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The asteroid which created the Chicxulub crater in Yucatan approximately 65 million years ago would have generated megatsunamis as high as 3 kilometres (1.9 mi); enough to completely inundate even large islands such as Madagascar.[3]


[i am going to have tsunami nightmares tonight, I can tell. .^.]

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squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel




^Wow... didn't realize that was still there! xd.png

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If you have participated during the Alpha, you will have access to the Demon Slayer class after the beta! If you have participated during the Beta, you will have access to the Canoneer class!

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Alpha. Bravo. Charlie. Delta. Echo. Foxtrot.

Golf. Hotel. India. Juliet. Kilo. Lima. Mike.

November. Oscar. Papa. Qubec. Romeo. Sierra.

Tango. Uniform. Victor. Whiskey. Xray. Yankee. Zulu.




Haha. the NATO Phonetic Alphabet. xd.png

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Power 20 to get through 1k, CALL POSITION

Heart of race! Races are won in the middle!

Call rate, rhythm, ratio

LEGS, sit tall, stay long, drive!

Call seats by name, call pairs, encourage

Make move on other crews! If move works, DO IT AGAIN

Focus 10 @600 to go, black window building

Personal calls- “I know you can beat OCC, SHOW ME!”


(Maybe) use the call

Chin up, sit tall, LEG DRIVE, shoulders


20 @ Joe’s Crab Shack, 400 to go

Vertical, shorten layback

Count down, sprint! “Bring it home”




...part of my race plan for rowing. Why is this here? o.O

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Seems like a lot of dragons were meant to be the Dewsong clan's Chief Dragon.

Well, Trumpet's Crow is one of them.

Originally called Misjudged, Trumpet was the younger of the two step-brothers and therefore less experienced and weaker. It was shortly discovered, though, that Trumpet had a "better lineage," and so was "more worthy" than Misjudged to be Chief. So they switched names, and now Trumpet's step-brother carries the burden of always being overlooked.

But it turned out that Trumpet was about to take a turn for the worse as well. His hopes raised higher than the heavens, he was absolutely crushed when it was broken to him that he couldn't be Chief Dragon after all, sorry. The original Chief, One of Hope, would be taking up the position again and that was that.




Description I was writing earlier.

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What would you say if I said a vengeful boy on a path of nihilism was taken under the wings of fearsome angels, and learned to destroy hope with their light?

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