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Carnivorous M.


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Oh. Oopsie. xd.png


Eh, it doesn't have to be a girl; they could just be close friends. I don't want to overwrite what you already have planned. Whatever works for you! ^^


Okay, we'd probably better get back into the game now... xd.png


Meet Pale Duchess!


Pale Duchess has, since her hatching, possessed a strange air that could only be called 'regal.' While she doesn't outright call them her subjects, she treats the other dragons in the cave as if they are somehow of lower birth than she. Subtly, and not with any particular ill will; just a patronizing tone here, an aloof nod there, a long-suffering glance to the heavens at the folly of another. Subsequently, many dragons in the cave feel uncomfortable around her. She doesn't seem to be much perturbed by this; in fact, she enjoys her solitude to an odd degree. Her original name, Pale Shrieker, simply didn't stick, and to this day she is referred to in whispers as the Pale Duchess.
Edited by Carnivorous M.

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Pale Duchess -- Write that description!



Sala and Saya, Stranger in a Strange Land, and Wandering Bloom all have pending descriptions, but none of my others are described yet. Taking suggestions if you like. smile.gif



Ghost in the Shell:

Ghost in the Shell takes a strange delight in her pale visage.  She has a wicked sense of humor and enjoys sneaking up on unsuspecting dragons, leaping out at them from the shadows with a bloodcurdling screech and laughing when she manages to frighten them.  She is also quite fond of hatchlings, who love to try and creep up on her without her noticing.  She almost always does, but she'll ignore them until they're close enough to touch...then whirl around at them and pretend to chase them away!  One of the few dragons that Ghost has never managed to scare is a pessimistic young Hellfire Wyvern named You Can't Have.  She finds his outlook on life fascinating and continually tries to cheer him up with her games.  It usually doesn't work, but these attempts tend to result in philosophic conversations that both dragons have found to be enlightening.
Edited by Danne

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Ghost in the Shell-- Write That Description! (YayAsimovreference!)


Pending: same as before, with the addition of Pale Duchess.


Meet Cantelli, the Denial Balloon! biggrin.gif


As a hatchling, Cantelli eagerly asked to have the anti-aging spell cast upon her that would give her eternal youth; the thought of growing older and becoming a slow, ungainly adult like everyone else filled her with dread. Unfortunately for her, Carnie mysteriously disappeared shortly after she and her nestmates hatched. The young balloon waited anxiously for the wizard's return, feeling herself growing older. The day came when she grew up, and Carnie still had not been seen; it wasn't until several weeks later that the human showed up at the cave, tired and hungry and refusing to tell where she had gone. Unable to accept this, Cantelli moved into the frozen hatchling's section, and did her best to make herself useful. To this day, she stubbornly pretends that she is just a very large hatchling, and that she was in fact frozen as Wizard Carnie promised her so long ago.
Edited by Carnivorous M.

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Cantelli-- Write That Description!


Here's Audentia Mango's:

Many dragons think of Audentia Mango as a arrogant know-it-all, but he insists it's not true. He says he is merely classy, and if he happens to come off as a know-it-all, it's because he is. Occasionally, he makes an effort to socialize with his "mentally inferior" cavemates, but it normally ends badly, as he simply cannot resist the temptation to show how smart he is. Many dragons wonder how his mate, Wetfrills puts up with him. However, the secret to their relationship, is the simple fact that Wetfrills is hard of hearing and just nods along happily to her mate's long lectures.
Edited by Sunfeathers

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Audentia Mango - Write that description!


Open to suggestions, but might not take them. Everyone on my scroll from Xaybec down is currently descriptionless. (Yes, I know I have three to write already - I'm getting there).


Isgena is a very quiet and meek dragon, and not the sort that one would expect to be able to stand up to Lady Altrevrys.  Indeed, the silver dragon can easily chase her off, but Isgena is always back within the hour, sunning herself on one of her favorite perches as though nothing had happened.  Isgena is more stubborn than all of Argent Mountain's other residents put together, a fact that was instrumental in the ridgewing dragons winning a place there.
Edited by Mathcat

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Merci Reginea -- Write that description!

Suggestion if you'd like: Paper dragons are not truly alive, but are simply enchanted pieces of paper. How does Merci Reginea feel about this?



My dragons Ghost in the Shell, Sala and Saya, Stranger in a Strange Land, and Wandering Bloom all have pending descriptions. None of my other dragons are described. I'm open to suggestions, if you like!


ETA: It's "Darkfate." xd.png Her lineage is pretty awesome, but she's not a dorkface. I'll get right on that, though!


Edit the Second:

Amya Darkfate:

Amya Darkfate comes from a proud, distinguished family.  They had high expectations for their daughter, but Amya felt trapped by their rules and crushed by their expectations.  She ran away from home before she'd even grown her wings, a tiny hatchling alone in the dangerous wild.  Through sheer luck and determination, that foolish little dragon has now grown into a strong, determined young warrior.  A skilled fighter and a powerful sorceress, she loves the thrill of single combat, her own strengths pitted against those of her opponent.  Arrogant and a bit of a loner, Amya doesn't believe that any dragon alive can defeat her.  She's in for a rude awakening someday, but until then she'll face the world with her head held high and her black scales gleaming in the sun.
Edited by Danne

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Amya Dorkface - Write that description!

By the way, Amya dorkface is an awesome name. Not that I'm biased by being called Amy or anything, but it is an amazing name. smile.gif


Merci Reginea already has a description pending I'm afraid.

Dragons with pending descriptions are Rozalina, Lule, Big red dragon of love, Lord Ruby, Lord Darby, Merci Reginea, Vattan Cavall and Signoir Rose.

Edited by littleangelamy22

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Krolewna-- Write That Description!


Pending: Makrida, Vhirn, Nanachu Raande, Lunic Mania, TG- Rasuke, Creja Re Wind, Luspurim, Early Fall, Faeipawinn, Tavitero, Pale Duchess, and (when I have time to write it) Cantelli.


Meet Vougeri (a.k.a. Dragon Batman xd.png)!


Vougeri the Golden has always been proud of his parentage; the fact that one of his parents was a gold made him feel somehow special among the hundreds of other dragons in the cave. He was therefore deeply shocked when one day he went to find his birth parents, only to find their home cave in ruins, blood everywhere, and two dead bodies huddled together. After giving them a decent burial, he spent a three-week vigil at his birth cave, blending into the early spring snow. Now, he only drops in on his real home every once in a while, spending the rest of his time looking for clues as to who-- or what-- killed his parents. Occasionally, he will enlist the help of his close friends, Rosharaie Christenus, Majar Goldweyr, and Koraluun.
Edited by Carnivorous M.

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Vougeri the Golden -- Write that description!



Pending: Amya Darkfate, Ghost in the Shell, Sala and Saya, Stranger in a Strange Land, Wandering Bloom


Taking suggestions!



Mistress Muse fancies herself quite the lady.  She is prim and proper, perfectly preened and painstakingly precise.  She is most likely to be found daintily flitting about in a flower garden or summer meadow, searching for inspiration for poetry.  Her poems are, admittedly, not as good as she thinks they are, and they provide a good view into the rather insecure soul that lines beneath her classy veneer.
Edited by Danne

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Mistress Muse - Write that description!


Open to suggestions, but might not take them. All dragons from Xaybec down are currently undescribed. Of the dragons already requested, Morgana and Valor now have pending descriptions, but the other two are still in progress.


Belle Thuwed is a pretty, dainty bluna who is convinced that she is the most beautiful dragon ever to hatch.  She refuses to join in games, for fear of spoiling her good looks, and the other blunas in Triunis' pod think she's rather stuck-up.  Belle is equally proud of her famous ancestors, and if she ever met Fularo Thuwed, the pair could probably talk about ancestry for hours.
Edited by Mathcat

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Alright, I simply haven't been able to think of anything for Zombine dry.gif Sorry. If the next person wants, they can do two... however, I would like a prompt or some sort of help xd.png



Mr Flamingi and Signorita Alucard- Write those Descriptions! For added fun, try making them connect to one another biggrin.gif


PLEASE, check if the dragon you pick already has a description or not- I've got over two dozen and it is difficult to keep track of them. Dark Samus, SA-X, 1000 Words, Mesmer, Aperture Science Birthday Cake, Cold Companion, and Zoidberg have pending ones. I will not work with unnamed dragons/ones in a song/ones with obviously joke names (Gordon's Gravity Gun, ones like that).



One could say this dragon has a bit of a complex- while he is absolutely tiny, only larger than a Pygmy, Jack insists that he is a king. Or emperor. Occasionally, he proclaims that he is, in fact, a god! The god of all pumpkins and squashes, occasionally taking duties in the realms of corn. He is constantly annoyed with the other dragons who refuse to bow to his nobility, some even daring to laugh in his face!


Needless to say, such a delusional dragon can only have friends as insane as himself. So far the only one who will speak to him (or rather, that he deems worthy of his time) is the frozen Frill hatchling, Niftu Cal.

Edited by Dr. Paine

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Lady Emily Goldfish - Write that description!


Open to suggestions, but might not take them. All dragons from Xaybec down are currently undescribed.


Xamora wishes that she'd been born anything but a terrae dragon.  She gazes longingly at other dragons and especially at skywings, wishing she could fly, even as awkwardly as her mate, Shyarx.  Instead, she must try to be content with plodding along, trying not to crush anything.  All of the other terrae dragons in Shyarx's herd seem perfectly contented with what they are, leaving Xamora feeling lonely and out-of-place.




Unlike Xamora, Shyarx is perfectly happy being a terrae dragon.  He's proud of the herd he's gathered, and the way their footsteps make the ground shake as they pass.  Shyarx can't understand why Xamora envies puny dragons like skywings and mints, but still does his part to make her feel welcome in the herd.


Edited by Mathcat

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Xamora - Write that description!

Suggestion: Lonely and feels left out for some reason?


All dragons listed above have pending descriptions, and some have a description on the scroll, so please check. smile.gif Open to suggestions.

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Bingo and Trip -- Write that description!

Suggestion if you'd like one: One of the heads is irrationally afraid of something. What is it, and what does the other head think about this?



Pending descriptions: Amya Darkfate, Ghost in the Shell, Mistress Muse, Sala and Saya, Stranger in a Strange Land, Wandering Bloom


Open to suggestions!



Fris Feylock:

Fris Feylock is a hunter, in more than one sense of the word.  He takes pride in his ability to kill and refuses to eat any meat that he did not catch himself.  His prey is not limited to his dinner, however; Feylock is a bounty hunter who excels at tracking down violent criminals.  He's not picky about who is employers are, either.  He'll accept any job he finds interesting, and will bring in the fugitive dead or alive.  He prefers dead.
Edited by Danne

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Fris Freylock-- Write That Description!


Pending: Same as before, with the addition of Vougeri the Golden in a minute or two.


Tomorrow, I'm going to send Khallayne a PM and ask her to pass judgment on my descriptions so I won't have so many pending at once.


(My apologies about Krolewna; I was tired and short on time, and I forgot my own advice. ^^')


Meet Tamiori, the Pygmy Therapist!


The timid daughter of Keriona and Tavitero, Tamiori is a sweet, gentle soul with a notable stutter and easily-hurt feelings. While she loves both of her parents and enjoys spending quality time with them, Tavitero's caustic nature doesn't exactly make for happy family outings. Due to her fractured relationship with her father, Tamiori has made it her business to try and heal the rifts between enstranged family members dwelling in the caves. She has actually become pretty good at it over time, and many dragons owe their closeness with their families to this one small, wide-eyed, tangle-tongued pygmy.
Edited by Carnivorous M.

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Tamiori - Write that description!


For the most part, every dragon I have do not have a pending description expect for Elder Angel Grace and Oracion. There are a few that have descriptions. I will take suggestions!


Here is Vesta Rhapsody.


Some say that we are born evil, others believe that we are raised that way. Vesta on the other hand, doesn't care. To her, "evil" are just those competent enough to fend for themselves and rely on their own strengths. Everyone else are just weaklings. If one ever crosses her path, then may their souls rest in peace because Vesta won't stop her assault until that poor soul is thoroughly dead. No one likes the fact she commands everyone to her liking, but what's going to stop her. She strikes fear in the strongest of warriors. The other vicious breed plan to use her brute force to be in charge. Even Forsaken Angel Felix, the only dragon parallel to her in strength, stays away. Luckily the elder of the cave, Messender of Thoth, knows Vesta's Achilles' heel, her need for attention.
Edited by xdlugia

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Vesta Rhapsody-- Write That Description!


Pending: Same as before, with the addition of Tamiori in just a minute.


Meet Benecia, the scientist!


Ever since he found the magical encyclopedia of the world Wizard Carnie comes from, Benecia has been absolutely fascinated with the fragments of otherworldly information that he uncovered before Carnie sternly confiscated it; namely, the section about genetics. Considering that the extent of most dragons' knowledge of genetics is that you're the same species as one of your parents, and you may or may not look and act like them, this was an interesting subject indeed for the bright hatchling. Since then, he has devoted himself to the study of genetics, and has claimed the name Riboneuclia Benecia-Dorkface in honor of his field.
Edited by Carnivorous M.

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Riboneuclia Benecia Dorkface - Write that description!


Pending same as before, but with the addition of Bingo and Trip. Open to Suggestions.

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Lady Aquamarine - Write that description!


Open to suggestions, but might not take them (Xamora's suggestion, for example, might go to another dragon). All dragons from Xaybec down still need descriptions.


Nawto and Gisava are two of the most unpleasant dragons Dragonhaven Island has ever known.  Nawto, in particular, is especially nasty, loving to try to smash eggs and injure hatchlings, and delights in wreaking havoc wherever possible.  Norivan and Kalazor would love to see him gone, but he eludes their best efforts to catch him.  If Nawto has any redeeming qualities, they have yet to come to light.


Whispering Willowclaw (or "Whisper," for short) is outwardly quiet and demure - the typical pink dragon - but possesses a surprising strength of character.  Nobody can bully or domineer her, though many have tried, and even dragons who should know better often underestimate her.  Whisper is one of the few dragons who can sometimes talk sense into Valor Goldenblaze, and can give him a thorough critique of his actions without ever raising her voice above a mental whisper.  What she gets out of the relationship is unclear, unless it's a chance to be part of the "great destiny" fate supposedly has in store for Valor.
Edited by Mathcat

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Nawto- Write that description!


PLEASE, check if the dragon you pick already has a description or not- I've got over two dozen and it is difficult to keep track of them. Dark Samus, SA-X, 1000 Words, Mesmer, Aperture Science Birthday Cake, Cold Companion, Jack the Pumpkin King, Niftu Cal, and Zoidberg have pending ones.


The following dragons will not be described ever (marked with *), or won't be described unless you give a prompt:


Dark Aether

Light Aether


Phendrana Dreams

Phendrana Nights

Anything with Freeman/Apsci in the name

Barney Calhoun*

The G-Man*

Don't Startle the Witch*

Adrian 'The Witch' Gray*

The Smoker*

The Scout*

The Medic*

Neo Yo-Yo*

Frozen seasonal hatchlings

Guardian's Pyro*

All Water-Walkers

All BBWs




Any Golds/Greens/Flamingos/Silvers



Emperor Ing*

Leetle Sparkybutt

Anything with a joke name/part of a song (Gordon's Gravity Gun, dragons arranged to make Portal quotes)/is unnamed.*



Good lord, that's a list Dx

Edited by Dr. Paine

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Whispering Willowclaw -- Write that description!

(I love that name, by the way. happy.gif)




Dark Aether -- Write that description!




Pending: Amya Darkfate, Fris Feylock, Ghost in the Shell, Mistress Muse, Sala and Saya, Stranger in a Strange Land, Wandering Bloom


Taking suggestions!



Singing Ninjas:

Ninja is a happy, playful little dragon.  She is curious about everything in the world around her, especially things that she cannot see.  What's hiding under the lily pads?  What's above the clouds in the sky?  As her name implies, she is also very fond of singing, and can frequently be found exploring the pond where she lives, chirruping a little tune to herself as she goes.  She also enjoys trying to sneak up on other dragons and surprise them, but she's not very good at it -- they can usually hear her coming by listening for her songs.
Edited by Danne

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Whispering Willowclaw -- Write that description!

(I love that name, by the way. happy.gif)




Dark  Aether -- Write that description!




Pending: Amya Darkfate, Fris Feylock, Ghost in the Shell, Mistress Muse, Sala and Saya, Stranger  in  a  Strange  Land, Wandering Bloom


Taking suggestions!

Ah... I don't know Dx Unless you've got an idea, I just can't x3 (name comes from a place in Metroid Prime 2- same as Zebes, the Phendranas, and Light Aether).


To keep things going: Singing Ninjas, write that description!


Mainly, how the heck does something get that name? xd.png




Doing her best to be like her grandfather, 'Gin' (as she prefers to be called) will pick fights with anyone and anything- so far, her most well known one was an argument with a sentient christmas tree (which is a very long story, involving an angry Magi) that lasted for nearly a week, finally ending when she tore the tree out by its roots, and ate it in two bits. Or three, depends on who tells the story. When the holiday season rolls around, Ginerva will leave the cave and threaten to burn towns to a crisp unless the provide her with gallons of eggnog and dozens of hams, and half the time, she'll still cause some damage, often singing (as best as she can) half-forgotten carols or other songs she has picked up.

When in the cave, she quite enjoys picking on the resident Snow Angel, Holly, plucking her wings or throwing dirt clods at her. In spite of- perhaps even because of- her rough nature, Gin has many friends, and enjoys nothing more than going on a hunt or nog search with them.

Edited by Dr. Paine

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