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The Order: Protectors of the Dead

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"As you know, you're the best in the business…," the man shrouded in darkness said.

"Hurry up our order doesn't like us dawdling on pointless requests." a Priest, with blonde hair and dark blue eyes snapped. He was built as though he were a kind of barrel, sturdy and huge. "Either tell us where the Blister is, or stop wasting our time."

"Sir! I thought you were here to take care of that ghost in my home!" the man across the way exclaimed, dropping something that had been in his hands. "You came out here to help me with my problem right?"

"Ya see sir," the blonde Priest said, "we're experts on ghosts and the like, but what you have is a monster. A person who isn't a person anymore." he smiled like it was joke, and one of his compatriots standing behind him laughed. A woman dressed like the others. Black pants and shirt with the white square at her neck. The head Priest continued, "now get out of our way."

Without a proper reply, they all burst in, filling the entryway. The blonde priest was uneasy, but bravely marched more inside. The woman behind him scanned the whole room, her eyes purple for a moment, then once she apparently thought it clear, their normal blue.

"This room is clear." she reported, bored. Her voice had a sort of gravelly undertone to it, and anyone standing near her could smell the recent cigarette she'd had on her clothes. "We need to move fast though, I can tell it's starting to bleed through."

"We don't have much time then," a man thin as a reed spoke. His voice was tinged with an Asian accent, and he dressed like a monk as opposed to the two who were apparently Christian priests. "Should we shoo the man outside? From the report it sounds like that thing was his wife. Died in a house robbery I heard."

The man only watched as the group completely ignored him and talked amongst themselves. He burst into the conversation, "but I didn't tell you that."

"Let's just say we have sources," the head Priest said, a confident smirk on his face.

With that the man was shooed outside. He waited for about an hour, and then the trio came out, their clothes shredded and burned. They seemed exhausted, but handed him a bill that he would later send to an address that no man outside of their order could see. An address written boldly at the top as:


Castle of the Holy Spirit

221 Serpent Rd




Welcome to the Castle of the Holy Spirit! Believe it or not, this is a training ground for new Priests. What are Priests you ask? Well, think of them as Holy Warriors. They go out and fight Blisters, which exists between the dimensions of the world. Here, I'll break it down for you a bit more.


Priests: These guys can be of any religion, race, gender, or soul type. What matters is that they can enter the bubbles between dimensions and destroy the monsters within them. They usually have a soul bound weapon that they can use to vanquish these monsters as well as abilities that only they can use. Priests are what you'll be playing as.


Soul Weapons: Forged out of the soul energy of a Priest, they can take literally any shape as long as the Priest can use it. These are more powerful against Blisters and Demons, and doesn't affect humans or ghosts at all. At most they tickle mortals.


Blisters: Not to be confused with the kind that appear on your skin, these are commonly people who have died a violent death and and are sort of 'stuck' between worlds. They retain the shape they were in when they died, i.e., they have stab wounds, contorted limbs, all sorts of fun stuff. If left alone over a long time, they manifest in this dimension as a sort of 'ghost imprint'. If left alone even longer, they manifest as a monster in the real world, keeping the form they died in and basically eating the living out of jealousy.


Ghosts: Someone who has more business to do, but died a relatively peaceful death. They can only be seen by people who can mediate. These ghosts can enter Blister Areas, but they are only as useful as they were when they were alive. In other words, not very useful.


Blister Areas: When a Blister is formed, they create an area similar to where they died. The longer a Blister has existed, the larger and more twisted the Blister Area appears.


Angelists: Crazy lunatics that think they can convince Priests and the Angel/Horseman of Death to turn back the flow of Death. They'll go to any length to attain their goals. They can summon Blisters at will and use their soul energy to have the Blister to be able manifest.


The Four Horsemen: Beings that are banded together by the Angel of Death, but other than that they couldn't be more different. They keep balance and order, but prefer to keep to themselves.


Bi-Dimensional: Okay, so we live in one universe and the dead cross to the other. Sometimes more violent souls get stuck between them and bleed back through into our dimension. As you can guess, this is very, very bad. Priests can travel into the spaces between dimensions, but anyone who has attempted to cross over completely has never come back.


Soul Types:

Black: Pure black souls don't exist in humans outside of a few exceptions. These typically belong to people who were murderers and died a violent death. They become demons, which after a short amount of time in a Blister Area, manifest in the real world and possess people. They tend to be silver tongued and violently resistant to crossing over.

Grey: Average soul. Neither good nor bad. All humans have a range of grey souls.

White Souls: Typically belonging to Angels, or people who have died that have kind souls. Mother Theresa would be an Angel, for example. There aren't many of these.

Hollow Souls: These souls are empty until acted upon by a White or Black soul. This usually means touching one or being near one depending on the strength of the soul. They are compelled to do whatever the soul they have tells them to do until they absorb it completely. Then they continue to be influenced by that soul alignment, often time presenting traits from that soul. Until they have a black or white soul, this presents as depression, or an absence of feelings, empathy, or just emptiness in general. These souls are rare, formed by typically a lonely childhood or a 'birth defect' that leaves the child listless and in a vegetable state until their soul is filled. Typically it is the former.


The Castle of the Holy Spirit:


Two turrets make up the front, and a large wooden door stands between them. A stained glass window is above the door, depicting an angel smiting what appears to be a demon. Inside there are banners of every color and religion, and the original stonework remains in decently good shape. In certain places, there are battle scars, long claw marks and patched over walls. The garden out back is surrounded by a huge stone wall and a moat which provides underground irrigation to the plants.


The Castle is a training ground for Priests, to learn the art of the trade and to rise in rank. The Cardinal of the area is in charge, and teachers are sometimes sent out on tougher missions. Otherwise, students who have been there for three years and have attained a 'Travel Pass' can leave. Any students who leave earlier than that are often destroyed on missions. They can be assigned to a mission as well. Please note that students are put in specific groups for life.


The Castle itself is expansive, housing hundreds of students at once as well as around fifty or so teachers. The first floor has the main hall and cafeteria as well as a recreation area for students. This floor is filled with banners and benches for students to sit and to study. There is even a small 'classroom' behind the rec area for students who want to study. It has been magically enchanted so no sound may enter or exit the room, making it ideal for meetings and somewhere to go for prayers.


Most classes are taught on the second floor, and more practical lessons are taught outside. The second floor is separated into small classrooms, where teacher have personalized each room to their taste. More fighting style teachers do not use their room at all, often leaving these abandoned and used only for grading papers. The castle also has a garden that the Cardinal takes care of and tends to, as well as the students who help out there. Some think that it is impossibly big and contains almost every plant in the world. The Cardinal will not confirm or deny this.


The third floor is where students sleep in dorms separated by gender. There are two to three to a dorm, and curfew is ten o' clock. The fourth is for teachers it is inaccessible to students, and again personalized to each teacher's taste. The Cardinal lives in a pocket dimension that no one knows the origin of, and it is inaccessible unless one has permission.


There is a bulletin board set up on the first floor for jobs students can take and are ranked according to reported difficulty. Students need permission to do any of these jobs beforehand, and must have taken the Travel Pass test, which requires a group of at least three people working in unison to complete. The Cardinal oversees most of the tests, and select others are chosen to pick groups. The select few change every year, but almost always consist of a battle style teacher, a history teacher, and a Soul Alignment teacher. Working in unison means syncing souls, which means being completely open to your teammates.



1. DC Forums rules applies.


2. There can only be two Hollow Souls in this RP. No more, no less.


3. I want five sentences at the minimum. Proper grammar and no chat speak.


4. Please PM your sheets to me. Also, in other, put what I colored white souls, since I can't make the text white. If you want a Hollow Soul, put 'emptiness' after the color in the other section. You'll be granted preferred status if someone else applies for a Hollow as well. A Hollow Soul app automatically goes under extra scrutiny.

5. No parenthesis in the final sheet. Make it look nice.


6. We're all friends here. However, the first rule is… I don't wanna see any fights. Not my division.


7. Have fun!


8. We chuck Mary Sues down into Mount Doom on Thursdays.


9. Also, no one wants to see you and your girlfriend doing… that stuff in the hallways, FYI. Keep it PG-13.





Name: (Who are you~)

Age: (If you're ageless, you're gone. You're human. 14-18, as you're just learning how to be a Priest.)

Weapon: (Long as it can be used as a weapon, then it can go here. Giant ninjas stars? Sure. Unarmed? Just put some special gloves. Pictures can be linked, or you can describe it in four sentences.)

Appearance: (Link an image with a brief description, or just go for a description. Please note sometimes I won't be able to see these images until later in the day. If these are broken, you're responsible for replacing it.)

Abilities: (You're limited to two. They can be almost anything, but they won't hurt anything but evil things. You can't use these on humans. These can grow in strength when in a Blister Area. But no, they can't just destroy a Blister with a thought. Nice try, Mary.)

Soul Alignment: (There is a spectrum, ranging from light grey to dark grey. Unless you're a Hollow or special souled, you get a range of grey.)

Personality: (Eight. Sentences.)

History: (Just end up at the Castle somehow. Eight sentences please.)

Weaknesses: (Fears, lack of experience, or anything that could be a chink in your armor. I want three put here, or see rule eight.)

Other: (For all your password writing glory.)

Writing Sample: (Two paragraphs of your writing. This can be a key factor to you getting in. This can be your opening post, but it goes here first.)

Edited by RainDash

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RainDash (Owner and Operator):

Name: Kitty Jaci

Age: 16

Weapon: Scimitar. It curves around and the hilt and flat of the blade are decorated with designs to keep evil at bay. A rosary hangs around the end of the hilt. It can be separated into two weapons, both identical to the other.

Appearance: Kitty has brown hair and wears a white scarf. She wears the usual uniform for a priest, but decorates it with safety pins and metal hoops. She also wears a large black coat over it, hoping to have it whoosh around behind her. Her eyes are usually brown.


Blister Scan: Kitty can detect Blister Areas, just by activating her own soul energy. She cannot say how old they are, or how powerful, but she can tell the entrance easily.

Wall Walking: Kitty can pass though walls as long as she can hold her breath. She cannot sink through floors, as she cannot control how long she sinks. Kitty cannot pass through people or Blisters.

Soul Alignment: Light Grey

Personality: Kitty is the kind of girl to tiptoe to the edge of the rules and bend them. She likes to see how far she can get before getting in trouble, as she wants attention. Kitty wants to be in the spotlight, but it always shifts away from her before long. As such she is jealous any popular kid and will perform small pranks if possible. Kitty isn't shy, but doesn't like going up to strangers. She wants people to approach her first. Kitty hopes to be a famous Cardinal or Priest someday, surpassing everyone. She's not a loud person, but can be loud if she feels that she needs to be.

History: Kitty was abandoned at age three. People passing her on the street would look at her and dismiss her. When she entered the foster care system she bounced around. Everyone either implicitly or explicitly said that she wasn't interesting enough. Everyone thought she had boring interests, even her schoolmates. She liked reading and sleeping, and when she turned eleven, she decided to try and undo her image. She dressed up, pierced her own ears -which made a teacher and parent faint-, and dyed her own hair black. After that anything she did was dismissed as not enough attention and her 'parents' scolded her for about ten minutes then ignored her. Kitty was about halfway to another city when she was approached by a Priest and told to join them.


-She fears not being paid any attention, that she's not worth anyone's time.

-Nimble, but not strong. Kitty can't take a lot of hits.

-Has to have the spotlight on her. Will often boast and brag to anyone who'll listen.

Other: "Quotes are dumb. I want a pie instead."


User: TotallyDrow (Secretly part Elf.)

Name: Khaine Jaeger (Pronounciation: Cane, Yay-ger)

Age: 17

Weapon: Gunblade

Appearance: Khaine - In addition to the two teardrop tattoo's under his eyes, is another Cross Tattoo on his tongue. He is fairly muscular and has a 9 inch scar down the right side of his abdomen; starting from just above his waist.


Energy projectiles - He is able to physically shape his soul energy into bullet like projectiles which he can fire from his gunblade in the form of bullets. These bullets manifest themselves as a dark grey light being fired out of the barrel of his gun and can melt through your average wall.

Energy Chains - He is able to create dark grey energy chains from the tips of his fingers that can extend dozens of yards and are used for a variety of purposes, ranging from binding to transportation etc.

Soul Alignment: Dark Grey

Personality: Khaine can come across as being rather rude and abusive, but that is due to the large influence from his foster sister, who was also of the same personality. To people who don't already know him, he may also seem rather aloof and distant, as he does not know how to properly approach strangers, mostly coming across as some sort of thug, due to his tattoo's, red hair etc. He is the type of person who will get the work done, but do it in his own way as opposed to the proper method, which therefore makes teamwork a hard concept for him and also renders any planning beforehand to be utterly useless.

History: The adopted younger brother of a former priestess of the order. The girl who had decided to take him in as a younger brother, had no family of her own and considered herself too young to be a mother, so instead chose to take on the role of an older sister of sorts for Khaine. She was the priestess in charge of slaughtering the monstrosity that had crept into the real world and devoured his birth parents. Khaine at the time was already old enough to recall the events that transpired before him and is occassionaly plagued by these memories in the form of nightmares; however he does not realize that the ones dieing before him are his family. The priestess had the gift to alter ones memory and thus placed a mental block within Khaine's mind in an attempt to protect him from such horrors. Presently she is in a vegitative state at a hospital ward due to an injury sustained in the line of duty. With the order taking responsibility for the medical bills, Khaine chose to enroll as a priest in order to earn himself a living and continue her work.


- Problems with authority, meaning he will sometimes disagree with orders or show a lack of respect for superiors.

- Teamwork is a difficult concept for him. (Think Blackstar from Soul eater... sorta..)

- Claustrophobic

Other: Theme Song

Edited by RainDash

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Insta-Recap/Forum News


Feb. 20: Forum News started. Any plot info will be posted here as well as a quick recap of events.


Feb. 22: TotallyDrow joins with Khaine. He looks like Axel from KH and is clearly trying to bribe me. It worked.


Feb. 27: Moved to the Other Section and my extra comments have been deleted.


Mar. 4: RP starts with RainDash and TotallyDrow as members.

Edited by RainDash

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"As you know, you're the best in the business…" The man shrouded in darkness said.

Add a comma after the ellipsis.


"Hurry up, our order doesn't like us dawdling on pointless requests." A Priest, with blonde hair and dark blue eyes snapped.

Remove the comma.


"Ya see sir," the blonde Priest said. "We're experts on ghosts and the like, but what you have is a monster.

Since this is a quote, the first period should be a comma and the 'w' in "we're" should be lower case.


Black pants and shirt, with the white square at her neck.

Remove the comma.


"Let's just say we have sources." The head Priest said. A confident smirk on his face.

The first and second periods should be commas. The 'a' in "a" should be lower case.


They retain the shape they were in when they died, I.E. They have stab wounds, contorted limbs, all sorts of fun stuff.

Change to:

They retain the shape they were in when they died, i.e., they have stab wounds, contorted limbs, all sorts of fun stuff.


The Cardinal lives in a pocket dimension that no one knows where it came from, but is inaccessible unless you have permission.

I suggest you change this to:

The Cardinal lives in a pocket dimension that no one knows the origin of, and it is inaccessible unless one has permission.


The Castle itself is expansive, housing hundreds of students at once as well as around fifty or so teachers.

Can you give any more description of the Castle? What does it look like?


Students need permission to do any of these jobs beforehand, and must have taken the Travel Pass test, which requires a group of at least three people working in unison to complete.

Who gives the permission to the students?

Who arranges the groups? What qualifies 'working in unison'?


Hollow Souls: These souls are empty until acted upon by a White or Black soul. They are compelled to do whatever the soul they have tells them to do until they absorb it completely. Then they continue to be influenced by that soul alignment, often time presenting traits from that soul. Until they have an extremely colored soul, this presents as Depression, or an absence of feelings, empathy, or just emptiness in general. These souls are rare, formed by typically a lonely childhood or a 'birth defect'. Typically it is the former.


Can you elaborate on the process of the soul 'being acted upon by a White or Black soul'? What do you mean by 'extremely colored soul'? "Depression" should begin with a lower case letter. What kind of 'birth defect'?

Edited by Mousia

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General note ~ the first letter after a set of quoted speech is lower case. I forgot to mention that earlier.


What's with the font change in the middle of the OP? Please make it uniform in some way.

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((Was waiting to see if you wanted to do an introductory post o3o... if you still do I can delete this and repost it after))


Khaine lay there on his bed, his gaze staring upward at the ceiling, the slow rotation of the ceiling fan drawing very little of his attention. To the side of him, along the other bed in the room was a sealed box; the last remnant of his former room mate who had begged the teachers to reassign him to another room... not that Khaine really cared though. As far as he was concerned, this was a benefit to him more so than a burden. The room now was solely his and his alone, meaning he no longer had to endure the sleepless nights when his study bug of a room mate decided it would be a wise idea to study past midnight with the desk lamp illuminated, no longer did he have to abide to his former roomie's ill-forged cleaning rota; not that he did so in the first place and most importantly... no longer did he have to fight over the 1 remaining working plug socket in the room. His former room mate leaving was most likely going to be the best thing that would happen to him this week.


With a sigh and a quick brush of his hair, he rolled over to his side; his back facing the window and his gaze now fixed upon the wall. That 'oh so pleasant' wave of rejuvenating energy that was suppose to arrive every morning to force him out of bed had yet to arrive.... not that it mattered. 5... 10... maybe even 20 more minutes of just laying around was no problem to him. It was either that... or assembling in the dining hall and enduring the chorus of chit chat from fellow students, which to say he hated would be an understatement. Khaine yawned and brought the pillow over his side; covering his exposed ear, as several loud mouths made their way down the corridor just outside his door.

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[i was waiting for more people, but I guess we can start for now.]


Kitty Jaci couldn't sleep last night. Last year she wasn't put in a group, but this year was going to be different. The Cardinal couldn't just ignore the huge potential she had forever. After shifting around for about half an hour, Kitty checked the time and decided to go downstairs for breakfast. She dressed in her most decorated coat, adjusted her brown hair, and wrapped her signature white scarf around her neck. Once everything was set to go in the mirror, Kitty walked through the door to her and her roommate's room, trying to not open the door which she knew creaked very loudly. Once outside, she laughed a little and ran downstairs, nearly crashing into everyone as she went.


Today was going to be a great day, because today was the first day of instruction for everyone. New students would be settled in, groups would be assigned to those that the Cardinal thought would work together, and Kitty was going to outshine everyone. In about a month teachers would allow the new groups to take the Travel Pass test, which meant that you had to do a task -Kitty knew it differed for every group- and if you managed to pass, you could go to the outside world and do jobs, which paid decent money, which in turn helped the castle. Kitty hoped someday she'd be even stronger than the teachers, and maybe someday become someone like the Cardinal herself. The thought made her smile even wider than she had been before, which was a small feat all things considered.

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