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Out in the Streets~ RP

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A curled up pink blob rested inside a beat up cardboard box that was laying on its side in an alleyway, nestled in a collection of rags and bits of dead grass. The blob shifted and kicked out a foot at an annoyingly itchy bit of grass, and moved its paw from its face, blinked, and then slowly got to its paws, revealing not a blob, but rather a naked wrinkly cat that was just then enjoying a nice stretch after a long nap. The old cat sat on its haunches, enjoying the nice view of lots of other crates and boxes stacked and tumbling hither thither, mostly unoccupied, but gradually being claimed by cat after cat as the population of the group slowly, cautiously grew.


Calder may have decided that morning was not quite ready yet, and gone back to bed, but once he was up Calder did not look forward to returning to an empty bed yet again... And so he was up when the sky was grey, regardless of whether the day would be sunny later or not. He shifted his bad back leg out to the side and examined his front paw, flexing his toes in front of him, nibbling a bit at a clod stuck between them, then setting the foot back down. The cat settled to wait and watch the night unfold into day, a worthwhile pastime in his eyes.

Edited by Emeelia

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Felix watched as the wrinkled cat that was a veteran wake up from his nap. How any cat could survive without fur was beyond him. He shuddered before nudging the inside of his box. His box was in the furthest corner of the alley that was possible as he didn't like company all that much. He scratched his ear before curling up to fall asleep.


Illusion stretched out to watch other cats go by her own den. She wanted to be close to the queen cat as much as possible since she could hardly fight to defend herself and her unborn kits just yet. All these new cats were making her extremely nervous and she hissed at any male she didn't know if they came to close.

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Opening one eye slowly, a scraggly gray cat lifted his head up and carefully inched his way out of his box, lined with rags and newspaper, so he didn't wake the cream she-cat of his mate Rhea. Rolling back his shoulders and stretching, he shook his head to push some fur out of his face, and he studied the cats around him. Calder had just woken up and was out of his box. Illusion was stretching out in hers. He saw Felix curl back up to keep sleeping. With a wide yawn, he looked out at the mouth of the alley; fog hung low to the ground like a gray blanked covering the ground. It thinned out as it rose, ending as curling mist by his head.


The cream furball left in the box twitched as her mate exited the den. Blinking the sleepiness out of her green eyes, she flexed her front claws. Her eyelids still heavy, she wished she could fall back asleep, but she knew she'd never be able to once everyone woke up. She stood up in the box and shook out her fur. She looked like a giant hairball before she let her fur flatted again. She pricked her ears at the sound of a faint jingling.


The jingling had come from the small, white Sally and her clinking metal tags on her collar. She dropped a small mouthful of an herb by her box in a small rut in the concrete ground. She blinked and curtly nodded in greeting as Rhea slowly made her way out into the alley. With a flick of her tail, she gave a yawn and looked up at the faint orb of light, the sun, up in the sky, blotted out by clouds and fog.

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The she-cat stretched out her one front paw. Azet was skittish and wanted to stay around someone she trusted. She poked her head around looking for Starlin or Sally. Azet noticed one of the few cats she was comfortable with and trotted over to where the medic was staying. "Hello Sally." She said quietly. She looked around cautiously. One of the many bad things of having lost a leg was being able to get hurt easier and not being able to run as fast. She was also nervous because her kits are to arrive soon. Azet waited for a reply so she wouldn't be as lonely.



(Sorry for shorter post have to go to a partay.)

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Sally smiled warmly. "Hello Azet." She purred. "Are you feeling alright?" She flicked a white ear, and the tags on her collar jingled. She turned slowly to neaten her herbs, then turned back to the black cat. She felt a pang of sympathy as she noticed the spot where her front right paw was supposed to be. She had no idea how she'd be able to live on only three legs. "Y'know, sometimes I admire you, having to get around with one leg missing and all." She mumbled, turning to her herbs again.

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"Thanks, I miss it but I've survived. It's also the reason I'm always nervous I'm an easy target for predators" She said quietly. "I'm feeling alright but it seems like they're coming." She said a bit nervous. Azet looked around for other cats just to make sure that no one was coming near them. "The sad thing is that I don't remember who their father was. I wish I could just give them one." She spoke sadly and softly.

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Felix sighed as he hear the jingling of Azet's little bell ringling. How was a guy supposed to get any sleep with that infernal jingle noise. He yowled unhappily before getting up and trotting over to the opening of the alley.


Illusion yawned before noticing Rhea was up and alert. The she-cat got up and trotted over to Rhea. "Morning Rhea," she said. "How are you doing?"

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((It's not Azet's bell it's Sally's. Sorry for the short post not much to post.))



She sat there waiting for Sally to reply. She looked around at all the cats in the ally. There where lots of them all scattered about and probably more to come.

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(It's alright c:)


Sally shrugged. "There aren't really any animals in this city that we'd consider predators." She meowed. "The only ones are the dogs that sometimes get loose and just like to hurt us." She sighed. "That's a shame. Well, you've got the rest of the guys to help out with them like fathers." She added optimistically. She didn't like talking about sad little things like that.


Rhea turned to Illusion and smiled warmly. "Morning Illusion." She purred. "I'm doing fine, thanks." She added. "How about you?"

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(oops, sorry tongue.gif)


Felix felt like his day was ruined as he walked out of the alley. Stupid little bell. It irritated him to no end.


"I'm fine," Illusion meowed. "I wish my little ones would hurry up and be born, that way I could defend myself and them more better."

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Rhea smiled. "Ah." She let out a chuckle. "Then I can ask you what it feels like when I have a litter of my own." She looked down at her paws. She had hoped soon that she and Starlin would have kits. But it seemed to become less and less likely in her mate's eyes, even though it was necessary to get another boy to be next in line. "If that ever happens." She sighs.

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((Just to keep this moving I'll post but no color and it won't be the longest... Also it will be an exiting post...))



"Yeah." Azet felt a sharp pain and her eyes widened. "I think they're coming." She said worried. The cat was scared out of her mind she didn't know what to do. She looked at Sally for help.


((Sorry that it's super short I'll post way longer in a bit.))

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"Have no fear," Illusion said encouragingly. "I'm sure it'll happen."


Felix, meanwhile, decided to go to his secret hidout to get away from all these other cats.

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Sally's eyes widened. "Oh my- er-" She gently put a paw on Azet's side. "Er- yeah, seems so." She muttered. "C-mon, let's get you to somewhere you can lay down." She led her over to a box where she could rest until they came. "They could come any time now." She meowed. "I'll wait here with you."

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((Info on kits:


There are four kits two of them are female the other two are male. I have dibs on a male(if that's alright.) but the other three are up for grabs.))



"Thanks." Azet said softly she was nervous for this to come. She hoped that no one else would come but if they do that would be OK. The she-cat started to breath heavier and heavier to where she thought the whole world could hear. F.T.B...

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((Okay. I'll probably take a girl haha ;D))


Sally ran things through in her head. She had helped Mothers give birth before, but for some reason she was drawing a few small blanks. She pushed the thought to the back of her head, hoping it would come to her as it happened. "Now we can just hope everything goes well." She muttered.

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After the birth.



She looked at her four kits happily. "They're so beautiful don't you think?" She asked. Her four kits where squirming trying to get a good spot at the dinner table.

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Sally smiled warmly. "They're gorgeous, Azet." She purred. She crouched down to get a better look at the little squirming balls of fur. She chuckled. She loved little kits. Of course, that's one of the reasons why I'm a Medic..... She shot a glance over at Starlin a few paces behind them.


"Congratulations, Azet." He meowed with a smile. "Welcome, little kittens." He greeted the little kits softly, padding closer. Rhea lifted her head, took a glance at the kits, then at Illusion, then reluctantly padded forward.


"Oh, they're beautiful." She purred.

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"Thanks." She spoke softly. She was filled with joy. The she-cat licked all of her kittens once more. "Now I just need to protect them... Without have a father to help..." She mumbled quietly. As her kits squirmed around her thoughts were running around in her mind. She made sure to have a calm appearance though. "I can't wait to see them develop into who they are going to be... Well I guess that's every mom's dream." Her voice perky but with a slight hint of fear with all the cats around her. Azet was glad it was over.



((River, there's a waiting app on the OOC and I'm going to be posting my kits form there.))


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((Oh okay, thanks c:))


Sally smiled. Rhea let out a soft purr. "It is." Sally grinned. She could sense that Azet was a little unnerved or consumed in thoughts. She shrugged it away, knowing she had just had her kits and could've been thinking about anything.

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Kacy was hidden behind a wall and peeked out from behind. She grinned from ear to striped ear. Playfully, she jumped out from behind and tripped. She perked her head up to look around. "Hey," She said, looking at Azet. "I'm Kacy. And who are you?" She tilted her head, lifting her paw and twitching her tail.

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She did a little startled jump. "I-I-I'm Azet she said slowly." She took a protective curl over her kits. "Nice to me-eet Kacy." She said trying to gain confidence.

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Sally and Rhea smiled in greeting to the new cat. "Ah, Kacy." Starlin meowed. "Rhea, Sally, Azet, Kacy. Kacy, my mate Rhea, the Medic Sally, and a new mother Azet." He added. Rhea and Sally nodded curtly.


"Nice to meet you, Kacy." Sally squeaked. Rhea chuckled and flicked an ear.


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