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Ethril Dragon

Initiates of the Order

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Initiates of the Order - OOC thread


”Welcome young ones,” a regal and smiling woman says to a crowd of teenagers. A sleek and stunning black cat sits next to her legs. The woman moves with grace as she walks up onto a raised platform to address those gathered. “You are all here because you were invited. Soon you will become initiates in the Holy Order and join either the Sisterhood or the Brotherhood.” She looks over everyone gathered with her warm green eyes. “Starting today your lives will change for the better.”


There is a murmur from the gathered teenagers as the woman pauses. You are among the other teenagers, tense as you wait for the woman to finish. Like the others gathered, you were invited by a Sister or Brother of the Holy Order to become an initiate.


“For the next several years, you will spend time on the Holy Island to train. At the end of your training, you will be assigned a temple somewhere in the world where you will live your lives as fully fledged Sisters and Brothers.” The woman smiles again and then motions towards the boat waiting to be boarded. “Come. Let us depart to the Island where you will take your first steps to becoming Holy Sisters and Brothers.”




The plot is simple. Sometime during your life you received an invitation to join the Holy Order; either because one of your parents is a part of the Holy Order or because a Sister/Brother saw something special about you. You’re old enough now to go to the Holy Island to become an Initiate and begin your training. You will go to the Island, start your Initiate training, and then go through a ceremony to gain your animal companion.


There is a problem in the world though. Anarchists are gaining strength and have been bombing Temples and kidnapping Sisters/Brothers. Their new target is the Island and the Authorities believe some Anarchists have infiltrated the group of Initiates. Find the Anarchists before they do something dangerous.


The World


You are located on an Alternate Earth. Continents are all the same, countries haven’t changed much, the only differences is that Christianity never really got much of a foot hold. Instead the worshippers of the Egyptian Pantheon spread and took their beliefs with them. Alternate Earth still has the same level of technology as we do, but many people have developed powers related to the different Egyptian gods.


The Holy Island appeared centuries ago, rising up out of the Atlantic Ocean during a series of strong earthquakes. When Sailors first discovered the Island they found a large crystal pillar at the center of the island that changed colors depending on the weather. The sailors proceeded to inform the Holy Order of the discovery and the then the Holy order moved onto the Island.


Today, the Island has beautiful old buildings built across it with gardens stretching between and around each building. The buildings and paths form a circular pattern so that directly in the center is the crystal pillar. On the outer edge of the island are statues dedicated to each of the gods. The next ring is comprised of the 6 temples. After that there is a ring of buildings comprised of apartments, libraries, schools, and places to eat. The fourth ring is primarily made up of gardens and three buildings; one to the east of the crystal pillar, one to the west, and one to the north. The western building can only be entered by the Sisterhood and the eastern only by the Brotherhood. The northern building can be entered by both the sisterhood and the brotherhood. And then there is the crystal pillar at the center of everything surrounded by the most intricate garden with the most exotic plants that are almost always in bloom.


Holy Island Map

Edited by Ethril Dragon

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The Holy Order


Within the Holy Order, there are 6 Temples. Each Temple follows certain gods and has certain powers/abilities/duties. Both the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood can join each of the Temples.


Temple of the Sun – The Temple of the Sun is made up of the Elders of the Holy Order. Being an Elder is not dependant on age, but rather your contribution to the Holy Order and the Strength of the Bond between you and your Animal Companion. It’s just a coincidence that most of the Elders are in their early 50’s.


Temple of Life – The Temple of Life follows Hathor, Bastet, Taweret and Khnum. Pregnant women and couples wishing to become pregnant will often come to the Temple of Life for help. Musicians and Dancers also come to the temple for guidance and inspiration. Children will first come to this Temple until they are older and can choose other Temples to go to.


Temple of the Afterlife – The Temple of the Afterlife follows Anubis, Osiris, Nephthys, Isis and Sobek. All things that have to do with the afterlife are performed at this temple. If someone is dying, then a priest or priestess comes to them to give them final rights and to help guide them into the afterlife.


Temple of Wisdom and the Arts – The Temple of Wisdom and the Arts follows Thoth, Ma’at, Seshat, Ptah, and Khnum. This Temple is dedicated to writing, reading, record keeping, law, order, truth, art, sculptors, arithmetic, and pottery. In other words this Temple is for the thinking arts. The priests and priestess’s of the Temple are also often in charge of libraries and keeping records of events.


Temple of Protection – The Temple of Protection follows Sekhmet, Bes, and Sobek. This temple is not only dedicated to warriors, but also to protection against illnesses, medicine, and strength. If there is a plague, people will come to this temple to protect themselves. Medical schools often have a Temple of Protection attached to them.


Temple of Nature The Temple of Nature follows Hapi, Khnum, Nephythys, Nut/Geb/Shu, and Tefnut. Anything that has to do with nature, plants, growth, water, etc. is focused on in this temple. If rain is needed, people come to the Temple of Nature. People will pay homage to this temple in order to get good harvests.


The Gods


Following one particular god over another is not required in the Holy Order, though some choose to do so if they have a particular talent for one thing. Usually when someone joins a particular Temple, they follow all the gods of that temple. Some gods do have limitation on what gender is allowed to follow them.


Hathor – Goddess of Motherhood, protector of women, goddess of music and dance. Both men and women can become her priests.


Taweret – Goddess of childbirth and protector of women and children. Only women can become her priestess's


Bastet – Goddess of fire, cats, dance, music, and protector of homes. Both men and women can become her priests.


Sekmet – Goddess of warriors, healing, physicians, and healers. Both men and women can become her priests.


Bes – God of war. Both men and women can become his priests


Sobek – God of ferocious beasts, protection, and strength. Blesses the justified dead with their senses and devours the sinful. Both men and women can become his priests.


Anubis – Guide to the dead. He leads those to Osiris to be judged in the afterlife. Only men can become his priests.


Osiris – God of the afterlife and judge of the dead. Only men can become his priests.


Isis – Protector of the dead and goddess of magic. Only women can become her priestess’s.


Nephthys – Goddess of mourning, and air. Both men and women can become her priests.


Thoth – God of the written and spoken word, keeper and recorder of all knowledge. Only men can become his priests.


Seshat – Goddess of reading, writing, arithmetic, and architecture. Only women can become her priestess’s.


Ma’at – Goddess of Law, order, and Truth. Both men and women can become her priests.


Ptah – God of architects, artists, and sculptors. Both men and women can become his priests.


Khnum – God of water, pottery, and blessing children. Both men and women can become his priests.


Nut/Geb/Shu – Gods of the Heavens, earth, and Sky. Both men and women can become their priests.


Tefnut – Goddess of Rain. Both men and women can become his priests.


Initiate Information


From the moment you step onto the Holy island to the time you become a full fledged Sister or Brother, you are known as an Initiate. During the Initiate ceremony, you are bonded to an animal companion that will live with you for the rest of your life. This animal companion comes from the Spirit realm and takes the form of whatever animal you relate to best. They will be able to speak to you mentally. All animal companions have the ability to teleport to their bonded and can return to the spirit realm when not needed. As your bond with your animal companion strengthens, your animal companion will gain skills and powers that will help you in your life. When your bond is at its strongest your animal companion may even be able to take human form.


For the first year as an initiate you go through each temple for two months each to help you decide which path you want to take. If you have particular skills or abilities that are better suited to one Temple, then you can opt to go straight to that temple for immediate training.


People have developed powers and abilities over the last couple centuries. Many refer to these powers as psychic powers or spiritual powers. Dream walking, fortune telling, moving objects with your mind, reading thoughts, healing, and several other powers developed. Some initiates that have been invited to the Holy Order have these powers, some do not. If an initiate does have powers, they will receive training to enhance and control their powers.


The Anarchists


In this alternate world, the Anarchists are the people who are against the Holy Order. Some don't believe in the gods that the Order does, and others don't believe in religion as a whole, and still others are against the philosphy of the Holy Order. Their goal is to end the Holy Order and their near control over the world. Many of the Anarchists also believe that the Holy Order brain washes people if they do not wish to be a part of the Order.


One of the things that the Anarchists say the Holy Order does, is that the Holy Order suppresses information formed outside of the Order. The Anarchists want access to the Records on the Holy Island so that they can prove these allegations.


If you want your character to be an Anarchist, keep it a secret (only I should know. Put it in "Other" in your character profile. I will edit it out before I post it. It'll be up to you how well you keep it a secret while on the Holy Island). It will be the Anarchist's job to infiltrate the Holy Island as an initiate, get into the records, and somehow spread rumors that the Holy Order is bad. Who knows, maybe you'll get the chance to destroy a few things and blow up some buildings?


The All Important Rules


1] No powerplaying, godmoding, chat speak, leet, etc.

2] Keep everything PG 13. Romance and fighting is ok, just keep it pg-13.

3] Follow all DC rules.

4] Minimum of 4 sentences per post and make sure to use third person.

5] Don’t kill another person’s character unless you have permission.

6] PM me your character sheets and make sure to put Egypt in the title somewhere.

7] Limit of 2 characters per person. If you have some NPC’s you want to create, just ask me.

8] Characters should be between ages 14 to 20.

9] No Mary Sues or Gary Stues. Balance your characters out by giving them strengths and weaknesses!


Character Sheet



Character Name:


Age: 14 to 20 please

Appearance: If you have a picture, please link it. A written description is also preferred even if you have a picture.

Personality: Please balance out the character. State the positives and negatives to their personality. Do they have a temper? Are they friendly?

History: Anything that might have to do with how they came to be initiates. Did their parents send them or were they invited?

Companion: Go ahead and choose ahead of time what type of animal you will have and what its name will be.

Temple/God: If you know what temple and/or god you will follow, just put it here. We might not use that information yet, but it will be useful to know ahead of time. THIS IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL

Other: Does your character have special powers or abilities? I’m pretty loose with what is acceptable, but try to keep it simple. No powers/abilities that require physical mutations or shape shifting. Also, if you want to be a secret anarchist, put it here in a different color. I will keep note of it, but will remove it when making the profile public.


[b]Character Name[/b]:

Edited by Ethril Dragon

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Character Profiles


Username: Ethril Dragon

Character Name: Sarah Jebs

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: Sarah is an average looking girl, with wavy brown hair that falls to her mid back and gray blue eyes. She’s a little on the heavy side, weighing at 190 and standing at 5’5. She prefers to wear simple, but cute, shirts along with skirts. If she can avoid wearing pants she will. She sometimes wears glasses, but most of the time she prefers to wear her contacts since she dislikes having a border around her world. Sarah doesn’t wear much jewelry on a day to day basis. She has a single gold ring with a ruby set in it hanging from a gold chain, but she usually wears that under her shirt and away from curious eyes.

Personality: Sarah is typically a quiet girl, preferring to speak in hushed respectful tones. She treats everyone she meets, even the people she doesn’t like, with respect in the hopes that they will do the same for her. This often makes her a target for some of the more mean spirited individuals. When she does become a target, Sarah becomes hard and stern. She will still speak softly, but any respect she had for the person treating her badly would be gone.

One of Sarah’s goals in life is to find the perfect man for her, get married, and start a family. She’s willing to give just about any guy a chance, which tends to throw her into risky situations quite often.

History: When Sarah was around 9, her parents were killed. Her mother had been a Sister of the Holy Order and one day while Sarah’s father was visiting the temple where her mother was working at, a bomb went off. The authorities are still unsure whether the bomb had been placed by Anarchists or someone else. Sarah had been in school when it had happened.

The reason why the police weren’t sure was because after the bomb went off a person claiming to be a police officer went to Sarah’s school and tried to take her. The school let Sarah go with the man, believing his credentials. Later, a representative of the Holy Order arrived at the school to retrieve Sarah. When it was discovered she was kidnapped, the Holy Order and the authorities starting searching.

Using several of the Sisters and Brothers and their abilities, they were able to narrow down the area where Sarah could be. When they finally did find her, they found the kidnapper unconscious and Sarah crying in a corner. When she was questioned about it, Sarah claimed she couldn’t remember anything. The Order placed Sarah with a guardian from the Sisterhood.

Companion: Shadow (Black cat with one green eye and one yellow eye).

Temple/God: None as of yet.

Other: The Holy Order kept a close eye on Sarah while she grew up, but no powers ever really manifested themselves. Despite that, she was still invited to join the Holy Order.


Username: Lilithachaos

Character Name: Maibe

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: Maibe is not all that special to look at, well not looked at from her own point-of-view at least. Black hair that falls down to just past the shoulder blades when down, but more often than not it is thrown in a loose pony-tail. Maibe's eyes are a cobalt blue and in height she is average at 5'5. In weight Maibe is slightly below normal with 98lb. In fashion she likes to wear whatever she can get her hands on that looks good on her. Not at all picky when it comes to style or the prices in that department, but she would never be caught dead in a dress or skirt.

Personality: Maibe is a loner at heart as she rather spend her time alone than with strangers. However, she does find a joy in spending time with the few that take the time to break through the 'lone wolf' persona that Maibe likes to give off. Mostly quiet and talks only when spoken to when around strangers, but there are times where she in a talkative mood. This comes from an ability she tries to hide at first from people since it tends to make them uncomfortable around her. Though now on the Island she finds little point in trying to hide the ability, but the habit is going to take a little time to break. (Ability is mentioned in history and in other.)

Temperament is mild as she is not known to ever really start fights, but she has and will jump in one when she thinks there is an unfair fight going on. The odd sense of honor that she tries to stand by will not allow her to sit by and watch someone being hurt unjustly. She does know her way in a fight because of this, but in no way is a 'seasoned fighter'.

History: Maibe always knew that something was different when she could always tell how everyone felt at any given time. At such a young age it was no issue, the ability was just as young as she was and the emotions were just faint hints. Happiness from her mother holding her hand or pain from a scraped knee coming from a boy in her class. Nothing major, why should such trivial things bother a small child when she lived with them since birth?

It was when she hit the age of 14 that the ability started to really awaken. If this was because she was mentally prepared or just because of some divine otherworldly intervention, she did not care nor did she want to know. Do not get her wrong, it was not the powers per-say she wanted to stop. It was the non-stop migraines that came with the settling of the ability that Maibe wanted go away.

It was with the knowledge that something was wrong with their child that Maibe's parents went to the Holy Order for guidance as no known medical science they used helped Maibe in anyway. It is here that Maibe learns just what her ability is and invited to the Island. However, in pain she talks her parents into giving her a year to come to terms with both ability and having to leave for however long from family and friends.

This is where Maibe's story comes to play as it has been a year since that fateful day. A year since her parents spoke to the Holy Order for the help they so sought out for their child and now they send her to the Island in hopes she will learn to control this ability of hers.

Companion: Eurasian Lynx (Female, named Sanura)

Temple/God: Temple of Protection/Goddess Sekmet

Other: Power is empathy and it is not going to be over powered at all. In fact it is going to cause her a huge migraine just to attempt sending emotions into other people's heads so she mainly sticks with feeling other people's emotions. The only time she will be sending any emotions anywhere is if there is a fight and either 1) she panics, 2) she has no choice or 3) she is training to try and learn to do it without feeling like her brain is pound it's way out of her head later. Maibe will be able to dull people's emotions however. For example, someone is feeling pain (emotional or physical) and she will be able to dull that feeling. And if it is mild enough then she can make them stop feeling it, but this will be for short periods of time.


Username:Lore Master

Character Name: Connor McDurman

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: Connor has a very light skin colour, which tends to contrast with his brown eyes and oval glasses. He used to at one time keep his brown hair short, but now likes having it covering the back of his neck. He is roughly 5'11, and weighs just under 170 pounds. For clothing, he tends to keep it light and airy. A simple white t-shirt and a pair of light jeans is his most common choice. For the colder weather, he tends to wear his leather jacket, and maybe a scarf. He doesn't follow trends, and tends to go for the cheap stuff.

Personality: Connor is a bookworm, and loves every minute of it. Its a running joke in his family that if he can't get through a book every few days, something must be wrong with him. He tends to become lost in thought, and daydreams. Whenever he's speaking with someone, he is soft-spoken and polite. He also likes to throw in small compliments whenever he's talking to a girl, simply because he thinks it'll cheer them up in some way. He is also a firm believer that humanity is inherently good, and that tends to make him very much an idealist. He can become very determined and stubborn if he finds something hard. His body stance tends to give off a 'shy' and 'meek' vibe, but how much of that is actually true depends on how much they truly know Conner.

History: Connor was born and raised in Ireland, quite close to his town's library. Even at a young age, he was drawn to reading, and learning about a new idea or concept. Over time, he began to form a friendship with an older man who worked at the library, which grew form their love of books into a teacher-student type relationship. Eventually, as a teenager he began to read into the more complex stuff. Ideas around Transhumanism, Religions and Philosophies became his new area of focus. He was invited to join the Order after impressing a priest of Thoth with his knowledge. Despite being unsure of the offer, he was later convinced to take it up, if only for a few years.

Companion: Hyro, a saker falcon

Temple/God: He has not been placed in any sect as of yet.

Other: While no powers have emerged from Connor, they still keep an eye on him just on the very slim off-chance he's just a late bloomer. One of his favourite sayings is Satyam muktaye (Truth liberates).


Username: Psycho Cat

Character Name: Marley Cypher

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: She's an albino, and has red dyed hair that goes down to her waist. She wears her grey coat everywhere.

Personality: She really super extra spiteful. She has a short temper and this often makes her impatient and stubborn. Marley is normally a sociably unacceptable person and draws away from others. She finds a morbid comfort in watching other people suffer, and is sometimes the known cause of these problems. Despite her seemingly demonic habits, she is incredibly intelligent and takes classes in nuerology.

History: As you can see, I am awful with these short details. In all truth, you'd be better reading about the character here. Irregardless, she and Darren came seeing it as an opportunity to torture other teens, and aren't really that interested in the Holy order. Marley was invited by a local priest, and decided to drag Darren along.

Companion: Derping cobra, FTW! It's name is Mars (50 bags of catnip to whoever can guess why)

Temple/God: None.

Other: Not much. Although, she has habit of bringing around all sorts of chemicals around in her purse, usually used for inflicting pain on others.


Username: Psycho Cat

Character Name: Darren Cypher

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: Has strait black hair going down to his shoulders. Same grey coat.

Personality: He's a lot more laid back than his sister. He seems subject to constant torture from Marley, but being used to it, he just deals with it. However, Marley has been a "protector" of sorts for Darren, and so he tends to become shy and nervous when she's not with him. He hates being stuck in large crowds, and really just dislikes people in general. This has made him very withdrawn, and so he is persueing the arts of computer tech.

History: Unfortunately, I do not have an entire Darren RPG to help clarify things, but I do try to make things clear. He came to the Holy order with Marley.

Companion: Armadillo lizard (I highly suggest you go look this animal up) It's name is Cyrus (another 50 bags of catnip of you can guess why)

Temple/God: None

Other: He rarely responds to anything that isn't approved of by his twin.


Edited by Ethril Dragon

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NPC Profiles


If you have an NPC that can be shared, or that you will mention every now and then, fill out the form and send it to me.


[b]Character Name[/b]:
[b]History[/b]: Anything relevant to the rp. 
[b]Companion[/b]: if the person has a companion. 
[b]Temple/God[/b]: If they are in the holy order. 
[b]Other:[/b]Anything else. 


Character Name: Holy Mother Reena

Gender: Female

Age: 52

General Info: Reena is an elegant woman with long black hair that is streaked with silver. She has deep and warm green eyes that are often only half open. She wears a long and simple flowing dress with a gold and turquoise pin indicating her rank in the Holy Order. She wears a single ring on her left hand and a plan yet old necklace around her neck. Reena is a kind woman who speaks in even and warm tones. She rarely raises her voice, but when she is upset there is a force behind her words that makes even the strongest men tremble.

Rank/Position: Reena is known as the Holy Mother in the Holy Order. This means she is the elder of the Sisterhood and often makes the big decisions.

Companion: Sergio (Black knee high cat with striking green eyes)

Temple/God: Temple of the Sun

Other: Reena has a very strong bond with her companion. He is able to transform into a human form, although he retains the cat ears, a long black tail, claws, and fangs.

Reena herself has an ability that allows her to momentarily influence people with her voice. The effect only lasts a few minutes and she can only influence what a person does. She can’t control the person at all so if she tells them to do something that they normally wouldn’t do, then the ability does not work.


Character Name: Holy Father Charles

Gender:  Male

Age: 50

General Info: Charles is a stern man that has harsh features that match his harsh demeanor. In his youth he was tall and well muscled. In his later years he is still tall, but he has a bit of a pudgy belly. He is balding with brown/grey hair and has black eyes and he has a shaggy brown and grey beard. He’s a gruff man and typically barks out his words. It’s hard to tell when he is mad compared to his everyday demeanor. He typically wears the formal Holy Father robs which are very ornate with gold and red trimming.

Rank/Position: Charles is the Holy Father in the Holy Order. This means he is the leader of the Brotherhood.

Companion: Testimon (a shaggy white and brown, floppy eared, hip high dog. Resembles a greyhound in build)

Temple/God: Temple of the Sun

Other: Charles as a medium to strong connection to his companion. His companion is able to take a human like form but retains all his fur, snout, ears, tail, and paws for his feet.

Charles has an ability to heal illnesses. If a person is physically sick, he is able to cure them. He is unable to heal injuries though. 


Character Name: Trent Naverra

Gender: Male

Age: 31

General Info: Trent is a tall slim man who likes to wear tailor made clothes made of fine quality. His skin is sensitive enough that anything less will make him break out into rashes. He has short blond hair that he keeps trimmed and neat at all times. He has piercing blue eyes and full charming smile. He keeps his nails manicured and his goatee combed and trimmed.

Rank/Position: Trent is a part of the Brotherhood. He is a secret member of the Anarchists and is the contact for other anarchists on the Holy Island.

Companion: Marcus (a pure black dog that resembles a large Labrador.)

Temple/God: Temple of Protection/Bes

Other: Trent is a high ranking member of the Anarchists. In particular, he is an infiltrator and is the contact for other Anarchists on the Holy Island. He will also watch for initiates that the anarchists might be able to recruit. He has the ability to misdirect attention. This means if someone suspects him, he is able to manipulate them into either forgetting that he was a suspect, or focus their attention on someone else.

Trent’s companion is unable to shift into a more human form, but he is able to hide in any shadow and go unseen. If Trent is touching him, then Marcus can also hide Trent in any shadow.

Edited by Ethril Dragon

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I'm just going to delete that post since you want it to be a secret.

Did you have any suggestions or comments about the RP? Like things that should be included or anything?

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Surprisingly, no. A mod may come by and skim this and find something I didn't, but as far as I can see this looks really nice. The intro is slightly short, but if you get to know me well you'll probably notice that I'm the worst when it comes to nitpicks. What would be a nice extra, however, is an Anarchists sheet. The biggest difference would probably be the removal of Temple/God and Companion, and maybe an extra slot for... something? Anyways, other than that this is really clean and has a very nice plot. I'll most likely join once approved.

I was thinking about an Anarchists sheet, but I wanted to keep the fact of who was the anarchist a secret. People don't have to put in a Temple/God if they don't want to.

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Question: What's the deal with Anarchists and animal companions. Do they just kill the animals, or keep them around? Just wonderin'

The Anarchists claim that the animal companions are just collections of energy that manifest in different ways not yet fully explained by science. Anarchists haven't really been able to get their hands on a animal companion to experiment really >.>.


And the animal companions are from the spirit realm. Technically you could kill their physical body, but they'd just be able to manifest again after resting for a little bit.

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Hi! I'm soupnazi and I'll be doing some critique on your roleplay today.




Speech tags ("he said" and so on) are part of the same sentence as the dialogue; that is, the period in the dialogue here should be a comma, and "A" should not be capitalized.


I might recommend adding more information on the mechanics of day-to-day life of our characters, but that's not necessarily necessary.

Day to day schedules will be issued to Initiates after they go to the island.

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That's a...complicated answer.


Animal companions can't really say or do anything that goes against what their bonded person wants. So if the Anarchist Initiate wants to stay secret, the bonded animal will instantly know and will stay silent.


Most Animal companions match their bonded person's personality to a point. Previous Anarchist Initiates (there will be an NPC for you to talk to) use their animal companions as spies and also use them to deliver notes, packages, and even plant bombs in certain areas.


So it's really up to you what you want to do with your animal companion. If you get mad at it, you could kill it's physical form as punishment. >.>''

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I'm sorry Ninja person, I do not know what you are talking about. You never existed here!




Hehe, thanks for asking the questions though! They helped me flesh out a few details that I hadn't thought of. :: adds notes to her notes of secret ideas of death and chaos ::

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The period in the dialogue needs to be a comma.


Other than that, this looks ready for approval.

Alright, all the necessary changes have been made!


And I have finished the 3 NPC profiles and my own character profile. Yay! Everything is all set to go!

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Sorry if I'm being unnecessarily picky here, but...why can only atheists be anarchists? Someone could easily believe that the Order is just using the gods' names to encourage people to follow them while believing in the gods themselves. And even if Egyptian mythology is the main religion on this alternate Earth, there have to be people who believe in other stuff. Terrorism and the like isn't restricted to a single belief/nonbelief. Sorry, I'm an atheist/apatheist and that was just bothering me a little.


Also, if the anarchists are going to try to convince the other characters that the Order is bad, I don't really see how you can keep that a secret...


But yeah this looks pretty interesting!! I'll probably join it once it gets approved.

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Sorry if I'm being unnecessarily picky here, but...why can only atheists be anarchists? Someone could easily believe that the Order is just using the gods' names to encourage people to follow them while believing in the gods themselves. And even if Egyptian mythology is the main religion on this alternate Earth, there have to be people who believe in other stuff. Terrorism and the like isn't restricted to a single belief/nonbelief. Sorry, I'm an atheist/apatheist and that was just bothering me a little.


Also, if the anarchists are going to try to convince the other characters that the Order is bad, I don't really see how you can keep that a secret...


But yeah this looks pretty interesting!! I'll probably join it once it gets approved.

You make a good point, I'll fix that so it's clearer.

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Alright then, approved! smile.gif

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(Ethril, how many people would you like to have to wait for before we start the RP? Or rather if you want to start it and see if people join as we go. Either if fine by me option is fine by me.)

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(Ethril, how many people would you like to have to wait for before we start the RP? Or rather if you want to start it and see if people join as we go. Either if fine by me option is fine by me.)

(( well we have 3 people now. So maybe 2 more before we start. ))

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(( well we have 3 people now. So maybe 2 more before we start. ))

(Alright, I will keep watch out for when it does. Have this forum being tracked so I should know whenever you are ready to start.)

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(( Ok, let's get this ball rolling! If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I'll be making an OOC post later. Also, as the RP progresses I will be sending each person info in regards to their characters and the plots surrounding them. ))


Holy Mother Reena smiled out over the crowd of Initiates as she waved towards the boat. She recognized a face here and there, which was always a wonderful experience. There were many young people that she did not recognize although in time she would know them all. "Come Sergio, let us depart." With that Reena turned and gracefully walked down the raised platform and across the dock so she could board the boat. She would spend her time at the helm with the captain, drinking tea while the initiates enjoyed the deck and the common area to get to know each other. The trip would take a few hours at best.


Sarah, her brown hair tied back in a ponytail, only half listened as Holy Mother Reena welcomed the new initiates and invited everyone to board the boat. To be honest, Sarah didn't want to be here. She would have much rather gone to college and become a teacher, find a husband, and start a family. She had no abilities to speak of, that she knew of, and the only reason why she was here was because she'd been raised by the Sisters of the Holy Order.


'What I wouldn't give for some chocolate.' Sarah thought with a sigh as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder. All the suitcases that the initiates had brought had already been loaded onto the boat. She couldn't wait to take a seat and dig into her chocolate bars for comfort. Her hand wandered into her bag as she fingered the plastic wrapper. Unfortunately she had to wait a bit longer then she wanted, since there were a lot of other teens already heading for the boat.


With a disgruntled sigh, Sarah finally gave up and pulled out the chocolate bar to munch on before she boarded. She needed chocolate dang it! It was her comfort food and at that moment she desperately wanted chocolate.


"Sorry!" Sarah said in surprise when she was bumped from behind and tripped into the person in front of her. This made the person in front of her bump into another person. Sarah flushed brightly as other people protested. She felt horrible now. She had just made a bad impression on this group of people that she'd be training with for who knew how long.



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((Sorry it took me so long to get a post up, but here I am! Glad to see it has started. Also seeing as I could not fit what she is where without it looking odd in the post, just say she is wearing what she has in the picture on the character forum with just dark blue jeans.))


Maibe only half listened to whatever Holy Mother Reena was saying, having heard it all before and getting the general idea of what to expect came when she was invited to the a year ago. Besides this, she was distracted with having so many different people around her at one time. Perhaps it would not have been a problem before, but now it was just causing her a headache with the mass of nervousness and fear radiating off the masses around her. 'Geez you would think they are marching to their death,' she thought to herself before she was forced to focus on the here and now when she was bumped into.


Without thinking much about it, Maibe turned about to quickly grab hold of whoever's shoulder as her first thought was they were falling themselves. Heaven-forbid they fall in this crowd and no one notice until to late. Now that is some emotions she would not want to feel, thanks. It did take her a moment to work out that she was feeling what could be embarrassment from this older girl, but it was hard to tell with so many people around. "No problem at all, but are you alright?"

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Sarah looked up at the person that had stopped her from practically falling over. "Thanks. I'm alright." She let out a sigh and shook her head. "I just want to get this whole thing over with." The sooner she was able to get to a quiet place so she could relax, the better. She was really hoping she wouldn't have to share a room with anyone.


The crowd around them moved Sarah and Maibe onto the boat. "I'm Sarah." The brown haired girl said with a slight shrug and smile. Her hands clutched at her bag strapped, unsure if she should hold her hand out for the customary greeting shake. She'd learned while being raised by a Holy Sister that most people with possible powers preferred not to make physical contact.



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Maibe gave a small smile to the older girl and she would only let go when she was sure that the other had her footing again. "It's fine and yeah I know how you feel. I would love to get off of here and out of this crowd. I am not a fan of crowds." Of course this was more part to the whole 'I can feel everything they feel and it gives me a slitting headache', but hey no one needs to know that right off the bat. Since you know, people tin to do the whole 'oh no's you can tell how I feel this is awkward' reaction 98precent of the time.


Maibe heaved a sigh at her own depressing thoughts, but they were true nonetheless. "It is nice to meet you Sarah, my name is Maibe," she would reply when she heard that the other girl had given a introduction. Maibe's hands would dig into her gray hoodie in hopes that Sarah would not want a handshake, but seemed that she did not want one anyways so that was a plus. ""Are you at least looking forward to getting your companion?"

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Sarah found a couple of seats that weren't taken and motioned for Maibe to join her. "Kind of I guess." To be honest she hadn't really put much though into her future companion. She vaguely remembered her mother's companion from before...quickly Sarah took a few deep meditating breaths and steadied her mind so she wouldn't remember the death of her parents.


Her emotions calmed down quickly. "I know companions are supposed to be supportive and care about their bonded...but what if I don't get along with mine? I'm only here because my mom was a Sister." There wasn't anything special about Sarah. She got average grades and had average goals in life. She had no outstanding qualities or powers like others; and she was perfectly fine with that. "What if I don't even get a companion?" Sarah had never heard of an initiate not getting a companion...but what if it happened to her?

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Maibe would have normally just tried to move as far away from everyone, but so far Sarah was turning out to be good enough company. Not that she was trying to be mean in thinking that about Sarah as it was more like a complement coming from Maibe. So it was a little shock to even herself that she took a seat beside the older girl with a small cringe as she felt a strong jolt of emotion come from Sarah. One hand coming out of the pocket of her hoodie to rub at her temple but thankfully it was short lived so her hand could hand retreat back into her hoodie pocket.


"Well I would like to think that our bonded will care and support us as well, but if not then it will be what our subconscious minds wants our companions to do. Besides, I don't think I have ever heard of a bonded not getting along since they are made for each other in a way. Or that is how I always understood it from what I studied of it before I came here," Maibe paused to lean her head back with a sigh as she thought about how to word her next comments to Sarah without seeming to harsh or blunt about the older girl's worry, "I don't think you have to worry about not getting a companion. Yes, you may, and I mean may because I doubt that it is only reason for anyone, be here only because your mother was a Sister. However, that has no baring on getting a companion and if they will get along with you. Just be yourself."


Maibe wondered if Sarah would notice that she had dodged the whole time on just why Maibe herself was asked to join the Order. She was getting a little to well in dodging questions and speaking about herself it seemed, but it did not bother Maibe to much. 'Besides, if she asks I will just tell her that I have a gift and leave it at that somewhat. Or just say I feel things. I don't want to freak her out. I like her enough not to want to do that,' she thought to herself with a small mental shrug.

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