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So, I am a murderer, and should be tried for manslaughter, because I was in a horrible situation and did something I didn't really want to do. Thank you for that Mother's day present.


This day I always think about that little baby I could not have. Makes me cry.


But, I guess your reasoning would decide I deserve the pain and grief I feel, as punishment, yes?

That's just sick. Another reason why I cannot support organized religion.


Oh, and it hasn't been mentioned yet, you CAN get preganant even if you take precations. Just in case someone tries to say you can't. I was on the pill faithfully for months, my husband used a condom with spermacides.....I got pregnant with my firstborn. It can happen.


This day is full of joy for me for my children. And full of sorrow for the one I'll never know. Thank you, Cherry, for contributing to the pain part of this Mother's Day for me. I hope you sleep well.

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Once a cell is concieved, it is a child.


So if those cell become a tumor, is it a child? What about if it's a parasitic mass?


here is no excuse, and nothing that could state it's right.


So, you're saying you know better than G-d, yes?


It's stated that just after a few WEEKS after conception their is a heartbeat and recorded cells in the womb.


That doesn't mean it can absolutely become human. My wife was supposed to be a twin. Her twin sister became a parasitic mass that eventually killed her mother.


In the holocaust, would you shoot down Jews? If not (hopefully), why would you murder a baby?


Because according to G-d, it is not murder.


When scientist find a cell on other planets they say, "We found life."


As a scientist, no.


Ever notice everyone Pro-Choice is already LIVING?!?


And my wife wishes every day she had been aborted.


If you're pronounced dead when your heart STOPS beating?


You aren't.


Why aren't you pronouced alive when your heart STARTS beating?


Because there's no guarantee you will be human at that point.


God didn't plan for us to have an abortion, he only hopes that we will change our mind.


Then why does he proscribe a test for women who have been unfaithful that would result in an abortion, in scripture?


Be prolife guys, be Pro-G-d


I am Pro-G-d. I completely believe what Scripture says, that humans are not ensouled until after birth. I believe what Scripture says, that abortion is not murder or manslaughter.


I'm pretty sure if a fetus turns into a tumor it can still have a heartbeart?


You would be correct.



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*plucks out a hair*

I killed it cells are alive send me to jail

I removed a tooth last month. Do I get death penalty? sad.gif It did contain my DNA after all.


Be pro life, and respect life <3

How can you respect someone by turning them into nothing but a broodmare? unsure.gif


I do hope you are one of those taking care of all the unwanted, unadopted children out there, and help them with love, food, clothes, material and/or medical aid they so desperately need.

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Y'know, when I was very young I once played host to an organism that was made of a load of multiplying cells, maybe felt pain but probably didn't, could have had thoughts but probably didn't, depended on me for nutrients and lived inside my belly for a couple of weeks/a month before I went to the doctor's and had it gotten rid of...


What was it called? A tapeworm!


Basically, my little hanger-on had all of the attributes of a fetus at abortion stage but nobody batted an eyelid when I got rid of it. But by anti-abortion logic I guess should have let it live...

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Y'know, when I was very young I once played host to an organism that was made of a load of multiplying cells, maybe felt pain but probably didn't, could have had thoughts but probably didn't, depended on me for nutrients and lived inside my belly for a couple of weeks/a month before I went to the doctor's and had it gotten rid of...


What was it called? A tapeworm!


Basically, my little hanger-on had all of the attributes of a fetus at abortion stage but nobody batted an eyelid when I got rid of it. But by anti-abortion logic I guess should have let it live...

You MURDERER xd.png


OMG the number of those I killed when we had cats....

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I'm going to state my belifs firmly.


Once a cell is concieved, it is a child. Abortion kills children, and their is no other explanation for it's evil. There is no excuse, and nothing that could state it's right.


Killing a child in our lifetime is called MANSLAUGHTER. So is abortion, and I refuse to think it isn't.

I have marched for life two years in a row, and will continue every year to travel 22 hours ON A BUS with people to Washington D.C. and march in freezing rain, snow, and tempuratures that I would rather not walk in for two hours.


I'm going to state this simply, and clarify something for anyone reading this that is Prochoice. I hope this will change your mind.


*It's a child, not a choice. Would you kill your own baby? A LIVING, BREATHING baby? It's stated that just after a few WEEKS after conception their is a heartbeat and recorded cells in the womb.


*In the holocaust, would you shoot down Jews? If not (hopefully), why would you murder a baby?


*If the world is "too populated" and abortion is a "nessesary evil" then why was the baby concived in the first place? Polls show that 87% of children aborted are by teenagers. That's way to young to have a baby, but is it too old to be a killer?


I'm now stating some quotes I found on Pro-Life websites. If you think there is a logical explanation for abortion, make sure and tell me because I may change your mind.


*Our value should not be detirmend by our size- babies


*If you do not believe in miracles, perhaps you forgot you are one.


*Ever notice everyone Pro-Choice is already LIVING?!?


*When scientist find a cell on other planets they say, "We found life."

When scientists find a cell in the womb they say, "Its a choice, not life, not a child."


*If you're pronounced dead when your heart STOPS beating? Why aren't you pronouced alive when your heart STARTS beating?


Be pro life, and respect life <3

I'd kill my baby! Probably through forgetting to feed it. Or dropkicking it when it cries.


I'm really only half joking. Any child that would survive long enough in my care WOULD be taken away by child protection and I would face jail time for either neglect or abuse.


I do not have the capacity to care for a parasite that spent nine months holding my body hostage. I do not enjoy spending time with screaming poop sacks, or stupid little brats--how I view babies and children respectively. Despite possessing a uterus*, I do not possess a mothering instinct. I never have, and I highly doubt I ever will.


I'm also selfish, and would much rather spend my money on me rather than what I view to be a blight on my life. I also need lots of time to myself, and I'm currently struggling to hold my life together as it is because of demands from school and work. I absolutely could not stand to have something needing attention 24/7. I would snap.


Not to mention the changes a pregnancy would put me through. And I can't afford a child right now--I wouldn't be able to afford food if I were living on my own right now. And the only way I'd end up pregnant is through rape, as I'm not in a relationship and being asexual and not currently interested romantically at all I am absolutely not sexually active.


So, for me, on top of stress worsening my depression sometimes to the point of needing medication to function (which I'm pretty sure would be bad for a fetus, and a pregnancy is ABSOLUTELY high-stress) and often to the point where I have the desire to harm myself (I've thankfully not relapsed in a very long time!) and/or being passively suicidal and at times actively suicidal... I would have the trauma of being forcibly impregnated against my will, and would spend 9 months tortured every day by the reminder of the horror I endured. Then I'd have to deal with labor and birth--either naturally or C-section, either way it'd not be good. If I wasn't able to put it up for adoption, I would then be stuck raising a reminder of my horror and I would hate it even more than if I SOMEHOW were to get pregnant from a non-rape situation (which could happen, maybe, someday in the future--but at the moment absolutely out of the question).


So tell me, how is it fair to a child to be raised knowing it's hated, knowing it was never wanted, knowing the only reason it even draws breath is because a monster assaulted the woman who gave it life?


Adoption isn't as simple as "I don't want this baby, give it to somebody else". Adoption doesn't guarantee a happy life. So adoption isn't the perfect solution, either.


I once was very pro-life, an adoption success story. But, now that I know of the horrors others face when forced to bear a child against their will or better judgement, cannot in good conscience deny them the right to abort.


If they CHOOSE to keep it, then more power to them. But not all of us are keen on the idea of letting our bodies be held hostage for 9 months.



Aside from that, teens have kids for multiple reasons--including pro-life people refusing to allow them to be educated on sex (some honestly don't know that's where babies come from) and refusing to allow them access to birth control. Proper education of how sex works, how birth control works, the different kinds, the failure rates, and the cost of raising a child as well as adoption options would do wonders to lower teen pregnancy (and thus abortion) rates, I think



So. Just to make sure we're clear--as long as a person pops out the baby, you are 100% absolutely completely fine with the mother being permanently broken, damaged beyond repair, possibly even dying in the process?


And a person who takes their own life because they cannot bear to carry to term a parasite is guilty of a murder/suicide? Would not then the fetus be guilty of murder for driving the mother to suicide?



Really, all your post has done is make me cringe in memory of once thinking like you do--and be thankful that I've had my eyes opened.

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Make fun of me all you want, but over nine months those cells turn into a living, breathing human child. And I did not say every abortion was an easy way out. Most are kids who fooled around and killed it without looking into the little known programs to support pregnant teens. There are such programs. Now in rape, that is touchy. I believe that if you are physucally and mentally able to carry the child, I would beg the person to keep it and then give it up for adoption. Remember, it's one half the victim. And of course the medical issues when it is harmful to the mother's health.


It doesn't matter what religion you are. You are killing a human being.

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Yes, but if you had the choice, would you rather save the active member of society or the fetus?


Honestly, for some people, that's what it comes down to.


Think about it. 9 months to a teenager is an age. In 9 months, you could go through a year of school. If the pregnancy would incapacitate the mother to the point where she couldn't work or educate herself, then you are doing a great injustice to the person who didn't necessarily want the baby! Come on- if you met a pregnant high schooler who wanted an abortion, would you honestly deny them that? Would you discourage her from aborting, fully realizing the massive impact it will have on her life?


If (by some horrible chance of fate) I got pregnant in high school and somebody tried to convince me to carry, I'd slap them in the face for thinking that this THING inside of me had more right to life than I did.

Edited by Spelunker

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Look, I lost two baby cousins because of abortion. It hurts the people who know about it, whenever I see my aunt I can't help but imagine what my cousins would be like. I also see her in a different light, I love her and I know why she did it,but I can't get past that knowing... Now she has an 8 year old girl and she's married. But I wonder if she ever thinks about her two other unborn children, wgat they might've done in life. I wonder if my little cousin knows she could've had two oldr siblings.




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I know that I would have had an older sibling, but my mother miscarried. I sometimes wonder what it would be like.


If you'd like to know what it feels like to know that you might have had an older sibling, I'll tell you- you forget after a while. I thought about it a lot when my mom first told me, but I don't think about it unless the subject of miscarriage comes up.


I'm curious to think if you would think any differently of your relatives if those two fetuses had been miscarriages instead of abortions.

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My mother had a miscarriage too. My little brother/sister would be 11 in september. The difference is that in abortion, it isn't a natural death. I would know that there never was a chance unless the miscarriage hadn't happened, but with my aunt I wonder if she had never walked into that clinic and said I don't want them.

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Look, I lost two baby cousins because of abortion. It hurts the people who know about it, whenever I see my aunt I can't help but imagine what my cousins would be like. I also see her in a different light, I love her and I know why she did it,but I can't get past that knowing... Now she has an 8 year old girl and she's married. But I wonder if she ever thinks about her two other unborn children, wgat they might've done in life. I wonder if my little cousin knows she could've had two oldr siblings.

You are not your aunt. You have no place to talk about her feelings or emotions as IF you can talk about her experiences. You are not her. Who knows maybe she's happy that she got an abortion. You are speaking for a person whom I presume can speak FOR herself quite well.


You are putting YOUR pain-which is based on none of the actual lived experience or feelings or thoughts-over the emotions, thoughts, and experiences of a woman who actually went through that.


That's quite a bit of selfishness, don't you think?

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Look, I lost two baby cousins because of abortion. It hurts the people who know about it, whenever I see my aunt I can't help but imagine what my cousins would be like. I also see her in a different light, I love her and I know why she did it,but I can't get past that knowing... Now she has an 8 year old girl and she's married. But I wonder if she ever thinks about her two other unborn children, wgat they might've done in life. I wonder if my little cousin knows she could've had two oldr siblings.

It hurts you because you focus on it and force yourself to see those people in a different light. There was a reason your aunt had two abortions and you have to respect her decision in the matter. It would have been years of her life given up trying to raise those two kids and thousands of dollars spent. Children are very expensive and an awfully big waste of time, especially in their early years. You aunt probably knows a lot more about her life than you do and she probably decided to have an abortion for a reason. Don't look at her differently for having abortions. She's still your aunt and the decisions was probably hard enough without you seeing her in a different light.

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I removed a tooth last month. Do I get death penalty? sad.gif It did contain my DNA after all.

We can be cellmates biggrin.gif (oh I did a punny thing)

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Ha ha very funny ylang. :/


I am using my aunt's case to show that more people are affected. Most people when they have an abortion are scarred forever. I am trying to be respectful here, seeing as you are probably adults and I am 14. But I have to say you and I both need to see the whole picture, both sides. All sides.




There are many people who have had an abortion that did it because they absolutely had to. It is sad, but I understand. It is hard financially and physically, especially if a teenager is pregnant. Some may be happy, some may not. We need to keep the right to choose so we don't have a million teens dropping out of school, people dying in childbirth, etc.



Pro Life


We must remember that it is a human being, not ''tissue." Therefor, people need to know all their options seeing a life is at stake. Over 50,000,000 kids have been aborted since it came around. Abortion rules need to be stricter, so people don't develop the mindset they can go have it and kill the baby created in the process.



What truly needs to be seen is education. About laws, the procedure, the options, who it will affect and how. I am against abortions which are uneccesary, but I have no place to force a mother to carry a child that wiill kill her or demolish her life. Both sides need to find a medium. I am open to that.

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Make fun of me all you want, but over nine months those cells turn into a living, breathing human child. It doesn't matter what religion you are. You are killing a human being.

Potential != actuality.

A potential person is not an actual person.


Whether or not is alive is irrelevant to me. A mosquito is just as alive, a mosquito has a life - yet, I am barely a murderer when I flatten one that came and bit me. Why would a woman be a murderer if she removes the little clump of cells that is a fetus? An early fetus doesn't have a brain. Something which lacks a brain (or a substitute of it) cannot think, thusly it cannot be a person. And the rights of a person should always override the rights of a non-person.


Most are kids who fooled around and killed it without looking into the little known programs to support pregnant teens. There are such programs.

These programs are insufficient. Even in best cases, these are barely enough to not let them starve or freeze to death, and even then, there will never be enough for all of the pregnant teens.

They aren't "tricked," you know. They are simply saving their lives by removing something which is not even a person.



Most people when they have an abortion are scarred forever.
Not entirely true. I don't recall the exact figures at the moment, but the percentage of women who are glad that they had an abortion or at least satisfied with their decision is strongly over a half. I think it was around 80%, the amount of women who were glad/satisfied with the decision. (Does someone have the stats? It was linked in this thread some time ago...)


Also, MANY women regret ever having given birth, as well as there are very many conditions derived from giving birth that will mentally destroy a woman. Do you know how many women are forced to give birth in the US as it is? They literally get harassed to the point where many simply kill themselves to be rid of the "thing".

Edited by Shienvien

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I see no reason whatsoever as to why other people's considerations should be taken into place in the abortion debate.

I am using my aunt's case to show that more people are affected.
Why? That's her choice. That's her body. If she gets a piercing in her ear would you be as concerned too? Or maybe if she breaks her arm and needs a cast. Would you tell her that she shouldn't get it? Abortion is a deeply private affair for the woman. I see no reason why other people's feelings and emotions should be taken into consideration. It's her choice. That sounds like emotional manipulation to me. "I feel sad although it's not my body and not my business so you shouldn't get something". Oh but it isn't human life, you say? Let's say that she has the choice to either be hooked up to a complete stranger who needs the support from her body for 9 months or he'll die. She refuses. You then resent her. Do you see how ridiculous this is?


We must remember that it is a human being, not ''tissue."

It IS a tissue. Also zygotes can be flushed out of the system naturally. Do you hold vigils or funerals for them as well?


Over 50,000,000 kids have been aborted since it came around.
Abortion has been a part of human society since the beginning of history. Natural abortifacients have been recorded in Greek times, etc.


I am against abortions which are uneccesary,
What abortion isn't necessary? Do you think you know better than the child's own mother as to whether she will be able to properly care for it or not? Oh and let's not go down the "people use it as birth control!!" stuff. That is a load of lies. Do you even know how expensive an abortion is? Birth control is way cheaper and easier to access.


Most are kids who fooled around and killed it without looking into the little known programs to support pregnant teens. There are such programs.

Oh please. Stop with the sex shaming. By your chain of logic if they were "fooling around" i.e didn't have a lot of responsibility WHY DO YOU THINK they would have been able to responsibly RAISE a child which in my opinion takes a lot more toil on you than having sex NOT TO MENTION endure pregnancy. A lot of teenage mothers are ALSO perfectly capably responsible people and describing them as "fooling around" is completely wrong.


Most people when they have an abortion are scarred forever.

I feel quite happy about it actually. biggrin.gif


ETA: Also you never answered this question:

Fine. On one hand you hold a petri dish with a zygote. On the other hand you hold a baby. You have to drop one. According to you there is no difference.
Edited by ylangylang

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I am using my aunt's case to show that more people are affected. Most people when they have an abortion are scarred forever. I am trying to be respectful here, seeing as you are probably adults and I am 14. But I have to say you and I both need to see the whole picture, both sides. All sides.




There are many people who have had an abortion that did it because they absolutely had to. It is sad, but I understand. It is hard financially and physically, especially if a teenager is pregnant. Some may be happy, some may not. We need to keep the right to choose so we don't have a million teens dropping out of school, people dying in childbirth, etc.



Pro Life


We must remember that it is a human being, not ''tissue." Therefor, people need to know all their options seeing a life is at stake. Over 50,000,000 kids have been aborted since it came around. Abortion rules need to be stricter, so people don't develop the mindset they can go have it and kill the baby created in the process.



What truly needs to be seen is education. About laws, the procedure, the options, who it will affect and how. I am against abortions which are uneccesary, but I have no place to force a mother to carry a child that wiill kill her or demolish

Stats please on the "most" part? From a non-pro-life site, as I don't trust those at all. Preferably, if you can find one, not from a massively pro-choice either as I admit bias exists in both sides (but it's worse on the pro-life side, from what I've seen.)


Some women would give birth instead if they could change the past.

Some women would have an abortion INSTEAD OF GIVING BIRTH if they could change the past. (Yes, they would rather their child were never born. Lovely for those kids, huh?)


Some women wouldn't change a thing and are happy to have given birth.

Some women wouldn't change a thing and are happy to have had an abortion.


It's different for each woman.



Additionally, the risk of death is HIGHER with PREGNANCY than abortion, IIRC.



The medium is allowing abortion to be legal--people who don't want abortion will not have one, and people who do will not die in a back ally "clinic" trying to get rid of something they think will ruin their lives.




Besides, adoption is NOT the magical answer to everything. Some people can't handle the pregnancy itself. Others don't have the resources to adopt--it's not just handing the doctor the baby and going "Oh, I don't want this. Give it to somebody else, would you?"


Look, I lost two baby cousins because of abortion. It hurts the people who know about it, whenever I see my aunt I can't help but imagine what my cousins would be like. I also see her in a different light, I love her and I know why she did it,but I can't get past that knowing... Now she has an 8 year old girl and she's married. But I wonder if she ever thinks about her two other unborn children, wgat they might've done in life. I wonder if my little cousin knows she could've had two oldr siblings.

That's actually incredibly selfish--another person should suffer so somebody else could have met unwanted people?

Edited by KageSora

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Pro Life


We must remember that it is a human being, not ''tissue." Therefor, people need to know all their options seeing a life is at stake. Over 50,000,000 kids have been aborted since it came around. Abortion rules need to be stricter, so people don't develop the mindset they can go have it and kill the baby created in the process.

Can we have some source with that?

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Stats please on the "most" part?  From a non-pro-life site, as I don't trust those at all.  Preferably, if you can find one, not from a massively pro-choice either as I admit bias exists in both sides (but it's worse on the pro-life side, from what I've seen.)



Easy to debunk


"For decades, they have charged that having an abortion causes mental instability and even may lead to suicide, and despite consistent repudiations from the major professional mental health associations, they remain undeterred. For example, the "postabortion traumatic stress syndrome" that they say is widespread is not recognized by either the American Psychological Association (APA) or the American Psychiatric Association."


"Still, it is fair to say that neither the weight of the scientific evidence to date nor the observable reality of 33 years of legal abortion in the United States comports with the idea that having an abortion is any more dangerous to a woman's long-term mental health than delivering and parenting a child that she did not intend to have or placing a baby for adoption."


"Given the millions of women who have had abortions, "if severe reaction were common, there would be an epidemic of women seeking treatment."

Edited by Alpha1

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The "keep the baby, then give it up for adoption" excuse doesn't really work when only 3-4% of children who enter the adoption system end up getting adopted.

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The "keep the baby, then give it up for adoption" excuse doesn't really work when only 3-4% of children who enter the adoption system end up getting adopted.

It's technically 1-2% now.


Here's my view on abortion v. adoption. Why would you be against preventing a fetus suffering before it has any guarantee of being human rather than put them into a system where they have a 88% chance of being molested or abused, a 90% chance of attempting suicide -- when we know for a fact through studies that 97% of the children failed to be adopted in the 18-month window will actively state (some as early as five) that they wish they had never been born?


I am using my aunt's case to show that more people are affected. Most people when they have an abortion are scarred forever.


Here's the thing about abortion, it's the mother's choice because as the parent, she has to make the decision as to what will be best for the child. Why would you be better to decide what's better for those children (who had no guarantee that they would become people and not a tumor or a parasitic mass) than your aunt?


But I have to say you and I both need to see the whole picture, both sides. All sides.


I have. I have wished every day of my life that my mother had been brave enough to abort me. Instead, I've lived my life knowing that she died so I could be born, and knowing that every time my father saw me, he was seing the daughter that killed his wife.


I have walked into a friend's house to find her dead because she couldn't live with the feeling of something that she felt was an embodiment of evil inside her, but she believed abortion was wrong and felt suicide was her only option.


I've met six year olds who have cried in my arms telling me that their biological mothers were too selfish to have an abortion.


I've gone to three funerals in this year alone thus far, of children who were given up for adoption but never placed, who committed suicide because they just couldn't take it anymore.


I've watched as parents, thinking their doing what's best for their child, mortgage their house and sell everything they own to afford putting a child up for adoption, thinking their doing the better thing, and then me, watch that child as it gets older and can't be placed, ending up in the foster care system.


I've been through a rape pregnancy, having nightmares and flashbacks and gave birth with broken ribs and legs.


I've seen ten year olds who were raped and whose parents refuse to let them get an abortion, ending up paralysed for life.


I've seen women who think abortion is wrong get jailed for using safe havens because the baby is malnourished because the mother didn't have enough money to feed herself.


I've been beaten up by pro-life protesters. I've had rocks thrown at me by protesters.


I have gone to homes where the mother didn't believe in abortion, and had to remove a nine and a seven-year old because the mother hated them so much she couldn't bring herself to care for them.


I've seen mother's who were pressured into keeping the baby by family members, who would "look at them differently" if they had abortions, completely unable to love the child in any form, who would rather kill themselves than wake up another day to see them in a crib.


I've seen women who just can't take being pregnant but whose families wouldn't believe in abortion throw themselves down stairs, off balconies, who have done everything in their power to miscarry.


I've seen 12 year olds who feel like they should die because they were never wanted in the first place.


I have had children beg me why their mothers forced them to live. Who have cried in my arms screaming that they never asked to be born.


I can't be pro-life, because I have to work with the consequences of the pro-life movement. I have to see what happens after the protesters and the families leave.


So, to tell me, who works in social services and still works as an "other options" counselor at a clinic that I have so "see thigns from all sides" and throwing the numbers of how many abortions have happened at me -- why not look at the numbers of how many children are put in care every year?

How many are in care at any given time because of abuse (over 400,000)

How many children are proven to be neglected each year: (872,000)

How many die on average due to neglect in the home (2,560)

How many are put in care because they were not adopted (120,000 in 2004, which has since risen to triple that)

How many fatalities for under-five year olds are due to neglect (76%)

How many calls CPS gets each year (3.2 million)

How many cases actually get investigated: (64%)

How many cases investigated get rereported (22%)


And you want to put more children in the system? I already work overtime every week, am on-call when I'm not at work, and have been shot twice.

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It doesn't matter what religion you are. You are killing a human being.

And that's where you get it wrong.


A person getting an abortion within 24 weeks is not killing a human being, they are killing a living thing that has the POTENTIAL TO BECOME a human being.

It isn't yet.

Just like the first brush strokes on a canvas aren't a beautiful piece of art, but have the POTENTIAL TO BECOME one.

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Most people when they have an abortion are scarred forever.


That's not true. The majority of people who have abortions feel relief, or as if a weight has been lifted, according to several long-term studies.


I would also link you to: I'm Not Sorry


Where you can read for yourself how people felt before and after getting an abortion and why they did it.


It doesn't matter what religion you are. You are killing a human being.


I'm sorry, you're not G-d. You don't get to decide when something is human. G-d says it's not a human life, it's not a human life. Period.


And what about the fetuses who don't become people? The fetuses who become parasitic masses or tumors? Many of those still have heartbeats, and many even have rudimentary lungs. They are living things, they aren't dead, but they are not people.

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