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Fragments of the Multiverse

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The number of people that can join this will be limited to only one other than Shadow_Claw and I. First come, first serve.



The Multiverse is rather like a spiderweb. Dew drops hanging from silk represent the infinite number of worlds spanning outwards, suspended in space with only small threads connecting each universe. Through these minuscule connections, ideas can flow back and forth, inspiring works of fiction based upon glimpses seen of a world so similar, but so different than our own.


But if the spider web is rattled all the worlds suffer. Universes in the Multiverse have begun to inexplicably run into one another, resulting in two realities colliding. Sometimes, the resulting universe is able to withstand the force of the collision, but more often than not it can’t and both universes are dislodged from their properly position. The rippling affect shakes all of the universes left, causing even more collisions and even more chaos. As time goes on, more and more worlds are at risk to crash into one another until nothing remains except scattered remains of once beautiful planets.


The rippling affect caused several realities to run into Earth-11709, also known as our reality. While it has managed to withstand the force of these collisions, individuals that were once deemed a part of fiction have suddenly found themselves displaced into this reality. The world you once knew is most likely gone, and the people you knew and called friends are likely deceased. In order to save yourself from the same fate, you must band together in order to find out why and how the multiverse is suddenly collapsing, and how to save those who still remain.




You play as a "fictional" character in this that has been drawn into another Earth due to the collapsing of the multiverse. Joining up with others, you figure out why you have been drawn to another world and how to stop the destruction of the multiverse. For the sake of the story, characters will all land within relatively close proximity to one another in a forest near an unidentified city in the East Coast of the United States.



*You must play as a fictional character, aka, a character from books, movies, plays, etc.

*No godmoding or power playing

*Try to keep this semi-lit (5 sentence minimum per post)

*Respect each other and be nice

*Post characters in this thread and I will add them to the first post. You may delete your original sheets after they have been added to this post.

*Rapid-fire posts are fine as long as your characters are alone. Don’t leave behind people in the same group as you.



Character Sheets

Try to be as descriptive as possible in this section. Not everyone may know who your character is and it shows you have an understanding of the character you want to play. OP characters are not permitted, or at least must be incredibly nerfed.


[b]Name of Franchise[/b]:
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Images are fine)
[b]History:[/b] (Keep this brief and try to avoid major spoilers. If you are playing a character from before a story starts or halfway through their franchise, tell us. For example, if you want to play as Harry Potter, tell us what year you want him to be.)
[b]Powers[/b] (List these in bullet points and explain any that are not self explanatory)



Accepted Sheets


Name: Alfendi Layton

Age: 29

Species: Human

Name of Franchise: Professor Layton: Mystery Room

Gender: Male

Appearance: here andhere. Between alters, Aldenfi's more provacative side seems to have brighter colored hair, while his calmer side seemed to look muted.

History: Not much is known about Alfendi's childhood, as he doesn't speak of it. He is a brilliant inspector at Scotland Yard, working to solve particularly difficult or perplexing cases. Just as intelligent as his well-known father, Alfendi is a recluse and isn't likely to be seen outside. He has a dissociative disorder, resulting in a fragmented personality.


- incredible (but ultimately human) intellect

- keenly observant

- good at getting people to confess their secrets

Other: He had two personalities: referred to as Placid (calm, laid back) and Potty (Impatient, volatile). Neither of the two get along very well, at least, not in normal situations. If worked up, he can switch between both versions of himself rapidly.



Name: Midna

Age: unknown, presumed young adult

Species: Twili

Name of Franchise: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Gender: Female

Appearance: here

History: An outcast from her home, Midna joined forces with the hero Link to dethrone the Twili usurper Zant. Chronologically, she appears late-game.


- Shadow form: can become a shadow and hide within shadows of people and objects alike.

- Teleportation: can create warp zones to easily travel to and from these locations

- Dissolving: can break into small particles to easily pass through tight spaces and become temporarily intangible.

- Telekinesis: can lift even heavy objects with the use of her magic, though with some effort

- Transformation: can mock the appearance of others, though, she greatly prefers not to use this ability.

- Can create an unseen pocket space to store smaller items

- Can amply the range and power of others, for a short time

- can generate and fire balls of energy

- Can use her hair to grab objects she would usually be unable to reach




Name: Hiei

Age: Unknown (Between 16 and 99)

Species: Demon

Name of Franchise: Yu Yu Hakusho

Gender: Male

Appearance: Hiei Hiei with cloak and eye covered

History: Hiei was born when his mother, an Ice Demon, “interacted” with a Fire Demon. Because Ice Demons are all female and interacting with other demons was prohibited, he was exiled as an infant. He was raised in the Demon World by a gang of bandits, but this was short lived as he separated from the bandits and began killing other demons for fun. Eventually, he received a Jagan implant in order to find his home, only to discover his mother committed suicide years ago. He did however learn he had a twin sister who left the village in search of him, and resolved to use his third eye to find track her down. This eventually led him to cross paths with the Spirit Detective Yusuke Urameshi, originally as a foe but later as an ally.


*Swordsmanship Hiei is very skilled with the sword, which is often seen as his go-to weapon aside from his demonic abilities. He is known to combine the two together by making a flame sword, although he finds this distasteful and does not do so except if he would otherwise lose a fight.

*Speed Hiei is incredibly fast, and sometimes is mistakenly seen as being able to teleport due to his unrivaled speed. He can move so quickly that he can leave behind after images of where he once was standing.

*Jagan Eye Hiei can use his surgically implanted third eye for a wide variety of psychic abilities including telepathy, telekinesis, remote-viewing and erasing memories. He can use his eye to control the minds of beings less powerful than himself, usually humans with weak wills.

*Fire Manipulation Hiei can manipulate fire using his demonic energy. The two best examples of this involve harnessing either the Mortal Flame-a weaker fire that comes from the human realm-and the Darkness Flame-a strong but uncontrollable fire that comes from he demon realm in the form of a dragon. Due to the collapsing multiverse, he is currently unable to harness the Darkness Flame, although he is able to conjure flames from other realities he may reside in, and the strength of the flame will depend on that world’s magic.

Other: Hiei is pulled from the middle of the Dark Tournament, before he masters control of the Darkness Flame. His right arm is damaged as a result of trying to use this technique.



Name: Commander Sendak

Age: Adult

Species: Galra

Name of Franchise: Voltron: Legendary Defender

Gender: Male

Appearance: Sendak is about 8 feet tall

History: Sendak is a commander of Zarkon’s armies, and highly loyal to the Galra Empire. He has clashed with the Paladins of Voltron before, although his history of service to the Empire dates back much farther. One of these battles on the front lines resulted in the result of his arm, but it has since been replaced by a robotic replacement with a claw and laser blaster. His history outside of this is largely unknown.


*Sendak has immense physical strength, both natural and as a result of of his robotic arm. As he is much taller than any human, he is easily able to overtake most humans based on sheer size alone.

*Sendak’s robotic arm has a built in blaster, allowing him to fight at a distance despite appearing to be at a disadvantage. His robotic arm is also capable of stretching long distances as well, allowing him an upper hand in mid-range combat.

*Sendak is trained in warfare and fighting, and his cold-blooded nature makes him an expert in combat. He also is very strategic and capable of formulating plans very quickly to help him achieve his ends.


Edited by pudding

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Name: Alfendi Layton

Age: 29

Species: Human

Name of Franchise: Professor Layton: Mystery Room

Gender: Male

Appearance: here and here. Between alters, Alfendi's more provocative side seems to have brighter colored hair, while his calmer side seemed to look muted.

History: Not much is known about Alfendi's childhood, as he doesn't speak of it. He is a brilliant inspector at Scotland Yard, working to solve particularly difficult or perplexing cases. Just as intelligent as his well-known father, Alfendi is a recluse and isn't likely to be seen outside. He has a dissociative disorder, resulting in a fragmented personality.


- incredible (but ultimately human) intellect

- keenly observant

- good at getting people to confess their secrets

Other: He had two personalities: referred to as Placid (calm, laid back) and Potty (Impatient, volatile). Neither of the two get along very well, at least, not in normal situations. If worked up, he can switch between both versions of himself rapidly.



Name: Midna

Age: unknown, presumed young adult

Species: Twili

Name of Franchise: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Gender: Female

Appearance: here

History: An outcast from her home, Midna joined forces with the hero Link to dethrone the Twili usurper Zant. Chronologically, she appears late-game.


- Shadow form: can become a shadow and hide within shadows of people and objects alike.

- Teleportation: can create warp zones to easily travel to and from these locations

- Dissolving: can break into small particles to easily pass through tight spaces and become temporarily intangible.

- Telekinesis: can lift even heavy objects with the use of her magic, though with some effort

- Transformation: can mock the appearance of others, though, she greatly prefers not to use this ability.

- Can create an unseen pocket space to store smaller items

- Can amply the range and power of others, for a short time

- can generate and fire balls of energy

- Can use her hair to grab objects she would usually be unable to reach


Edited by shadow_claw

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(Oh, btw, Placid Alfendi will speak in purple and potty Alfendi will speak in red))



"We've got 'im cornered now, Prof! Show 'im the evidence!" Detective Constable Lucy Baker chirped excitedly. This particular case had been...morbid. To the point where Alfendi had to step out to compose himself. He had gotten to the point where he could tell he was getting too excited, and could act accordingly. Lucy didn't think it was a good idea, but after the events of Forbodium Castle, he was having a harder time keeping a lid on...him.


"So...Mister...Goode, is it?" Alfendi flipped through the case file once more, eyes narrowing as he skimmed through the evidence. "Upton O' Goode, Witness to the murder of musician Mandi Lynne."


"Murder? It was Suicide! I..I saw her myself!" Upton shifted uncomfortably in his seat, unsettled by this news. "She was so heartbroken that she hadn't gotten first chair, she...she drank that whole bottle. I tried to stop her-but she...she was already gone before I reached her."

"No, this was most certainly murder, Mister Goode. And I believe her killer was..." Aldenfi raised his arm, elegantly and dramatically. This was his favorite part of investigating. Curling his hand to point, he swooped his arm so his index finger aimed precisely at their suspect.




"YOU!" Alfendi blinked, nausea sweeping through him. He was no longer pointing as his suspect. In fact, he wasn't even in the interrogation room. Oh no. Dissociative Amnesia was a common side affect of his...condition. How long had he lost time? Alfendi's yellow eyes swept the forest where he stood, concern wrinkling on his face. London didn't have a forest system like this, in fact, many of these trees weren't native to the United Kingdom!

"America?" He pondered aloud, reaching down and picking up a fallen leaf. Yes, that had to be it. How long had he been unconscious? What had his other side done to get to America of all places?




Someone as small as Midna didn't handle inter-dimensional travel well. She leaned against a tree, looking rather green. A hand rested on her head as she tried to fight through her throbbing headache. Where was she? Where was Link?


They'd never been separated like this before. She could clearly recall camping out in Faron Woods, but this...this didn't look the same. Midna's head spun as she tried to recall what had happened to lead her here. Groaning, she pulled her small legs close to her chest.

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Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire was growing increasingly more and more frustrated with these new paladins of Voltron. Their meddling all over the place was irritating Emperor Zarkon and, by proxy, irritating him. His loyalty to the Empire now had him on the planet where the Castle of the Lions was currently resting, leading a group of troops towards the castle. A brilliant plan and a good deal of luck had allowed them to rob the castle of its power source and simultaneously launch an attack on the village of weak, pitiful creatures that inhabited the planet. A diversion, of course, but it worked well enough. The lions of Voltron were trapped within the palace and the paladins were forced to assist the creatures. Which left the castle perfectly defenseless. His drew to a halt and his forces fell in line behind him as well, watching as a single paladin emerged from the otherwise abandoned castle. Their plan had worked magnificently thus far, although the fact that one of their forces had remained behind was not too much of a problem. Still, he would have preferred the castle was left entirely abandoned and ready to seize. It was still irrelevant, however. One little human would not be much of a fight without the power of the Lions behind him.


“Stand aside,” Sendak ordered, staring down the owner of the black lion. He was grossly outnumbered and outmanned. His fellow paladins were scattered and he had no lion. This was not a fight he could win. It wasn’t, of course, mercy that had Sendek giving such an order. Fighting was simply a waste of precious time.


“No. You’re not getting in.” The paladin’s arm illuminated, lines stretching up his suit before his arm turned bright purple. Similar to Sendak’s own arm, although a much older model.




“Yes,” Sendak replied, "I am." His arm shot out, stretching to great lengths thanks to the quintessence infused within it, ready to grab ahold of the paladin and crush him.


Instead, he found his robotic arm colliding with some kind of tree, the sharp claws digging into bark. Despite the fact it was a very large tree, his metal claws aided by quintessence made short work of it. The tree crashed to the ground, leaving Sendak to stare at the remainder of trunk held in his claws. The paladin was no where in sight and he was no longer on a cliff, but instead in some kind of forest. A forest with foliage he didn't recognize. A strange feeling nestled in the pit of his stomach but he ignored it in favor of glancing around. Clearly, not one of the Galra controlled planets that made up their Empire. How had he managed to so quickly arrive on a strange planet? And what even was this planet? Well, the first one was irrelevant. He needed to quickly find a way back. He knew Haxus would not hesitate to attempt to complete the mission, however, he had to ensure the mission was successful. And, if it was, he need to return to the Empire.


Turning around quickly, his yellow eyes narrowed on a lifeform standing behind him, holding a leaf from one of the trees in his hands. It looked suspiciously like a paladin, although that was hardly any indicator of species. Alteans, after all, resembled the paladins as well, although they were all deceased. Well, all but two anyway. Still, it was likely a human.


"You," He spoke, his voice calm and commanding despite the situation. "What planet is this?"




Hiei was not pleased. If Kurama were here, he probably would have replied that there was never a time in which he was actually pleased, or at the very least it was very rare. Still, this had to be one of the more unpleasant moments of his life. After all, he had just been training for the Dark Tournament in between matches when, suddenly, he found himself in the middle of the air. It was only thanks to his quick relfexes that he managed to grab ahold of a tree and swing up onto it before falling to the forest floor but, when he did, he felt the contents of his stomach lurch slightly. Odd. Demons were not known for their physical ailments or illnesses. Was it the work of another demon, perhaps?


Crouching down on the branch, he glanced down at the forest floor below, silently noticing what appeared to be another demon. Although, despite appearances, it neither smelled nor felt like a normal demon. The familiar scent of rotting corpses was mysteriously absent, although any demon-even the ones that did not partake in human flesh-smelled like that after any time spent in the demon realm.

And it didn't feel like a demon either. How mysterious that a demon could hide its presence from him.


Still, it didn't appear to be the one that had suddenly caused the change in scenery, nor the strange spell that seemed to be affecting him. If anything, it appeared to be under a similar, if not worse spell. Keeping one eye trained on the creature, he sniffed the air quietly. It still smelled like the human realm. Was someone trying to separate him from the rest of the team to limit their chances of success? Sabotage would not be the last thing on a demon's mind to ensure victory in the tournament.

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A voice behind him caused Alfendi to turn. He did so slowly, eyes darting to the odd figure behind him before his head could even turn. Thoughts rushed in his mind, too many to pinpoint but enough to form a possible scenario. A furred, purple man with an impressively-built mechanical arm loomed over him. Even though Alfendi himself was unusually tall for a man, this...creature was tall.


Alfendi winces as her felt his other self stir. He was always there, of course, but moments of stress made Placid's grip weaker. He inhaled deeply, careful to soothe his nerves.

That's a terrible way to greet strangers." He greeted. Although not provacative, Alfendi's voice was pointedly calm. He had Scotland Yard to bark orders at him; some stranger was of no authority to him. "Earth. North American Continent, to be more specific." Al placed his hands into his massive pockets and shrugged apathetically. "Quite the mystery, isn't it?"




Midna's one visible eye locked on the short man nearby. Her brow, although hidden by her helm, furrowed. Why did he have rounded ears? And his clothing was very odd. Thinking about it gave her a headache. But with the growing number of people around her, the idea of showing weakness was not a good one.


Carefully rising to her feet, Midna placed her hands on her hips and observed the bunch around her. Not counting large creature that looked more monster than man, both people looked...odd. strange clothes, round ears, and in such a strange place...it was confusing.


"Well, are you done staring?" she quipped, lip curled slightly upwards.

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"Earth," Sendak repeated, his yellow eye narrowing. It wasn't among those that the Galra controlled, but he was aware of it. It was where the current run of paladins came from, and, more specifically, where the former Champion and current black paladin of Voltron hailed from. He had thought about visiting the planet at some point, possibly to break the spirits of the paladins by claiming the planet for the Empire and breaking the residents one by one. After all, if those paladins were so easily distracted by saving other races, how would they fare when the Empire attacked their own home? Well, here he was now. But without a proper communications channel, slaughtering the locals wouldn't accomplish anything. He needed to find a way to hail the Empire.


Well, he did have a local right here. While he neither knew nor cared what mystery he was referencing, the human would have better knowledge of the local technology. It was hardly ideal, but he would have to make due.


"I am Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire," he stated, his single natural arm crossing behind his back while his robotic one remained hanging at his side. He doubted the human would understand since the others seemed ignorant of the strength and might of the Galra, but it was better to introduce himself than not. Still, he cared little for the human's name, so he carried on without waiting for the other to introduce himself. "I require the use of your native technology to send a message to my troops. Assist me and you will be spared." He didn't bother with attempting to explain what he would be spared from. The giant claw hanging at his side surely answered that question well enough.




Well, he wasn't expecting that. Usually he was better at masking his presence and preventing others from noticing him. Still, he had been teleported here at random and only given a few seconds to get his bearings, so he wasn't too surprised. Especially considering the small imp creature was clearly not human, even if it may not be demon either. Perhaps something strange product of the spirit world, then. Like Yusuke's spirit beast. Still, his had never spoken before.


"Who are you?" he asked, ignoring the comment about staring as he continued to stare. He wasn't going to take his eyes off the creature, that was for sure. He had no intentions of being caught unawares by a sudden attack. While he doubted there were many faster than him in any realm, underestimating an opponent was the fastest way to die.


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Alfendi's yellow eyes narrowed. It wouldn't be too hard to trick this...thing and be on his merry way. However, this 'Sendak' seemed intelligent and certainly was a curiosity. It made this alien interesting enough to stick around and learn.


A threat of death, however, was enough for Placid to slip. Oh, his other side adored violence. Was nearly obsessed with it. Placid was too just...not as vocally. He found it incredible how twisted people could be, and even more hilarious at how poor they were at covering up their crimes. And the looks on their faces when they're caught...


Alfendi's eyes widened suddenly as his calmer side slipped away. His bangs fell into his face, taking on a slight crimson hue. A twisted grin snaked across his lips as his brow furrowed.

"Death is a mere end, and a major inconvenience to you, Sendak." Potty spat, an amused gleam in his eye. "If I refuse and you kill me, not only do you have a body to dispose of, but you also lose your only way to speak to your people! Do you think the passerby will give you the time of day? Hah! You would be dead where you stand "


Alfendi tilted his head back, his yellow eyes sparkling with morbid curiosity. Sendak running into a city would cause a panic. Even with that fancy arm, a bullet would make a swift end to his actions. Al thought momentarily about the pistol at his hip, obscured by the labcoat he wore. "Only an utter troglodyte would ask someone to help you cintact an alien empore to likely ransack and pillage their home planet!


"Humans are awful things. Terrible, morbid, killing machines. My entire carreer is based upon our heartlessness. A threat on my life is laughably unthreatening, and the alternative is of no gain to me."




Midna stretched, grimacing at her sore body. However she arrived here, it was not a smooth trip. The short man seemed civil emough. For now. She could entertain him for a short while. "Relax, you look ready to pounce." she chided. Slowly she raised off the ground, settling into a lounging position. Now at eye height with the stranger, bared her teeth in a grin. "My name is unimportant. What I need to know is where I am."

Edited by shadow_claw

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The threat certainly had the human’s tone changing in an instant. Had he been more interested in the feelings of a measly human, he may have bothered to comment on the personality shift. But instead, he simply filed the information away for later. It could be useful, after all. One could never underestimate the importance of intelligence and leverage. The threat, of course, was promptly ignored. As if one human, could stand against him, let alone kill him. The paladins with their lions were another story. But unarmed? And with their measly technology? Sendak had not been one of those who had first made contact with the humans on Kerberos and brought them back to the Galra Empire, but he had seen seen them during their first few days in the Pit. He had been surprised they made it past the first round, but the so-called Champion was hardly a trained Galra soldier. Sure, humans could be tenacious, but in the end it was all just struggling against a force much stronger than themselves. They, like the rest, would lose and be broken.


”One more body would hardly make a difference,” Sendak replied. The robotic arm twisted at his side as each claw began to move as he made sure the sudden transportation across galaxies had not affected his arm. ”I offered you an mercy simply to avoid wasting time with torture. But if you continue to try my patience, we may end up there all the same.” The arm at his side relaxed again. Everything seemed in order. Good.


”But,” he stated, his yellow eye narrowing the fix on the human. The mechanical replacement for his other eye whirred softly with the hum of technology as he focused on the human standing before him. ”You statement contradicts the humans I have encountered. They are easily distracted by the suffering of others, to the point where their stronghold was almost entirely abandoned to save a local village from an attack.” The way this human was talking, he seemed to be describing Galra more than humans. How strange.


”But those humans are not here. So tell me, what do you desire? I’d suggest you choose quickly before I decide to simply find another human more willing to bend to the will of the Empire. There is always a weak link.”




Floating did not answer his question. Some demons could float, but so could the ruler of the spirit realm, Koenma. But he should have been able to feel a clear different in energy that would isolate this creature as being demon or spirit. Instead, he felt something entirely different.


As the creature floated up to the tree, his hand caught ahold of the hilt of his sword, ready to draw and fight if it would come to that. Relax, she said. Probably a demon then, only one of those would be so stupid as to imply a possible enemy should relax. But she wasn’t able to smell the clear absence of the scent of rotting flesh, nor the absence of so many spirits. What kind of demon was unable to do that? At the very least, she seemed to be in the same situation as him.


“The human realm,” Hiei replied, “Anything more than that is beyond my knowledge at the moment. I’ve only just arrived myself.” If he used his eye, he could probably get a reasonable idea of where they were, but using that technique right now would potentially leave him vulnerable. Maybe if he were with some harmless human he would attempt the technique, but not near a possible threat that he could not even asses the power level of.

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Alfendi listened to Sendak remark about humans for only a few seconds. Then, he burst out laughing. A surprisingly light laugh for what meaning it carried. "Men? Are monsters. Always have been. The Ottomans, the Mongols, the Crusaders, the Nazis...they're all the same. Countless examples over time prove how heartless humans really are. An axe in the head of an archeologist for a worthless artifact. A nameless girl poisoned to frame for a crime. An actress plotting and comitting her own murder for the sake of revenge..." Al paused, rattling examples off on his fingers.


"Those are just a few. Empires of death and destruction rise and fall every few centuries. In fact...the largest empire on Earth is right here, in North America." There was a nasty, delighted gleam in Alfendi's yellow eyes. Satisfied with his monologue, he let his arms rest at his side. As soon as he seemed to calm down, however, an odd look passed across his face. First pain, then discomfort, and finally settling on confusion. The reddish tint to his hair seemed to fade out.


Placing a hand on his forehead to nurse a growing headache, Alfendi took a step or two backwards. "No. I don't want anything to do with you. Go bother someone else." He declared with a grimace.




Midna looked about, confirming Hiei's assumption. Indeed, this wasn't the Twilight realm. Her home...it was in shambles anyways. It would break her heart to return. "Obviously. Look, I'm searchin for a kid. Green clothes, funny hat, real quiet. Have you seen anyone like that around here?"

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"Those names mean nothing to me," Sendak replied, not really caring about the history of some drifting rock. While the idea of an Empire was interesting, the fact that one Empire could not even dominate one planet, let alone a solar system was pitiful. It was hardly even a threat, let alone a good one. It was likely why Emporer Zarkon had choosen to ignore the planet thus far. Still, if the planet was not subservient to the Empire, he saw no reason to hold back.


He raised his clawed arm, quintessence suddenly rushing through it. Powerful lines of purple raced through the arm, dying the claws at the end entirely purple. Dangerously purple. In a fluid movement his arm suddenly shot out, slamming into the ground a few feet from the human, sending dirt flying in several directions. The purpe energy connecting his arm to his actual body stretched to accomodate the extra distance, allowing Sendak to not move from his place.


"Disobedience is not permitted," he replied, his single natural eye narrowing as his curved teeth bared. "Allow me to rephrase; you will submit to the Galra Empire or you will be eradicated like the rest who oppose us."




"How would I when I've only just arrived here myself?" Hiei snapped in response. He rolled his eyes slightly. He was really starting to tire of this creature. Releasing his sword, he dropped quietly to the ground, not disturbing even a leaf on the tree he had been standing on. "If that is all you need, I will be taking my leave," Hiei declared, glancing up towards the floating imp. "I have a Dark Tournament to return to, before my team members all die without me there."

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Sendak's violence only seemed to make Alfendi's headache worse. A pained scowl etched into his face and, with a groan, he leaned forward slightly. "I don't reccomend violence as your solution-" he stopped short, hissing softly to himself. Of course his other self just loved the idea of shooting this alien. What color would it bleed? Would a bullet kill the creature? How did it-


Stop. Stop it. He wasn't some psychopath obsessed with death! Although he loved a good mystery this...this was different. It had to be.

"I'll ask you nicely: refrain from attacking."




"Hey wait! I can help you get to your Tournament!" This was a lie, of course, but Midna needed help. Somebody had to know the area, and she needed to find her friend! But if this man really could help her find Link, then...maybe she'd be nice and try to help him too. Midna dropped down from where she was floating to hover after him, arms crossed. Her large ponytail floated above her, its hand-like shape open.


"Look, I really need your help. And I can help you, too. The lives of everyone I know depend on finding my friend. I just...I can't do it alone."

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"Then submit." The familiar air of superiority was present in the command. He was a Commander of the Galra Empire. He was used to being obeyed. He would be obeyed. This would not be the first human broken by the Galra Empire. By him. But, it was up to the human if he would remain broken or be reformed into something stronger. "Or stand aside. But know if you do not submit to the Empire now, there will be no other chances." When the Empire came for him-and they would-he would deliberately seek out this one again. He would hunt him down and when they met again, he would wish he was fortunate enough to have his suffering ended quickly like the rest of his kind.


After all, this one had spirit. He would fare well in the Pit, if he managed to survive the first round. Or even the flight back.






Hiei paused, fully prepared to walk away previously but no longer ready. But the creature's words were interesting. A way back to the Tournament? It would certainly helped if he would be spared all of the walking that it could take. He eyed the creature carefully. It didn't look physically very strong, but many demons hid greater abilities behind an unassuming appearance. Like Kurama and himself.


"Very well," he replied. "Is your friend human or demon? And what does he look like? I'll need as many details as possible for when I search the surrounding area with my eye." He reached up, removing the white bandage from around his forehead. His third eye was closed, but after he gained enough information he would begin the search and it would open to scan the surrounding environment for anyone that matched the description.

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Alfendi nearly doubled over, his right hand groping for the weapon hidden on his waist. Of course, the angrier version of himself was furious. He wanted to run, fight...anything! Standing still and getting pummeled was NOT an option.


But Placid himself knew he found it too difficult to say "no". It was all Justin's fault! Justin did this to him! Justin was the one who...who broke him! He was fragmented. In two. And it was getting terribly difficult to stay solid.


"Hey! Back off, creep!"

All it took was a glance to the side, and Midna noticed a brewing confrontation. Perhaps if she hadn't been around Link so much, she wouldn't be prone to...helping people. But that man looked terribly outmatched and quite literally cornered.


Midna's one visible eye narrowed, settling on a young tree nearby. She flicked her wrist, and the tree toppled over to create space between Alfendi and Sendak. Rapidly floating towards the much larger Galra, energy crackled in her hands.

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The new voice had Sendak's ears jumping to attention, and his military training following immediately. His robotic arm removed itself from the dirt, tearing chucks from the ground and scattering them. As his body twisted around, stepping back a few paces to give himself more room, his arm shot upwards, instinctively grabbing ahold of the tree as it fell. Before he could even process it was not a threat, his claws tightened into the bark. His quintessence-fused claws burned into the bark, searing the tree black in an instant. The arm had no difficulty holding the tree aloft but, realizing it was not a threat after all, he let it drop from his hand and fall the remaining way to the ground, where it collided with the earth with a thud.


Staring over the fallen tree at the culprit of the attack-if it could even be called that-he stared at the small, floating creature rapidly advancing on him, his gaze briefly drifting to the energy crackling off it's hands. Quintessence. It had to be. So was this some kind of Druid? It did not look like Haggar, but the other Druids hid behind masks and robes. Still no one else was capable of controlling quintessence like that. If it were a Druid, why was it attacking him?


Straightening upright, his arm drew back to his side and he fell into a much more stiff pose,

rather than one prepared for a fight. He couldn't risk attacking a Druid. Emperor Zarkon would be furious if he harmed even one of them with a mindless attack. "Are you one of the Druids?" he asked, unwilling to proceed until it was clarified, but also unwilling to salute to a possible enemy. He would apologize for his disobedience later if this did turn out to be a Druid.




Hiei watched as the strange creature suddenly ignored him in favor of attacking a few nearby. He had noticed the presence of what he assumed to be two humans nearby, but he hadn't paid much mind to them given that he felt nothing from them.


Apparently, this turned out to be a poor decision as one was clearly not a human.


The large, purple creature had to be a demon based on that alone, but it's arm was even more clearly demonic in origin, although he could not place what had managed to produce it. As the imp-like creature suddenly began to attack the other demon, Hiei's hand returned to rest on his sword but otherwise did not move. He wasn't going to jump in to the defense of some human he didn't know, nor was he going to come to the aid of some possible demon he had just met. Throwing his lot in with a stranger was how trouble started. He needed to actually have a side before he picked a fight and until then, he was on his own side.

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Midna frowned, energy crackling between her hands. Druid? She'd heard the word used to refer to magic-users, though most Hylians settled with other words. She frowned, her one visible eye flickering to the human.

"Yes. I am. I would ask who you are, but it doesn't matter to me. She declared. Her sharp ears falltened against her head in distaste.


With Sendak distracted, Alfendi inched away, a hand remaining on his forehead. The situation had calmed, but he wasn't really feeling much better. Perhaps sitting down would-

No. This was a dangerous situation. He needed to get out of here and find a safe place to rest.

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With a resounding thud, Sendak immediately sank to one knee. His right, natural arm crossed over his chest, forming a fist over his heavy, body armor as he lowered his head slightly. Only Druids could use quintessence, so it was clear this creature was one of them. She had to be very powerful indeed to be able to hover like that. His disobedience was apparent, however. He could attempt to make up for it now, but he was only a Commander. The Druids were one of the few who ranked above him, and he had shown disrespect.


"My apologizes," He replied, his voice lacking the same bite as when he had spoken to the human. "I was unable to recognize you in that form. I must ask you to pardon my previous actions and words against you." His tone was remarkably mild compared to before, and his words were brief, and he did not add anything else. There were no real excuses to be offered, and excuses themselves were just that-excuses. It would be up to the Druid to judge him now, although in the back of his mind he still knew the only one he would truly submit to regardless of rank was Emperor Zarkon himself.

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Midna grinned as the stranger sank into a kneel. Finally, one of her own people recognizing het status! Though, she'd never seen a twili like this before... he must have been corrupted by Zant. He looked like a beast with those large ears and furred body!

"Yes...A curse laid on me by a usurper. He will be dealt with. As for you..." Midna floated forward to Alfendi, apprasing him silently. After speaking to Sendak, she seemed to consider him not much of a threat. "Can you weild a sword?


Alfendi looked up, grimacing through his confusion. A sword? Yes, well, sort of. Lessons in swordplay were from his young adulthood, in fear one of his father's many enemies would attack. Those were only with foils, though.

Well...yes. It's been quite some time sin-"

"Perfect. Now hold still a moment."

A sword and shield fizzled into being, falling to the ground before Alfendi. Al himself looked puzzled, scowling down at the weapons. "Take these. I have no use for them. I need someone to find Link, and you three someones will have to do."

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A curse? He almost lifted his head up to look at the druid, but managed to resist what would clearly be seen as another insulting gesture. He had to resist moving until he was dismissed. Still, for a druid to be cursed. The only culprit he could think of would be another druid, but why? Galra did not fight Galra. Still, a sudden druid attack would explain how he had been teleported across the galaxy. They were known for their unusual abilities thanks to their abilities to control quintessence. After all, they were the ones who gifted him with his arm. A single claw flexed unconsciously at the thought, but he managed to remain still otherwise.


"Hold on," Hiei suddenly said, speaking up from where he was standing. "I hardly need help, let alone the help of some human just to find one person. Just tell me what he looks like and I'll find him myself." He was still holding the white bandana in his hand and, although his eye was closed, the thin line across the top of his skull where his eye resided was visible. It looked more like a scar or cut from a distance rather than a closed eye, however, especially considering it's odd placement. "As long as he resides within a few miles, I will have no trouble finding him quickly."

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