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Land of Eravene

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War is a terrible thing. It breaks down more than any one being can comprehend. The bloodshed covered every battlefield, tainting the earth below it. The pain filled cries of warriors, of healers, of allies and enemies alike, filled the air. It seemed at times, that the violence would never end, and that the fighting would wage on forever. Alas, although it dragged on for much, much longer than ever intended; the age of war has come and passed.


Dragons, that were once part of the earth, have destroyed it. Each dragon has an element, whether it be the breath of fire or control over the storms ahead, it is a gift of power that should have been reserved. They have taken their power that they were blessed with and used it for something that nature did not intend: war. In turn, the dragons destroyed the lands, skies and waters that provided for them so long. In warring against one another, they have left nearly nothing upon their blessed continent. Forests are charred, water is murky and dull, and even the very earth they walked upon has become dry, cracked and barren. The dragons that survived the age of war, are left to deal with what the world has become. Some have moved on, traveling the vast oceans in search of a new home; but there are the few that did not. The few that chose to deal with the actions of their ancestors, and now fight -not against eachother; but to bring back a dying land.


That is where your story begins.


Young and old, children of warriors and warriors alike, all have similar goals. To band together, casting away their many differences to make new homes, and to restore the dragon's continent to it's previous glory. Although the earth is displeased with the dragons, it has left them with hope. The elements bestowed upon each species still belongs to them; and with that power they can restore the lands that have been destroyed.


Welcome to Eravene.


A land of rebirth, a land of new beginnings. Life is hard for anyone that still lives here; but life is possible. The dragons are slowly piecing together pieces of a great continent, working alongside the many that wish to bring Eravene back to its former glory. The few water dragons that remain work diligently to purify the water. Earth and vine dragons spend lifetimes rebuilding forests, giving life to a land that was once nothing. Seasonal dragons work hard to keep the land in constant motion, bringing forth summer, fall, winter and spring. Sunrise dragons take to the skies at dawn, and sunset at dusk. It seems all those that stayed behind in Eravene are doing their part to restore the continent after an age of violence and bloodshed.


Upon the continent, there are other things happening as well. It seems as if dragons are no longer the only species granted intelligence, emotion and power. Humans are a species that has stayed hidden for a long time and now have made their way into the light. Whether they befriend the dragons or not is not known; enemies or allies, it is a bond that must be tested between the humans and dragon kind alike. They are known to have minor power over the elements, and some have even bonded to a dragon, and help them with the reconstruction of Eravene.

Edited by haptic

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Dragons and humans are the two allowable species in this roleplay. Humans are a rarer species on the dragon's continent and have limited technology. Think of a pre-medieval time frame; just before swords and armor are used for fighting. There will only be five humans as things start out, but more can be added as dragons are introduced and the roleplay grows.



x Beckette! played by IttyBritty196

x Crystal Lana! (pending) played by poke11

x Atrum! played by Haptic

x Open!

x Open!


Dragons are an unlimited species. They come in all shapes and sizes, and many mixtures and breeds. Your dragon can be a mixture of any three species on DC, as well as a pureblooded dragon or halfbreed. They can be old enough to have taken part in the age of war, or young enough to be a child or grandchild of someone who did. The age of a dragon is only a number; they only seem to truly die when they are killed.


Unaffiliated Dragons:


x Sonnet! played by Digipup

x Ardagan! played by druk987

x Cosmic! played by poke11


unlimited spaces!


Dragons commonly form clans, which help repair an area in Eravene. Some even form settlements, which grow as the clan grows larger. The largest clan are called the Iawyn. They are a peaceful group, and want only for Eravene to prosper. Other Clans are in existence, and are just starting to form. One should be careful when meeting with rival clans; not every dragon has a good heart, and every group good intentions. Rumors of the Zeisei are being brought into the light, and this group wants control of the entire continent. They are merely lying in wait as the land is repaired.


The Iawyn


Leader: Looks out for the clan, and keeps track of who joins and leaves the group.

x Xalfer! played by XxdragicexX


Shaman: Makes sure that the clan is healthy, and watches over the spirits of the dragons that are part of the group.

x Haizea! Played by Alicia Jewel


Guardians: Protect the clan from any sort of danger.

x Open!

x Open!



x Open!

x Open!

x Open!


Members: Unlimited, these dragons hold no special rank, but are actively trying to keep peace and restore Eravene to it's natural state.


x Esmerelda! Played by Haptic

x Aroei! Played by Alkapo


Members of the Zeisei are not yet being accepted. Dragons that gain followers, and that may make good leaders may apply with a clan name and objective; along with the name of their Co-leader, Shaman, and Guardian. You may not play the role of two characters in one clan when starting a new one; but if you are part of the Iawyn you may play two members, or one member along with a higher rank.

Edited by haptic

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x No godmodding!

x You may play a maximum of 2 characters.

x Keep cursing to a minimum!

x Keep OOC comments in brackets [], ()

x This is a semi-literate - literate roleplay. Please, no oneliners.

x Dragons are powerful, but no one dragon may repair Eravene on it's own!

x If you play a human character, I ask that you remain active, or I will have to remove you to keep the spaces free.

x Romance is encouraged! But please, remember that this is a site for children.

x Conflict is encouraged! But no killing other people's characters without permission.

x War veterans must be over 200 years of age! The age of war ended 150 years ago.

x Please, no million year old characters. Eravene is a relatively young world.

x People may have weapons, but no more than two; and no guns!

x People can make small settlements later on, but for now there are no set groups.

x Please don't ignore anyone! Let everyone join in with the fun!

x Please PM me profiles or post them on the OOC thread!




[B]Character name:[/B]
[B]Species:[/B] can be any species from DC, and a mixture of up to three.
[B]Personality: [/B]five sentences, or 8 characteristics (four good and four bad) to describe your character's personality. 
[B]Appearance:[/B] five sentences explaining your character's appearance. Images are optional.
[B]History:[/B] four sentences explaining your character's history. how they were raised, who their parents are, ect. 
[B]Element:[/B] please choose one of the following: fire, earth, water, air, dream, ice, psychic, lightning, light, darkness.

Edited by haptic

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Golden hills - for some reason the grass here grows a beautiful golden color. It's just as healthy to eat for herbivores as green grass.


Plains - below the golden hills, are the grassy plains. This serves as a small haven for dragons and animals that have spent the day at the beach and need a safe source of water and food.


Beaches - The coast line is hot! Be careful that you aren't dehydrated when exploring the sandy dunes. Occasionally there are coves to find.


The Cliffs - These rocky cliffs are beautiful to look down at the ocean from; but very dangerous. Don't fall!


Tar Lakes/Rivers - These once gorgeous lakes and are filthy now. Both with dirt, dead plants and various other contaminants, if you drink this water you run the risk of getting very, very sick. The land around these areas is nearly impossible to fix; but the Irawyn are trying!


Volcanic Area - There is still an active volcano or two in this terrible place. Most lie dormant... for now.


Mountains - The mountains are snowy, but very rocky. Unless you are experienced with your wings, it is much advised that you don't climb too far.


Rainforest/Jungle - Starting from the waterfall that stems from the highest mountain, the Irawyn have done a good job at begining the restoration of Eravine's largest jungle. It connects to the swamps.


Swamps - The swamps run into the ocean, and there are various pools and lakes within.


Forest/Thicket - Located just under the mountains, the forest right now is a place where the Irawyn have started growing trees and cleaning the water. It is their latest project, and located somewhat close to home.


Grasslands - A large green island off of Eravine, some say that it is a sacred place because it is the only part of the continent that has not been touched with violence or bloodshed. The grass is tall, the few trees here are tall as well. It is a good place for young dragons to play; but they should have an adult there to take them.

Edited by haptic

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(( Excellent! Now this just begs the ever important question; How are we going to start this and who's going to start? ))

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((Second that. I should think that Haptic would get us started.... But I don't know. xd.png))

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Esmerelda looked down at the pond sized pool of water that was just beside the Irawyn's camp site. They resided near the cliffs, and although the trees were not ages old yet, they provided a bit of shade for even the largest of dragons. It was going to be dawn soon, and the Moonstone dragon would be tired again; but perhaps she would try and stick it out today. As long as she was sparse with her magic and careful not to get too worked up, she wouldn't faint during the middle of the day. "Oh the perils of being nocturnal." She whispered, only half serious. The young dragon gulped down some water before spreading her wings and taking to the skies. She was more a scout than a guardian, but she wanted to make sure that no one was approaching the tribe's resting place. And if there was, she wanted to make sure that they were alright.


(alright! Sorry, I realized that I couldn't start this with a human character xd.png I needed a dragon~ You all can post whenever you would like, and stick your character anywhere on the continent <3 I'll make a map... soon )

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Cosmic walked along the cliffs in search of her friend. It was almost dawn, and Cosmic was tired, but it was dangerous to stay on the cliffs, so she decided to go flying. She did see a dragon in the distance, but Cosmic hoped that the dragon saw her as no more than a comet or shooting star. And If this dragon knew that she was a dragon, then Cosmic wished for it to be nice.

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Sonnet blinked open her eyes and sat there for a minute. Light streamed in through the willow branches above her and gleamed in her eyes, and she let out a slightly irritable growl. The sun, however, continued to shine brightly whether she liked it or not, and Sonnet heaved herself onto her feet with a groan and flexed her wings, wincing as one made an unpleasant cracking sound.

The black, red, and white she-dragon paced out of the shade of the tree, blinking in the sunlight, and sighed.

"T'was brillig, and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe... All mimsy were the borogroves, and the mome wraths outgrabe," she muttered to herself. She spread her wings and took the the air, taking a deep breath as the air brushed around her. "Beware the jabberwock, my son, the jaws that bite, the claws that catch. Beware the jubjub bird, and shun, the frumious bandersnatch!" Her voice ended in a much louder tone, sending an echo forth that vibrated around the terrain and replied to her with "Bandersnatch! Bandersnatch! Bandersnatch!"

Edited by digipup

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Becket walks through the forest alone, holding her walking stick close. She observes the fairly young plant life as she walks with both curiosity and awe, often stopping to feel the texture of the leaves. She makes a mental note of each plant variation as she continues on her leisurely stroll to no where in particular. As she walks through the forest, a thought hits her much like a rock being thrown at her head: She hasn't the foggiest idea of where she is.

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Sonnet glided around in lazy circles for a while, not having anything to do at the moment until night fell again, hours later. She scanned the ground uninterestedly, debating with herself as to whether it would be a good source of amusement to just go and scare the birds or something, until her eyes rested on a small human, trekking through the vegetation beneath.

"Oh honestly, now what?"

Sonnet changed the angle in her wings and began to descend in a wide spiral, toward a specific point on the ground that stood out only to her. In a moment she had landed, and with a swish of her musical-note-studded tail, paced after the human, who wasn't too far away.

Presently, Sonnet came across the girl from behind. She didn't look like much... Carried a walking stick, was observant of her own surroundings. Well, that was better than some humans, at least.


"Well, well, well, what have we here?" Sonnet called, pushing through the branches. "Looking a bit out-of-place, aren't we?"

Edited by digipup

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Startled, Beckett yelped and began to sprint away, before stopping and turning back to see the dragon who had called her out. "h-hello" She stuttered, holding her walking stick close to her chest defensively "Yes I've gotten myself rather... l... lost."

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"Oh really..." Sonnet approached the girl, lowering her head closer to the ground so she could get a better look. She was soon quite close to the human, looking into her face, so close that the human could have touched the dragon's plate-covered nose with her own.

"Well, that's a bit of bad luck in these parts, now isn't it?"

Edited by digipup

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Beckett seems more fascinated than frightened with the close up of the dragon's nose “I... guess so. I was... distracted... by the plants" She said slowly as she was distracted by the scales of the dragon in front of her. It's not every day that one gets to see a dragon up close after all. She was about to reach out and feel the scales on Sonnet's nose when she had one epiphany hit her like a ton of bricks: Beckett is bite sized and well within biting range. She hopped backwards to a distance where she would at least have a chance of running away should the dragon decide that she looks delicious.

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Sonnet watched with mild amusement as the girl became fascinated with having a dragon's nose up so close, and almost touched said nose. She flicked her tail lazily as the human then seemed to catch herself, and made a bunny-hop backwards, in a probable attempt to get out of range of any sharp teeth that may try to clamp over her head.

"Now don't you fret, shrimp, I'm a vegetarian." Sonnet paused. "... Most of the time. Diets are so hard to keep."

Edited by digipup

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"I... Alright?" Beckett stood there awkwardly, not sure of what to do or say at this point. A small bird flying nearby caught her eye and she found herself distracted with the idea of flight and how a human could possibly obtain such an ability. She found herself examining Sonnet's wings, noting the similarities between wings and arms. One thing's for sure, Beckett's mind is somewhere else at the moment.

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Sonnet was so far unimpressed. With a swish of her tail, she circled around the human suspiciously, eyes narrowed hoping for, perhaps, some amusement. Or maybe the girl actually would make a good diet-cheat. Not that Sonnet had ever considered preferring plants a diet.

"So what brings a human like you into the land of Eravene?"

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"Wha- Oh I-I-I w-was just... taking a walk when I saw this... forest when I decided to t-take a look!" She stuttered, startled out of her self induced trance "I... I should probably... try to find my way home now." Beckett began to back away from the Dragon.

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"Now hold on there just a minute, sweetheart," Sonnet interjected, darting around in front of the girl again. "What makes you think I'm going to let you just walk off? I've wanted a pet for a while, you know."

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Beckett stares at the dragon much like how a deer would stare at a futuristic vehicle with bright lights on the front speeding towards it "A... Pet?" She asks "I've heard that... that... Birds make good pets."

Edited by ittybritty196

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Haizea opened her jaws in a huge yawn as she raised her head. The sun was beginning to rise in the distance, causing the light to shine right in her face. Not that she minded--she slept the way she did so that the sun would wake her up and she wouldn't sleep all day like a lazy lizard. Almost instinctively, her tail wrapped around her healing staff. She pulled herself up and stretched out her front legs, letting loose another yawn.


Keeping the staff wrapped firmly in her tail, she emerged from her resting place and began walking around the camp.

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((... I love the way you described that, Ittybritty. Just saying. xd.png))


"... For the love of the Great Spirit, maybe she wouldn't be so interesting..." Sonnet muttered. "Ah, to hades with it." In a swift movement, she had snatched the girl up between her claws and taken flight again, smiling mischievously.


Edited by digipup

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(( I try I try. ))


Beckett truly doesn't know what to make of this new situation. All she does is hold on to one of Sonnet's claws in a surprisingly tight death grip.

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Sonnet didn't really have anything to do now. She let out a little sigh and continued to glide in circles high above the ground. If she had had any less composure, she would have yawned. Daytime was a boring time indeed.


(( .... I has found a theme song for Sonnet. Click me or die. ))

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Username: Pumpkinz- (on this website right?)

Character name: Leafless (my dragons name right?)

Age: Young, only 3 years


Species: Mint Dragon

Personality: Adventurous Dragon that gets into a lot of things. Fun and lively and can tell you anything about grass. Is consistently trying to fly and can make dnagerous methods on how to fly. Can sometimes say the wrong things and hurt others feelings.

Appearance: (Image as Avatar) Green outer skin, belly is pink. No wings. Little feet and stubby horns. Black eyes and yellow tip at the tail. Scaly like most dragons.

History: Abandoned egg, raised by other elder dragons that told great stories of the past. Wandered off into the forest one day and got lost. Her parents are unknown, but the elders suppose, they were the fierce dragons that guard a secret cove, and wanted nothing of a tiny baby dragon.

Element: dream (I'm thinking dream as in, getting mysterious dreams and controlling others, tell me if I am wrong, for I wasn't sure.

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