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Midnight Madness

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Lillian sat among her pack as they basked in front of the den. She loved the silence and being able to dig her feet into the soft dirt.

One of her kin looked up and his ears flicked around, following the sound of something. The rest of the pack including her looked

around in surprise and joined in. A short series of grunts told Lillian that she was wanted to scout. She obeyed and clawed up the

redwood sized trees. Lillian had been raised by fownir and had never used her wings but retained a gift for climbing and leaping

about the trees. And so she did just that. It was relatively easy to spot the pink and white blur running through the forest and Lillian

drew her rapier just in case. But ran back through the branches and slid into the packs' midst.

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Tyflos had been walking a bit. Tired by the run, bored by the silence. His bow was drawn just in case. You never know with Verls. But Benny, was asleep. Sleeping on Tyflos' head.

Tyflos looked around the blurs of the forest. Some large, some short. Wait. Two Auras. Far out. They were heading towards each other. One in the trees. One on the ground. He ran two steps up a tree and grabbed a branch. Climbed up to a decent height and glided from tree to tree. Barely keeping his balance. Bow drawn, he had an arrow in it now. He came closer. They were just barely on the edge of his hearing. He sat in wait.

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Lillian was greeted by nervous whimpering and hostile growls directed at the strange intruder. Their ears heard soft endarian tread yet no

rustling wings, armor yet not heavy for battle, prey or predator was unknown. She told them of the two-foot with bright hair and fair skin.

There was mush arguing but it was agreed that this was a rare predator that was a freak of evolution. And the reason for the abnormal

coloring was to be classified with the stories when "natural selection" spared the clumsily built. The pack had once hunted a brightly colored

Verl so the Endarian was put at that level. The elder of the pack rose and the others followed. With quick feet, hard muscles, and sharp teeth

they ran towards the footfalls. Lillian grabbed onto her eldest sister and rode on her back. The grayish white fur whipped in her face and she

tightened her grip on the rapier.

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Julia was walking with John, down the forest road. "John how many things can you change into?". "Well I don't know anything I guess." Julia and John saw a large figure in the sky, that almost looked like a Drako. Julia walked closer to the figure. "Hi Mr.Drako what's your name? My name is Julia and this is my brother John." Umm Julia mabye we shouldn't mess with something that is about twice our size." Well you can change into giant animals and stuff." "Well, ok just make it quick." Julia ran over to the Drako like figure.


((Sorry did I meantion John and Julia are long lost siblings))

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Signum had been walking in peace for a while till the soft rustling of fur and padded steps grabbed her attention. Stopping, she focused her attention on the sources of the sounds. Eventually she tracked them down, but only to catch glimpses through the trees about her. Still, they were enough for her to know what was circling her. A pack of fownirs were her possible opponents and their sudden appearance meant she had likely wandered too close to their dens.


Calmly she set her future meal down and set her right hand on the hilt of her sword as she called out, "I know you are there, fownirs! There is no point in hiding further from me!" With her skills, she could take one or two of them down for certain if them attacked, but a whole pack was certainly out of the question. She wondered though if they would realize she might be too dangerous of a prey item.

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Lillian informed her sister of where she was going and hopped down from her back. A short round of growls, whines, and grunts

later the pack evasively continued through the trees. They were ready to back their little sister but they stayed back for now.

Lillian walked out in a non-threatening manner and stood looking up at the intruder. "Dens, protect, go back" she managed to

translate. Some of the white fur sticking to her cloak blew off and stuck to the surrounding trees. If you looked closely you could

see the faded tracks of countless hunts, and there was the distinct smell of urine marking the area.

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Signum was surprised when another Endarian emerged form the pack of fownir to speak to her. The endarian's speech was highly disjointed, but she understood what she meant about their dens being up ahead. Signum paused for several moments to consider before releasing her sword and grabbing meal from the ground. With a slight turn she set off at forty-five degrees to the path she had been on. She wondered if it would be enough to keep the fownirs away or not, but either way, the other endarian would probably tell her.

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Tyflos sit in wait. Let's see. A female Endarian, wandered into Fownir country unknowingly. Another one popped up and told her to leave. He was within range to fire at the Fownir if they attack, and he could see a clear run through the trees if it gets melee. He woke Benny and told him to keep quiet. he filled him in and they both shut up. Bow ready with two arrows set. How will this play out?

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Her Fownir family stopped circling and stood behind Lillian in the trees. They sensed something else but were not worried, most likely it was some sort of

game. Lillian looked up at the deepening blue. It would very soon be evening at which point they would retire to the den and cover the entrance. And if

that pink and white two-foot came anywhere near the den there would be havoc. "Maybe we should put up a fence" Lillian joked to her eldest sister. A

few in her family chuckled but otherwise they were serious.



((I have seen the people in my immediate vacinity stalking even when they could have posted. Please post ._.))

Edited by ArchiosLukos

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Tyflos decided they wouldn't attack. They seemed to just be protecting their territory. He slipped the arrows back into the quiver and the bow back over his shoulder.

Benny was being stupid and jumping about in the trees, bored.

"Hey, stop." Tyflos told him.

"Look, I won't fall or nothin'." Benny replied.

But just then Benny landed on a weak branch and snapped it. He tumbled out of the tree and bounced of a Fownir. Flew through the air and landed in the pathway between the Endarians.

Loudly, and not that far away, you could hear cursing.

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The Fownir that had been hit let out a startled yelp that turned immediately into a growl. The rest of the pack snapped their heads around and looked for

the sudden disturbance. It was small prey, a few feet tall, easily crushed, and never hunted before because of its non-substantial size. The same Fownir

that had notified them with his yelp, now bristled the hairs on his back up and let out a rumbling growl deeper than the first to scare the pathetic excuse

for a beast back into the trees.

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Tyflos pulled his Bow. Armed two arrows on it, and jumped through the trees. He jumped out of one and landed in front of Benny. Staring at the Fownir Benny landed on, Arrows aimed on it's head. He spoke to the Endarian girl with the Fownir.

"Call them off, now." He spoke slowly. "Or you'll have a fight."

Benny was scared witless and passed out. He lay half a foot behind Tyflos' feet.

Edited by Dusset

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Once Benny had passed out the Fownir calmed down anyway but Lillian and the pack peacemaker came up to him and the peacemaker whined

while she talked to him. "Go, Family dens risked. Attack soon, are on edge" she rumbled. Lillians hand had turned white because she had been

holding her weapon so tight. A small trickle of blood slid from under the stressed skin. All her family except her sister ran to the den and Lillian

turned and climbed halfway up a tree.

Edited by ArchiosLukos

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Tyflos was surprised. He'd thought there would be conflict. Actually he was hoping for it. The forest isn't as exciting as the city. But it did well today. He set his long bow on his shoulder and arrows in the quiver on his hip. He stretched and picked up Benny and set him on his head.

Now watching him do this would be an odd thing. But not only was Benny asleep. This was how Tyflos practiced his balance.

He turned and started to walk away as the Fownir left. Wait, another blur. Oh right. He'd forgotten the other Endarian girl. She looked older and was the one who started the little rumble.

"You were pretty lucky there. Had you gone much further, you, and your lunch there, would have been lunch." He said as he came up to her. "My name's Tyflos, yours?"

Edited by Dusset

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Lillians elder sister ran off but Lillian herself stayed perched on a branch. Never trust the enemy, never turn your back, and NEVER leave them unsupervised.

This was the code of conduct as far as most things went. But the endarian had introduced mercy, not mercy among the clan, but to outsiders. Fownir were

very emotional creatures in personal life but were normally merciless to anything else. She pulled out a peice of raw meat from a stolen backpack and nibbled

on it. (please do not be disgusted :])

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Chawnre had decided the movement was not worth it it was to small and pulled back up but then the scent of meat caught his hungry noes. He steered towards it getting closer.

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Signum had been on her way out of the area when a pair of endarians dropped down from a branch above. She immediately spun, dropping her meal and pulling her own sword from its sheath. She immediately got on edge as the fownirs approached and began circling about her and the other two. "I suggest getting out of here you fools..." she said calmly, a hard edge to her voice. She felt fear, stronger then before, but still a measure of self-assurance, she wasn't the idiot that had bothered the fownirs.

Edited by jaina

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"Hey!" Tyflos said. "Fools? Ok, I'll give you delinquents, but not fools!"

He reached to his boot to find his knife. He pulled it out and stood in a position to defend himself.

"I'm not the one who wandered into Fownir Country!" He continued. "And Benny... well... Benny is a Bargos, you know how they get... And besides I only asked your name."

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((Stop Godmodding my Fownirs, They are going to the dens plz mellow.gif))


Lillian stepped gingerly from branch to branch, making sure not to snap a weak one. She perched on a branch directly over them and swayed up and

down slightly. A little more, and more, SNAP! On cue the branch broke and Lillian tumbled through the air. One the way down she crashed into several

more obstacles and found herself desprately flailing around at 50 feet up; a groan escaped her. What the h*** had just happened?

Edited by ArchiosLukos

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There was a crack. Tyflos whipped his head around. He dropped his knife, bow and dropped Benny. *Klack* *Klack* C'mon, little more. Just a little more to get to her. C'mon, don't die, don't die!

The impact of catching her would knock him clean out. So what he did was he grabbed a branch and pole-vaulted up. Just in time to make impact with her. More or less slamming into her than valiantly catching her mid fall.

Tyflos kept going though. He taken the full kinetic energy from the fall and took it in the head. She'd land fine, he'd be hurt. He hit a tree and dropped like a rock.

Nope, not like the city.

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((sorry for the once again small post. I wanted to give you some moving space))


Lillians head was swimming, how could she have been so clumsy? The trees became blurred ans she felt herself hit the ground with some force.

She felt like a weakling. Slowly she moved her head around and tried to grasp for something to pull herself towards. She wouldn't allow herself

to be dragged off! Definitely not... "Go..."

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