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Junkyard Dogs

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((And I manage to mix characters up once more...))


Ty slowly swallowed. "I suppose," he sighed. "This night, two years ago, my mate, Sasha pointed out a shape on the office complex. I said it was her imagination, not even bothering to look up from my meal. That night, in this bus, Sasha said she heard something. I, again, dismissed what she said. They attacked while I was asleep. Shadowpack. I heard her scream in my sleep, I figured she was having a nightmare. I woke up moments later. Some dog was biting me. Sasha was fighting against the alpha of Shadowpack. She would've won, if not for one of his comrades saving him and taking her by surprise. He killed her, opening her throat up. Tearing it apart. The- the blood. Everywhere," he muttered, tears starting to stream down his face. Why hadn't he listened to her? Isn't that what a mate's supposed to do? Isn't that what an Alpha's job is?

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Victoria listened quietly, her expression- like always- unchanging. She was not bothered by gore, having lived such a violent life since she was a puppy. However, sensing what a deep bond Ty had with this Sasha, she felt a pang of sadness. It was near impossible for her to imagine what losing a loved one was like, or much what even having a loved one was like. From Ty's reaction, she could only assume it was worse than the whippings she'd received when she lived with humans. Her scars were borne across her body whether she liked it or not, but she had forgotten them. Emotional scars, on the other hand, were a continual wound even if they couldn't be seen.

Victoria sat back as if quietly contemplating something. Finally, when it appeared she was ready to speak, her eyes drifted away from Ty and gazed distantly out one of the broken bus windows. "Everyone makes mistakes," she said. "Although this one may have cost you something very dear, it has also allowed you to learn and make up for that error in the future. Most dogs don't recognize when they have a second chance, and waste the opportunity. Don't be one of those dogs, Ty. You have a second chance, so live and learn." Now she was hesitant; Victoria didn't know much about emotions, especially those of others. However, part of her felt it would be right to try and comfort the Alpha in some way, and so uncertainty flashed across her eyes as she placed a paw on the seat besides the Doberman.

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"I'm Ally" she barked, "and you are?"

She starred at him with big brown sad eyes.

She had thick fur but was very thin, ribs stuck out of her sides, she hadn't eaten in over a week.


Edited by DragonTrainer101

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He couldn't believe he was about to fight this bag if skin and bones over a stupid tiny mouse, it would be gone in one gulp yet this mongrul thought it to be enough to fight over. Storm knew this guy must be crazy with the hungry, it's ribs were protruding out of it's skin, he could count every bones in it's body as the skin hung tightly to it but saying all of this, the look of pure burning hungry screamed out of his eyes as he eyeballed the mouse. This thing... Or what used to be a dig wasn!t going down without a fight. It were starved weak creatures like this that made food so hard to find, if there were less than food would be more plentiful, anyway there was no more time for thinking as the sprang at him. Storm was all too willing to respond, claws and fangs flashed as Storm clashed with the other dog who was much smaller. The other dog howled in pain as Storm bit down hard in his back leg holding it den in place by placing a flexed paw on the side of the other dog. It flared, twisted and tossed like crazy trying to break away but Storm just had to bit harder and shake his head a little which almost broke his leg, the dog knew it was done for already but was still fighting.

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When Skyla saw Ty's eyes open, she sighed with relief. But what was he saying? Something about someone named Sasha?


Skyla walked over to the door of the bus and peered in to see if he was alright. She was worried. She wanted to know what had happened. But she knew it was best for him not to talk about it, so she turned around and slowly started towards the others.

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((DT101, I'll edit my previous post, but it might be better if maybe she was curious and was involved in the current scene... get someone to chase you, mayhap?))

Ty swallowed, his eyes glazed over. This Victoria, she seemed to be quite wise. He nodded, his head resting on his paws. "Do you mean let go of her? Find someone else? Is that what you mean?" he asked, his eyes both tired and sad. "Victoria... I saw something tonight. Something on top of the office. It was the shape of a dog, I think. I might've been imagining it, but it could mean..." he left the sentence hanging, not needing to finish it.

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The silver Rhodesian watched him for a long moment, trying to figure out how to approach the situation without totally confusing him. "No Ty, that isn't what I meant," she said after a while, retracting her paw from the seat he was sitting in. She was faintly surprised he'd used her actual name, and briefly felt as though she preferred Ghost more. It was almost odd to hear her name again. "Your mistake wasn't having a mate. Your mistake was dismissing someone's observation and not listening to them," she explained, her voice slightly firming. At this point, she felt it was necessary to get him to understand rather than beating around his emotional bush. "It's up to you whether or not you want to take another mate. That's not how you're going to learn from your past, though. You know you did something wrong back then, so learn from it and don't make the same mistake again, or else you will never be able to correct it." Well, she hadn't meant to come off as harsh- a dog like Victoria wasn't well versed in the ways of gentle conversation, even at the expense of another dog's feelings. But since Ty was alpha, he would understand that her nature prevented her from going soft.

His last statement was met with silence as Victoria mulled over the information. Finally, after a while, she said in a calm, almost indifferent tone, "You're the Alpha, Ty. There are dogs out there that depend on you for their safety. In my opinion, I don't believe there is such thing as being too cautious, especially being in this situation. Now, Ty, are you going to lay there like a whipped pup or are you going to protect your pack?"

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Ty narrowed his eyes. What did Ghost know about what he was going through? He bared his teeth, shoving into her and knocking her out of his way. His hackles were up and his eyes furious. He figured she meant to rile him up, if that's what she meant, that's what she got. He jumped on top of the bus, howling a gathering cry.


"Listen well, dogs of Junkpack. I've seen what may be a legend resurfacing. Let us have border patrols constantly and training several times a day. Recruits, tomorrow is your first day of boot camp!" he shouted, his head erect and that of a leader. An air of confidence seemed to radiate from within him, spreading out to the crowds.

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Coruki was surprised. Boot camp? Training? Weren't they going hunting?


The alpha had changed so much in the few minutes he was in side the bus. What had happened?


She was confused. Swishing her tail, Coruki padded over to a broken table and sat down beside it.


"Patrolling the borders for which pack? I thought you had defeated them."

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The change in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. As he roughly pushed by, Victoria stepped back to let him through. In fact, there was almost something prideful in that way she watched him leave. At least he wasn't huddled in the corner anymore. For a brief moment, a smirk formed on Victoria's muzzle as Ty jumped onto the top of the bus. It's about time, she thought, the expression vanishing. As Ty spoke, the Rhodesian trotted silently out of the bus and neared the gathering of dogs. Even if their Alpha was a little mad at her for her blunt response, it was well enough that he was able to function like a true leader.

The tall female took her position behind the others and watched, her figure silent and cold like a shadow.

Edited by Shiny Hazard Sign

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Skyla trotted over to where all the dogs were gathering and sat down. Ty's attitude had changed a lot since she last saw him in the bus, she wondered what Ghost had said to him?


Skyla shook her head. She needed to be listening to what Ty was saying.


"Listen well, dogs of Junkpack. I've seen what may be a legend resurfacing. Let us have border patrols constantly and training several times a day. Recruits, tomorrow is your first day of boot camp!" Ty shouted.


A legend resurfacing? Skyla thought that they had been defeated? And what's this about us new members going to boot camp?


But, if they were resurfacing and the Junkpack could possibly be attacked, Skyla was going to train as hard as she could. She didn't want to let the Junkpack be defeated.

Edited by angelkay

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Wind followed the street only to stop and run into the shadows as a german shepherd engaged in a fight with another, scrawnier dog. She wasn't afraid, she just didn't want to aggravate them. It was their fight after all.


((I'm by storm))

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((I'd like for him to eventually make his own pack))


Name: Earl

Age: 7

Breed: Irish Wolfhound

Rank: Loner

Appearance: He has slate-grey limbs and muzzle that fade to a black body. He is well muscled and easily two and a half feet tall at the shoulder. If he stands on his hind legs, he could reach a height of six feet and could stare down a human straight in the eyes. His wire coat, intelligent yellow eyes, and thick musculature gives him an air of rugged handsomness.

Gender Male

Personality: He's an extremely kindhearted dog, and a fierce protector of the weak. Though he's willing and more than capable of getting into a fight if necessary, his enormous size is usually a strong deterrent, and for the most part he's left alone. He's always been wize for his years and hesitates before taking any action, assessing each new situation for hidden danger first, thus ensuring his hunts to be fruitful.

Mate: None

Pups: None

History: Bought from a specialized breeder when young by an impetuous owner, the human soon realized he had no wish to take care of such a massive and exercise-dependent dog. Earl changed hands to someone with a heavy hand and an even more tenuous grasp on his canine needs, and having had enough, Earl escaped from his second owners to roam the streets when he was merely two years of age. Never quite settling down, he avoided the formation of packs not by design but because he never felt the pull to join one. As he slowly aged, his bones started to feel heavier, and the scraps he could find weren't going far enough, and he began to feel the emptiness a life of loneliness bestowed.


Introduction Paragraph:


Earl sniffed the ground urgently, having come across the strong smell not long after sunset and following it to this place. Through subway tracks and across a small parkway, he finally came upon the den nestled between two trashcans. He looked up and saw the cat disappear into the shadows. Though he knew the cat was never far, he decided to follow it rather than attack - it may have caught something earlier and stowed it away in its nest, afterall. He circled around until a faint beam of light illuminated the hideout well enough to see that it wasn't a meal the cat was hiding, but a litter of kittens.


The kittens, most likely born late spring, were big enough to leave the nest soon, which meant they were all capable of defending themselves. Feral cats were problematic enough, but to have an entire nest of cats with the wild nature instilled in them was too much to handle. He thought briefly of darting in and out, snatching one in his powerful jaws with the use of surprise, but considered it too risky. Surprise on the streets lasted rarely more than a second, most everything was too hardened to be fooled that easily, and he would risk having his eyes gouged or his nose mangled if he tried for the nest. With a grudging shake of his snout, he turned away, ignoring the rumbling of his stomach. He would have to make due with something small tonight, he wanted to save his energy for a better hunt tomorrow.

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I see that no one is playing as Shadowpack members yet. (Unless I missed something) I hope that this is acceptable

Name: Zara

Age: 3

Breed: Pit Bull

Rank: Beta (Shadowpack)

Appearance: White with brown patches. She is missing her left ear and eye from a horrible fight. She is 20 inches tall and around 70 lbs.

Gender Female

Personality: She is aggressive and looks for any accuse to fight. Many dogs in the vicious Shadowpack look up to her fearlessness and lack of mercy. It seems that Zara has no soft-side, although she fiercely loyal to the few dogs she likes.



History:Zara was a champion fighting dog until she lost her left ear and eye in a terrible fight. Her ruthless owner abandoned her at the side of the ride because of her injuries. Shadowpack members found her and took her in because they thought her battle skills might be useful. Zara's experiences as a fighting dog have hardened her heart. She is quick to anger, stubborn, and can be cruel.

Introduction Paragraph: Zara laid in the shadows of the old office complex and licked the blood from her nails. "That's the last time that worthless skinbag will dare to insult ME," she growled softly. She had just made short work of killing a sassy omega that decided to point out her missing eye and ear. Oh well. It was best not to dwell on things so menial. There were better things to think about including her pack's impending revenge. Zara stood up and padded away from the office building, not caring who saw her. Her paws barely made a sound on the moonlit sidewalk.

Edited by nuttymeg3

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((Approved to the both of you. I like yours a lot Python. I think I'll be the Alpha of Shadowpack, just because no one else is.



Name: Frost

Age: 5

Breed: Husky

Rank: Alpha female (Shadopack)

Appearance: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT...NjidKLv3oUa905g

Gender Female

Personality: It is said her heart is as cold as her name, perhaps colder. She is manipulative, cunning, brilliant, head-strong, calculating and quick-witted. She has a thing for torture and strategy. Her mate died in the battle with Junkpack, now she has come back with a pack stronger than before, a pack ready to fight till the end. She has a leader quality to her, a power over others she uses to bend them to her will. She is a strong dog like no other, a trained killer, and she knows how to use her muscle.



History: Frost was not a show dog, was not abused, did not have a bad history. She had a nice home, a nice family, a devoted little girl that gave her what she needed. Then came the day Frost decided she tired of the girl, she wanted more. The parents found nothing of the child besides a stain on the dog's mouth. Frost never needed abuse to make her who she is. She just needed herself. Frost also has a bit of split-personality disorder, helping her along in her various issues.

Introduction Paragraph: Frost sat on a worn couch, her cold eyes twinkling. "You failed me? You failed to catch a glimpse of their camp? It's not that hard, really. You just follow a few rumors and pinpoint exactly where they are. You're just lazy," she said calmly, her eyes slyly facing the other way, her face in a pout. She leaped suddenly at the dog she was talking to, biting its neck and killing it. "Zara? Get someone to clean up this mess." ))

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Zara stepped forward to do Frost's bidding. Although she hated following orders, she felt a certain connection with Frost. They had similar evil personalities and got along well for the most part.

After she was finished dragging the unlucky dog's carcass out of camp, Zara returned to Frost. "Frost," she called softly. She received no answer but continued anyway. Zara barked quickly,"I did manage to catch a glimpse of their camp. But...I think the alpha might have spotted me." Zara stood tense, waiting to see how Frost would react. One could never tell with her.

Edited by nuttymeg3

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Name: Luli

Age: 2 years

Breed: Siberian Husky

Rank: In a trio of dogs, eventually forced into Shadowpack

Gender: Female

Mate: None

Pups: None

Appearance/History: Completely white fur, striking blue eyes. About 20 inches tall. Well muscled due to being raised as a hunting dog and was also going to be used for breeding strong sled dogs before she lost her master. She actually grew up in a loving home, but during a harsh winter, her master died of pneumonia and all of his dogs were either adopted by other families or sent to a shelter. She was being delivered to a new home on a farm outside of the city when the van she was in crashed. Scared for her life in unfamiliar surroundings, she escaped the vehicle via a damaged door that swung open and fled into the city. She has been here for a little more than 2 months. During that time she befriended a small but spunky Miniature Pinscher named Snips and a quiet, protective Czechoslovakian Wolfdog named Kaden, whom she sometimes calls Kay.

Personality: Softspoken and shy, but very intelligent. She considers Snips like a little brother, even though he's older than her since she lost her real siblings to different owners. She is also a skilled fighter, having had to fend for herself during trips out in the wilderness with her late owner.

Intro Paragraph: Luli opened her eyes and looked up at the moon. She couldn't see the stars. She could never see the stars in this place that was always filled with lights. She missed the stars, missed not being able to count the pinpoints of light that would shine down through the deep black of the night sky. And she hated the false lights that emanated out from the giant metal and stone buildings that made up humankind's civilized environment. There was nothing civilized about this place. It was just as dangerous as the wilds, if not more so. At least out in the wilderness she knew who the predators were. Here, animals and humans alike would put on a mask of friendship, just to get close enough to rip your throat out. Yes, Luli missed the stars.

Edited by Lady Evirae

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(Caution, Nutmeg. Making a character that isn't yours do something that wasn't specified by that roleplayer is considered powerplaying.)

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((Whoops! Sorry about that. I will edit that part out of my post. Also, thanks for the warning Shiny Hazard Sign. This is my first time role-playing, and I probably would have had no idea if you hadn't told me.))

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((If you like, Nutmeg, I wouldn't mind giving you some pointers on the basics. Usually most people let it slide if it's something as minor as that, but other people can get really agitated with things like that. It's a good thing to avoid when roleplaying x3))

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Wandering away from the park, Earl came upon a scuffle between a german shepherd and a small dog that looked as if it was a day away from death, even if its leg wasn't already mangled from the bigger dog. A carcass lay between them, and it was enough to keep the smaller one from backing down in submission.


His hackles rose automatically and he leapt forward threateningly with a snarl, trying to startle the shepherd. Though he knew in its condition the little one wouldn't survive the night and would be best if put out of its misery, he couldn't stand to see such an injustice. There was little reason for the shepherd to bully it so much over a minuscule mouse.

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Wind knew that it was time to get out of here. With all these dogs, she'd have no chance if they ganged up on her. She she silently sneaked away, hoping no one heard, smelled, or saw her.


Wind wished she didn't have white fur for the moment.

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((I'm a fairly laid back person, I won't get uptight about something little. That does NOT mean do that though. smile.gif ))


Frost narrowed her eyes. "You let one of them see you? They'll start training, you fool! They'll know it's us! Don't you see what you've done?" she snarled, jumping off of her couch. Her hackles were raised, her eyes wild. She sighed. "You're one of my best, so I shan't kill you. This time. If this happens again I'll demote you! To Gamma."


Ty blinked at the morning sun. The area was still dark because of the smog that hung over the city like a large blanket. Fog still swirled around his feet. Now he'd show these dogs what it meant to be in boot camp. "Victoria! I want you on patrol with Roe! The rest of you dogs, recruits and others, I want you running laps around our junkyard. Got it? Go!" he ordered, starting to run laps himself. He was pleased as he found the running easy, long hours of exercise really had payed off.

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It was snowing. In the cold night Luli was running, chasing something through the silent forest of her home. No! Something was chasing her. She looked back over her shoulder and felt the terror of something closing in on her. It was so close now. No matter how hard she ran, how fast she willed her legs to go, she was losing speed and the monster was gaining. She didn't know what it was, but she knew that if it got her, she would be doomed. She ran and ran, soon coming upon a frozen lake. Looking around, she saw that the only way she could go was across the vast expanse of ice. The creature was almost upon her! Luli took one step forward and tested the ice. It was only a few inches thick, but solid. Carefully, she started making her way across the lake, trying to stay calm enough to test each step first. She glanced back and saw that a deep blackness had engulfed the trees along the shore. Panicking, she slipped and stumbled, trying to move faster. Then she heard it, clear and loud as a gunshot. CRACK! The ice beneath her gave.


Opening her eyes, Luli yawned. It was morning, but fog blurred the light of the sun. It's always the same dream, the same nightmare. I must've fallen asleep without knowing it. Standing up, Luli stretched her legs and looked around. Snips and Kaden were nowhere in sight. They probably went searching for food, she guessed. She needed to do the same. Food in the city wasn't abundant, and while she could go outside the city to hunt in the farms and forests that bordered the human settlements, those trips often lasted a good portion of the day and she didn't particularly feel like making the long trip today. Instead, she made her way to a deli a few blocks away. The owner there often took pity on stray dogs, and he was apparently particularly fond of her because she had chased off a burglar that had tried to break in a few weeks back when she had spent the night behind the building. The owner wouldn't have even known if the thief had any skill in stealth, but the sound of a shattering window was hard to miss, especially when he lived above the deli.

Luli came upon the place after a short walk and went around to a small back alley where the rear entrance was and she sat down to wait. She knew it wouldn't be long before the owner of the deli would make a trash run. After about 20 minutes, he came out right on cue. Upon seeing her there, he smiled and said something in a language she didn't know, but was obviously meant to convey delight. Then he disappeared inside for a few moments. Luli just sat there patiently. He returned and in his hands, Luli spotted a string of a few sausages. She jumped up excitedly and wagged her tail, then trotted over to him and allowed him to pet her while she took the meat in her muzzle. Turning away, she walked a few steps, looked back and gave a muffled bark in thanks and then ran back to where she and her friends had made their home for the night. It was a good morning.

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