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The Wizard's Dragons

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((No they really don't but that's what I am doing for this... just for the simple fact of being able to focus on what is being said to them through the mind link))


Drecard Cain thought for a moment thinking of each of the pygmy dragons that were here but could not figure out a single one that would be perfect for the job.


"Yes there was a mention of sending one but I do not have one specific in mind. I do think that sending a young dragon that looks like stone and seems to appear like stone would be better. From what Rogan has told me there are such statues around that are stone and look like... well kind of like what you look like when you are sitting staring out over the ramparts of a castle wall. It would be the best disguise but yet it would also be endangering the life of a young dragon, which I do not wish to do... In truth I do not wish to endanger the life of anyone here. I know that there are times when risk's must be taken and lives must be put at stake in order to gain the upper hand. I learned that lesson the hard way. A lesson that I hope no one has to learn the hard way..."


Cutting off the conversation Drecard Cain opens his eyes and a tear slides down his face only to splatter on the fake stone ground. I was foolish back then... Young and foolish. I should never have put my daughter's life at risk like I did. Now... Now she's... she's dead... because of me she's dead and I'll never forget the sad look on her face as the light of life left her. I am only thankful that when a dragon dies that they do not truly leave this world. I am glad that when we die we bind ourselves to nature and offer hope for the future. Only in this way am I able to see my daughter. Much less hear her laughter as she flew through the air. Another tear slid down his face and splattered on the ground just as the first. He nearly lost his full composure but felt movement to his left.


Looking at the young dragon that was now looking at him he smiled warmly but he did not forget what he had been thinking of. If we forget the past then we forget a part of ourselves and soon we make the same mistakes again only to suffer the same results. Drecard was haunted to this day with the image of his daughter's death. The only solace that he has found has been the young hatchlings that he told stories to. In his mind he was someone that they could come to to talk about any kind of problem that they were having no matter what kind of topic it was.


((Roll with it people ok... I am putting a bit of aspect to my Dragon Character that gives him that extra bit of cautious, wise, yet understanding personality. Enjoy.))

Edited by Malgorak

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Callidus chuckled slightly at Silver's words. The smaller dragon's attitude reminded him of his own pridful manner. Thinking of his pride made him fall silent a moment. The only thing he remembered of his parents was an old poem his mother had used to sing to him. And thinking of pride brought the poem back into his mind. He sat there lost in his thoughts, spacing out past Silver and wandering through his memories. A smile eventually crossed his face and he looked down at Silver, "Though I agree that this place is a hell all its own and I could smell the meat's stench across the cavern, one should try and control what they say about others. I know I am guilty of saying the things you now say about the others as well, but my parents warned me about the dangers that go hand in hand with Pride and its companions. Though I believe it is important for a dragon to have a certain amount of pride in themselves too much of it can lead to the downfall of even the mightiest of dragons." He trailed off after that, thinking, If it is to be the only thing I remember of them I should at least do my best to honor it....

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((Malgorak, Lana is an albino. I think you missed that, so maybe edit it to a dragon who can be unnoticed. Thanks for telling me about the mind thing! And dragongirl, is it okay with you if Graarl was alive before Nutoner captured them or whatever?))


Graarl watched Lana through half-closed eyes, listening to the magi, In truth I do not wish to endanger the life of anyone here. I know that there are times when risk's must be taken and lives must be put at stake in order to gain the upper hand. I learned that lesson the hard way. A lesson that I hope no one has to learn the hard way..."

Graarl shifted as the magi's deep sadness about something became apparent, as he started to cry. Graarl kept his distance as Lana crept in closer and stared at him, trying to console him for his loss, snuggling up beside him to try and comfort him. He watched, and almost started to cry himself, watching his worried granddaughter and the old, saddened dragon.

Graarl stepped over, moving slowly, and lay down in front of the magi, nose to nose, and trying to make as little noise as possible.

"Are you all right?" he asked, his rough, hard voice full of concern, then saddness as he heard the rest of the magi's words.

If we forget the past, then we forget a part of ourselves and soon we make the same mistakes again only to suffer the same results. The magi finished speaking and Graarl watched as the magi stopped crying, almost visibly hardening to the sadness inside him.

Graarl replied to his words, "Yes, that is very, very true," he said aloud and in mind-speak, "I have thought almost exactly the same before."

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Drecard Cain was surprised slightly to see the stone dragon laying in front of him.


"I am fine Graarl. Just remembering events of my past. And a lesson that was learned the hard way. A bit of wisdom for you. Protect your granddaughter. She is a lovely young dragoness who will one day warm the hearts of others. She reminds me of my own daughter in some ways..." Drecard fell silent at this and thought back to the event that costed him his daughter.


"None the less I am alive and I am here. These other young dragons will need the guidance of a strong calm minded leader instead of the furious mind of a reckless leader. I ask you Graarl to help us find a dragon that is willing to go through the feed slots and help the human work out a plan in escaping this place. I just hope that we do not cause the death of anyone." Drecard hoped that the one that they sent out would not end up getting killed or harmed in any way at all.


Looking up Drecard looked out the glass window to see the human named Rogan talking to another human that kept putting disgusting raw chicken into the feed slots. He heard something about Roasted deer and dragons preferring it over raw chicken.

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Moloch looked down at Graia. "Perhaps, young one." He had been thinking long and hard about this. The humans were dangerous, their was no doubt. And they appeared to have weapons far advanced from the humans of the dragon's own time. It would be difficult to escape, to say the least. And he certainly did not want to put the little one's life in danger. "Perhaps you have an idea, hatchling?" He said with a slight smile.

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((dragongirl- if you see this check the OOC. New application that needs your approval bcause its kina weird...okay 9 your char is in action))

Graarl stood up, rattling like chain mail. "I shall," he rumbled in response to Drecard's statement as he started to look around for all the pygmys in the cave. The first one he noticed was a silver-ish pygmy next to another dragon, so he started to walk over there, telling Lana to stay with Drecard.

Lana nodded, and looked up at the magi, trying to stop blushing from his compliment. "Mr.Drecard, what happened to your daughter?" she asked, "You look sad when you talk about her."

Lana looked around the cave, studying each dragon in turn. She looked toward the feed slots, and saw a sunset dragon sitting, alone. "I'm going to go talk to that dragon over there," she said to Drecard, scampering away, completely forgetting her question about his daughter. She ran up in from of the sunset, and stopped, sitting down. "What is your name?" she asked, her inquisitive face tilted to the side like a dogs, "My name is Lana!"

Edited by brisingrrider

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"My name is Elferd. Hello Lana."Elferd turned to the silver like pygmy."I do believe that you have heard of the plan, correct?"Elferd sat down as best he could." So far, we know that a pygmy can almost fit through the food slit. We also have some humans that may help us."Elferd finished and did his best to dig at the ground, trying to make a flat surface he sleep on." I hate to ask this but how much did you actually care about Nutoner? He had raised us but he never really had a good friendship with any of us so what is your opinion about him?"

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Drecard laughed slightly as he watched young Lana scamper off towards the Sunset dragon who was sitting off to himself.


"Indeed she will warm the hearts of others someday. I hope I am there to watch as she grows up into a fine young dragoness." Drecard smiled before laying his head down and closing his eyes when he began hearing a voice in his mind.


"*Father. Do not fret over the past. What happened to me was not your fault... It was mine. I was the one who tried to be a friend and help someone but in the end I suffered for my good nature. You are yet alive and you can help these other dragons. Lana is a good young dragon and she will warm the hearts of many. Now please father... use your real skill and look at all the coins in your hand. find every possibility and see if it can be used. I'll still be here offering what hope I can.*"


Drecard opened his eyes suddenly and looked around his surroundings. At that instant he began to actually observe the fake cave.


There were air vents in random areas, the glass wall in front of him, the feed slots, then there was a small pipe of sorts that had the sound of water flowing through it.


Getting to his feet Drecard walked over to one of the vents and looked closer at it.


sub standard metal held on by steel holdings. Should be easy to break.


He rose up onto his hind legs and grasped the vent with his claws and started to pull on it only succeeding in causing a screeching sound as the holdings were pulled against themselves.


Ugh... Well at least now I know that the vent can be broken off rather easily... that is if one can stand the high pitched screeching sound of pulling it.


Lowering to all fours he walked over to the feed slots and looked at them before finally laying back down.


At least now we have another option.


Closing his eyes he sought out Moloch's mind and said, "Moloch find a vent close to you and rip it off. You may be able to help us after all. Just tear the vent off if you can... Don't ask questions alright just do so I'll tell you the plan later."


Drecard then opened his eyes and looked over to where Lana was sitting still in front of the Sunset dragon. Smiling Drecard walked over to Lana and sat down a little ways away.


((Alright just opened up another possibility for the plan already made. May hap we can do something with it.))

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"Moloch find a vent close to you and rip it off. You may be able to help us after all. Just tear the vent off if you can... Don't ask questions alright just do so I'll tell you the plan later."


Moloch started when he heard this. "So they decide to include me after all?" Moloch thought with resentment. "They need someone to do some manual labor and they call me. Well, nothing else to do but do it I suppose."


Moloch walked over to the nearest grate and examined it. This was nothing. His claws wrapped around it carefully and pulled with every ounce of his considerable strength. The grate did not stand a chance beneath his rage, and quickly popped free with a loud retort. Marcelon responded to Drecard in his mind, "Anything else required of me?" he mind-spoke, with more than a hint of sarcasm dripping from his mental projection.

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((Yes, I think we can. One plan can go wrong and the other can work C:))

Lana giggled, saying to Elfred,"Yes, I've heard of the plan. I don't really care about Nutoner, we could survive without him. All he did was enslave us!"

She turned and saw Drecard Cain sitting down a bit apart from them. "Mr.Drecard," she called, "This is Elfred!" She bounced up and down, excited with all the new dragons she was meeting. She turned again to look at the sunset dragon standing beside her and jabbered, "Mr.Elfred, that is Mr.Drecard over there! He's my friend!" Lana started to run between the two of them, but stopped when she heard a loud noise. She jumped, and ran to hide behind Elfred. "What was that?" she asked in a quavery, little voice. ((actually Moloch pulling aside the grate))

Graarl made his way across the stone floor toward the pygmy, almost seeming to be part of the floor. He stopped a foot away from her and asked, "Hello. My name is Graarl. What is yours?" He would have also asked if she had heard the plan but wanted to wait for her name first, so as not to overwhelm her, for he had a very imposing presence.

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"Owwwwwwwwwch."Elferd said as he had heard the screeching of the metal thing."Are you okay Lana?"He asked as he looked behind him and turned around.





" Ok. I guess I will go back to the security. Time to give out pay checks for the week."Jack walked over to the security hub. he started to sign a check and remembered that most of them were on their day off."Great." then on the cameras, he saw a dragon trying to tear out a pipe. Naturally it had played out into the cameras and he started to scream in agony.

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Rogan was glad that Jack had left heading for the security hub. Now it was nearly time for the plan to begin. That was before he remembered the camera's that were usually covering the entire zoo. He was now wanting to contact Drecard and tell him about them.


Rogan was looking for a way to get close to the cave without being caught sadly there was none.




Drecard Cain looked up from where he was sitting and began looking around. A few minutes later he found a small crevice that had something inside of it that reflected the sapphire of his eyes.


Looking at it he began to wonder what it was when he sensed a form of panic from the human named Rogan.


Closing his eyes Drecard closed his eyes and contacted Rogan through a mental link.


"What's wrong Rogan?"


Rogan's response was rather fast.


*Drecard I just remembered. There are camera's surrounding this place. If what I think is right then there are camera's inside the fake cave as well. be careful when implementing the plan.*


Drecard opened his eyes and looked back at the reflective glass and figured that it was one of those camera's.


Turning away from the crevice he walked back over to watch Lana's antics as she tried to have some fun. Smiling he laid down to watch.

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Graarl waited patiently for the little Pygmy to respond, listening in on Drecard's mind. He contacted one of the humans, and realized that this must be the human he spoke about talking to. Drecard, what has happened? he asked when realization swept through Drecard's mind, What did the human tell you?


Lana quivered, covering her ears as Elfred turned. "What was that? It was. Very loud and hurt my ears," she whispered, her voice wavering.

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Drecard looked at Lana and said, "That sound was the sound of Moloch ripping the grating off of one of the vents."


"Graarl Rogan informed me of strange devices called camera's... apparently these things can capture images and play them back to whoever is watching miles away. We'll have to find a way of disrupting them if we are to be successful with the plan. other wise the one that we send will just be put back in here again."


Not knowing what to do Drecard began observing the surroundings once more before walking over to the feed slots and sitting near them looking out the glass at what would be a nearing night sky but Rogan was nowhere to be seen.


He must be hiding somewhere out of sight. At that thought Drecard was glad that there was at least someone who cared enough to put their life on the line for a just cause.

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"It looks like we have just found another way out."Elferd said."I have to say that when I heard that, I was a bit scared too."Elferd turned to where he heard the screeching noise."I can't believe that we are surviving this far without our 'master'. But either way, you are a nice little dragon.I wish that there were more dragons like you. The world would be a much better place with more yous."Elferd finished his speak.

Edited by 9pmg5665

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Graarl listened to Drecard, telling him about cameras. We need to figure out how to destroy them or block these cameras then. Maybe the humans can tell us how to do it, so right now I think the feed slot would work best. I found a suitable pygmy to fit, he responded.

Lana stopped quivering, reverting back to her usual joyful self. "Oh, okay!" she burbled, then stopped bouncing and asked, "Why was he pulling the grate off?"

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Silver smiled at him and sighed deeply. She wanted to do something, not like this was boring or anything. She looked at the night sky. "Want to go to the waterfall?" She asked, pointing to a space in the trees.

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Callidus smiled down at Silver. "Why not. Lead the way friend." The green hauled himself to his feet and waited to follow the silver pygmy. It was nicehaving someone to talk to and be able to call friend.

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((trees? and don't double post please :D it irritates me.))

Graarl listened to the pygmy's question, and patiently responded, "All right. What is your name, little one?"

Lana sighed, pacing. "I'm bored," she matter-of-factly said to Elfred. "There is nothing to do here. I'm going to see what Mr.Drecard is doing." She ran over to Drecard, the stopped in front of him, nudging him with her nose. "Are you awake?" she whispered.

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Drecard looked at young Lana and smiled down at her and said, "I am well enough awake. What is it that you want little one?" Drecard awaited Lana's response while thinking of a way to disrupt the camera's and also of a new story to tell the other young dragons that were here.




Rogan had managed to get back to the hiding place that he had found and was hiding there till morning. As time drew on he fell asleep laying on the grass where he was hiding. His dreams were haunted by death, and destruction as well as beauty and life. Dragons also plagued his dreams... Needless to say his sleep was restless.

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(( Sorry Rider, it was a mistake. It said the post didn't post x.x ))


"Kay!" Silver smiled and took one of his paws. She launched off her back legs and into the sky- well the air rather. She was dragging him along, hoping he was flying.


(( Outside of the cave. Trees. A forest. ))

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Callidus launched into the air after Silver and followed the pygmy werever she was leading him to. His vast wings dwarfed Silver in the air and would have been imposing had the smaller dragon not already seen him as a friend.

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Silver and Callidus had landed a minute later. They had landed on a flat rock with water flowing down by its side. She could see the sky getting dark and sighed. "It looks so pretty" She looked at the sparkling water.

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((I'm rather confused. Silver/Callidus are still in the cave right?))



Moloch looked around with a sigh. Even the one thing they had asked him to do did not appear to be the part of any sort of immediate action. It was apparent that he would not be included an any plan, at least for the time being. Perhaps he could think of his own plan.


Moloch wandered around slowly, scanning the walls. "The door we were brought through when they led us here... where is it?"

His eyes landed on a thin crack running straight down the wall, and, several yards beside it was another one. "A door made to look like the wall perhaps?" He mused silently. This would have to be considered.


He unfurled his wings and shook them out, and walked slowly over to the place where the humans could see them from. It appeared most of them were gone for the night. He silently filed this fact away, knowing it would be useful at some point in an escape. They would need all the knowledge they could get.

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Callidus looked up at the sky as well trying to get his bearings using the stars, but he could not make out any of the constellations he knew. He returned his gaze to Silver for a moment before turning and looking across the water as well. He then turned back to the smaller dragon, "Don't worry Silver. We will have freedom again. With help from the others like Elferd and Drecard we will find a way out of this prison and back to our rightful homes were the caves are real, the food of our own choosing, and the skies not blocked from our reach. I promise you that my friend." He ended his promise with a friendly smile. It truely did feel good to be able to use the word friend.

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