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  2. AP Pink Sapphire, each precogs male and female Claim my eggs/hatchlings! Claim my eggs/hatchlings!
  3. Today
  4. yep, they call that TNR - Trap, Neuter, Release. I'm sure someone does that around here too.
  5. purplehaze

    Z Project

    Sadly it seems to be becoming more the norm than just one day of bad luck. This was the worst, but they have been generally very stubborn. I have tried changing up mates, using fertility, breeding less often -- none of it seems to make much difference.
  6. That is some serious bad luck, there, I'm sorry!
  7. Yesterday
  8. A local rescue operation around here for cats has been grabbing the kitties outside and getting them fixed to be released. Today we couldn't feed the kitties outside, and they were completely annoyed. They're so cute! Emma's little sister is fixed, and we've been trying to get her mom, but that Melody is too smart for us. She also just had more babies so... yeah. We're trying to get Emma's big brother in too. His name is Smidge, and he looks just like Ms. Emma. Such a cute family.
  9. i'll keep you updated. sounds like cats.....
  10. Depends on the season: they're pretty harder to find in the winter/fall, but easier to find in the spring/summer.
  11. New Cave Dropper Dragons Number of breeds released: 1 Breeds released: Ghanser Notes/Remarks: Green Form
  12. Yay! These dogs are driving me nuts. One stays in and refuses to go out. Another goes out and refuses to come in. I wanna go home.
  13. This is something I've found useful for sleeping throughout the night; I struggled with never sleeping for more than a couple hours without restlessly waking up, interrupting deep sleep and ultimately harming my immune system from a young age. It wasn't until I started receiving care in college that I found that the constant wakefulness was a PTSD symptom. This is something I encourage anyone with sleep disruptions to look into if they haven't already; healing needs rest! One of the physical properties of what's going on with it is people who are under stress long-term have higher levels of cortisol. Your body naturally produces a spike of cortisol while you sleep, in order to (slowly, usually) begin the process of waking you up in a natural rhythm. But if your body produces cortisol at a higher level already, the spike produced by the natural rhythm overloads your system, and you can't stay asleep. So sometimes, wakefulness in the night can be partially alleviated by addressing the cortisol. My favorite method is keeping a cool cloth (it's meant as a compression band for migraines, so it is fabric intended to hold the cold) in the freezer. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I take the cloth from the freezer and rest it wherever is comfiest on my torso as I try to go back to sleep. Lowering core temperature (briefly - not past the point of comfort. I like the cloth because it normalizes to room temperature in a relatively short amount of time. Don't put ice directly on your skin basically!!) can inhibit the rise in cortisol and help your return to sleep. This is mostly anecdotal experience I'm speaking from, though!
  14. Let me know. I'm curious now. lol. Old man Pippin could use it. His bloodwork came in great btw~~
  15. we tried it at the beginning of the year, only on the first floor, and after about 10 days, it seemed like the kitties were getting more obnoxious. So this time, we've got a diffuser on each floor, and we'll give it until next Wednesday or so, and see how it's going.
  16. It didn't work with my cat at all, when Gilbert lived here. lol
  17. I've seen coppers before, I just didn't know they were coppers. 😐
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