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About Hime-chan17

  • Rank
    Level 3
  • Birthday 09/09/1991


~*My Scroll*~~*My Wishlist*~I love to breed/bite to gift, just send me a message and I'll see what I can do! Trades are welcome too~~*Pure Bred Black Tea Dragon Breeder*~VMT5Rj3.png4WVYbYb.pngfoq36d.jpg "Oh loneliness, oh hopelessness, to search the ends of time. For there is in all the world, no greater love than mine."

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    I'm into many things, but mostly baking, watercolor painting, embroidery, arts and crafts of any kind, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Star Trek: The Original Series, giraffes, Attack on Titan, and sheep~
    I breed and/or bite for gifts/trades~
    Really the only requirements I have are:
    *Keep the egg/hatching for yourself
    *Do not kill it
    *Depending on the breed/lineage do not freeze it
    *Please, please, PLEASE give it a name! :)

    A quick guide to the names of the dragons on my scroll:
    *Any dragon that has a name starting with "CBK" means it's caveborn
    *Any dragon that has a name starting with "BK" means it's parents are on my scroll (most likely with one parent being CB, if not both)
    *Any dragon that has a name with no prefix means that I picked it up from the abandoned pile, or it was a non-CB gift/trade

    My wishlist:
    *A Neglected dragon