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The Requiem: The Girl From the Sky

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"Ugh, last time I'm drinking with them lot...." Cloud moaned as he covered his eyes with his hands, the glaring sunlight made his head spin slightly but nowhere near as bad as before he went to sleep. It took him a decent 5 minutes just to sit upright in the bed without moaning about it, his hands were in his head as he started to come to terms with what he had done last night and the fact his money bag was seriously light....which meant he now had to find work...again!


"Great, I work my arse off for my Kingdom and then most of it goes to waste just keeping those guys out of trouble....and what do I get? A bloody headache" He muttered angrly to himself as he stood up making sure nothing else had been taken, thankfully not. He was making his way to the doorway when he stopped with his hand on the doorhandle before he turned to face his window, mabye he would just chill out on the rooftop with the birds and then later go for a fly with Blazer. He missed doing that during his training days with the stallion....he wondered why Jin wanted to become a Knight so badly but he knew that answer already but still, Cloud loved those days and now he must behave himself because of who he had become...of what he had become.



"This is better" He said softly as he laid down on the roof, the tiles were warm from the sunlight and the birds were singing ever so softly that they brought peace to him.

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Jin grinned hugely as the kids got excited over Lucifer's response, "I don't usually have a sparing partner, so I'd be up for a match, after I run through my exercises."


He emphasized the after part, in fact he had no intention of fighting Lucifer, not because he didn't think it would be enjoyable or interesting, but he generally avoided fighting actual people if he could.


He was pretty sure she'd be too exhausted with his routine, should she choose to train with him, to want to fight after wards anyways. On the other hand it would be good for him to duel, he hadn't had a human opponent in some time, maybe he would fight her first...


He decided to make up his mind as he walked and headed for the door, opening it in time to hear a not so unfamiliar phrase used by a less unfamiliar group of men.


"Hey pretty miss... Wanna hang out with us? We won't bite..."


His gaze fell on the pretty black haired woman to whom the comment was directed and he immediately felt a sick sensation in his gut, replaced immediately by anger.


Jin grabbed Ombre, the only one who had made it through the door before him and tossed him back into the inn, aiming for Lucifer, "stay inside," he commanded, not referring only to the boy, but possible to everyone in the inn, Lucifer included, though he doubted she would just stay inside unless forced to.


In one fluid motion he slammed the double doors, braced his staff in-between the handles so that it wouldn't open, and as a further precaution, he stuck his daggers into the seem around the outside by the hinges on each side, assuring that it wouldn't open, at least not unless the door was perhaps broken down.


"Just one group..." Jin's voice was a little higher pitched than usual. He spoke perhaps to himself, perhaps to the men, perhaps to no one at all as he tossed aside his cloak and all his other clothing except his wolf-skin shorts. With every item he took off he made a comment.

"one in every town..."

"if you get rid of them things are better....

"evil never dies..."

"evil people do..."


"Ta heck is he babbling about?" one of them men wondered allowed. A few of them turned back to face Jin, sensing a threat of some odd sort, the others made a grab for the woman...


"By the gods..." one of them men exclaimed as Jin turned slowly around.


And he was quite a site...


From inside the inn muffled cries could be heard through the doors, but none of the windows offered a good view of what was going on...


(Jin will post again soon, have to PM talk with Cloud first, won't be long!)

Edited by Rakashua

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Ombre gave an indignant yell as he was thrown back, flying through the air. Lucifer caught him quickly before he could crash down on the hard stone floor and set him down. Glaring at the door, she made to push it open. It stuck. Her sharp eyes catching the light gleaming off something close, she spotted the point of a blade in the hinges. Letting out a hiss of anger, she stepped back a few steps and set fire to the door. After making sure it doesn't burn anything else, the girl slid through the crowd of kids already gathering at the windows.


Jin didn't look too happy, she noted. Lucifer smiled to herself; this was so much better than the usual. Too bad she couldn't join in yet. Besides, she wasn't in any hurry. The fire will disinegrate the door in a few minutes. A growl sounded in her head and another idea came to her. Go attack those thugs. Help Jin a bit. She told Lorkin through their bond.


A scream was heard outside, the sound of an attacking cat. A black flash was all that could be seen of the panther as he crashed down ontop of a man. He tried to push him off but with a slice of his claws, Lorkin decapitated him.

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Jin's eyes were closed, well, at least the one eye not hidden by the eye-patch was. Blood slowly trickled down his face, stemming from under the patch, now soaked in blood.


At the onslaught of the large cat and the beheading that had already taken place, a few of them men looked about ready to run for it, but others merely grew stronger in their resolve and evil intent.


Jin stumbled forwards, not exactly the best strategy for an opening attack, stumbling forwards with one's eye closed... and he suffered for his supposed error. The nearest man swung at him, cutting him shallowly across the chest, blood now seeped out of this wound as well as his eye.


But the pain seemed to... wake Jin out of his stumbling, he managed to dodge out of the way of the next swing, intended for his head. He wasn't moving very quickly though, almost like he was drunk, though he'd had nothing to drink. The blade barely missed him and as he ducked under it it caught the band that held his eye-patch in place, lifting it from his head and revealing the bleeding eye beneath.


Anyone watching may have noticed how bloodshot the eye was, it was bleeding after all, though it sustained no noticeable injury, but there were very few in the audience indeed that could follow what happened next.


Jin suddenly screamed as if in pain, perhaps the sword had nicked his eye. But in a moment he was gone, and so was the scream. A fast eye could catch his form as a blur as he moved from one of the men to the next, striking them repeatedly without restraint.


Five hit the ground at approximately the same moment, all unconscious or in shock from the sudden rain of blows, most with broken ribs or other bones.


These were from the center of the group, where Jin now stood, surrounded by the five groaning forms at his feet, grinning like a mad man, blood no longer running from his right eye, his left still remained remarkably closed.


"I judge you..." he spoke as some of the man began to run, others froze in shock, still a few were too busy dealing with the panther to notice much of anything, "guilty...."


And with that final word Jin leapt after the men working his way from the closest to the furthest runner, moving at inhuman speed, an offensive onslaught that took on heed to defense, as was obvious by the number of times he apparently allowed himself to be cut or stabbed by the terror stricken men as he continued to plow through them. Bones snapped and men screamed but it seemed Jin was holding something back, because though the injury count was rising, the death toll remained at one, and that from the panther's haste.


In a mere two minutes the men were gone or on the ground, only Jin and the panther remained, and the woman who the man had been threatening earlier. Shockingly she seemed to be Jin's next target, for as the last of them men fell, he turned and began stalking back towards her, black scars already forming like tattoos from the places he was cut, though you could hardly tell because his blood also covered a good portion of his torso.

((feel free to interrupt))

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A yowl...a cat must have been attacked perhaps but then a scream...followed by another and then he heard another but this one struck a cord in Cloud. He startled upright, snapping his head to one side, it was just at the side of this building and from the sounds of it, someone was in great pain!


"Bloody hell Jin!" Cloud exclaimed as he scrambled over to the edge of the roof seeing what was happening below, he stood upright feeling the grip underneath the tiles he was standing on and drew his sword from behind him back. The boy was going to get one hell of a telling off after this.


"STOP!" he yelled out as he jumped off the roof down the two stories and landed crouched on the street below infront of the girl that Jin was now turning on. He pointed the sword straight at Jin with his eyes narrowed on the eye that once had an eye patch on, it were bloodshot and Cloud knew by now that Jin was on the edge. He needed to get the fool out of there...and bloody well fast to stop him from killing anymore people. Drawing back his arm, he threw the sword aiming for Jin's shoulder, he knew he would dodge it or at least try but thats what he wanted and as soon as Jin went to move Cloud would jump at him. He would grab Jin by his shoulders smashing him into the wall pinning him there.


"Remember who we are.... remember who your friends are and for the sake of Azure Knights, remember what we must keep secret!" He hissed into his ear, Cloud knew his duty and he would do everything in his power to make sure it stayed that way.

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Jin felt Cloud's grip force him into the wall, like an iron vice and a sledgehammer at the same time. Even so it took him a moment to turn his attention, and line of sight from the woman and the men on the ground, to Cloud and what he telling him.


It wasn't apparent that Jin could even hear Cloud. His bloodshot eye glared, burning an imaginary hole though the older knight. For a moment it seemed he would fight Cloud, his muscles tensed to push away, but Cloud's grip was as strong as his resolve, and it seemed that Jin thought twice, for he chose to make no move to break free.


After a few seconds he stopped glaring.


"But... why..." his voice was small and quiet, like a young child's, "why did you... stop me... Cloud Knight?" The bloodshot eye stared at Cloud in question, but at least it wasn't bleeding anymore, "It was... wrong? Balance... balance dictates that I... that they..."


Jin spoke, utterly confused it seemed, though his speech was slow, and soft, as if he were half asleep, or drunk, but he appeared neither.


"I... want..." Jin's voice had almost faded, and his eyelid drooped low the redness and blood seemed to be fading as Jin's stress levels dropped further and the adrenaline wore off, "release me... Cloud Knight... I'm... so tired..." and with that, Jin passed out or perhaps he did fall asleep, either way he was still held to the wall by Cloud's strong grip, both eyes closed.


He was still bleeding, but it had mostly stopped as the blood began to clot in the wounds. Still, he looked to be in bad shape, and as Cloud and anyone else who trained to achieve super human standards of speed and strength knew, pushing your body that far beyond it's normal restraints had consequences. Torn muscle tissue and soreness the least, heart attack or torn tendons were more serious side effects semi-common to the dangerous game that Jin had played, though likely only Cloud knew the details so well.

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Cloud was startled as Jin's body relaxed as he fell asleep or prehaps passed out, either way Cloud was concerned for Jin's well being. He knew all too well what can happen when you lose control just like Jin had mere moments ago and knew he must be rested at once, Cloud himself would watch over Jin.


"Out of my way!" He snapped at the onlookers as he gently tossed Jin over his shoulder, he would usually have prehaps allowed himself to slung him on his shoulders but Cloud didn't want to delay getting him off the streets. Already there had been bloodshed and he had no doubt that those men would be looking for revenge whenever they came too.


"Worry not citizens! I myself am a Knight and I shall see to it that...the law is followed! Good-day!" He called out to them before turning to the doorway of the Inn, someone had burned it to a crisp....great, more trouble! He stepped as gently as he could over the crisp remains before proceding upstairs to his room. Cloud made note to carry weights more often, Jin was heavy with muscle and wasn't no feather weight!


"There ya go Jin" Cloud said aloud as he laid him down on his own bed, he was in bad shape from all his cuts and Cloud wasn't sure if there had been any broken bones either. He headed over to the window where he leaned against it waiting for Jin to come around again, while he waited he mulled over what he was going to do with the Knight....and also searching for the right magic to patch him back up before he did himself more damage.

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(( I don't think it's bad to keep Cloud and Jin going, they're not too involved with anyone else at the moment so I don't think it counts as ninja... o.0 I hopes... So, I'll reply again))


A few minutes after being set in the bed, Jin coughed weakly, wincing in pain as the cough aggravated his injured body. He opened his eyes and groaned, slapping a hand quickly over his right eye, that had been bleeding earlier, it burned like fire, how almost two thirds of his body now felt.


He couldn't sit up, but he raised his head far enough off the bed to examine his injuries, "what... happened?" he asked, his voice a little hoarse but otherwise normal. He frowned, still nursing his right eye, his question wasn't worth asking, he knew too well what had happened.


He sighed in defeat, laying his head back down again. His face contorted and a tear dropped out of his left eye, "Did I... kill anyone?" he asked, hoping against hope that he hadn't as he turned his head to look at Cloud by the window.


"I don't do well... in crowds," he tried to smile but only half managed it, "I thought it was better..." he sighed again, "so many of them Cloud, I could feel it, taste it, their evil, their desire, like a sea, I tried to hold back, I tried to run! It hurt... so much..." His right hand was still over his right eye, and the other traced the mark through his hair where the eye patch strap usually went, "then one of them hit me, I lost the eye-patch... then I woke up here..."


By his voice it was obvious that Jin wasn't fully himself yet, he had a pounding headache and the room was spinning just a little, but it was going away... slowly.

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Cloud didn't have to wait too long before the beaten up body stirred coughing weakly, Jin was asking had he killed anyone and what had happened.


"Well you didn't but that giant over-grown furball did, its gonna take some covering up but I think we should be fin and as for what happened! You almost let rip thats what! And if I hadn't stepped in, I'd say you would have killed in front of you! Friend or Foe!" Cloud said in a calm voice to Jin, he was trying to stay in control as he didn;t think giving out to Kin at the moment was the best thing ever.


"You lost the plot...you were half there and half not....this is the problem when that stupid thing is weak, something like this can happen! Its harder for you guys, ye haven't done it yet so ye don't know what it feels like but it all depends if you can learn from the experience or not" He answered him turning to look at Jin, he had only raised his head up but not his body.


"I should leave you like that you know, if we were at home it would serve very nicely as a punishment but in the middle of a foreign kingdom with war on the loose isn't a good idea....where does it hurt the worst?" He asked crossing the room to Jin's bedside.


((I'd say we are fine, they needed to talk anyway and most people are shopping at the moment so really it is only them two))

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Jin concentrated for a moment, trying to push back enough of the pain to figure out where most of it was coming from. "Gut, lower right, feels like I got stabbed deep, everything else is cuts and bruises, I don't think I broke anything... but I'm not sure, at least having a weak one let's me heal faster... though that's not much of a comfort."


His voice became more serious though, "I do learn," he said, "it's been a long time since that happened, months, maybe half a year, and last time it wasn't so bad." he continued, thinking back, "it really gets hard when I'm around so many people, I guess I've been completely alone for several months now, that makes it easier, I must have let my guard down."


Jin suddenly smiled ruefully, wincing slightly in pain, "if we were at home..." he grinned, "I'd be in more trouble than a few stabbings." His voice suddenly became apprehensive, "you won't tell them will you? The masters have to accept me! I know it will be better once I become a full knight, it just... the longer I wait the weaker it gets, the worse the pain gets... and I've been having nightmares already... I just want it to end, one way... or the other."


"I'm sorry I'm not a better student," Jin half smiled, "you deserved better than being stuck with me before I left."

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((Your forgetting Lucifer XP))


Lucifer silently cheered Lorkin on as he smashed and sliced his way through the thugs. All the while impatiently pacing around the room herself, to the fascinated stares of the other people as she waited for the fire to do it's work. Finally, with a sizzling sound, the door was reduced to a pile of ashes. Leaping out, she noted the angry yowls of the panther and Jin's attack. Slicing her way through the crowd, she tried to get to him; he didn't look too good.


Suddenly, he was taken down by Cloud and she sighed in relief, turning back to the rest of the thugs. Pursing her lips for a secound, taunting them, Lucifer smirked, "Can't touch me!" Whipping her hair flirtatiously and hopping from one foot to another, she dared them to come closer.


Quickly leaping back whenever one approached, the girl make swift work of them. The remaining few, seeing that they were doomed, fled. Lorkin padded over, panting from the effort and nuzzled his mistress's hand. "Hey Honey." Lucifer bent down and rubbed their faces together for a moment, not minding the blood that covered the two of them.


Finally, she straightened up and looked around. Besides some curious townspeople, the rest were nowhere to be seen. Shrugging, the pair walked back into the inn. After searching a bit, they found Jin lying on a bed, talking with Cloud.


"You don't look too good." Lucifer said, accessing him quickly. "What the hell were you thinking?"

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((O ya, I forgot about her! Soz!))


Cloud sighed, he laid his hand over the right side of Jin's gut where he had told him the worse pain was and was silent as he drew on the magic flowing through his veins. Channeling the magic to heal himself was easy enough but he only did that when he had to, it was better to live with the pain and learn rather than take the easy route out of things but Cloud still didn't like seeing Jin like this.


"There..." He breathed out after a minute, it wasn't his greatest magic but it did the job and his gut should feel better at least and they didn't have to worry now about internal bleeding or anything as such. He straightened up as Jin asked him not to tell the Master's what had happened.


"Hey, the others aren't as good as you nor as talented and anyway, someone had to go out and up hold the honour of our names right. The thing is Jin that this did happen and will happen again, it would be safer for you in the Hidden Village where if something did happen we could control it....How about this, when you become a full Knight...I promise I'll be there for the first time, its pretty cool" He commented smiling back at Jin before Lucifer entered the room.


"A case of food poisoning if ever I saw it, mess's with the mind it does..happened to me once before...would make even the most controled of people go off their heads. All he needs is rest right now, perhaps we should get food anymore from outside this Inn just in case they are trying to do use in ya know" Cloud said covering up for Jin.

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Lucifer peered at Cloud, a look of disbelief on her face. Her hands on her hips, she glared at him. "Alrighty. Two things. First of all, I'm not stupid. Secoundly, I know what food poisoning is and that's not it." Lorking growled in agreement, flicking his tail in annoyance. "Besides, I saw you. This is some kind of secret knight technique or somethin' isn't it?" She continued, without pausing for breath. After ranting on for a while more, she finally took a deep breath and narrowing her eyes at Cloud for a secound, sat down on the edge of the bed.


Lucifer looked down and after thinking for a secound, grasped Jin's hand. This is strictly business. She thought to herself, pushing the other thoughts out of her head. She needed to concentrate for this. Closing her eyes, she drew on her own energy. There wasn't too much left; she hadn't really rested at all last night. Without opening her eyes, she beckoned for Lorkin. Understanding her need, he pressed his nose against her other hand. Adding some of his energy, she started spreading it out around.


After making sure the major organs had enough, Lucifer left the remainder as a backup fund. "Alright then." She opened her eyes and stared down at Jin again

Edited by Altiboris

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Jin grinned sheepishly at Cloud's rather obvious lie, "you never were good at lying sempai," he grinned, but suddenly his expression became very serious, "I don't think it's a big deal if she knows, as long as you," he pointed at Lucifer with his free hand, "don't go making a big deal of it, I'm fine really... I just..."


He sighed, "I have a mental disorder common to Azure knights," he grinned slightly embarrassed, "I can't tell you about the training, but sometimes it's a side effect, most trainees that end up like me don't live long, or end up being a danger to those around them... like you noticed."


Jin paused, "I spent several years in meditation in a monastery with the Chen-Shu monks, it was that or... well.. die" he chuckled, "those first few weeks... I seriously considered the alternative. It helped me control it better, but sometimes it just happens."


He sat up slowly, wincing, but glad to be at eye level with Cloud and Lucifer, "it happens sometimes when I'm fighting, and it causes a spike in my blood pressure, I'll probably die young of some sort of heart problem, that's why my eye was bleeding, but... I've trained since I was a boy to be a knight, and one day I'll get there, it's just harder for me than most others."


Jin explained his situation to Lucifer, "I... don't know why I actually told you all that," he frowned, "I'd appreciate it if you kept it to yourself though, Cloud knows what to do if I lose it or start having seizures, but that's the reason I like to avoid people when I can."

Edited by Rakashua

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Cloud was making frenzy attempts behind Lucifer's back to get Jin to not tell her anything but no matter what he did he couldn't stop him, at least he didn't really tell her.


"Yes, and I know how to deal with those that can't be trusted either" He said narrowing his eyes on her.


"Jin is under my guidence and anyone who threatens him or his well being threatens me also...and I don't like that so just make sure you and your furball keep it quiet, kabessh!" Cloud growled at her feeling slightly harsh but nothing was more important.


((total failure of a post...))

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"Be nice," Jin admonished him, "at least she hasn't run screaming like everyone else... yet."


He gave Lucifer a half grin, though his eyes held a good deal of hidden pain. In truth his condition forced Jin to live a very lonely life, and while he had learned to do this at the monastery through years of hard training... there was no cure for loneliness... you could deaden the ache, but it never went away.


But once I become a knight... maybe then... maybe then I will get better... Such things had happened before... but it was rare. Then again, it was extremely rare for anyone with "the condition" as they called it, to get past the academy training in the first place or even make it close to knighthood.

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"Hey pretty miss... Wanna hang out with us? We won't bite..."


As soon as the man left those words, the traveler immediately gave out the 'very annoyed and pissed off' look and glared at the thugs intently. It was as if a time bomb was going to explode any moment. Some bystanders began hiding and running from the scene, while the others who were braver (and had an urge to spread gossip) stayed behind and began to watch. There were even a few others who watched the events unfold from their windows.


The teenager was getting ready to battle when Jin suddenly appeared. At that moment, people began gossiping on what was happening and his identity. The traveler, who had an angered look seemed to have calmed down and watched the battle ensue, watching Jin's every moves. He's... An Azure knight??? Wait... He's most likely still in training if he can't hold it in... So that means, I can...?!


It all happened so fast that the traveler haven't noticed that it was all over. Even the part about almost getting attacked went unnoticed due to being submerged in a deep thought. "Oh, r-right! I have to check in the inn, and maybe check if they're fine..." the traveler said running inside the inn and immediately rented a room.


The newcomer immediately rushed to where the Warriors of the Requiem rested and suddenly shouted out without thinking (which could've ruined the moment)

"Can I come with you to Azarea Village?"

Edited by Juzz

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"Not yet anyway" Cloud added to Jin's statement with a look before he unfolded his arms standing on his own two feet.


"I'd better make sure that we don't have Knights knocking on our doorstep later on, the last thing we want is to draw even more attention to ourselves" He said turning for the door, he had left out the fact that there was a tingle of something in the air and he had a feeling he didn't want to be seen as a third wheel party. Just as he had taken a step towards the door it was burst open by a teenage girl, the girl in fact that Jin had tried to kill and she was asking could she come with them.


"Great! Why don't we send out invites to everyone!?" He snapped throwing his hands into the air slightly annoyed.


"scram kiddo, your better off not knowing us lot" He said to her with his soft hazel eyes, his hand brushed through the spikey red hair as he thought he sounded a tad harsh to her but his scar was a reminder of the dangers of life.

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Feeling something tap her shoulder, Alazne turned around and smiled when she saw Sei stand behind her, Vei on a leash behind him again. "Nice to see you, Sei!" Her eyes lit when he said he would be able to show them where to go if she told him what she wanted, and she turned to Maro, scratching the dog behind the ears slightly as she did so. "Then we might take advantage of that offer. What did you need, Maro?"


Personally she still would like to buy some soap and a bit more food, but she wasn't in dire need of it, as she still had quite a bit left. She just liked to be well prepared, in case she wouldn't visit another city for a while.


She nearly spun back to face Sei when he said he knew about a small orb shop nearby, and she blushed slightly at her eager reaction. That wouldn't do, and she really had all the orbs she strictly needed, and a few more on top of that, but... Orbs were simply amazing things, and she couldn't get rid of her fascination with them. Visiting an orb shop in an area she hadn't been before was so tempting. What if they had some rare orb she didn't have?


Forcing herself back to the present, she nearly beamed at Sei, before she shook her head at herself. "That would be lovely, but the necessary groceries should come in front of that. Unless any of you want to go?"


She didn't get an answer before a young man ran past her, panting when he stopped by a stall slightly to her right. He seemed like he'd run all the way from the inn and here, and the merchant seemed to think the same, giving him some water. "What's the matter, boy?" The boy downed the water eagerly before he answered. "Just now... By the inn, a cat-like thing... And a man, no, a monster! Took them... Right out, he did. And... Blood. Some sort of... Woman there, too."


Alazne had grown cold at the mention of a cat-like creature. The only cat at the inn that she knew of was Lucifer's panther, and she highly doubted there somehow was any other cat there. But who was the man? She listened closely as the merchant asked the boy to calm down, and the boy told the story of what happened.

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"Well... I've bought all that I need and you'll be using your own m..." before he could finish answering, a young man who just passed by caught his attention. At least what the boy said did. At that moment, Sei felt fear. "Uh... M-maybe... We'd better stay here for a while... I-it might be dangerous back there..." he said with a trembling voice, although it sounded as though he was trying to cover up his fear.



"scram kiddo, your better off not knowing us lot"


The newcomer glared with an annoyed look with Cloud's answer. "Hey! I know I'm being pushy here, but because those stupid seniors of mine left me, I've been roaming from kingdom to kingdom for more than a year. They didn't even return to get me!" the youth complained with a rather energetic, loud voice. The stranger gave a quick glance at Jin before continuing. "Sides... I saw it happen... Don't worry... I won't tell the elder" whispered the traveler in a soft voice.

Edited by Juzz

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((What kind of romance.... A kiss perhaps? XP that'd be cute.))


Lucifer snorted, rolling her eyes as Cloud narrowed his eyes at her. "You should take some lessons or somethin' maybe. Lieing is a useful skill when you know how to use it." As she smiled back at Jin, still clutching his hand, something flickered in her brain. Woah..... She thought to herself. Was this actually happening? Was that a good thing? Her thoughts were racing faster than lightening as she sat there, thinking. Suddenly, another girl burst in, asking if she could join.


"Great! Why don't we send out invites to everyone?" Cloud snapped, obviously irritated. "Scram kiddo. You're better off not knowing us lot."


Lucifer hissed in annoyance, upset that the moment had gone. As the stranger complained, she glared at her. The moment was gone. Disappeared without a trace. "Just go." She growled, "You have no idea what trouble our group is." She didn't like thinking of them as together but that obviously wouldn't be true.


"Besides, " She continued, "There's nothing wrong with traveling by yourself." Lorkin gave a meow in agreement and narrowed his eyes at the newcomer. Swishing his tail, he pressed up against his mistress.

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Jin found himself enjoying the feeling of Lucifer's hand, it was soft, but rougher than he would have thought for a girl, obviously an aftereffect of her own training.


It occurred to him sadly that he wouldn't be able to train with her... well... at least not like he was going to, not after what just happened... in fact, Cloud probably wasn't going to let him out of his sight... but maybe.


He closed his eyes for a second concentrate Jin, you just nearly killed a bunch of people, now's not the time to be thinking about women... even the battle bread and beautiful kind...


He managed to bring his mind back to the conversations happening around him.


"Why do you want to go to our kingdom?" he asked the woman, still not aware that he had been a few steps from trying to kill her earlier...


"If you're traveling on business I'm sure it'd be fine, it's not wise to travel alone, especially with the other kingdoms going at it of late." Jin turned his attention back to Lucifer and the cat, content that he had said what he wanted to say.


"So," he pushed himself into a sitting position and stood a bit shakily to his feet, "I'm good now, it only happens once in a while and far in between, I'll be safe for a few weeks most likely. You uh... want to try that training I talked about earlier... it'll be a fair fight now that I've been stabbed a few dozen times." The smile on his face betrayed the humor in his words, and was a bit surprising for someone who just recovered from... that. But jin felt exceptionally happy at the moment, and maybe that was a bad word, content? Yes, he felt at peace. He tore a bit of the bed sheet off and tied it around his face, creating a makeshift eye patch for his right eye.


Jin held out his hand again and waited for a response.

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"I wouldn't say it's business... Cause I was supposed to get my initiation last year. And like what I said before, my senior knights left me..." the traveler answered, not paying attention to Lucifer's comment. "As dumb as it may sound... I don't know my way back there" the teenager continued in a soft, embarrassed voice. Seeing that Jin was kind of having a special moment, the stranger took Cloud by his wrist, closed the door, and pulled him away to the newly rented room of the stranger.


"Introductions are kinda late... But my name is Keith Azerith, but I'm used to being called Kei" the youth sat down the bed and leaned back a bit before continuing. "I'm an Azure Knight. In training... And you're Cloud Hunt aren't ya? If I'm not mistaken that is... You're practically the only Azure Knight with red hair... Aside from my old man Reiou anyway"

Edited by Juzz

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Cloud looked with concern at Jin as he got to his feet looking a tad better, he had already made himself a temporay eye patch and he turned his attention back to the new girl when she mentioned something that made his eyes open wide. She grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him from the room to which he shouted back to Jin


"We need to talk...later!"He shouted before he dragged into another room with the girl, he wasn't happy about letting Jin out of his sight after what had happened but he wanted to speak to this girl as well. He crossed his arms as he listened to what she was saying.


"Well, I guess a sorry is in order then Kei...and yes, you are right about me as I am Cloud Hunt. Hm, Reiou...the name rings a bell in my head! Your seniors left you! Some thing is seriously wrong in this land!" Cloud muttered going over to the window looking out into the sky, his face looked up into the sky and his mind was mulling over the new info he had been given.

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"That's not something to think about though... Under the circumstances that day at least" the trainee continued speaking. He flopped down his body in the bed, staring at the ceiling. "That day, we just finished a tough mission and earned bonus pay, aside for the pay for the services (which goes to the king) anyway. My senior Azure knights, that was three of them, had a celebration that night" he sighed and took a deep breath before continuing. "I went straight to bed, since I was underage. Next thing I know, it was morning... They left, and forgot me... They were not the smartest guys to begin with anyway and let's add the hangover... That makes them irresponsible adults" the trainee stood up and walked to Cloud's side. Looking at him with pretty gray eyes, the teenager continued to speak, voice filled with determination.

"So! Can I at least follow you guys to the village? I badly need to get my initiation up and running! I promise not to be a burden"

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