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Is anyone else wanting Valve to release the soundtrack for this? I want to be able to listen to it without having to switch YouTube videos every few minutes. I love how a lot of the music sounds like an old-school arcade theme. ^^


The final battle music is some of the most epic I've heard in a while. :3

They've already said they will biggrin.gif

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So there will be a soundtrack? YES.



Btw, my Steam name is Kaini88, but I'm still trying to figure out how to use co op @.@ (I'm on the pc in case you didn't figure that out lol )

Edited by Kaini

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I think I've figured out how Chell fits into the Portal timeline...


-has been following all the theories since... ... well, the game came out and the theories started xd.png-


It helps put evidence against the 'related to Cave/Caroline' thing, allows her to be at BYDTWD, yet still volunteer and allow Lab Rat to make sense.


It's kind of an obvious answer, when you think about it.

Edited by Dr. Paine

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Care to tell us the theory, Dr. Paine?

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Alright, so... the leading theories of Chell having been in Aperture during Bring Your Daughter to Work Day and that the depiction of her in Lab Rat as a volunteer potential test subject seem to be mutually exclusive. If she was at BYDTWD, she had to remain in Aperture and was in stasis/growth was accelerated/cloned. If she volunteered as an adult, she could not have been at BYDTWD. However...


What if Chell really was adopted? There's no reason to discount this theory, it seems to be the one thing GLaDOS remains consistent on, even as a potato. Chell could have been abandoned at birth (for the sake of this, let's say she was born around 1983/1986), and placed in the care of the state. It's entirely possible she was adopted or fostered by an Aperture employee, and participated in the science fair (which, thanks to some research on printers/the banner in the game, seems to be placed around 199x- popular theory is now '93, though it could vary from '93-96). Chell would be ten or eleven here. The original Aperture timelines are, quite frankly, defunct now). That was also the first time GLaDOS was activated, and tried to kill everyone. As Lab Rat shows, that didn't happen.


Now, I will admit, this bit has no in-game backing, but it's possible: like Black Mesa, Aperture could well have housed its employees and spouses/children, I've held this idea for a very long time, and seen absolutely nothing to disprove it.


Anyway, if that was true- Chell would be in an unsafe environment, and probably removed to a different family, an orphanage/group home, something like that. If not... it's not too unreasonable to think that she would still be removed from Aperture in some way or another (the parent(s) quit, she went to live with adoptive grandparents, whatever).


Ten or more years pass, Chell's an adult, GLaDOS is refined, until around 2003/2006ish- again, this is going with popular consensus- when she requests neurotoxin for cat experiments, and announces a 'Bring Your Cat to Work Day'. Around this time, Chell volunteers to be evaluated as a test subject for whatever reason, is tested and found to be too stubborn, rejected... why she's put in stasis, who knows. Reserve subject? GLaDOS attacks and everything goes into lockdown and she can't leave? Future study? Again, this is rather unclear, we just know that she was put into stasis.


GLaDOS takes over, Doug escapes and bumps Chell up on the list and... Portal begins.


Not the most airtight theory out there, but the TL;DR: (Chell was adopted by an Aperture employee, the events of BYDTWD caused her to be removed because of unsafe conditions) helps fill in one of the larger issues.


And depending on how the timeline works out- I'm more a fan of her being born in the late '80s (or even '90, I've heard it mentioned that Portal was supposed to take place in 2010), it greatly discourages the idea of her being related to Cave or Caroline in any way- they were dead, dying, unable to have children...


But if you're a diehard believer of that, the timeline could possibly fit. If you try. -shrug-


ETA: I will admit, the one thing I still can't figure out is the redacted surname, but I don't believe it means anything. Besides, we only saw a small portion of test subjects listed, she might not have been the only one. Or it's just a choice on Valve's part to make her a 'first name only' sort of character.

Edited by Dr. Paine

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my older bro needs to find his Orange box for xbox xd.png

My little brother and me finished portal in 8 hours.

one thing.



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But in that case, if it were years between Chell entering the BYDTWD and Chell becoming a test subject, with the facility running at optimal levels between then, why were the kids and Chell's projects still there? Wouldn't they have been disposed of? I'm of the mind that the reason the experiments weren't cleaned up was because BYDTWD coincided with GLaDOS's "test" that ended up killing everyone. Since they were using employees for testing, Chell was added to the list, found to be stubborn, etc. and somehow ended up in stasis while GLaDOS was off killing. Ratman discovers she's there, and bumps her up for some reason...


And as for the cave thing... she doesn't necessarily need to be blood related to Cave and Caroline to be their child. She could have been a biological orphan taken in by them, and could have picked up on Cave's stubbornness before he passed on. Or, if she is their child, it's not out of the question for her to be a "test tube" baby. Not a clone by any stretch of the imagination, but still made through artificial means when Cave and Caroline couldn't physically have it done. Chell may even be born from a surrogate mother, having potentially never met Caroline (depending on when they tried sticking her in the machine), and potentially only living the first few years of her life with Cave to pick up on his traits (or the environment of Aperture could have helped). Eventually, Cave dies, Caroline is out of the picture, and Chell grows up under the care of the staff. They need more test subjects, they add Chell to the list (dunno why... I guess they thought the director's child wasn't any more special than any of them?), and she was found to be "defective" for a test subject.


I think if we entirely disregard Caroline as Chell's mother (or even adopted mother), it defeats the entire purpose of the Turret Opera, which is the strongest bit of evidence for the theory. Plus, the two of them being Chell's parents/adopted parents would make sense, since her "parents" were on file.


Why was her last name redacted? Perhaps one of the "lab boys" redacted her name to hide the connection to Cave and Caroline, thus making it easier to just put "Chell" in the testing queue... whereas people would have issue with "Chell Johnson, child of the director" being added.


It's all circumstantial, but most theories that are out these about this game is. tongue.gif



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But in that case, if it were years between Chell entering the BYDTWD and Chell becoming a test subject, with the facility running at optimal levels between then, why were the kids and Chell's projects still there? Wouldn't they have been disposed of? I'm of the mind that the reason the experiments weren't cleaned up was because BYDTWD coincided with GLaDOS's "test" that ended up killing everyone. Since they were using employees for testing, Chell was added to the list, found to be stubborn, etc. and somehow ended up in stasis while GLaDOS was off killing. Ratman discovers she's there, and bumps her up for some reason...

It was stated in an interview that Aperture's policy when something goes wrong is to seal it up and forget about it. That's what happened with the old labs, and it's certainly not much of a leap to believe they did the same with the science fair.


And the Cave thing... he was dead or dying by the time Chell was born. He would have been in NO fit state to adopt a child, and frankly, it's hard to imagine him wanting to. Caroline might have been alive (it depends on when you believe work on the 'Genetic Lifeform' part started), but again, why would she adopt a child? She would have been running Aperture by then, or been gutted and turned into GLaDOS, raising a child would have been very difficult. And a key issue with the 'Chell was in stasis after BYDTWD' theory is that she would not have aged. She would still be physically and mentally a child, and completely unfit for the tests.


The turret opera is the only half-decent piece of evidence for Cave/Caroline/Chell, and even then, it's barely there. As someone said on the Steam forums:


"Originally Posted by Smear View Post


This is a dominate feature in the "Chell is related to X and Y" argument. Example: GLaDOS sings a song referring to Chell as "Her Child". Now, Chris Brown sings a song calling his lovers: "Baby", but the people in the song aren't literally infants... So while the fact that GLaDOS does sing those words seems relevant, without more information, it's not a "Fact", it's an "Assumption". "


It is just as, if not more likely, that the meaning does not carry as well between languages. It could well be figurative, it could be a stealthy insult (despite everything Chell has done and survived, GLaDOS still sees her as childish). There's only a slim chance that it could be literal.


Her parents were NOT on file. Everyone keeps citing that 'I found two people with your last name. A man and a woman.' as evidence, when it was very clearly a massive bloody lie. Even if they were, Cave and Caroline were dead. They would NOT have been on file, in storage, anything.


Yes, everything is circumstantial. But at least some theories have backing, or don't require massive leaps of logic to work when there are much easier things to work with.


Now, I will admit, I've got nothing against the idea of Cave and Caroline being involved with one another. It's just very difficult to swallow the idea of them being related to Chell in any way, since timelines just do not mesh.

Edited by Dr. Paine

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But I have no spray paint biggrin.gif ... and I'm kind of afraid that spray painting it would kill it. Maybe it'll become Crap Turret instead.


Also, adding to the list of 'things Portal finally pushed me into looking into'... a reference to Macbeth in one of the Rat Man scribblings (in the room with all the mugs) has led me to reading it.


On the subject of Doug...



Creepier when you actually do hear it in the game. It might not be him- it's probably not- but... good lord, WHY WAS THAT INCLUDED? Aside from the desire to scare the hell out of players, of course.


ETA: Oh yes, good music tracks are being put up biggrin.gif


, that part at 1:28 is... it still gives me shivers. Such a light, lovely piece of music. Such a wham moment.

Use Propulsion Gel!




And the end of the game is very sad. Poor Caroline...

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Use Propulsion Gel!




And the end of the game is very sad. Poor Caroline...



Poor lady never had a choice, then... GLaDOS emerged. It's almost good she was deleted. Imagine being just a small facet of a completely insane, sadistic personality that can only hear you when she's put into a potato ._.


At least now she's free.

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The difference between the Chris Brown thing and the Turret Opera is Conservation of Detail. Valve wouldn't put something like this in for no reason. Still Alive proved that GLaDOS wasn't entirely killed, so it wasn't JUST a credit's song.


And again, there's no proof that GLaDOS herself made the turret opera. It could have been Caroline before she was deleted, or Caroline could have set it up from another place in the facility, of you believe there's a copy of her elsewhere. I don't think GLaDOS was the one to set it up, because it's very uncharacteristic of her.


And it's hard to imagine Cave, a man who wanted to burn houses down to want a child? He's kind of eccentric enough that it wouldn't be impossible for me to think of him waking up one day and saying "I want a child". Beyond that, I'd think Cave would be interested in passing on his "legacy" and keeping Aperture alive. He'd want Caroline to live forever and keep it going, but what if that didn't succeed? Chell could have been his "back up plan". We don't see much of Caroline, except from GLaDOS's slightly warmer treatment of Chell, and she does give the air of being very caring ("Oh thank god you're alive."), and considering the time they lived in, it wouldn't be a stretch to think she'd feel obligated to be a mother at some point.


And you can't say it's clearly a lie. GLaDOS has shown the capacity to be a liar and has also had points where she's told the truth. Just by nature, it's nearly impossible to tell when she is or isn't lying.


Also, why wouldn't Cave and Caroline be on file? I doubt the files would get pruned at all, and GLaDOS didn't say they were test subjects, just that there was a man and a woman "on file" with her last name.


To me, I think she did find the info on Chell's parents being on file, or at the very least, Chell's file indicated her parents worked at Aperture. She told Chell her parents were on file, a fact. However, she indicated that Chell's parents were waiting for her, clearly a lie. She used the "truth" about Chell's family and augmented it with a lie to be convincing. In this sense, she still lied, but at the same time, there was a nugget of truth in what she said.


The possibility is still there... and personally, I find this theory makes fewer leaps of logic than the idea that she was adopted by Aperture, escaped, and for some reason came back years later to become a test subject... it's still not a perfect theory, but it makes sense to me at the very least...



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Alright, so... the leading theories of Chell having been in Aperture during Bring Your Daughter to Work Day and that the depiction of her in Lab Rat as a volunteer potential test subject seem to be mutually exclusive. If she was at BYDTWD, she had to remain in Aperture and was in stasis/growth was accelerated/cloned. If she volunteered as an adult, she could not have been at BYDTWD. However...


What if Chell really was adopted? There's no reason to discount this theory, it seems to be the one thing GLaDOS remains consistent on, even as a potato. Chell could have been abandoned at birth (for the sake of this, let's say she was born around 1983/1986), and placed in the care of the state. It's entirely possible she was adopted or fostered by an Aperture employee, and participated in the science fair (which, thanks to some research on printers/the banner in the game, seems to be placed around 199x- popular theory is now '93, though it could vary from '93-96). Chell would be ten or eleven here. The original Aperture timelines are, quite frankly, defunct now). That was also the first time GLaDOS was activated, and tried to kill everyone. As Lab Rat shows, that didn't happen.


Now, I will admit, this bit has no in-game backing, but it's possible: like Black Mesa, Aperture could well have housed its employees and spouses/children, I've held this idea for a very long time, and seen absolutely nothing to disprove it.


Anyway, if that was true- Chell would be in an unsafe environment, and probably removed to a different family, an orphanage/group home, something like that. If not... it's not too unreasonable to think that she would still be removed from Aperture in some way or another (the parent(s) quit, she went to live with adoptive grandparents, whatever).


Ten or more years pass, Chell's an adult, GLaDOS is refined, until around 2003/2006ish- again, this is going with popular consensus- when she requests neurotoxin for cat experiments, and announces a 'Bring Your Cat to Work Day'. Around this time, Chell volunteers to be evaluated as a test subject for whatever reason, is tested and found to be too stubborn, rejected... why she's put in stasis, who knows. Reserve subject? GLaDOS attacks and everything goes into lockdown and she can't leave? Future study? Again, this is rather unclear, we just know that she was put into stasis.


GLaDOS takes over, Doug escapes and bumps Chell up on the list and... Portal begins.


Not the most airtight theory out there, but the TL;DR: (Chell was adopted by an Aperture employee, the events of BYDTWD caused her to be removed because of unsafe conditions) helps fill in one of the larger issues.


And depending on how the timeline works out- I'm more a fan of her being born in the late '80s (or even '90, I've heard it mentioned that Portal was supposed to take place in 2010), it greatly discourages the idea of her being related to Cave or Caroline in any way- they were dead, dying, unable to have children...


But if you're a diehard believer of that, the timeline could possibly fit. If you try. -shrug-


ETA: I will admit, the one thing I still can't figure out is the redacted surname, but I don't believe it means anything. Besides, we only saw a small portion of test subjects listed, she might not have been the only one. Or it's just a choice on Valve's part to make her a 'first name only' sort of character.

(sorry for the double post. the text wall is way over 9000 over the character limit)


Chell was an orphan. And then got adopted by Cave and Caroline. And then there was the BYDTWD (at the tables you can see that the one with the giant potato is Chell's one), where Chell made an exam to see if she could be tested (according to Portal 1). She failed. And Caroline was already stored as GLaDOS at that point.


Then the neurotoxin accident happened, killing everybody but Chell. Maybe because GLaDOS knew she was her daughter. Then she is put to testing after spending a few years in the Recovery Annex (with the same technology that stored her for 99999 years).


As for the BYCTWD maybe GLaDOS wanted to use the empty WSCs. But it was actually a trap for killing everyone (Wheatley advice as a core). And maybe that happened at the same day that BYDTWD happened.



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The difference between the Chris Brown thing and the Turret Opera is Conservation of Detail. Valve wouldn't put something like this in for no reason. Still Alive proved that GLaDOS wasn't entirely killed, so it wasn't JUST a credit's song.


And again, there's no proof that GLaDOS herself made the turret opera. It could have been Caroline before she was deleted, or Caroline could have set it up from another place in the facility, of you believe there's a copy of her elsewhere. I don't think GLaDOS was the one to set it up, because it's very uncharacteristic of her.


And it's hard to imagine Cave, a man who wanted to burn houses down to want a child? He's kind of eccentric enough that it wouldn't be impossible for me to think of him waking up one day and saying "I want a child". Beyond that, I'd think Cave would be interested in passing on his "legacy" and keeping Aperture alive. He'd want Caroline to live forever and keep it going, but what if that didn't succeed? Chell could have been his "back up plan". We don't see much of Caroline, except from GLaDOS's slightly warmer treatment of Chell, and she does give the air of being very caring ("Oh thank god you're alive."), and considering the time they lived in, it wouldn't be a stretch to think she'd feel obligated to be a mother at some point.


And you can't say it's clearly a lie. GLaDOS has shown the capacity to be a liar and has also had points where she's told the truth. Just by nature, it's nearly impossible to tell when she is or isn't lying.


Also, why wouldn't Cave and Caroline be on file? I doubt the files would get pruned at all, and GLaDOS didn't say they were test subjects, just that there was a man and a woman "on file" with her last name.


To me, I think she did find the info on Chell's parents being on file, or at the very least, Chell's file indicated her parents worked at Aperture. She told Chell her parents were on file, a fact. However, she indicated that Chell's parents were waiting for her, clearly a lie. She used the "truth" about Chell's family and augmented it with a lie to be convincing. In this sense, she still lied, but at the same time, there was a nugget of truth in what she said.


The possibility is still there... and personally, I find this theory makes fewer leaps of logic than the idea that she was adopted by Aperture, escaped, and for some reason came back years later to become a test subject... it's still not a perfect theory, but it makes sense to me at the very least...



Except GLaDOS was dead, from the time she blew up in P1 till Wheatley accidentally brought her back in P2 (from the beginning: "What a nasty piece of work she was, honestly. Like a proper maniac. You know who ended up, do you know who ended up taking her down in the end? You're not going to believe this. A human. I know! I know, I wouldn't have believed it either."

"Apparently this human escaped and nobody's seen him since."

"Then there was a sort of long chunk of time where absolutely nothing happened and then there's us escaping now. So that's pretty much the whole story, you're up to speed. Don't touch anything.") . Everything else was running on reserve power. Still Alive is pretty much just that- a credit song. And, as mentioned before and below, the opera just does NOT have a good translation into English, the meaning may have been badly mangled.


I will concede that point- it's possible Caroline set it up or something. However, the song doesn't have a good translation, the meaning has varied from 'my child' to 'young girl' 'my beautiful girl' to 'my baby girl', to simply 'my girl', the only agreed upon thing is that it... pretty much makes reference to a girl. Now, if the more Caroline influenced GLaDOS set it up, she could see herself in a more protective role (you hear her admit that Chell is her 'best friend'- which, by the way, would have been the perfect time to drop a stronger hint at a familial relation), and the best translation of the song amounts to 'stay away from science'. From the point of view of friendship alone, the song still makes sense- Caroline, still being a human mind, would want to give Chell a nice send off and warn her to stay away from science, which (to her) has only brought misery and loss. A friend giving good advice to a friend. I'm not even fully against the idea that, over the course of being POTaDOS, she saw herself in a mother-like position. But not literally Chell's mother.


Again, there is some concession there, but does Cave strike you as the type to actually take care of a child? This is the man who wanted to create combustible lemons, you're more likely to see him build a robot child. That sets life's house on fire. He's also not the type to create backup plans- 'throw science to the wall and see what sticks', or 'we do what we must, because we can'. Caroline being named the next leader of Aperture is, quite frankly, the only sign we ever saw of there being a backup plan in anything they ever did, and even that got... warped.


Except she actually admitted to it. "I made it all up. Surprise. *noise blower*" When GLaDOS admits to a lie, there's... there's really no arguing with that.


We both made a mistake- she was talking about people in cryogenic storage. Probably the vault at the end of co-op (she may not have known WHERE it was, but there could have been a personnel list). Or it meant long-term relaxation, and... well, we all know how that turned out.


And if Chell's last name really is 'Johnson', it'd be impressive if there weren't others listed with her name- as I mentioned a few pages ago, it's the second most common last name in the US, right after 'Smith'. Or she could have had any number of common surnames, and GLaDOS was using that to screw with her. Or, since it appears her name was removed before GLaDOS ever took hold (as the case seems to be in Lab Rat), it was all lies.


The possibility is there, of course. But speaking from the point of view of a writer, it's just... it's stupid. It's cliche, and I highly doubt Valve would stoop to that level. It requires difficult and implausible leaps of logic to even begin to make sense, and the 'hints' are fairly twisted, at best.


The simplest theory of all, regarding Chell, is just that she was an orphan who volunteered for testing/got a part time job at Aperture (again, another long standing theory, may be backed up by Lab Rat... I need to check, but Doug may have looked at employee files), and if it weren't for the BYDTWD thing, I'd still strictly go with that. The other theory was just something to account for it, in case it's not some sort of joke/easter egg.


@Caramba: ... is... is that serious? Theories aside, there is so much wrong there.


1. The '99999' thing was a glitch. The computer was dying, it had maxed out on days (remember, when it first woke you up, it said you had been in suspension for fifty days, not years. Not discounting the possibility that it might roll over into years at some point, but still). There are actually no hints about how long Chell's been in stasis, just that... it's been a long time.

2. What does Bring Your Cat to Work Day have to do with cubes?

3. Chell made an exam. ... what. Or are you suggesting GLaDOS made an exam, in which case... still what.

4. If the takeover was during Bring Your Daughter to Work Day, and Chell was there, why is she in her 20s during Portal? You do not age in stasis, this has been a hallmark of the idea since it began.

5. ... what the hell does Wheatley have to do with anything?


(ETA: I will say, this debate is quite fun xd.png Almost requires the same puzzle skills as Portal itself.)


And to inspire a more entertaining conversation: Portal 2 quotes! Which are your favorites? Which need to be on shirts/coffee mugs/written on the moon with a laser? (I'll share mine once I narrow them down xd.png)

Edited by Dr. Paine

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I'm looking for some good Wheatley quotes biggrin.gif The best one I found is my user title.

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I'm looking for some good Wheatley quotes biggrin.gif The best one I found is my user title.

This enough?


These are some of my favorites, I need to stick around and hear them in my next run...


# "Could you just jump into that pit? There. That deadly pit."

# "You're saying to yourself, why should I jump into the pit? I'll tell you why. Guess who's down there? Your parents! You're not adopted after all! It's your natural parents down there in the pit. Should have mentioned it before. But I didn't. So jump on down and reunite with mommy and daddy."

# "Oh I'll tell you what's also down there. Your parents and... There's also an escape elevator!. Down there. Funny. I should have mentioned it before. But so it's down there. So pop down. Jump down. You've got your folks down there and an escape elevator"

# "And what else is down there... Tell you what, it's only a new jumpsuit. A very trendy designer jumpsuit from France. Down there. Which is exactly your size. And if it's a bit baggy, we got a tailor down there as well who can take it in for you"

# "And what's this, a lovely handbag? And the three portal device! It's all down there!"

# "Um. You've got a yacht. And... Boys! Loads of fellas. Hunky guys down there. Possibly even a boyfriend! Who's to say at this stage. But, a lot of good looking fellas down there. And, ah, a boy band as well! That haven't seen a woman in years. And they're not picky at all. They don't care if you've got a bit of brain damage. If you've been running around sweating. And... A farm! A pony farm! And... Just jump down, would ya?"


See? Pony farm.


APERTURE LED TO MY LITTLE PONY. WITH DNA SPLICING. And somehow, they created magic.

Edited by Dr. Paine

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I had to basically skip this whole page because of spoilers. SAD. FACE. *wipes brain off with cleaning solution*


Anyways, I sold a bunch of my DS games at Gamestop. Got $90, so guess what I bought? PORTAL 2. :D For 30 bucks! Because there's a sale going on! So since I had money left over, I also got Okami Den and I bought Zach Spirit Tracks. <3

..of course, since the store was out of stock for Portal 2 because of the sale, we had to buy it online. So I won't be getting it until next week. :< MORE SAD FACES.

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I had to basically skip this whole page because of spoilers. SAD. FACE. *wipes brain off with cleaning solution*


Anyways, I sold a bunch of my DS games at Gamestop. Got $90, so guess what I bought? PORTAL 2. biggrin.gif For 30 bucks! Because there's a sale going on! So since I had money left over, I also got Okami Den and I bought Zach Spirit Tracks. <3

..of course, since the store was out of stock for Portal 2 because of the sale, we had to buy it online. So I won't be getting it until next week. :< MORE SAD FACES.

That's terrible D:


But at least you're getting it biggrin.gif And even if the game gets spoiled, it's... it's awesome enough to still stand on its own xd.png There's reading the lines and plot, then there's playing it...

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That's terrible D:


But at least you're getting it :D And even if the game gets spoiled, it's... it's awesome enough to still stand on its own XD There's reading the lines and plot, then there's playing it...

True true. c:


I spoiled all of the first Portal. Every single part. But then a week after I watched a play-through, Zach got it for me for free. And.. yeah, I totally forgot how to do at least half of the puzzles. And it was so satisfying to do it by myself. And then at the end of chamber 19, as soon as that platform turned that corner towards the incinerator.. holy cow. I was like "EEEEEEEEE GLADOS IS TRYING TO KILL ME SHE SO CRAZY". I still felt excited, even though I knew it was going to happen. :D


Anyway, for Portal 2 I'm not watching anything. (Well, I watched up until the awakening of GLaDOS, but that's it.) I am going to figure things out by myself and I'm going to ENJOY IT. O:< Pretty much the only thing that I know happens is about.. uh, Wheatley going.. uh. Well, yeah. ..he's such a moron. :V I still love him though. Silly moronic little thing.

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@Caramba: ... is... is that serious? Theories aside, there is so much wrong there.


1. The '99999' thing was a glitch. The computer was dying, it had maxed out on days (remember, when it first woke you up, it said you had been in suspension for fifty days, not years. Not discounting the possibility that it might roll over into years at some point, but still). There are actually no hints about how long Chell's been in stasis, just that... it's been a long time.

2. What does Bring Your Cat to Work Day have to do with cubes?

3. Chell made an exam. ... what. Or are you suggesting GLaDOS made an exam, in which case... still what.

4. If the takeover was during Bring Your Daughter to Work Day, and Chell was there, why is she in her 20s during Portal? You do not age in stasis, this has been a hallmark of the idea since it began.

5. ... what the hell does Wheatley have to do with anything?


(ETA: I will say, this debate is quite fun xd.png Almost requires the same puzzle skills as Portal itself.)


And to inspire a more entertaining conversation: Portal 2 quotes! Which are your favorites? Which need to be on shirts/coffee mugs/written on the moon with a laser? (I'll share mine once I narrow them down xd.png)

1. Basic logic. If the computer said that she had been in suspension for 99999 years, that the minimum that she stayed.


2. Weird-name Cat: Place a cat and poison in a box. A box is like a cube. smile.gif


3. On the Portal 1 GLaDOS says "The BYDTWD is the perfect time to have her tested!". So Chell actually was a daughter in the BYDTWD, probably adopted by Cave and Caroline, and was tested to see if she could test with a portal gun.


4. You age in the Recovery Annex, but you don't age in the Cryogenic Sleep Rooms. So she actually aged before Portal 1 for about 10 years and didn't age until Portal 2.


5. GLaDOS said that she would make bad things because a voice was telling to do it. And it was Wheatley's voice, because he was a core that was connected to GLaDOS. It's the same core that Chell burned in Portal 1.



And my favorite quote is: "Here comes the test results: You are a horrible person. It says right here in the tests results: a horrible person. And we weren't even testing for that."

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1. Basic logic. If the computer said that she had been in suspension for 99999 years, that the minimum that she stayed.


2. Weird-name Cat: Place a cat and poison in a box. A box is like a cube. smile.gif


3. On the Portal 1 GLaDOS says "The BYDTWD is the perfect time to have her tested!". So Chell actually was a daughter in the BYDTWD, probably adopted by Cave and Caroline, and was tested to see if she could test with a portal gun.


4. You age in the Recovery Annex, but you don't age in the Cryogenic Sleep Rooms. So she actually aged before Portal 1 for about 10 years and didn't age until Portal 2.


5. GLaDOS said that she would make bad things because a voice was telling to do it. And it was Wheatley's voice, because he was a core that was connected to GLaDOS. It's the same core that Chell burned in Portal 1.



And my favorite quote is: "Here comes the test results: You are a horrible person. It says right here in the tests results: a horrible person.  And we weren't even testing for that."



No. Just... no.


1. An interview with the writers said that the counter had 'kind of rolled over'. It was not working properly. You know how, if there's a power surge, your oven/microwave clock will start flashing '12:00', even if it's 3 in the afternoon? Similar principal. That is basic logic.


2. Alright, even if that is true, Bring Your Cat To Work Day wasn't because GLaDOS wanted to find a use for the cubes. She wanted to test the theory of Schrodinger's Cat, so the cubes were either specially made/re-purposed for that. ... and even then, the main goal of that whole thing was to get some neurotoxin to kill everyone. Weighted Storage Cubes were probably intended to pull double duty.


3. ... by that logic, I can also say Chell has donated one or all of her vital organs to the Aperture Science Self Esteem Fund for girls. GLaDOS says so, therefore, Chell has done it! Now, I am not discounting the idea that Chell was actually at BYDTWD (even though I still feel the potato plant was just a gag, there's the chance that it isn't), but your reasoning for it, and how she ended up in P1, is deeply flawed. There was absolutely no indication of the portal gun being involved with BYDTWD, nor is there any evidence for Chell being adopted by Cave and Caroline. Unless they found a cure for old age and moon dust shredding your lungs (no, really, moon dust is murder on lungs), Chell had no contact with them. Period.


4. You just contradicted yourself. Good job on that, by the way. We have a few ways of looking at things here-


1. The Relaxation Vault (though in all fairness, it could also be called a Recovery Annex- we don't know if the terms apply to both the glass room and the larger chamber it was in, or one applies to one, the other applies to the other) and Long Term Relaxation use the same technology. Given that Chell does not age in Long Term Relaxation, we can assume she would not have aged in the Relaxation Vault.


2. They do not use the same technology. This opens up a huge host of problems-


a. Assuming Chell was placed into stasis at... let's say ten, and wakes up at around 23- how could she even perform the tests? She would be completely unused to an adult's body, and still have the mental faculties of a child. Children can be smart, but the capability of solving some of the later puzzles, as well as the snap-decision making throughout everything after chamber 11, is beyond them. And probably many adults. Remember, no matter how many times you died in Portal/P2, the ending requires Chell to live. This means she had to get everything right. Think about all the trial and error you had to go through, and then imagine having to run through all those situations entirely in your head, and eventually having to go with the best possible one. Does this sound like something a ten year old could do?


b. We can assume, due to the lack of aging in P2, that Long Term Relaxation follows the classic cryogenic storage rule: You're completely frozen in time. Nothing is gained, nothing is lost. Not realistic, but great to move a story along. However, if the basic Relaxation Vault does NOT follow this principal, Chell should have severe muscle and bone loss after ten or more years of being a vegetable, and again, have extreme difficulty, if not outright inability, to perform most of the tests. It's possible she could have been woken up at some point or another, but all current knowledge implies that, when she wakes up in P1, that was the first time she woke up since being put in Relaxation.


c. If Chell was put into stasis as a child, why does her file clearly show a picture of her as an adult? (I could also bring up the questions of why it had the 'essay question 1/initial test results, but I've seen how those can be twisted. So far, the best anyone's come up with for the picture is 'it was her as a kid', which is... ... well, it's just blatant lies.)


So, what do these mean? If Chell was placed into Relaxation at a young age, basic logic dictates that she should be unable to perform the tests. Even from a writer's point of view, it is right on the edge of breaking the suspension of disbelief, especially when it would be easier to say all stasis in Aperture operates on the same level, and Chell was placed in there as an adult.


5. That was not Wheatley- more likely than not, it was just a glorified memory bank. Even if it was... read your own sentence. "It's the same core that Chell burned in Portal 1."


Even if it did survive, who would take it out of the incinerator? The only things in Portal that can move objects are: Chell, GLaDOS, Doug, and the Party Escort Bot. One was in stasis (being dragged by the last), one was dead, one was insane and probably never wanted to get near the incinerator, and one was programmed to drag people to storage/parties. Now, if GLaDOS had been alive, she might have been able to override the party bot, but she was dead. Besides, if it had been Wheatley, he would have remembered Chell. He's an idiot, but he's also a computer, and computers do not forget.

Edited by Dr. Paine

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Possible solution to unmeshy timelines:


Cave and/or Caroline adopted Chell (if GLaDOS really did find people in the files with "the same last name", they would match "[redacted]" rather than "Johnson", as shown in Lab Rat) and later died/became GLaDOS, but Chell maintained connections with Aperture and was invited to BYDTWD as a guest. Why she did an experiment is anyone's guess; given the eccentricity of Aperture in general, she was probably asked to do a children's science project for the event due to being the (adopted) daughter of the founder.


Remember, Aperture has had portal devices since the 50s, if the awards and things in the condemned testing facility were recent at the time of operation. There were signs prior to the first Propulsion Gel test that indicated that test subjects required a quantum portal device.

Edited by Lythiaren

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I just got past the plot twist where

Wheatley takes over GLaDOS

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Welcome to the second third of the game. |D

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