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Defying The Ordinance

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((Is he talking to me?))


Rayne blinked. "Your welcome of course. Most ar quite stupid, it make it almost fun."


Another person came running up to them. "Did you see... There... man... hanging...."


He was good looking and very panicked. She nodded slowly. "Yes I have. Are you by any chance part of the Ordinance?"

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"Wha-? No!" he said, his eyes still panicked. "You... did... you hang him?" he said, trying to get control over what he was saying. "I swear, it wasn't me. I have nothing to do with that!" he said, backing against a wall. He almost jumped as he hit it. His eyes shifted, flicking back and forth.

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"So," Sofia smiled, walking towards him. "You're a shifter?" She whispered in his ear. Not everyone should be notified of that. "I'm one too." She straightened up. "And yes, I was the one who tied him up. He's just unconscious. I've fallen out of my killing stage for a while. Sofia stretched and winked at him. "You're not to blame. Stop shaking please, you're making me nervous."

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Felix relaxed. So. He couldn't be to blame anymore. And the man wasn't dead. That was a relief. He did stiffen as she asked if he was a shifter, but he nodded. "Lion, actually," he said, loosing the panicked look to his face. "And sorry. About the shaking thing. I've got enough problems with the authorities, I didn't need a murder blamed on me too," he laughed, though it was a hoarse one. Yes, the authorities weren't exactly pleased with him at the moment. It was his own fault though.

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"Oh really?" Sofia was interested now. "That wolf over there is Kate. I'm Sofia. I'm a fox shifter. The Ordinance hates me for...their own reasons though most of them are their fault. What's your name?"


Wait, he could have been sent to kill me, and I just told him who I was!


Sofia grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him. "How do I know you're not from the Ordinance? Prove you're a shifter. Show me your mark."

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Kate watched as Sofia told the guy that had just come everything. Her eyes narrowed. She didn't need random dudes to now her name and that she was a shifter. Unless he actually was a shifter, she didn't want him to know anything about her. She waited for him to show them his mark.

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Felix glared at the. He lifted up his sleeve, showing them a sun that easily could've been a tattoo. He narrowed his eyes, pushing the sleeve back down. Glaring at the girl, he sighed. "That good enough? Or do you need to see me turn into a lion as well?" he asked, half-joking, half being serious. He then started to twist out of her grasp, his blue eyes staring steadily at the girl who held his arm. Not really waiting for an answer, he soon was a massive lion who twitched his tail.

"Now do you believe me? Seriously, quite anti-social aren't you? Must you do that to everyone you meet?"

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((Is it ok if Sofia and my character know eachother? Cuz they're both kinda antisocial.))


Lucifer watched her surroundings carefully, a slight smile on the curve of her lips. There was so much info to be gained by just sitting in a tree motionlessly blending into the shadows. Ever since becoming a shifter she had been more feline than human. Suddenly, movement caught her attention. Then a soft moan reached her ears. A man was dangling from a building. He didn't look too good. Then she spotted two figures close by. A third one was fast approaching. Then the three started talking.


She could just make out their shapes. The wolf was obvious. Then a girl. And then a guy. Lucifer righted her head, so that she could see better. The deformity, though natural, could be such a pain at times. Looking closer, she saw that she could recognize one of them.


The girl bounded down from the tree gracefully, landing without a noise. Walking towards them silently, she slid out a knife just in case. Life here had taught her to be wary and cautious when it came to other people. But as she got closer, she realized who the girl was. Lucifer weaved through the shadows, mostly unseen until she stood next to her. "Hey Sofie. Long time no see." She said with a light laugh.


As she got a better look at the other two, her almost neon colored eyes narrowed with suspicion, she twirled the knife unconciously. It spun in unending circles, the light flashing off it threateningly. "And who are they?' Lucifer wasn't exactly a trusting person, not even around shifters.

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The lion growled as it saw a girl approaching, shifting into a human a little too quickly, Felix staggered slightly and walked back a step. Turning to the girl, his blue eyes narrowed.

"My name is Felix. You can talk to me as if I were here, you know," he said, clearly annoyed that the girl hadn't bothered to ask him herself. Felix eyed the twirling blade with both curiosity and wariness. He wasn't about to let this girl stab him with that thing. It looked dangerous and real enough. He looked at the girl with distaste clearly written in his eyes.

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((Lol btw, anyone wanna date her? She's arrogant and very aggressive rofl. But nice... sorta. And it usually spices up rps a bit when theres some romance. And I'm pretty good at stuff like that.))


"My name is Felix. You can talk to me as if I were here, you know." The boy was staring at her in obvious distaste, blue eyes watching her blade as it spun.


Lucifer gave him a careless look, eyes flashing with annoyance. She knew perfectly well how arrogant she was but that made no difference if she didn't care. Following his curious stare, she looked down at the knife, just realizing what she was doing. With quick snap of her fingers, it suddenly stopped. The tip was pointing at him, quivering slightly. Sure she was a bit aggressive and all that, but she knew she had the skill to back up her threats. And she didn't like people questioning her.


"Was I talking to you? I dun't think so." Lucifer crossed her arms, daring him to try anything.

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Kate watched as the guy that claimed her was a shifter showed them his mark and shifted into a lion, and back again as a girl walked over to them. She drew a knife and was talking to Sofia as if they knew each other. Kate didn't say anything. The girl had been talking to Sofia, and pointed her knife at the guy that turned into a lion when he spoke. It would be best if she remained silent.

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((Felix could.... I just don't see them liking each other, as of now. Then again, their forms are both large cats, that would go along well... if Felix can stop being so obnoxious, that is. xd.png))

"Yeah, but you asked who I was as if I wasn't there. So I responded," he snapped carelessly and rather stupidly, still staring at the girl's knife. His piercing blue eyes locked with hers as they flashed in anger. She was really starting to piss him off now. "You're so cocky. You really need someone to knock you off your high-horse," he said, continuing on his dangerous and stupid rant. Shaking his head, Felix leaned against the wall behind him.

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((Lol thats fine. Itll be funny.))


"Yeah, but you asked who I was as if I wasn't there. So I responded," Felix snapped, obviously annoyed now. He stared at the knife once more before locking eyes with her. "You're so cocky. You really need someone to knock you off your high-horse." The shifter shook his head and leaned against a wall.


"Well that's still not speaking to you wuz it Mr. Nosy." Lucifer hissed, starting to get really pissed off now. Her mismatched eyes flashed angrily, leaf green and cobalt. She let her head tilt to the left, her red streaked hair drapped across her neck. "And besides, you're not exactly that humble either." She gave him a mocking smile, her fang-like teeth gleaming. Though she didn't like him much, she had to admit he had spunk. Most people would've run off by now. But then again, most people weren't shifters.

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"You're right, that's asking something about someone when they're right there," he countered, glaring right back at her. He had to admit, she was good at arguing with him. He held a cocky grin on his face, though his eyes were narrowed still with distaste. Rolling his eyes, he studied the girl before him. Easy enough to pick out of a crowd. Black hair, red streaks. One blue eye, on green. A strange tick to her neck. Slim. Easy to find, if needed. Shaking his head, he looked arrogantly up at the sky.

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"You're right, that's asking something about someone when they're right there." Felix countered, giving her a cocky grin. Rolling his eyes, the boy looked her over. And then looked up at the sky.


"Course I'm right." Lucifer replied arrogantly, her eyes narrowed. He was so cocky. She knew she was cocky but it annoyed her when other people were. Hypocritical but true. His orange hair stood out like a sore thumb amongst other people, and the tattoo like mark on his shoulder was so easy to locate.


She shifted her weight to the other foot and something moved around her right leg. Pulling out a scimitar, she gave a small huff of annoyance and adjusted it before sliding it back in. What had appeared to just be a pocket was actually a hidden sheath. Tossing her hair carelessly, Lucifer allowed the long strands to smack the other shifter in the face.

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((Fine with me. ^^ Felix should go out with Lucifer. Both have reps. XD))


"Yes, well," Felix twisted out of her grasp, showing her his mark and turning into a lion. "It's best to be careful right." Another girl walked ouo the woods and called out a greeting.


"Hey Lucifer." Sofia greeted her. Felis introduced himself and she watched them have an arguement. They'd make such and adorable couple Her face took on a sly smile. "Well I see you've gotten to know Felix. This is Kate." She gestured to the wolf.

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((Lol that'd be interesting))


"Hey Lucifer." Sofia was smiling as she watched the argument. "Well I see you've gotten to know Felix. This is Kate." She gestured to the wolf beside her, who had been watching quietly the whole time.


Lucifer noticed the smile and giving her a confused look, grinned back. "So where have you been? Haven't seen you for quite a while around here. Thought you might've left. Too many humans or somethin'." She bit her lip gently, thinking. A small bead of blood rolled down her chin and splashed onto her neck. A tiny red stain amidst her pale skin. The shifter gave a small hiss of annoyance. She had been doing that quite a lot lately and it couldn't be too healthy. Wiping it off, she flicked out her tongue and licked it off her finger.

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"Don't eat yourself, cannible." Sofia teased. "I've got a tissue." She hhanded a soft wad of paper to Lucifer. "I felt like leaving but you know, it's quite fun here. They have yet to discover the depth of my awesome-ness." She laughed. "I've been in the woods for a while. Feeling how peaceful it is there." She sighed. "I haven't seen you around either. Where have you been lately?"

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Lucifer laughed and took the piece of tissue. It made a soft rustling noise as she crumpled it up into a small wad. The redness of the blood quickly stained the thin paper as she wiped off her neck and chin. Finished, she took aim and tossed it at a nearby trash can. It flew through the air with a soft swish before landing neatly in the center. "Here and there." The shifter nodded to herself absentmindly. "A bit of napping during the daytime... A little art... And of course alotta hunting." She grinned crookedly, remembering the past couple weeks. Yup, she's had a pretty good season so far.


It was probably wrong to think of humans as prey. But she didn't really care. Hunting was Lucifer's favorite... Hobby. She could spend hours enjoying it. Like a sport. The first stage when she sought out a specific person. This was usually easy, with the busy crowds and all. Then the next part was more challenging. Finding a time to catch them while they were alone. Once that was done though, she could enjoy the thrills of the chase. Which, despite being too easy for her taste, then led to the kill. Which was usually a quick thrust with a knife or scimitar. Or of course, if she really didn't like the human, a brutal mauling with sharp claws and fangs.


But then there was also the good old fashioned hit-and-run. Random killings of people selected of the spot. Usually a stab to the jugular and before anyone notices, leaving to watch the panic from afar. Oh how she loved the hunt. It's challenges lent excitement to her life. And of course she loved the chaos usually occuring right after a kill.

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"Still hunting?" Sofia laughed. "Haven't you changed a bit? I've been teaching that pesky Ordinance a lesson."

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Lucifer grinned, her eyes shining maliciously. "Of course! Wut else would I be doing?" She casually tossed her hair, the long, multicolored strands waving in the wind. "Thats good to hear. They're so freaking annoying. Thinking that their weak little group of humans can destroy us." The shifter snorted scornfully with a cat-like flick of the tongue. The very thought of the Ordinance and what they stood for brought out the beast in her. She stared at the brickwall in front of her, a finger between her teeth, thoughtfully. They were very nice hunting though. Especially the properly trained ones. Still, they were no match for a real shifter.

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((geez you guys post fast blink.gif; now to get a post up before i lose track of it again *poofs in and gets a post up* ninja.gif))


Annie was walking in the forest when she heard a few members of the Ordinance group walking somewhere behind her. She quickly shifted to her hawk form before landing on a branch that was a few feet above her head. A few minutes after she got there, she saw the people that she heard pass by under her and quickly jumped down behind them silently before taking them out with her daggers. She then cleaned her daggers before dragging the bodies to a few bushes nearby and making sure that they were hidden before walking along again. She wondered if she would encounter any other shifters in the woods as she walked and if they would be friendly.

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((I'm baaaaaaaaaaack, and I apologize sincerely fand excessively for being inscribe for so long. I will create my character as soon as possible so I can get into this. Thank you so much Raven for keeping this up and running for me, it really means a lot. If an explanation is needed I will provide one ASAP))

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((shrimp!!! *huggletackleglomps* biggrin.gif; you're welcome happy.gif...I'm happy to help smile.gif))

Edited by Dragonpelt

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"Well......" Awkward pause. Sofia smiled and opened her mouth. Another awkward pause. She closed her mouth. "Well?" She said more forcefully. "Anyone have a conversation topic? Or something to do? Let's go hunt down some more Ordinance members. Better yet, let's find some more shifters."

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