDragon

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She paddled towards Wildstorm and then lead the way to the border. The stream was buried in water, and some of the smaller trees were gone. StarClan help us! A wave swept her back, and left her coughing. SHe looked at the cats on her back, only to realize the the small apprentice had been swept away! Honeystar saw the light ginger pelt being swept back to the hill. "You lead!" she said to Wildstorm. She swam back to the hill, but the apprentice had disappeared. She set the two kits back on the hill and comforted them. "Wait here. I'll be right back." The kits etes were wide and scared, but they nodded slightly. Honeystar dived into the water, and reached out with her paws. One of her paws gently grazed soft fur, and she pulled it up with her claws. The young apprentice was heavier than Honeystar expected though, and brought her back down. With all her strength, she heaved the cat up, and put her on the hill. The apprentice (Whitepaw), was alright and coughed out some water. Once he was well enough to move, Honeystar got them all on her back again and paddled back to everybody else.

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